A/N: Hullo there... Anyone! Well I'm back! *Drumroll*

Hey Darlingdearheart, this chapter is dedicated to you! =) I hope you get well soon, much love to you... =)

Well here's chapter 5 and without any further babbling or musings, as I usually do, here it comes:

Friend Or Foe
Chapter 5

Do not tell a joke when one is already laughing!
(A.k.a Everyone is raving mad!)


Minerva lay extraordinary comfortable, her whole body relaxing peacefully. Her eyes were closed, her mouth formed in a soon-to-be-big-smile. She stretched her legs, her feet touching the cold steel of her bed. Soft light had warmly been resting all over her face for a time, but she still didn't open her eyes. She just lay there enjoying the rays of sunlight and the beginning of a new dawn. She tried to suppress a yawn, but didn't succeed and she sat up, her white sheets wrapped around her slender womanly figure. It was summer, but she hadn't expected the beautiful view that was waiting for her when she looked out of her window; the sun was gleaming from a crystal blue sky, tendrils of sunbeams reaching out toward the grounds, heating and soothing them. The lake was shining, reflecting the sky above and the trees surrounding it. The leaves on several trees stood out like emeralds. It was like gems in every shade of green were surrounding every tree. Just outside her window, vines had been crawling up along the wall – she loved vines, especially the leaves' beautiful patterns – and now a bird had occupied a branch. She had never been good at recognizing birds, but this one she knew, it was one of her favourite. Its feathers were a greenish black – she absolutely adored that colour – and it looked like it was underfed; it was very small. Normally not many wizards and witches had the Augurey as a favourite, since the Augurey had a very distinctive low and throbbing cry, which were once believed to foretell death. That was of course utterly nonsense. Also many wizards and witches had never seen an Augurey in their life, as the Augurey is intensely shy and only flies in heavy rain...

Heavy rain! Minerva looked perplexed outside at the sun shining – it isn't raining... It is most certainly not raining! So what is it doing here? – She looked at the bird once more, it looked at her mournfully, and she could have sworn that a tear was falling from its beady eyes. It looked precisely at her, into her eyes and she was sure could it had talked it would have – Is that normal bird behaviour, even for an Augurey? And just then the saddest voice she had ever heard erupted from the small bird. The miserable melody drifted from the outside inside her room, straight to her. Her shoulder slouched as she sat down heavily on her bed, hugging herself. The bird's song continued, even sadder. Tears were silently forming in her eyes streaming down her cheeks. She mentally kicked herself – The infamous stern McGonagall was crying over a bird's song. Get a grip on yourself, Minerva – but couldn't stop tears from coming or the depressing atmosphere the room now held. Just like her tears pouring down the sky began to cry too. She could hear the heavy pounding on the roof and her window. Suddenly another sound blended in with the rain pounding on the roof. At first she didn't really recognize it for what it was, but after a time she became aware of it.

Some one was banging on her door. Very loudly! She sniffed and wrapped the sheet closer around her and went over to see whom it was. She had completely forgotten the condition she was in and how other may respond to seeing her face tear streaked, and still more tears on their way. But she just opened the door and found herself witnessing a scene, with an almost angry Dumbledore and two cat creatures with smugly expressions. They had not noticed her yet, as they were so caught up in their little argument.

"Sir, we are not to let anyone in, especially not you!"

"Are you defying me? I'm the headmaster! THE HEADMASTER! If I want to see my deputy, I shall see her! I get my way, as I'm your superior!"

"Sir, it's not our fault! But we got our orders."

"What if she's dying in there, would just leave me standing here too?"

"But she's not dying! We'll make a deal with you. If you can guess the password, you may come in!"

"GUESS THE PASSWORD! Are you insane! That'll take forever; I need to talk to her now, not in a 564 days! And how do you know she's not dying! What if she slipped in her shower and she's drowning right now. She could have a concussion and need help... What if someone slipped poison in her tea and she's laying writhing on the floor calling out for help, but nobody can hear her... What if she cut herself and is bleeding to death... What if... " Dumbledore was starting to sound rather anxious now. Minerva couldn't really see the funny part in this, she would if it hadn't been for the Augurey, so she just cleared her throat to make them se her.

"I'm right here! No need to worry," she said. Both Dumbledore and the cats spun around, starring at her. The cats' expressions were unreadable, but that was expected. She sniffed to let them know she wasn't happy with the situation, but they just smirked – Why are they smirking at me?

