Hi everyone! This is Leina here and I didn't write this ficcie. My friend's friend, Vixen wrote it and my other friend, Augh69 emailed it to me so I could post it up. Anyway, r/r thanx! ^^
Return of Escaflowne Disclaimer: neither me or the writer owns Escaflowne and yadda yadda yadda. Hitomi stared out a castle window. A dark, swift figure was running gracefullythrough the courtyard. Hitomi smiled and watched her daughter engage in a gameof tag with the ever-playful Merle. Vera was now fifteen. She was tall andbeautiful, so beautiful that she had caught the heart of many a prince fromother countries. Vera had black hair like her father's that she grew long andkept in a loose ponytail, and eyes shaped exactly like her father's. At firstglance, no one could tell if any of Vera's mother's features had ever developedin Vera. But everyone who really knew Vera knew that she had her mother's greeneyes and mysterious powers. Hitomi smiled sadly. The combined spirits of Vera'smother and father had made her into a reckless, smart, strong tomboy. She hadshrugged off all her suitors and set her eyes on achieving queenhood withoutmarrying anyone. To do this, Vera had taken up swordsmanship, taught by Van, andlearned how to pilot a guymelif. Vera had asked her mother, Hitomi, to teach herhow to use tarot cards. Hitomi sighed. She knew that Vera was asking fortrouble. Hitomi felt Van, her husband and Vera's father, walk up behind her." Don't worry about Vera. She'll be fine." Van said, putting his arms aroundHitomi." I know. But I still worry. She doesn't really think that slaying a dragon willget her anything, does she?" Hitomi asked." No, she knows that all it will do is rid Fanelia of one more dragon. I thinkshe only wants to do it to prove that she can." Van said. He had disobeyed allthe rules and taught Vera to be a swordswoman. To his great surprise, Vera hadshown great skill from a very early age. Hitomi turned back to the window andwatched Merle ambush Vera from a tree. The two of them fell to the ground inlaughter." All we can do, then, is help her." Hitomi sighed. The two parents jumped astwo wings suddenly ripped out of Vera's shoulders. Vera, looking extremelyembarrassed, apologized to Merle and hid her wings in her shoulders." She's not very good at controlling them." Van said sadly. Hitomi nodded. Thetwo parents had done all they could to protect their child. But Vera was now oldenough to defend herself and make her own decisions. All Hitomi and Van could dowas guide her.Vera stood on the castle wall with Merle. It was one of her favorite places inthe entire castle. Merle often came up here with her." I don't get it, Merle. How come they all think I can't do it?" Vera asked,gesturing to the people in the market place. Merle licked her paw and looked upat her friend." They just cling to the old ways, that's all." Merle said. Vera looked at heronly friend and lifelong playmate. She had always been told that Merleconsidered it her duty to Vera's mother and father to watch over Vera. Merle hadbeen there at Vera's birth, and had never left Vera's side since. Merle evenslept in the same room as Vera." Well, I'll show them what a girl can do. I'll show them I can slay a dragon aswell as my father and I can predict the future as well as my mother." Vera saidconfidently. Merle sighed." Do you still feel that way?" Merle asked." Yes. I can't help it Merle!" Vera had explained this to Merle many times. "All my life, I've felt like the whole kingdom has been holding me up incomparison to my parents. They've always said ' She's pretty, but do you thinkshe can fight like the King?' or ' I wonder if she has her mother's powers?' Ican't take it anymore, Merle! I've got to prove to everyone that I'm every bitas good as my parents." Vera looked at Merle." If it makes you feel any better, I know you're every bit as good as they are.I don't need you to prove it to me, and neither does anyone else in this castle.So, why bother proving it?" Merle had tried to talk Vera out of this questbefore, but Vera was too stubborn. Vera shook her head and Merle understood thattomorrow Vera would walk away from the castle and search out a dragon to slay.The next day…Vera stood before the cheering crowd that had gathered in the market place. Shewas dressed in light but strong armor in a similar style that had been worn inVera's family for generations. She raised her right arm and the crowd cheeredlouder. With that done, Vera turned to her family. Her mother and father stoodside by side, proudly watching their daughter. Allen and Millerna, who Verareferred to as her uncle and aunt, stood nearby. They had come all the way fromAusturia to see Vera off. Merle was cheering louder than the whole crowdcombined. These were the people that Vera considered her family. Vera grinned." Don't worry, everyone. I'll be just fine." She said. Her mother came forwardwith Millerna." If anything goes wrong, or you get hurt, you come right back home. No bodywill blame you." Millerna said. Vera set her face in determination." Nothing will go wrong." Vera replied. Millerna hugged her. Vera had alwaysloved her Aunt Millerna, so she hugged back. Merle dashed up." Be careful, Lady Vera! I'll be waiting for you!" she cheered. Merle seemed tounderstand that she couldn't follow Vera this time. Vera had already said hergoodbye to Merle so she just smiled again. Now, Vera's mother stepped up." Vera, remember, if you see a pillar of light, steer clear of it. I don't wantyou to get lost on the Mystic Moon." Hitomi said. Even though Vera's mother hadbeen born on the Mystic Moon, her greatest fear was that Vera might get trappedon the giant moon." I'll be fine, Mom." Vera reassured her mother. Suddenly, Hitomi rushed forwardand hugged her daughter. Vera buried her face in her mother's shoulder." I love you, Vera. I'll pray for you." Hitomi whispered." I