Disclaimers: I don't own Ranma ½.

Chapter Three: Goodnights Aren't Always Pleasant.

Akane stood there wondering why she didn't receive her punch. She opened her eyes to see Ranma' fist inches from her nose and a smirk on his face. She also noticed the look of disgust Kyosuke was giving Ranma.

"What's wrong Ranma?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just don't feel like fighting today. Besides I don't hit girls remember."

"Today?! Do you mean you fight Akane everyday?" Kyosuke asked, completely missing the 'I don't hit girls part.'

"Yes, that's what I mean," Ranma replied.

"You cretin, how can you hit a lady?!"

"Easy, like this." After saying that he walked over to Akane, and lightly punched her arm.

"Hey what was that for, you said you didn't feel like fighting idiot!"

"I don't, you macho chick, I was just showing Mr. Fiancé over there how you can hit a girl."

"Don't call him Mr. Fiancé he has a name."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to the dojo."

"Ranma, don't 'yeah, whatever' me! You bring your butt back here!" Akane shouted after him.

"Kyosuke, are you staying for dinner?" Kasumi asked.

"I wouldn't want to intrude." Kyosuke said.

"No, it's no intrusion at all, I'd be happy to make food for one more."

"Okay then."

"I'll go start right now." Kasumi said getting up.

"Yes," Mr. Tendo, Mr. Saotome, and Nabiki cried with joy.

"And where is Akane, she said she would help prepare the food," Kasumi said looking around with those words Mr. Tendo, Mr. Saotome, and Nabiki turned as pale as a ghost.

"She went after Ranma to the dojo Miss Kasumi," Kyosuke answered.

"Why thank you Kyosuke," Kasumi said. She turned and left for the dojo. Kyosuke turned around too, and he saw the two Tendos, and one Saotome around him looking sick.

"What's wrong? Are you guys sick?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Oh, nothing is wrong. You'll just find out at dinner." Nabiki answered.

"Ooookay," Kyosuke said with a confused look.

"Dinner is ready," Kasumi called throughout the house.

"Alright," everyone shouted.

"Um… Kasumi," Ranma began.

"Yes Ranma, I helped with dinner," an angry voice said behind him. Ranma turned around to find a very angry Akane standing with her bokken.

"That's great," he said.

"Really?!" Akane asked with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah sure, if I wanted to die."


Akane had thrown Ranma into the pond after giving him some good whacks with her bokken.

"What was that for?" A red head girl said coming out of the pond.

"Who is that?" Kyosuke asked.

"Oh nobody," Akane answered, she then rushed towards Ranma with a teapot. "Ranma you okay?" She pretended to look for him in the pond.

"What are you doing tomboy? I'm right here," Ranma said.

"I know that, you idiot. Just get out on the other side of the pond and change back."

"Why should I?"

"Do you think it wise to let Kyosuke know you can become a girl?"

"You're right. But he'll find out at school tomorrow."

"Maybe, maybe not." She said handing Ranma the teapot. After Ranma changed back into a guy they went in for dinner.

"Let's dig in!" Everyone shouted.

"Um, Akane which half did you make?" Kyosuke asked.

"Oh I only made this one dish." She said holding a plate of pork chow mein up.

"May I try some?"

"It's not very good, are you sure you want some?"


"Okay, here," she said serving him a small portion of it. Kyosuke took a bite, and his face went into shock. "Um, Kyosuke are you alright."

"No, he just ate our cooking. Of course he wouldn't be okay," Ranma stated.

"RAANNMA!" Akane shouted.

"It's okay Aka-chan, it's just you put in a lot of wrong ingredients." Kyosuke said.

"This is just great, now I'll never cook again." She started to cry.

"I'll help you Aka-chan," he said putting a comforting arm around her. Ranma flinched when he saw that.


"Yes, we can start tomorrow morning."

"Okay." And so this strange family continued to eat dinner.

"Hiyaah!" Akane screamed while smashing up some cinder blocks. "That was a good workout."

"Akane," Kasumi said.

"Yes, Kasumi?"

"You have a phone call."


"It's Kyosuke."


"Yes, would you like to speak with him?"

"Yes, I would."

"Okay, the phone is waiting for you in the hall."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Hello?" Akane said into the phone.

"Hello… um is this Akane?" The other line said.

"Yes this is Akane, Kyo-chan."

"How did you know it was me?"

"My sister told me."

"Oh… okay."

"So why are you calling Kyo-chan?"

"Are you mad that I called?" He asked with some hurt in his voice.

"No not at all, it's just a surprise, that's all."

"Okay," he said, sounding more delighted.

"So… um… why did you call?"

"Just to say I'll be over at 6 tomorrow morning, for cooking lessons."

"Okay, I'll remember, 6 A.M."

"Also to um…"


"To wish you a good night's sleep. So here it goes. Good night Aka-chan, sleep tight."