Dumbledore cleared his throat too and was just about to say something, she could she, but he haltered and stared disbelievingly at her face, the cats miming him. She just looked blankly at them: "What's the matter?"

"Minerva dear, have you been crying?" Dumbledore asked her his voice filled with concern.

Oh shit – She had forgot that she had been crying her heart out before opening the door. What mustn't they think of her! She could just imagine her face tear-streaked and her red-rimmed eyes, her long hair a bit muffled from sleep. No wonder they were starring at her so awkward. Minerva McGonagall didn't cry! What should she tell them – Might as well tell the truth! If they thought her sentimental, what the heck!

"Um... Yes I've been crying! There was an Augurey outside my window, and it started singing. And you know Augureys; I mean its song was so depressing I couldn't help myself."

"Oh! Well I just thought perhaps you were... I mean that you've been crying over something else. Over our... So an Augurey was outside your window! I've only seen an Augurey once." Dumbledore stumbled through his talk, but ended it with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes for her. He always had twinkles for her she noticed. She almost felt bad for him, for their former fight and smiled back.

"You're thinking about our little thing down in the kitchens, aren't you?" She asked him sincerely. She found herself wanting to be friends with him, on speaking terms, not the riff raff that had been going on between them these past days. He was after all one in a few whom she could talk freely to, which were only helped along since they nearly shared all the same interests.

"Hmm... In a matter of fact I am. That's the reason I came up here, I wanted to apologise."

"I want to apologise too!"

"For what, my dear? Clearly it was me who started this"

"Yes it was, but you see I should have forgiven you in stead of giving you a hard time. But you're forgiven now, is that okay?"

"More than okay. So I take it we're friends again?"

Minerva could see even though she had told him he was forgiven he was still a little nervous around her – Probably expecting an outburst from me again – and he had been starring at her from the time she had announced she was there, starring awkwardly at her. And when she looked, he would look anywhere else, avoiding eye contact. Like it was against the rules to look at her!

"We'll always be friends, Albus!" she confirmed and gave him a hug. He looked very taken aback and clumsily put his arms around her. He muttered something she didn't quite get.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Oh. Just thanks. For us being friends!" he said merrily. After letting go of her, he said 'Goodbye' and was about to leave. But just before he could turn around she stood on tiptoe and kissed him lightly on his cheek and bid him 'Good day'. She watched him walking away, his back remotely taller than before. She just realised how unhappy she probably had made him, by being mad at him. Poor guy! But it wasn't their first fight, so she didn't feel too bad about it. It was just good to be on speaking terms with him again.

"So Miss Sexy, What was that about?" The two cats said at the same time, reminding her slightly of chickens. Though why she couldn't figure out.

"What do you mean? And would you please stop calling me names!"

"Whatever, Miss Sexy. So how will things be now you and Mr Dumbfound is on speaking terms again?"

"Huh. Um... I guess things will go back to normal, bloody inquisitively cats!"

"Watch your tongue, Miss Sexy! You are after all a professor and are expected to speak properly, as the students look up to you and you need to set an example. Speak nicely! Or we'll tell the Headmaster!"

"Go ahead! I don't mind!"

"Aha! We knew!"

"You knew what?"

"You wouldn't mind a detention with our dear Headmaster! Tsk tsk. Naughty Professor!

"You can't give teachers detention, you imbecile flobberworms!"

"Whatever you say Miss Naughty! But you wouldn't mind some spanking, now would you!"

"WHAT! NOW YOU WATCH YOUR BLOODY TONGUES, YOU WOOL-HEADED STONES!" Minerva managed to shriek though her mind was completely numb at the thought of what they were implying.

"And we're glad to inform everyone that Professor Temper is back!"


"She certainly is, though her outfit is still Miss Sexy! May we congratulate you professor?"

"Congratulate me on what?"

"You're looking damn hot, you sexy thing!"

"I beg your pardon!"

"No bloody wonder that Mr. Twinkle was left utterly speechless. Did you see the way he was goggling at her", one of the cats asked the other. Minerva just looked at them blankly, her temper boiling under the surface.

"I would have to be crazy not seeing it. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a detention with her!"

"Will you please inform me of what's going ON?"

"We're just discussing Mr Headmasters reaction on your new look, Miss Sexy!"

"There's nothing new about me!"

"Galloping Gargoyles! How blind can one be! Take a look at yourself, Miss Sexy!"

