Disclaimers: I think everyone should by now that I do not own Ranma ½

Chapter Seven: Facing Reality

"Dammit!" Ranma cursed softly beneath his breath. "Where is that girl? I've searched all of Nerima and still can't find her."

'Well . . . except for the fiancée's places . . . no way would Akane go there willingly.'

Ranma lightly touched the ground as he jumped off his current roof that he was running across. He slowly made his way to the welcoming doors of Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, deciding to take a little breather. All this chasing and running around finally taking its toll.

He had searched all around Nerima twice and then some, but he still couldn't find her. All her friends had no idea where she had gone off to. Everyone that knew her hadn't seen her either. Ranma was really starting to worry, for it was nearing night and he couldn't locate a trace of his tomboy fiancée. Not only that, but Kasumi's words were weighing themselves heavily in Ranma's mind.

"That, but to protect her from herself. She was worried you wouldn't accept the baby . . . so she became a little suicidal . . ."

'Yeah right . . . I know Akanehas some screws loose in the head, but really . . . to say she's become suicidal.' Even in his mind, Ranma didn't sound too convinced.

"Hey Ucchan!" Ranma greeted as he entered into the store with the familiar smell of frying batter and grilling seafood all mixed together in that oh so tasty sauce meeting his nose.

"Hey sugar, what's up?" Ukyou questioned without looking up, her mind on the okonomiyaki she was whipping up.

"Busy I see," Ranma commented, tactfully avoiding her question of how he was feeling. Right at the moment he didn't feel like being all touchy feely. Slowly, he dragged himself towards one of the stools at the counter, barely taking in the full house of customers around him.

"Don't I know it. The days I don't want customers I get swamped, then the days I want them I'm bored to tears."

"Yeah . . ." Ranma spoke mindlessly, his mind backtracking all his steps just to be sure he didn't miss a spot where Akane might be.

"God Ranma, what's wrong with you?" Ukyou's voice broke into Ranma's reverie. He looked up to see Ukyou's intense gaze boring into him, as if trying to pry into his mind on what was happening.

"Nothing's wrong . . . just things happening at home getting me worked up," he commented in a tired tone.

"Well it looks like you've been stressed out for days. So what is so wrong at home that you come to my doorsteps looking like a zombie?"

"Nothing," Ranma repeated his previous answer. "Just the fact that everything is wrong today. I find out that Akane's pregnant, Doc's told me I have amnesia, oh and another Akane problem . . . she's become fricking suicidal!" Ranma exclaimed; ignoring the glances he was receiving from customers.

". . ." Ukyou was speechless as she digested the information. Then she did something that both shocked and peeved Ranma off . . . she laughed. "Oh . . . oh my god . . . ha ha . . .That's . . . that's . . ."

"Spit it out!" Ranma snapped, more than angered by his friend's reaction.

"That . . . is the most . . . stupid thing . . . I have ever . . . heard!" Ukyou managed to say between giggles escaping her.

"Oh and why the hell is that so stupid?" Really, Ranma was seriously considering that this was all some stupid prank the gods decided to play on him. First he finds out disturbing news, and then his best friend laughs at his misfortunes.

"First off, of course Akane is pregnant. I'm sure you've felt her weight gain and it isn't food. Also, though it pains me to say this, you must have amnesia to not remember everything that's happened. Lastly sugar, I don't know where you got the idea from, but Akane is not suicidal," Ukyou finished sternly, staring at Ranma with a very serious face.

"What the hell do you mean Akane ain't suicidal?" Ranma hissed, not at all liking the way things were turning out.

"It's all just a bunch of near-death coincidences. Though they've got the town into thinking she's out to kick the can, only me and Mousse know the truth," Ukyou stated like it was an everyday known fact.

". . . Huh. . ." Was the only intelligent thing Ranma could think to say.

"Listen . . . we all know Akane isn't the most . . . controllable person when it comes to her emotions, but she would never get so upset that even for a minute would she consider to end her life. Not even you, the Great Ranma Saotome could bring her to do something that stupid of a thing."

"But . . . but Kasumi said . . ."

"Ah, I get it. You did get your information from the wrong source," Ukyou spokewith a dawning expression.

"What do you mean wrong source? She's her sister for pete's sake!" Ranma exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air in frustration.

"Who's Pete? . . . Never mind," Ukyou said, making a motion with her hand; as if she was waving it off like a bug. "Listen . . . let me guess. She said that Akane was afraid of rejection and became . . . a little suicidal?"

"Well . . . yeah," Ranma nodded numbly.

