Harry Potter
I turned around the corner with a sigh of relief. Did he notice me? One would think it strange to see a girl like me wandering the halls alone, but I had my reasons. A grin appeared on my face. I hugged the books in my arms as if it were him. When he was near I practically fell to mush upon the floor. My knees could not support me; my head would daze for my heart fluttered with the sweet caress of his voice.
I jumped in surprise when I heard footsteps approaching. My flying heart dropped as she appeared. How could any man resist her smooth locks of raven and flowing walk? I despised her. She smiled at me sweetly as she glided past. My eyes followed her in a glare. The hate inside me raged into torment. How could he ever love such a ninny, such a brainless fool? Jealousy overthrew the torment as she turned the corner. With a great puff I strode down the hall. Lunch had already started.
When I arrived at the Great Hall, I took a seat next to a fellow Gryffindor. My gaze swept past more Gryffindors as I looked for him. He was not there. My heart sank and I reached for a piece of bread. I was not hungry.
When I finished, I headed back to Gryffindor Tower, "Wattlebird". The common room was nearly empty for everyone was still eating their lunch. Three people were there, two boys and a girl, all in the year ahead of me. They sat near the fire, absorbed in conversation. As usual, two seemed to be fighting. A dark haired boy sat trying to stop them. It was him! My heart fluttered as I took a step forward. They seemed to have heard. They turned to look. I blushed with embarrassment. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."
"It's okay! Come join us." It was him! He wanted me to join. I beamed before I even noticed. Then I turned red again. I quickly sat down in their bunch. They started chatting again. I listened intently. They seemed to have picked up where the conversation had left off for I did not understand a thing they were talking about. They even asked me my opinion once. I could not give it. I was completely bewildered. "Hah, sometimes I don't understand what they say either. Anyway, Lunch should end any minute now. Come on!" It was him again. He smiled at me and patted me on the shoulder. Sadness overtook me. He treated me like a sister.
A/N: Hmmm, sometimes life just ain't fair. Well, that's about all I have to say about that!