love you too, Mamma," Vera replied. Hitomi stroked Vera's hair for minute,the way she used to when Vera was little. Then Vera stepped away and turned toAllen and her father." Now, remember everything we taught you, Vera. And don't do anything rash. Inother words, don't be your father's daughter." Allen warned. He smiled. Verafrowned playfully." Why? I like acting like him." Vera stated. " Don't worry, Uncle Allen. I'llremember." Van stepped forward." Vera, remember what I told you about dragons. They like to play with yourmind, make you think you've won, and then they attack. Remember what happened toFolken." Van told her. Vera nodded. She remembered the gruesome story her fatherhad told her about his brother, her real uncle. Folken had fallen for thedragon's trick, and he had lost his arm, and some said that he also lost hissanity. In the end, Folken had died." Don't… Oh, why do I bother? I know you'll just worry anyway. I'll be okay,Dad." Vera said. Her father embraced her. Vera could understand why her motherhad fallen in love with Van. She could remember the way he used to let her playwith his wings when she was little." Don't be reckless, Vera. It nearly killed me a thousand times." Van said." I'll try. I love you, Daddy. If Prince Zensho comes to call, tell him I saiddrop dead." Vera said. Prince Zensho was one of Vera's suitors that was so deadset on marrying her that he still hadn't left her alone. He came to Fanelia onceor twice a month to propose to Vera. He had come up with so many ways to proposeto a girl, he could write a book about it. Vera's responses had varied, but thegist of it was always the same. A big fat no. Van smiled at his daughter." Fine, but he won't like that. Now, you had better get going." He said. Hegrabbed Vera's shoulders and spun her around. She grinned at the crowd and rantoward the woods. Just before she reached them, she turned around and waved.Then she disappeared into the forest.A tall, blonde boy was walking down the street. He stared at the sky and wishedhe was at his old home, with his old friends. He knew that his mother and fatherwere on a mission. They wanted to contact a friend of theirs that haddisappeared about sixteen years ago, shortly before he was born. She had beencalled Hitomi. Suddenly, the boy saw a flash of light in the distance. Later, hewould say that he was drawn to the light in a strange way. The boy began to runto the area where the light had flashed.Vera leaped to the left. The dragon roared and clashed its jaws. Vera wasstruggling to get at the dragon's throat, the way she had been taught. Just mydumb luck, Vera thought. Of course Vera would end up with a huge, old,experienced dragon that had more battle scars on it than the oldest man inFanelia had years. Vera knew that to disable the dragon's ability to breathefire, she had to slit its throat. She also knew that the most effective way tokill it was to stab its heart or the base of its skull. It wasn't a very humaneway, but it was the best way. She had already injured the dragon's forearm. IfVera was lucky, she might have broken it, thus crippling the dragon. This wouldgive Vera the advantage in speed and agility. All this flashed in Vera's mind asshe studied the embattled beast. She gasped hard for air and watched closely fora weak spot. Then, in a flash, Vera had a vision, like her mother. She saw thedragon laying down, as if it was giving up. She saw herself slowly go in for thekill. She saw the dragon snap its head up and kill the image of herself. She sawher own blood drip down from the dragon's jaws. The vision ended. Vera stifled ascream. The dragon very suddenly lay down. The vision, Vera realized. The imageof her own blood fresh in her mind, Vera kept her distance. Suddenly Vera sawit. A clear opening to the dragon's throat. Probably a trick, Vera remindedherself. No wait, there was another opening that was obviously a trick. Or maybenot. Vera pulled out the pendant her mother had given her for good luck. Sheconcentrated and begged the pendant to work for her. It didn't always cooperatewith her. Please, she begged, left opening or right opening. The pendant beganto swing and Vera concentrated harder. Suddenly, the pendant swung to the right,hard. Vera tucked the pendant away, thankful she had inherited her mother'spowers. Vera saw clearly now how she had to do this. She began to stalk to theleft, and was pleased when the dragon's eyes followed her. Yes, as always, thependant was right. The left opening was the trick one. Vera stalked closer andwatched the monstrous beast's neck muscles begin to tense. A little closer, andVera stopped. She watched the dragon grow more and more tense. Her plan wasworking like a charm. Suddenly, the dragon snapped its head to snatch her up,but its jaws grabbed only air. Vera sprinted with her mother's speed and herfather's loping gait to the right. She dove under the dragon's neck. Vera's mindbegan to blank from fear. One trick that a friend of Merle's who everyone calledZam had taught her flashed through Vera's mind. Vera flipped onto her back andput her sword in her feet. Then, using all the power in her legs, Vera shovedthe sword into the dragon's neck. The beast screamed with anger and pain. Veraleaped up and wrenched the sword out of the dragon's flesh. She grabbed onto afold of loose, scaly skin and climbed to the top of the dragon's back. Maybe thebeast had figured out what Vera was going to do, because it started to thrashmadly. Vera clung to the dragon for dear life. She took aim and dug her swordinto the back of the dragon's head. The monster roared. Vera threw her weightinto her task, hammering on the hilt of the sword." Come on!" Vera screamed. Suddenly, Vera felt the dragon shudder under herfeet. The beast fell to the ground. To make sure, Vera knelt down and felt thedragon's flesh. She felt the heart begin