"That's very considerate of you, I hope you have a good night too, and see you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, night."

"Night, see you tomorrow," with that done Akane hung up the phone.

"Who are you gonna see tomorrow?" A voice asked from behind her. It was Ranma.

"Oh, just someone."

"Who was that on the phone?"

"No one," Akane said, while walking away. But Ranma was faster and soon was standing in front of her.

"Who was it?" He asked again.

"Are you going to get out of my way idiot?"

"Not until you tell me."

"It was Kyo-chan, okay." Ranma's eyes turned dark with the mention of the name.

"Why'd he call?"

"To say he'll be over at 6 tomorrow morning to start the lessons."

"That's all."

"That, and…"

"And what?" Ranma asked, seeing that Akane wasn't gonna finish her sentence.


"And means more, 'and' what?"

"And to tell me good night, okay?"

"No, that's not okay."

"Why not?"


"Because what, Ranma?"

"Because he has no right too!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!"

"Why would you care?"

"I don't!"

"Yes you do."


"Then why would you ca… oh I get it, you're jealous."

"Am not."

"Oh yes you are."

"Why on Earth would I be jealous over an uncute tomboy like you?"

"You're right."

"Huh…" Ranma said the only word he could, for he was confused.

"You're right, why would you care about me. I'm the uncute one, the weak, scrawny, macho one. Why on Earth would you care?" Akane said with tears brimming her eyes.

"Akane… I… um.. I didn't mean it… that way."

"What other meaning could there be Ranma?" She was now letting the tears flow.

"It's just… well um… I um.. I l-l-lo…" But before Ranma could finish, Kasumi interrupted.

"Oh my, Akane. Ranma. Shouldn't you two be in bed? You especially Akane, you wouldn't want to be tired during your lessons tomorrow morning." Kasumi said.

"You're right Kasumi, I'm going to bed right now. I'll see you tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow Ranma. Be sure to be hungry for I'm making you breakfast," She said while walking up the stairs. "oh, and Ranma," she turned around, "Don't even think of running away, for I'll hunt you down and force feed you if I have to," she finished saying. With that she gave Ranma an evil grin, and continued her way to her bedroom.

"Good night Ranma," Kasumi said.

"Oh… uh good night Kasumi," he said with a scared look.

"Ranma are you afraid of what Akane said?" Kasumi asked.


"Well Kasumi, many things don't scare me, but those words and that look scared me enough to know I'm a dead man tomorrow morning."

"Ranma, if you forget, I'll be in the kitchen too. I'll make sure Akane doesn't purposefully make killable food."


"But I can't say the same about dinner, for Dr. Tofu is taking me out."

"Huh… well I won't be alone at dinner, I'm sure Akane wouldn't purposely feed Nabiki and Mr. Tendo and Pop killable food."

"Well, how should I say this. Oh yes, well… you see… Nabiki won't be here, for her and her friends are going to some hot springs."

"Why that witch. At least Pop and Mr. Tendo will be here."

"Ranma, sorry to tell you this, but Father and Uncle Saotome went with Grandfather Happosai on a training trip."

"WHAT! Why those lousy… they knew she was cookin, so they left. The least they coulda done was take me with them."

"I'm sorry Ranma."

"No, it's okay Kasumi, it's not your fault."

"Well see you tomorrow Ranma."

"Yeah… tomorrow."

'That dummy Ranma.' Akane kept thinking while getting ready for bed. 'Why'd he have to go and say that.' She climbed into bed after turning out the lights and kept on thinking. 'What was he going to say before Kasumi interrupted. I know he said something like "I l-l-lo…" Could it be that he was going to say I love you. Maybe, it might just be that. Then what would I say back. Do I love him. I might…maybe… I guess. All who am I kidding? Of course I do. But I know he won't say or try to say that any time soon again. Why'd he try tonight though. Hmmm, let's see oh yeah it started with him being jealous over Kyo-chan. Then him insulting me, and me crying, then it finished with him trying to say I love you. Oh so he said it out of jealousty and guilt. Then to know if that's what'll make him say it, then I should make him jealous. But how? I know he's jealous Kyo-chan and I. So I should act really cute around him, and flirt with him a lot. This will be perfect. Let's see how you act Ranma when the shoe is on the other foot. This will be perfect.' With that thought in mind, Akane went into a peaceful slumber.

A/N: Yay rejoice. Another chapter out. Hurray. Okay sorry for my celebration. But it's been a while since I've updated any of my stories. To let you know the reason, it's because I've haven't had much time to write. That and I ran out of ideas for the chapters. But now I'm getting into gear and I'm writing like there's no tomorrow. If you like Rurouni Kenshin you should check out my Rurouni Kenshin fic. Please review, also if you know any good Ranma sites please tell me. Sayonara!