Minerva looked down at herself for the first time this morning and nearly choked! She was wearing nothing except a thin white sheet wrapped around her showing her curves just a wee bit too much. Bloody hell! She stood motionless, starring at herself – No wonder he was gaping at me! I'm almost naked!


"Oh we didn't want our chance to enjoy your sexy body spoiled! Just wait till all the others hear about this!"

"ARRGGHHH! I give up! You're both completely bonkers! One day... One day I'll get revenge, you just mark my words! And don't you DARE tell anyone about this! Payback time is sweet, remember THAT", she screamed while shaking her fist at them. But they just looked at her, at her nearly exposed body, their stone eyes turned gleefully upward. She could feel a blush appearing on her cheeks – Oh for Merlins sake, stop blushing like a teenager, Minerva. She quickly wrapped the thin sheet closer around her and swept into her quarters again, her nose high and a snort for the two lustfully cats.


Albus Dumbledore opened the great doors into The Great Hall striding towards the staff table. A couple of teachers were already tugging in their breakfast, their chattering reaching his ears. Several looked up and nodded, while others greeted him merrily. He sat down on his chair, filling his dish with egg, bacon, toast and sausages. His eyes kept looking to his right side, even though he knew the seat was empty. Maybe she would come? After all she had to eat! Every now and then he lightly touched his cheek too, the place where she had kissed him. He sat completely lost in thought, until Sinatra whimpered deafeningly, exclaiming she had forgot to re-pack her new telescope, and she ran out of The Great Hall as fast as her legs could carry her. Snape, who should have been seated left to him, wasn't there. But that he had expected, Snape usually didn't show up for breakfast after a meeting with The Dark Lord, which were fully understandable. Albus swallowed half of his cups contents of pumpkin juice and took a bite of toast with strawberry marmalade. He reminded him self to remember to check up on Snape, to see if he was all right and to see how the meeting had been. On his far side Sprout and Flitwick were loudly discussing the chances of survival, during different curses and spells pronounced wrongly. Albus chuckled as Flitwick started telling about the time he himself had pronounced a spell wrongly – Don't we all remember. Who could forget Flitwick tall as a troll! Just as he sat nicely enjoying his bacon and eggs smiling to himself over his colleagues, Rolanda Hooch sneaked up on him, sitting down on Snapes chair. He sighed as he saw her gleaming eyes – Oh no, here we go again!

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore! What's this I hear?" She roared in her cheerful voice she always used when she knew you were in for it big time. He sighed again.

"I don't know, Rolanda, you hear so much considering your curiosity!"

"Oh quit it, you know who I'm talking about, Albus, you know!"

"So what is it this time, did some Quidditch team mess something up!"

"Don't try to talk your way out of this! You know I'm talking about our dear Scotswoman, our dear colleague... MINERVA MCGONAGALL, you daftie!" At this every head was turned towards them, listening. Albus just got lost again – Did she have to name her! He could just remember her exposed legs and shoulders, the sheet not leaving much to his imagination. Hooch obviously saw his far-away look and shouted louder than before:

"Earth to Albus...! Hullo, are you there!... Albus, I..." further she didn't get because just then the doors opened and no other than Minerva McGonagall walked through them. She stopped when she saw everyone starring at her, a scowl on her face appeared as she walked up to her seat.

"Minnie!" Hooch exclaimed gleefully.

"Stop calling me that! If you have to sink so low as referring to petnames, at least call me Min" Minerva responded dull.

"Minnie, what's this I hear?" Hooch screeched delightfully ignoring Minerva's reply. Albus rubbed his ear as Hooch had screamed right into his face – Oh no here we go yet again!

"Albus, would you pass the toasts" He reached for the toasts, but Hooch's hand stopped him. He sighed yet again; he hated being in the middle of an ignoring contest between Rolanda and Minerva!

"Oh no you don't Minerva! Answer my question, as Albus ignored it!"

"What question? Why don't you go bully our Headmaster in stead!"

"This concerns both of you! Last night someone had a fight down in the kitchens! Am I not right?" This time it was Minerva's turn to sigh, but it wasn't her who answered.

"As a matter of fact we, your dear Headmaster and his Deputy, had a fight!" Albus answered with a twinkle – Why is Minerva grinning at me? Dear Merlin, she looks stunning! Have her eyelashes always been that long and thick? Oh boy, she's looking directly at me, with those adoringly emerald eyes. I could drown in them! Does she know the affect she has on me? If she does, she's doing this to me on purpose. Albus get a grip on yourself! You daft old fool! This is your friend, colleague and former student you're thinking about – and gave a little wink to Minerva.