"It's just coincidence I tell you. The first time Akane almost died, it was raining hard. The water levels at the river rose. She and Kasumi had gotten into an argument, Kasumi was still a little upset about the pregnancy, and Akane ran out of the house. She knew her temper was flaring and she didn't want to take it out on sweet Kasumi . . . so she ran. She went through Nerima blindly, not at all comprehending where she was going. One minute she's at the dojo and the next thing she knows, she's at the bridge. It was storming that night and a car came . . . it didn't see her. Akane's martial arts . . . and survival . . . instincts kicked in and she immediately jumped to the side. But she went into the river. As I told you, the water levels rose and we all know Akane can't swim. So she nearly drowned that day."

"So, it really was an accident . . ." Ranma spoke breathlessly, a distant look coming into his eyes.

"Yup, and so were the other times!" Ukyou cheered; being a little too enthusiastic in Ranma's opinion upon the subject they were speaking.

"Other . . . times?" Ranma was partly curious and the other part warning him that he didn't want to know at all.

"There was a time Nabiki commented, this was on more than one occasion and the last for Akane, she went a little too far and Akane ran. She nearly was run over, and couldn't move this time. Luckily, Mousse was passing by on his way to delivery. Then some friends of hers said something in summer cooking class, and she cut herself. That was an accident because she was cutting some vegetables when they said it and it caught her off guard and the knife slipped. Then another time, your friends . . ." Ukyou's voice trailed off as she noticed her friend shaking with what appeared to be barely controlled anger and clenching his fist tightly enough to make the knuckles white; Ukyou was afraid that if he clenched them anymore he would draw blood.

"So . . . basically everyone in Nerima is against Akane's pregnancy?" He growled.

"Not everyone . . . I'm not, and neither is Mousse. Plus, a lot of people don't know yet thanks to Nabiki. Shampoo and Kodachi don't, which is exactly why when Akane sees them you have to watch her mouth. Lately she's had a strange urge to tell them . . .the fruit; that would be the only reason to think she wants to off her-self off the face of the doesn't know a thing; his last visit was after you left. She wanted to tell him but Mousse and I convinced her otherwise. She had said his protection would help and well, Mousse was a good actor and acted hurt enough that she would think his help wasn't enough male protection. Kuno doesn't know either . . . I have no idea how Nabiki managed that one. In fact the only people who know are me, Mousse, her family, your old man, the people in our class, and that eavesdropper over there!" Ukyou shouted before throwing a handful of miniature spatulas at one of the lone customers.

Ranma looked in time to see a middle-aged man be pinned against the wall, with points of the spatulas holding the cloth of his outfit in place. Ranma looked around the restaurant, to be partially surprised that there were very few people left. He probably scared most away with his outbursts and yelling.

"So . . ." Ukyou started as she stalked her way over to the cowering man. "Do you find it amusing to listen in on other's conversations?"

"N-no . . ." The man stuttered, frightful and trying to push himself into the wall; wild eyes staring fearfully upon the big battle spatula Ukyou pulled out. "I didn't hear a thing."

"Good," Ukyou cooed softly. In any other instance this would have appeared cute, but with the angry fire burning in her eyes and the angry scowl on her face, it made her appear downright fearful. "And that's exactly the way it is going to stay!" She roared, swiftly swinging the spatula like a battle ax and stopping mere inches from the man's throat. "Got it?"

The man was too scared to speak so he just nodded his head. Ukyou didn't seem too pleases with his affirmation, so she decided to get it her way. She swung the spatula back, posing to strike him.

"Ukyou?" An unsure voice called out. Everyone's actions froze and all heads turned towards a stairway near the back. Standing just at the bottom of the stairs was a tired and worn looking Akane.

"Akane!" Both Ukyou and Ranma called in unison. Ukyou lowered her weapon and Ranma took a small step towards her.

"Ukyou . . . um . . . what exactly are you doing?" Akane questioned, throwing a wary glance at the terrified man pinned to the restaurant's wooden walls.

"Nothing!" Ukyou rushed in an innocent act, and in a blink of an eye the mini iron weapons were gone along with her big spatulaand the man was on the floor trying to catch his breath.

"Never mind that," Ranma snapped, turning angry eyes onto Ukyou. "What is Akane doing here? Why didn't you tell me she was here? You knew I was looking for her! You knew I was worried out of my mind! I thought you were my friend Ukyou!"

"I am your friend! Besides, you never bothered to ask if I knew where Akane was! Also, Akane came here upset and crying. Apparently some jerk hurt her!" Ukyou shouted in defense, her own eyes burning with anger.

"Who?!" Ranma roared, clenching his fist at the thought of someone harming Akane.

"You! What are you thinking asking me 'who'?" Ukyou questioned giving Ranma a look that made him feel stupid. "And what do you think you are doing still being here in my restaurant?!" Ukyou boomed, turning towards the man who began to scramble for the door.

"Don't yell at him! You should be answering my questions! What is your problem Ukyou? What has exactly gotten into you lately?" Ranma wanted to know.