to slow. Suddenly, a bright lightsurrounded Vera and the barely living beast. When Vera looked around her, shewas in an entirely different set of woods. When she turned her attention back tothe dragon, it was dead. Vera nodded silently. Good fight, you old monster, shethought. Vera leaped off the mountain of flesh and sank into a sitting position.She gasped hard and looked around her. A blonde boy was watching her. Verastudied the boy for a minute, and after deciding that he was probably not adanger to her, she walked over to the dragon's chest. Vera began the long,bloody process of digging out the Energist. When she turned around, Energist inhand, she noticed that the blonde boy was still there, staring at her. Vera wasso happy, she couldn't be angry at the weird boy. She grinned." What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a girl slay a dragon? Of course youhaven't, because it's never been done!" Vera was getting excited, and the boylooked at her like maybe she was nuts " Hah! They all said I couldn't do it, I'djust get killed! Wait'll they see this!" Vera held up the Energist to the boy." Who are you? And what's that?" he asked, gesturing rather timidly toward thedragon." A dragon, duh." Vera replied. Suddenly, Vera realized that this guy had astrange accent, like her mother's. Suspicion overtook her." Hey, wait a minute. Where am I?" Vera remembered the light. She gasped. " Am Ion the Mystic Moon? Oh, no! Mom will so mad at me!" Vera frowned at the Energistand then at the boy, who seemed to want very badly to stay away from the deaddragon. Vera sat down again." It's dead." She called out to the boy. He stepped a little closer, but notmuch. Suddenly, another pillar of light shot out of the sky and grabbed Vera andthe boy. Vera closed her eyes and cried out. She heard the boy screaming bloodymurder near her. When Vera opened her eyes, she was back in the woods where shehad found the dragon. The dragon itself was nowhere to be seen. Next to her laythe blonde boy, unconscious. Vera realized that she must have been knocked outas well." Vera, is that you? Hey Vera!" a male voice called. Vera looked up to see Zam,Merle's almost boyfriend, running toward her." Hi, Zam!" Vera called out. Zam was a cat-boy, and he looked a lot like Merle.He had black fur and straight black hair. His tail was tipped with white. Zamwas a lot calmer than Merle, but just as playful. He was also a trader. Zamtraveled to all parts of Gaea, so Vera was very lucky to have run across him." Did you do it? Oh boy, say you did it! Please, say you did it!" Zam cried.Vera grinned and held out the Energist." I did it." Vera said. " How far am I from the castle?" she asked." Not far. I'll give you a ride in my cart. Uh, pick up a boyfriend?" Zam said,looking over Vera's shoulder. Vera followed his gaze to the blonde boy." Oh, him. It's a long story. I'll explain in the cart." Vera said." We aren't going to just leave him?" Zam asked." Leave him? No way. Help me wake him up. On the other hand, stay back." Veraknelt down and shook the boys shoulder." Hey, whatever your name is, you'd better wake up." Vera said loudly. The boy'seyes fluttered open." Huh? What happened? You? Oh, man! Where's the monster? Where am I?" the boysat up and then groaned and held his head." Whoa, easy! I think you might have hit your head. Relax. Me and my friend hereare going to take you to my place. I'll explain on the way." Vera said. When Zamcame to help her, the boy's eyes got pretty big. Vera guessed that he had neverseen a cat-person before. He was really going to freak when he met Merle. In thecart, Vera explained the whole thing to Zam, and then turned around andexplained the whole matter and more in simpler terms so the boy couldunderstand. The poor guy seemed pretty bewildered. After Vera was done he simplywatched her as if he wasn't sure if he should believe her. Another glance at Zamseemed to convince him." What's your name, anyway?" Vera asked." Michael. What's yours?" the boy replied." Vera. Vera Fanel. And that's Zam." Vera said, pointing. Zam turned his head sohe could see them out of one eye." Zam's the name, and trading is my game. We are approaching the market place."Zam said playfully. Vera looked up and saw the familiar wooden gates." Hey!" she called out. " This is Vera Fanel! Open the gates!" The guards fellover themselves to get the gate open. After the gate had opened, the captain ofthe guard walked up to the cart." Hello, Lady Vera. I hope your hunt went well." He said. Vera nodded and gave acharacteristic wave of her hand. Zam hopped down from the driver's seat and ledthe cart through the gate." Lady Vera?" Michael said incredulously. Vera didn't reply. Once inside themarket place, Zam turned to Vera and Michael." I've got to work. You guys go ahead and I'll meet you later. Tell Merle I'mcoming. You know what she does when I come without giving her a warning." Zamsaid. Vera grinned. Merle usually decided to use Zam as a scratching post whenhe did that. Vera got out of the cart and waited on Michael, who looked a littleawed by the scene. She grabbed his elbow and pulled him toward the castle." Come on. I've got to see my mom and dad." Michael obliged and ran alongsideher. Vera pulled him inside the castle walls." Vera! Oh, Vera, I'm so glad to see you!" Millerna jogged toward them." Hi, Millerna. Don't ask if I did it, because I'm not telling one more personuntil I see my parents!" Vera said. Millerna smiled." I'll get them." Millerna said. She ran off and in a few minutes the castle wasall hustle and bustle." Lady Vera!" Merle cried, hugging Vera until Vera thought she'd suffocate. Justthen, Vera's parents came. Van was leading with Hitomi right behind him. Both ofthem were running top speed." Did you do it?" Van asked." Come on, Vera, don't leave us hanging." Hitomi cried. Vera smiled, totallyforgetting