"You had a fight!" Hagrid joined in the conversation.

"Why did you have a fight?" Sprout asked at the same time.

"What was it about this time?" Flitwic quipped.

Minerva rolled her eyes and looked at him, he just smiled – This is so typical for the teachers of Hogwarts.

"C'mon. Tell us!" Hooch enquired while throwing her arms around to demonstrate how important it was that they told them of their fight.

"Why should we tell you anything!" Minerva said and Albus found himself nodding in agree. Loads of groans came from the other teachers except one. He just smirked. The others soon found themselves looking at him.

"Aren't you curious, Remus? And do stop smirking like you know something we do not!" Hooch remarked. He just grinned more, if that was possible.

"Well of course I'm curious, but earnestly there's not mystery about something one already know!"

"You know about their fight?" Four voices asked at the same time shocked.

"Yes. Want me to enlighten you?"

"Yes!" The four curiously teachers said at the same time Albus and Minerva exclaimed: "No!"

"Four against two, sorry Headmaster and Minerva. Well one of the house- elves has told me how it went. I will not use names, as the house-elf would like to be anonymous. This is how it started: Minerva had just got herself a cup of tea and sat in her own thoughts when Albus also came down to the kitchen. Now, Albus startled Minerva so she spilled tea all over herself..."

"Ohhh" came four times as Remus paused and a second later he went on:

"Minerva got pretty mad and started cursing, calling him names and stuff. He tried to apologise, but she wouldn't listen. She left with a pretty cruel remark. And that's all I know." At this time Minerva was scowling at them all evilly and Albus had his head in his hands.

"What was the remark?" Hooch asked thrilled.

"Remus, shut up!" Minerva cried while she showed her fist at him. Remus wavered a little under her stare, Albus admired him his courage as he went on.

"Well Albus said something about them act their age. And then Minerva screamed at the top of her lungs, and I'll quote: 'Act our age! Act our AGE! Well why don't you go out and dig your own GRAVE! Then little me will just go and have some sleep", Remus screeched in a shrill voice, imitating Minerva quite hilariously. Silence fell over the table as they all held their breath. But then hell broke out...

"Hahahahahaha!" Hooch laughed hysterically

"Heh heh heh!" Hooch's laughter went to snickering and soon Sprout, Hagrid, Flitwic and Remus followed her example, which left Albus looking at them dumbfounded. He looked over at Minerva to see her reaction, and found her biting her lips trying not laugh. He smiled; this was after all quite hilarious. And almost immediately Albus and Minerva joined the others in their hysterically laughing (Ha ha ha ha, Heh heh hee, Hi hi hi hi, Mwuahahahahaha, you get the picture, eh!)

As they all laughed madly they did not notice the doors opened yet again and unfortunately for our poor Potions Master he stood flabbergasted watching his colleagues behaving like lunatics. He didn't know what to do and left again, leaving without any breakfast. But he was now remotely surer in his opinion about them all: they were all maniacs!


The Dark one (11:41 PM)

Hey Miss Weird

Athenia (11:41 PM) Hello Mr. Wicked

The Dark one (11.41 PM)

Hullo Miss Weird

Athenia (11:42 PM) Hola Mr. Wicked

The Dark one (11:42 PM)


Athenia (11:42 PM) Huh?

The Dark one (11:43 PM) What now?

Athenia (11:43 PM) And you're calling me weird, you're just as weird as me!

The Dark one (11:44 PM) Bah!

Athenia (11:44 PM)

So how has your day been? =)

The Dark one (11:44 PM) As usual, well almost as usual...

Athenia (11:45 PM)

Well almost? What made it different?

The Dark one (11:45 PM) Me being in a wonderful mood...

Athenia (11:45 PM)

Aww... So why are you in a 'wonderful' mood?

The Dark one (11:46 PM)

Well partly because I was looking forward to talking with you... And my business is going superb... =)

Athenia (11:46 PM) Thanks *Flattered* I'm glad to hear that about your job, though it reminds me of: It's soon school start!