"Nothing is my 'problem' Ranma," Ukyou replied, putting quote marks in the air and exaggerating things. "Wait, never mind that thought . . . my problem is you! First you decide to go on a journey without any discussion for the summer. Then at your good-bye party, which I wasn't invited to, you get Akane laid. After that, I have to deal with the problem of protecting my pregnant ex-rival from other problems, while dealing with the class party where people find out. Lastly, today you hurt one of my best friend's feelings which then in turn cause me to deal with an upset, crying, hurt, emotional pregnant teenager. And it's your entire fault!"

". . ." Ranma was just silent for a few moments, before say—yelling the things on his mind. "I never got Akane pregnant, 'cause I never had se—"

"Ah!" Ukyou interrupted, holding up her hand for silence. "Spare me the 'I never slept with her' act. If it wasn't you, then who the hell did it jackass!? Do you really believe Akane would sleep with another man, gets a baby in the process, and then tell you it's yours?" Ukyou asked; hands placed onto her hips as she eyed him sternly.

"Ye—" Ranma started, but cut himself off. He wanted to say yes, but somewhere inside him, he knew he would be lying. "No . . ."

"I knew that. Though Akane doesn't, and from what I heard of what you said this pass day . . . well I can see why she thinks that," Ukyou sniggered, before calming herself and placing on a serious look again. "I also think you should tell her that."

"What . . . now?" Ranma held a contemplating look on his face.

"There's no time like the present."

"I guess," Ranma said in an unsure way.

"Then go!" Ukyou commanded, turning Ranma to face the girl that they both have come to befriend. The two almost fell over in shock upon the sight of the petite martial artist before them.

"Aka—" Ranma started to say, but was cut off as Ukyou slapped her hand over his mouth.

"Can't you see she's sleeping?" Ukyou hissed; nodding her head at the tired girl slumped against the wall. Looking more at peace now than when Ranma saw her awake. "The poor dear . . . is always tired now days . . . told her to stop training."

"What should we do?" Ranma whispered, throwing glances between his sleeping fiancée and his cooking one.

"What do you mean what should we do?!" She nearly shouted, boxing the pig-tailed boy behind the ears. "Take her home to her bed!"

"How? . . . Never mind, I've got an idea," Ranma declared, backing away before Ukyou could clobber him another one. He moved his way to Akane and squatted down before her with his back facing her. He pulled her forward by her arms and wrapped it around his neck, making sure her head rested comfortably on his shoulder. Then he moved to a standing position where he wrapped his hands under each thigh.

"That's one way to do it," Ukyou muttered, rolling her eyes skyward before making her way to the door. "Bye Ranma and take care of her . . . 'cause I'll tell you right now. It doesn't matter if we were fiancées or that you're my friends, but if I see Akane coming in here again like she did this afternoon, then I'll kick your butt so bad that you'll be wishing you didn't come home."

"O-okay," Ranma gulped, looking nervous; knowing Ukyou would keep her promise. "So she isn't out ta kick the bucket?"

"Ha ha, nope. You could say that the town has become homicidal, and they are all out to kill Akane . . ." Ukyou lost the humor in her voice though when she saw the gleam that came into Ranma's eyes. "Listen Ranma . . . don't go out and kill everyone in Nerima, no matter how much you want to . . . just care for Akane, that's all you can do. Also, don't make her upset, please," Ukyou pleaded, giving him puppy eyes.

"All right," Ranma nodded before turning away to start his way home. "Bye Ucchan!"

"Bye sugar!"


"Oh, what am I gonna do with you Akane?" Ranma asked no one in particular, not inspecting a reply. He looked up into the sky, amazed at the colors painted around.

"Sorry . . . Ranma," a soft voice whispered into his ear.

"What are you sorry about?" Ranma questioned, throwing her a sideways glance.

"For being a burden."

"You're not a burden Akane . . . it's just that things have changed."

". . . yeah, things that you don't like."

"That's my fault. I'm . . . I'm . . . I guess I'm sorry too. Shouldn'ta treated you like that. It's just that all of this was a surprise."

"That's okay," she whispered, snuggling into a more comfortable position.

"No . . . no it's not. Listen Akane . . . I don't know what's going on. But I'll help you, you know, take care of you . . . and the baby when it comes."

"That's nice to hear. I'm glad that you're going to do that . . . even if I knew all along that you would. You can't help but take care of me when I'm in trouble."

"No I don't care what happens to a tom—" Ranma tried to deny but knew that Akane wouldn't believe him. "I know that this isn't much, but I promise that I'll try to remember everything I forgot. I'll try not just because of you, but because I want to remember that for me."

"That's enough for me to be happy," she assured, pulling her head forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "That's enough."

A/N: That's all for now. For any who are wondering on the status of my other fics, well, the next one to come out is Change of Heart. Hope you enjoyed and see you with the next chapter! Oh, and I'll try to update next week, but likely won't because I'll be studying for exams . . . and when I say update, I'm talking about the Change of Heart. Sorry.