Michael" See for yourselves." She said, pulling the Energist out of her pocket.Everyone cheered, and Van declared a feast in honor of the occasion. Then Hitominoticed Michael, who had been staring at her like he had seen a ghost." Vera, who's this?" she asked. Vera came back to her mother and explained thewhole story to everyone. When she was done, Michael spoke up." Excuse me, but I have two questions. Vera, you're a princess?"" Uh, I guess I left that detail out." Vera said sheepishly." Yeah, I guess you did. And, is your name, by any chance, Hitomi?" Michaelasked Hitomi." Yes, it is." Hitomi said cautiously." I knew I recognized you! My parents showed me a picture of you! My parents arelooking for you. They have been for about sixteen years." Michael said. Hitomi'sface paled and Van stepped up beside her." What are your parents' names?" Hitomi asked in a whisper." Amano and Yukari." Michael responded." Amano and Yukari. Oh, I wanted to go see them, but I never got the chance!Your parents were my best friends. I left to live here. Do they know where Iwent and why?" Hitomi asked. Michael shook his head." I don't know. All they ever told me was that you left a note, but they nevertold me what was on it." He told her. Hitomi's face fell." Oh. Well, I'll see them sometime soon. Perhaps when we take you home." Shesaid. Michael nodded. Vera lead him through the castle, showed his room, herroom, and everything else that he would need to know. Vera went to bed thinkingabout her accomplishments and wondering about Michael. Just before Vera fellasleep, she thought to herself, I forgot to warn Merle that Zam is coming.The next day…" Van, I think somebody should teach him how to handle a sword." Hitomi toldVan. Van turned his head to look at her. They were talking about Michael." Why?" he asked." Look at him. He won't last an hour on his own. We can't possibly expect Verato follow him everywhere to protect him." Hitomi said." Good point. Allen and I will start to teach him." Van suggested.Michael sat on the branch of a tree in the courtyard. Michael liked to be alone,and he needed to think. Everything had happened so fast, he wasn't sure what wasreal and what wasn't. Michael watched the girl, Vera, play with that cat-girlwith the pink hair. He had forgotten her name. Mainly, Michael watched Vera. Hethought she was attractive. He leaned back and wondered what the future held forhim." Hey Michael! Come here! I want to show you something!" Vera called. She didn'tseem to be very used to having people her own age around. Michael swung his legsover the branch and hopped down." What?" he asked. Vera held up what looked like a deck of cards." What are those?" Michael asked, curious." They're tarot cards. My mom taught me how to use them. Do you want me to giveyou a reading?" Vera knelt down and Michael followed her example." Sure." Michael said. He watched Vera draw cards and explain their meanings tohim." The overall reading is… That's odd." Vera frowned." What is it?" Michael asked." Well, your future holds a great challenge, a vow you must keep, awful danger,and ultimately, great success." Vera said dutifully." Awful danger? A vow? What does that mean?" Michael asked." I don't know. Maybe we should ask my mom. She's better at this than me." Verasuggested. Just then, Allen walked in. Michael had met Allen the night before." There you are. Michael, how would you like to learn to use a sword?" Allensuggested." A sword? Me?" Michael said. Boy, these people kept you on your toes." Well, there's the challenge." Vera said. She gathered her cards and walkedoff. Michael watched her and turned to Allen." I guess." Michael said. Allen tossed him a sheathed sword. Michael caught itand stared at it." What's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a sword before?" Allen asked with alaugh." Well, behind some glass in a museum." Michael responded. Allen rolled hiseyes." Oh yeah. You're from the Mystic Moon. Well, you look like you're smart andstrong. Do you work out?" Allen asked." I play on the basketball team. It's a sport." Michael explained before he wasasked. Allen nodded and proceeded to teach Michael the basics.Four months later…Michael sat in his favorite tree. His sword hung from his waist, and Michael wasconsidering sparring with it. Both of his instructors told him he had improvedgreatly, and he had a great deal of talent. Vera's reading from four months agocame to his mind. The challenge had presented itself, but Michael was baffled bythe rest. He raised his head to the sky. The huge Mystic Moon hung there.Michael wondered what his parents were doing. They were probably hoping he wasokay. Michael missed them in a strange way. He had never had a good strongrelationship with his parents like Vera, so it was odd that he would miss them.They had moved to America when he was a baby, but when he turned fifteen theymoved back to Japan. Michael had never forgiven them for it. He was still angryat them, but he wanted them to see him now. They had always worried that Michaeldidn't have enough self-esteem." Hey, Michael! Why do you always climb a tree?" Vera called up. Michael turnedhis gaze to the ground and saw her standing with her hands on her hips." Because I like it." He responded." Whatever," Vera said with a shrug. " Come on down. Let's spar." Michaelgrinned and jumped down from his perch. Vera drew her sword and Michael followedsuit. Michael had a trick up his sleeve that he wanted to try on Vera. Vera heldher sword out straight to her right side, the way she always started a swordfight. Michael mimicked her movements. Vera charged and Michael met her halfway.Now Michael put the major part of his new game plan into effect. Every movementVera made, no matter how slight, Michael copied. Vera realized what was going onand tried a couple of reckless charges. Michael simply followed suit