The Dark one (11:47 PM) Aren't you looking forward to school start or what? I would understand you, with noisy kids running around... :/

Athenia (11:47 PM)

Yes and no. I mean I love my job but sometimes it can be very exhausting you know. But I'll just enjoy the rest of the summer... =)

The Dark one (11:48 PM) *Grins* O yes summer! I'm more like a winter guy!

Athenia (11:48 PM)

As in my favourite time of the year is winter! What's wrong with you! It is of course S-P-R-I-N-G... =)

The Dark one (11:49 PM) Oki, oki! Springs wonderful too!

Athenia (11:50 PM) Of course! Spring is the best time of the year! Period!

The Dark one (11:50 PM) Heh heh! I just got these vivid vibes that you'll skin me alive if I disagree!

Athenia (11:51 PM) You read me like an open book! Or you could be a Seer, though that would mean I had to skin you alive. Or you could be a Seer, who can only foretell what a person is going to do, so they can avoid bad things... Hmm... I'm rambling here.

The Dark one (11:52 PM) That's oki! I get what you say. But I'm neither! =)

Athenia (11:52 PM) Then what are you? a) A monster b) A good guesser c) Or something else...?

The Dark one (11:53 PM) Hmm... Tricky question! How about I'm good at reading people... Heh heh... Or we could say a good guesser =)

Athenia (11:53 PM) Fine with me... =)

The Dark one (11:53 PM) So Miss Weird, have you been doing anything exciting lately? =)

Athenia (11:54 PM) Well, Mr. Wicked, in fact I have! :D

The Dark one (11:54 PM)

Okay... And that is...?

Athenia (11:55 PM) Well you know me being mad at my boss, right?

The Dark one (11:55 PM)

Yess... Go on!

Athenia (11:56 PM) Well he came to apologise this morning, and me being totally daft went out to greet him with nothing on except my sheet... I didn't notice that till after he was gone... I was also quite wondering why he was gazing at me! Heh heh... =)

The Dark one (11:57 PM)

Ha ha! Lucky him!

Athenia (11:57 PM) Are you saying you wouldn't mind being in his shoes this morning?

The Dark one (11:58 PM) Umm yeah! Is that not okay?

Athenia (11:58 PM) Aww... You flatter me all the time...

The Dark one (11:58 PM) Is that a bad thing? :'[

Athenia (11:59 PM) No... I think that's very cute of you... I'm really flattered! *Blushes*

The Dark one (11:59 PM) =) But anyway did you see him later on... I mean your boss?

Athenia (11:59 PM)

Yes... At breakfast... Now beware here comes the good stuff! Want to hear it?

The Dark one (12:00 AM)

Oki... I'm all yours!

Athenia (12:01 AM) Good! Now all the other teachers knew that we had had a fight (me and my boss), so they started asking. Now no one of them knew anything, except one. So he started telling the others how it started and ended. He also quoted my last remark to my boss in our fight, which were not that nice. After that everyone was silent. Until everyone broke out in laughter, including my boss and myself...

The Dark one (12:03 AM)

HA HA! That sounds funny. So what kind of laughter was it?

Athenia (12:03 AM) Well that was different from person to person. But it was like Mwuahahaha with Heh heh in it, and also Ha ha in it too. And I think there was some Hi Hi in it too. Quite hilarious! =) *Grins*

The Dark one (12:04 AM)

Mwuahahahahahahahahaha... is the best way to laugh!

Athenia (12:04 AM) I agree... Nothings better than a little cackling every day! It just makes the day perfect! =) *Cackles*

The Dark one (12:04 AM) I agree... *Cackles* Lets try to cackle together?

Athenia (12:05 AM) Weeeh...Oki... One, two tree, go...

The Dark one (12:05 AM) *Cackles*

Athenia (12:05 AM)


The Dark one (12:06 AM) WoW! We are good!

Athenia (12:06 AM)

Better than good! =)

The Dark one (12:06 AM) Couldn't agree any more with you!

Athenia (12:07 AM)

I'm glad we agree on so many things! It' nice talking to someone who agrees with you... =)

The Dark one (12:07 AM) Heh heh! I guess this is the perfect time to say; I agree! =)

Athenia (12:07 AM) Stop being funny! I can't laugh more today without my stomach hurting!

The Dark one (12:08 AM) How interesting!

Athenia (12:08 AM)

How can that be interesting?

The Dark one (12:08 AM) Because every time I say something funny, you will double over with laughter and pain... Interesting combination, I must say!

Athenia (12:09 AM)

You forgot something at the end of your lines!

