Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½.
"Ahhhh! We are really late this time. This is your entire fault Ranma!" Akane screamed.
"My fault! I don't think so," Ranma spat at her. "It's just as much your fault."
"I think not you baka! You just had to get in that extra training after breakfast."
"Hey it's not my fault you accepted the challenge, is it you macho chick!"
"You hentai!"
"I didn't do anything perverted today you uncute girl!"
"Oh, so you are a hentai?"
"I… no… I didn't mean it that way."
"Sure you didn't."
"I didn't.
"Just shut-up and run. We are really late."
"Class we have a new student today," Ms. Takani the teacher said. "I'd like you to meet Kyosuke Yagami." She said pointing towards the boy next to her. He was very handsome, and tall, and muscular, with red hair and blue eyes.
"Hello, it is nice to meet all of you," Kyosuke said bowing to the class and teacher.
"Oh what a respectable young boy," the teacher awed.
"Oooo, he is so cute," the girls started to whisper to each other.
"Okay, Kyosuke I would like you to…." But before the teacher could finish, she and Kyosuke were knocked down. "Ow," the two said.
"Look what your klutziness has done Akane!"
"My what! You bumped into my."
"I did no such thing. I'm not clumsy like you."
"Ranma, I'm gonna…" But she was cut off.
"Saotome! Tendo!" The teacher yelled.
"*gulp* Yes, sensei," they both said weakly.
"You are late!" She screeched.
"Hai. But it was Ranma's/Akane's fault," they said together.
"NANI!" They now shouted at each other again.
"I'm gonna hurt you, you baka," Akane said raising her fist.
"Just try, you tomboy," Ranma said also getting into a fighting stance.
"New student?! What new student?" Ranma asked.
"Ranma, I'm guessing it's this guy," Akane said, pointing at an unconscious Kyosuke at her feet.
"Oh. What happened to him?"
"You are what happened to him." The teacher said with a look of disbelief on her face.
"He should go to the nurses'," Akane said.
"Yes, he should," Ranma said.
"Your right, you Saotome and Tendo are going to take him. Then you are going to go to the principal's office," the teacher bellowed.
"Hai sensei," the two said glumly.
(Principal's office)
"Ha, so you bruddas late again," Mr. Principal said.
"Hai," Ranma and Akane both said.
"Also, you bruddas knocked out the new bruddas ne?"
"Hai," they said yet again.
"I must give you severe punishment, you two is suspended."
"NANI!" They both shouted.
"For what/" Ranma asked in disbelief.
"For knocking out a new bruddas, for being tardy, and for knocking down your teacher."
"So your point."
"So bruddas, ya thinking punishment kapu?"
"Yes, I think its kapu."
"Okay, den I make deal, you no get suspended."
"Really?!" Akane asked.
"Ya, but only if you gal get bowl cut, and you bruddas get a shaving of bald head."
"Nani!" They both shouted.
"Take da suspension, or da haircuts."
"We'll take the suspension," they said.
"Okay, you bruddas suspended fo 1 week."
"Whatever," Ranma said leaving.
"Good-bye Mr. Principal," Akane said. 'A week at home with Ranma. This is a nightmare,' Akane thought.
"See ya bruddas in 1 week." The principal said.
"Whatever, we are leaving," Ranma told him waving his hand behind his head.
(The Nurse's office)
"Where am I?" Kyosuke asked no one in particular rubbing his head.
"You are in the nurse's office and I am the nurse. It seems you were knocked out during class." A lady said next to him.
"What a great way to start at a new school. Get yourself knocked out."
"Oh, it wasn't your fault, but you did have a lot of visitors for a new student."
"I did? Who?"
"Oh, well they were all girls from your class, wondering if you were alright."
"Really?!" He asked in disbelief.
"Yup! Every girl came except two."
"Well, if you want to date these two, you can't. Because they already have a fiancée."
"But they are only 16 ne?!"
"Yes, but their marriage was arranged by their fathers."
"So I'm not the only one with an arranged marriage," he whispers to himself.
"Huh, what was that?"
"Oh... um… well… who are the lucky guys, was what I said."
"His name is Ranma Saotome."
"And the other."
"Oh they are both engaged to Ranma."
"Yes it is weird."
"I would like to hear more, but there is some place I have to be," he says glancing at the clock. "May I leave?"
"Yes, you can."
"Arigato for taking care of me."
"Sure." With that done, Kyosuke heads out the door. 'Hmm where is this place?' He thought to himself after reading the address of a house on a slip of paper.
(The Tendo Dojo)
"You two were suspended?" Mr. Tendo asked his youngest daughter and soon to be son-in-law.
"Hai, dad," Akane said bowing her head.
"For how long?"
"A week," Ranma responded.
"Hai," the two said both bowing their heads.
"You will not go unpunished by me. You both will not get allowance for 1 month."
"Nani!" They shouted together.
"Also…" but before he could finish punishing them, Kasumi, his eldest daughter came in.
"Father, someone is here to see you," she said with a smile on her face.
"Really? Send them in." He said to her. "Don't even think about it," he said turning his attention back to Ranma and Akane who were trying to sneak away.
"Here he is father." Kasumi said bringing in Kyosuke.
"Hello, Mr. Tendo. I am Kyosuke Yagami." He said bowing.
"You are… you are…" Mr. Tendo said wide-eyed.
"He is what dad?" Akane asked.
"Yeah spit it out already." Ranma said.
"You are Akane's fiancée!" He shouted.
A/N: Well I think I'll leave you off there. Hope you enjoyed it so far. I'll try and get the next chapter out real soon. Please review, also please no flames. Until next time ciao. Also check out the story 'In the spotlight' by Pran. I think its real good and you all will too. Well bye and I try to get the next chapter out to.