and met herhalfway. Vera was now thoroughly confused. Michael's plan was working perfectly.Michael patiently mimicked her, waiting for her to leave an opening unguarded.Finally, Michael's patience paid off. Michael made his first independent moveand rushed at her. In a flash, Vera's sword was on the ground and so was Vera,with Michael's sword at her throat. The two teens gasped for a minute and thenMichael sheathed his sword and helped Vera up." Neat trick. Where'd you learn it?" Vera asked." I thought it up myself." Michael replied. Vera brushed her dark hair out ofher face. Her green eyes sparkled in the moonlight. A slight breeze picked upand Vera's dark blue shirt waved in the wind, revealing a small amount of tanskin. Vera raised her head to the moons." Do you miss it?" she asked, nodding toward the larger of the two." In a way. Really, I don't have anything to miss." Michael said. Vera ponderedthis for a moment." What about your parents?" she asked. Michael shrugged." I don't think we ever had a real relationship. Everything we had together theyforced on me." Michael silently added, and they never understood. Vera andMichael stood watching the stars and the moons together, unaware of how trueVera's reading was going to turn out to be.The next day…Michael had decided to try and become a Fanelian Knight, but he was unsure ofwhat duty he should take. An in-training knight's duty was something he solemnlyvowed to do for a long period of time. Usually, in-trainings chose service tothe King, but that didn't really suit Michael. At the moment, he was laying onVera's personal guymelif, Double Edge, and Vera was pacing in front of it. Merlesuddenly poked her head into the warehouse were the guymelifs were kept." Uh, Lady Vera, announcing Prince Zensho." Merle said, using her hands to tellVera to run for it." Oh no! Uh, see you Michael!" Vera called. She made a dash for the back door.She almost made it, but a black haired, pale young man walked in." Ah, Princess Vera. It's so nice to see you. I'm terribly sorry to keep youwaiting for so long, but I was detained. Important matters. They'd bore you todeath." The young man, obviously Prince Zensho, said. Michael rolled onto hisstomach and watched Vera in amusement." Hello, Zensho. Are you going to skip the small talk and cut to the chase, orare you going to talk my ears off?" Vera said gruffly. She crossed her arms andgave Zensho a look that said get moving buddy." Since when are you so eager for me to ask?" Zensho asked." Ask me and find out." Vera said enticingly." Okay." Zensho said, obviously pleased. " Princess Vera, will you do me thehonor of becoming my wife?" Michael twitched. He liked Vera and was surprisedthat someone would act so casual while proposing to such a girl." My answer is… NO!" Vera screamed the last part with all her might. Michaeltried not to laugh at Zensho's disappointed face. Zensho suddenly leaped at Veraand pushed her against a wall. He held her by the shoulders." I said, marry me." Zensho growled. Vera looked surprised. Michael stiffened." And I said no!" Vera cried. Zensho brought his face close to hers." That wasn't a question, it was an order." He said threateningly. Michaelhopped down from his position on Double edge and drew his sword quietly. Hestalked up behind Zensho swiftly and put the blade against his neck." Get your hands off the Princess." Michael growled at Zensho. Zensho had notbeen aware of Michael's presence and was shocked." What if I don't?" Zensho asked." Then I remove your head." Michael responded. Zensho let go of Vera and shookhimself from Michael's grasp. As he stalked out of the warehouse, Michael calledout to him." Don't ever do that again. Next time, I won't turn the blade outward." Micaellaughed at Zensho's enraged face. He turned to Vera, who was still leaningagainst the wall." You okay?" he asked her. Vera looked at him as if he was an angel from heaven.Her eyes were wide and she was gasping for breath." Thank you, Michael. Who knows what he might of done if you hadn't been here."She said. Tears suddenly streamed down her face and she rushed into Michael'sarms." Don't worry about it, Vera. He'll pay." Micahel said soothingly. He was inutter bliss with her in his arms. Vera quickly stepped away, dried her eyes, andjogged off to tell her father. Michael watched her and sighed.Vera was jogging around the courtyard. Flowers and tree limbs brushed her faceas she jogged past. She had a lot of energy to spare. Her mind wandered back tothe day before. Vera shuddered at the memory of Zensho's body pressed againsthers. She wondered for the millionth time why she rushed into Michael's arms,and what would have happened if he hadn't stepped in. Michael's words rang inher ears. Vera thought about Michael himself. After spending time with him, Verahad discovered that his hair wasn't blonde, it was sable. His eyes were bluelike the ocean Vera had never seen, but had been told about. He was tall andathletic. He had a strange habit of climbing trees and just sitting there.Michael himself suddenly strode confidently into the courtyard. Vera stoppedjogging and watched him go straight to his favorite tree. Michael cast Vera asingle sidelong glance and then turned his attention to the tree. Vera figuredthat he thought she was mad at him, since she hadn't spoken to him since theincident. In reality, Vera was embarrassed by her behavior. Vera sighed. Sheknew she cared about Michael, but that was not the area where she wasparticularly sure about herself. Vera returned to her jogging." Are you speaking to me?" Michael asked. So he did think that Vera was mad athim." Yes. I just haven't exactly had the chance to say anything." Vera replied.That wasn't too far from the truth. Vera hadn't seen Michael at all last night.What Michael didn't know was that Vera had purposely avoided him." Oh. Then I'll tell