The Dark one (12:09 AM)

What? *Puzzled*

Athenia (12:10 AM) To cackle!

The Dark one (12:10 AM)

You're right! Thanks for reminding me... =)

Athenia (12:11 AM) You're welcome.

The Dark one (12:11 AM) Hey, I know I was also the one last time to say I had to go, but alas I have to go now... Sorry... But I've just been informed of something that has a great interest to my job.

Athenia (12:11 AM) That's all right, I was getting rather tired too, so that suits me fine.

The Dark one (12:12 AM) Oki! Thanks! Hey look at the clock; it's being witty! Heh heh! Sorry for being humorous, I can't help myself!

Athenia (12:12 AM) *Groans/Laughs, while holding my hands on my stomach* You're forgiven! Well I'll see you! =)

The Dark one (12:13 AM)

Of course... I'll be back again annoying you tomorrow! Take care!

Lissenen ar'maska'lalaith tenna'lye omentuva... =)

Athenia (12:13 AM) Aww... You're talking elfish again... Cute =)

The Dark one (12:14 AM)

It means Sweet water and light laughter till next we meet...

Athenia (12:14 AM) Cutie! I can talk a little elfish; Vanya Sulie (Fair winds)... =)

The Dark one (12:14 AM)

*Loudly applaud* See yah, sleep well. *Hugs*

Athenia (12:15 AM) Hugs to you too. Sweet dreams! =)

The Dark one (12:15 AM)


Athenia (12:15 AM) Bye

The Dark one (12:15 AM) Byyeeeee *Wave*

Athenia (12:15 AM) Byeeee *Waves again*


I'm finished with chapter 5! WoW! That was longer that usual! But I guess that serves everyone right, because I've been so long to update a new chapter. Sorry! I wrote this chapter on water and cashew nuts! Maybe I should try that in the future, especially if all chapters get this long! But just to everyone out there, a good recipe on a good story is:


I just ran out of water and cashew nuts, so if I'm rambling on and on about nothing, it's just the lack of tomatoes! (Rolling eyes)...

And a big hug and thanks to all the lovely reviewers out there, you rule! =)

DARLINGDEARHEART: Hey darl... Here it is... Your chapter... See I dedicated it to you. I hope you loved it! I'm really glad you liked my last chapter, and got you out of a depression, cos depressions aren't always fun. I had one for some weeks ago; I was only starring at nothing... Nothing at all wearing this really mournfully face... Weird me!

And I say GO GIRL! Do pull a Weasley on your teachers, and tell me all the details. I'm already cackling! (Mwuahahahaha). And I know what you mean, just because you've got that image with being a good student and stuff they don't think you can do anything bad. I'm like that too! So if I set the school on fire, the blame will be on everybody else... Great cover!

French and Spanish sounds fun, I'm after the summer going to the gymnasium. But my language will only be continuation of Deutsch! I LOVE mathematics and chemistry more, so I'll just use my energy on that. And English too!

I had the best birthday, even though you know with holding it twice! (parents) And I was in LONDON too... Awesome... I had an idea, but I debunked it! You know I thought I could check all red phone boxes, but there are too many of them! Sniff!

Much ter ye too

P.S I love long reviews, no need to apologise! Take care

Vanya Sulie! =)

HOGWARTS DUO: Yeah poor Dumbfound, but I made it up to him in this chapter, well sort of! Tee hee hee! I agree, much tension! =) I look forward to see if it will be chapter 4 or 5 you'll like the most. I guess I like chapter 5 best, I think. =) MM/AD = BEST FLUFF Heh heh! Do you like cashew nuts, cos you should really try them... Mums! (Yummy)... See yeh! I'm looking forward to you next chapter, and I think I'll make a long, long review, I mean you know me! =)

MINERVA SNAPE: Wow! I'm really glad you think this is great and laughable! Thanx! So your fav. is Voldemort and Min, right! I kinda like them too (mwuahahaha). Or did you mean AD/MM, cos they're superb too...! Well here's chapter 5, hope you like it just as much!

SPOILEDTHOUGHTS: As I think I already told you, I feel pretty privileged that you read my story, and you even liked it! WoW! Thankx! =) You're not too bad yourself... heh heh =)

Hope you like this chapter too! P

And that's all for now folks, I'll see you again as soon as I can! (Well Pal, that'll be around, lets see, 2006...Wow...Stop being sarcastic Pal...Bah! Gah!)

Pal =)