you something." Michael said, keeping his gaze carefullyturned away from Vera, even though she knew he was watching her. Vera stoppedjogging." What?" she asked." I chose my duty. You know, to be a knight." Michael said calmly." That's great! What did you pick?" Vera had been very interested in Michael'sprogress." You'll find out." Michael responded, jumping from his tree." When?" Vera asked, suddenly anxious and suspicious at the same time." Tomorrow." Michael said in voice that clearly stated that this conversationwas over. He walked away from Vera, back into the castle. Vera raised her eyesto see a setting sun. The light spilled over her, casting a twisted, deformedshadow behind her. Vera remembered the dream that had troubled her for a weeknow. The tarot card reading she had given Michael months ago came to her mind.So the challenge was learning to use a sword, the vow was his duty.Michael hadn't really gone into the castle. He stood in the shadows of thedoorway, watching Vera. He wondered what she would do when she learned what hischosen duty was. She would probably be mad at him. A hand suddenly graspedMichael's shoulder." You know, you probably picked the hardest possible duty. She can be prettyunruly." Van said. Michael sighed." I know. But I was there. I saw what Zensho tried to do. I also heard thatletter from the rebels. If there's war, she'll want to fight." Michael was sureof his choice." Yes, she will. I think I'm at fault." Van said sadly. Michael was shocked." You can't possibly blame yourself for the way she turned out." Michael said." No, not that," Van said with a frown. " I think she feels like she has toprove she's as good as me and Hitomi. I pushed her too hard when she was young,I think. She has her mother independence, and my reckless love of danger.Together, it's a dangerous mix." Van said. He turned away. Just before he left,he called back to Michael." Be careful, Michael. Hitomi is having visions, and I can tell that dreams arehaunting Vera. Something big is going to happen." Van said. Michael made noresponse. He had never seen for himself the power of Hitomi's visions and Vera'sdreams. The whole country and a couple others ran on whether or not Hitomi orVera had had a bad vision or dream. Michael turned back to Vera, who was alonewith her thoughts and the coming twilight. She was so beautiful, and she didn'teven try to be pretty. It was natural. Michael's heart hurt watching her. Shedressed like a boy, or actually like her father. Tan pants and a dark blueshirt. Her black hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail that fell just belowher shoulders. Long bangs fell attractively over her eyes, which were green likeemeralds. Michael's own sable hair was sleek and fell down level with his chin.He watched Vera with a heavy heart, wondering how he could care so much for agirl who was so very different.Vera watched the crowd and wondered nervously what Michael's duty was. Michaelstood not far away. Vera could feel his eyes on her. The dream, which had cometo her last night in a fury, floated unconsciously to her mind. One scene inparticular tortured her. Vera wanted to scream. Her mother leaned close to her." Dreams?" Hitomi asked. Vera nodded silently." I can't get them out of my head. Something big is coming." Vera whispered.Hitomi nodded." I had a horrible vision. The cards tell of disaster and nothing else." Hitomisaid. Vera swallowed her cold fear. She watched her father proceed with thenecessary ceremonies. Michael looked proud, but worried. She had known Michaellong enough to know he wasn't the type to get stage fright. She wondered whatwas on Michael's mind. Michael stepped forward to speak to the crowd, as wasrequired of him." People of Fanelia," Michael began. He had obviously rehearsed. " As my chosenduty, I have decided to become the personal guardian of Princess Vera." Thecrowd cheered at Michael's words, and Vera thought she would faint. " I promiseto you, the people, to the King and Queen, and to Princess Vera, that I will notfail." Michael drew his sword and turned to Vera. He pressed his own sword tohis neck and looked at Vera meaningfully. " I swear to you, Lady Vera, I willsacrifice my honor, my reputation, my chances at knighthood, and even my life toprotect you." Vera breathed in slowly. Michael was no longer reciting a speechAllen had helped him prepare. He really meant every word he was saying. Verawanted to scream at him, to tell him to go back where he came from. She didn'twant him to do this, he would only be hurt. The dream would come true if Veradidn't stop him. Vera snapped herself away from her thoughts and nodded numblyto Michael, to show that she understood and accepted his decision. But shedidn't accept it. Don't you understand, Vera asked him silently, you will onlybe hurt, I only want to stop this dream from coming true and save your life,because I care. Vera felt the cold feeling of darkness wash over her. Her kneesbuckled and Vera fell to the ground. Just before she blacked out, Michael'sconcerned face floated to her line of vision. I just want to save you, shethought, and then the darkness took her.Vera opened her eyes. Darkness was all around her." Not this again!" Vera screamed. Her voice fell dead in the air. There was nofloor under her feet, no walls, just blackness. Vera began to cry, knowing whatawaited her. Fire ripped through the darkness, literally tearing it. Brokenguymelifs came to Vera's eyes. The castle that she had lived in all her life layin ruins. Two guymelifs, battered from battle, stood side by side. One of themwas Double Edge, Vera's guymelif. The other was a strange one, with metal wingscoming from the shoulders. A voice floated to Vera's ears." I can't see them anymore." The voice was Vera's." Give it up, Vera. We lost." Michael's voice drifted from the winged guymelif." We're alive, aren't we?" Vera said sarcastically." Barely. And we're the only ones." Michael said seriously. The real Vera waspraying that someone would wake her up so that she wouldn't have to see therest." Besides, we don't know if the enemy is really gone." Michael pointed out.Suddenly, a metal claw shot out of thin air, straight at the dream Vera. Michaelreacted by throwing himself in front of her, taking the hit right through thechest." Michael!" the dream Vera screamed. The real Vera screamed also, in rage andsorrow and utter helplessness. The fire suddenly rose, blocking the twoguymelifs and their owners inside them from sight. The fire rose and swallowedthe real Vera in its blistering heat. Pain tore through Vera's body. The fireslowly drew back, and Vera felt seperated from her body. This part of the dreamwas new. Vera looked and saw her own battered, beaten and burned body clutchingthe still, dead body of Michael. Tears rolled down Vera's body's face. Veraherself screamed." Let me go!" Vera screamed. But there was no one to release her from herprison, just miles of darkness and an echo.Michael watched helplessly as Vera jerked in her sleep. He felt so guilty.Hitomi and Van had tried to comfort him by saying that this had all happenedbefore and Vera would be fine. Millerna checked Vera's pulse." Still the same. Don't worry, Michael. Vera's fainted from visions before. Youknow, if she wasn't so strong, I think all her dreams and visions would havebroken her long before now." Millerna was trying to comfort him, but Michaeljust wanted Vera to wake up. Michael had nearly died of fright when Vera hadjust collapsed. Vera cried out in her sleep." Let me… Go." Vera moaned softly. Michael took her hand and held it. He lookedbehind him to see if Millerna was gone. When he saw that she was, Michaelreached out and pushed a lock of hair out of Vera's face. His fingers gentlycaressed her face. Vera's brow scrunched up with some kind of effort from thedream she was having. Michael used a cloth Millerna had left to wipe theperspiration from her forehead. While he was doing this, Vera woke up. Michaellooked at her in shock. Vera sat up quickly." Vera, are you-" Michael started. Before he could finish, Vera broke down intowild sobs." Michael, it was horrible! It was burning, it all burned! Even I burned!" Veracried wildly. Michael put his arms around her and held her close." Ssshhh. It's okay, Vera. I'm here. I'm here. It's all over. It was just adream." Michael knew that the others had heard Vera's cries and had come in, buthe no longer cared. Vera buried her face in his chest and cried. Michael strokedher hair and continued to make soothing noises he remembered his mother usingwhen he had a nightmare." It wasn't just a dream, Michael. It was a vision. It will come true, if Idon't stop it." Vera looked up from Michael's arms at her family. " It willburn. Fanelia will burn. Austuria will burn. Fried will burn. All Gaea willburn. I saw it." Vera said. She shuddered in Michael's arms. " It hurt so much.It burned. I was helpless. All I could do was watch my own body burn and feelthe pain." Vera sobbed again and hid her face in Michael's chest. Hitomi steppedforward and rubbed her daughter's back." She's right. I saw it in my visions too. A letter will come. It will be fromthe rebels on the northern border. They will declare war. The Death card reignsin all my tarot readings. We must arm ourselves." Michael listened in disbelief.He had never heard anyone he thought to be sane predict the future with suchperfect faith. He had also never seen anyone take such things seriously. Van andAllen snapped into action." I want the guard doubled." Van proclaimed to two sentinels standing by thedoor. They nodded." I want the army from Austuria and Fanelia to report here tomorrow, or as soonas possible." Allen snapped." Send a letter to Fried. The Prince there knows and respects the power of theirvisions." Van said in a rough voice. Michael could tell he was mentally sizingup his foe." And send letters to all our other allies. Tell them of the predicament." Allenadded." And we want to know the second that letter from the rebels arrives," Vanclosed the series of orders. The sentinels rushed off to see that the orderswere carried out. The two men left the room to plan and prepare. Millerna rushedoff to fill out orders for more medicine than was really needed, but shebelieved it was better to be safe than sorry. Hitomi sighed." I'll leave you two alone, if you want." She offered. Michael tried to bluffhis way out of looking like he wanted this, but Hitomi just laughed." I can see right through that yarn. Besides, I don't think Vera minds." Hitominodded to Vera who was silently sitting in Michael's grasp. Quite suddenly, Verapulled away from Michael and lay down on her bed. She was instantly asleep.Michael sighed." You go, Hitomi. I'll stay with her." He offered. Hitomi shook her head." No, you've been with since she fainted. I'll give you a break." She said. Theway she said it, there was no way Michael could argue. Michael suddenly feltboxed in, like he was trapped in the room. He nodded to Hitomi and ran from theroom. Michael burst into the courtyard. What Vera and Hitomi had predicted hadupset something deep inside Michael. He slowly realized that he had grown veryattached to this world and its inhabitants. Especially the royals. Vera inparticular. Michael froze in his place. He wondered why he wanted so much toprotect Vera, why he had vowed to do so. Michael looked up at the Mystic Moonand accepted that now he would probably never see his parents again. It wasn'tthat hard to accept. Michael suddenly realized why he was doing this. He was inlove with Vera.Vera was not really asleep, and Hitomi seemed to know." You can stop pretending to be asleep, Michael's gone." Hitomi said gently.Vera started to cry." What's the matter with me, Mom? Why'd I do that?" Vera sobbed quietly." Do what?" Hitomi asked, confused." Why'd I let him hold me like that? It's the second time! I keep flying to hisarms, and I don't know why." Vera continued to sob. Hitomi waited patientlyuntil the sobs quit." Vera, I think Michael feels very deeply for you. Do you care about him?"Hitomi asked." No. Yes. I don't know, Mom! I'm so confused." Vera sighed shakily. " Why didhe promise to protect me? He'll get hurt. I don't want him to get hurt. I wantto protect Fanelia from that awful vision. And I don't want anyone I love to behurt." Hitomi smiled gently at her daughter. Vera was stating things she knew soshe could try and put it together." Does Michael fall under that category?" she asked. Vera shrugged." I don't know. I don't want to love anyone that way! Not yet. I just want… Oh,I don't know." Vera lay down again. She couldn't hide how she truly felt fromHitomi and she knew it. Vera really did care about Michael, but she felt thatthat kind of care was like totally depending on someone, and Vera didn't like tobe dependent. Vera climbed out of bed." I'm going to go run around one of the courtyards. I think better while I'mrunning." Vera sauntered out of the room. She chose the courtyard carefully,making sure she was alone. She checked every tree, looked in every corner. Whenshe was positive Michael wasn't there, she began to run. She ran as fast and aslong as her body could withstand, until she dropped from exhaustion. Vera pantedand drank greedily from a stream. Then she got up and ran again. Vera had alwaysloved speed and loved to push body to the most extreme limits, pulling for morespeed, more time, more anything. What Vera was trying to do was pretend that shewas flying on the wings hidden in her shoulders. Her beautiful white wings. Shewasn't good at controlling them and they often came out when she was running.Vera wondered what Michael would say if he saw them. He would probably think shewas a monster, like everyone else had thought of her family. Few people who knewof the Atlantis blood in her veins had accepted it. And having a girl from theMystic Moon for a mother did not help. Vera collapsed again. Sweat poured downher face. Vera looked up at the high castle wall and stood. Vera obliged to theurge to let her wings rip out. Her blue shirt ripped. Vera didn't care. Shestretched the tender muscles, pushing the wings out to their full length, a spanof about ten feet. Vera gently pumped her wings up and down. A sudden memoryrose in her mind from long ago…A little girl, about four years old, in a blue shirt and shorts stood amid thegreenery of a courtyard, holding her hands above her head." Again, Daddy, again!" she cried. Van Fanel smiled down at the girl." Okay, Vera. But hold on tight, or you'll fall and hurt your leg worse." Vancautioned. Vera nodded. Her leg was bandaged. Van brought his left wing downwithin Vera's grasp. The tiny girl clutched the wing and giggled as Van liftedher into the air." Higher, Daddy!" Vera cried happily. Van continued to lift her until she was ashigh as he could reach. Vera laughed." I'm up so high! Daddy, look at me! I'm flying!" Vera laughed some more. Shewas about ten feet off the ground. Suddenly, miniature wings shot out of Vera'sshoulders. Van's eyes widened but Vera didn't notice anything happened. Verabegan to loose her grip." Daddy!" Vera cried as she began to fall. Van expertly caught her in his rightwing. Vera laughed amid the soft, white feathers, and then noticed her ownwings." Oh, Daddy, look! I have wings just like you!" Vera said happily. Van let herslide to the ground." Vera, you always had wings." Van told her." I did?" Vera asked, astonished. " Where were they? How come I didn't seethem?"" They were hidden. The wings hide in your shoulders, like this." Van showed herby hiding his own wings. Vera nodded." Now you do it. Just concentrate, and picture it happening." Van told hersoftly. Slowly, her wings returned to her shoulders. After they were hidden,Vera looked up at her father." Why do they hide?" she asked. Van frowned." We have to hide them, because people don't understand. They'll say bad thingsif they see your wings." Van said slowly. Vera looked puzzled." Why don't people understand, Daddy?" Vera asked." People are afraid of what they don't understand. They don't see that havingwings is just fine, it's the way you're born. So they're afraid of people thathave wings." Van finished. Vera seemed to understand." So we have to hide our wings." Vera sighed. " That's sad. They're so pretty."" I know. Never let anyone see your wings. Always hide them." Van warned." Yes, Daddy."Vera looked up at the sky as her wings went back to their hiding place. Hergreen eyes were filled with longing. For what, Vera didn't know.Van looked at the piece of paper in his hands. He turned his gaze to his wifeand sighed." Right as always." He said sadly. No one in the room wanted Hitomi to be rightthis time, even Hitomi had been praying she was wrong. Van looked around him." They declared war on us. Just as Hitomi and Vera predicted." Van informedthem. Allen's eyes saddened." War. All Gaea's been in peace since the war with Ziboch. And these guys thinkthey have the right to come along and break that up?" Allen sighed. Van knew hewas remembering, the same as everyone else." Fanelia wasn't as strong then as it is now. And now Fanelia is a member of theAlliance. One of the three most powerful nations in the Alliance." Hitomireminded everyone. No one was pleased." War." Van whispered. He remembered the battles, the horror, the pain. He alsoremembered the fire." There will be fire." Van said. " Vera won't be able to take it." Everyonenodded. Vera was afraid of fire. She had every reason to be.It had been a cool autumn day. Vera was five years old, and her father had takenher out to the market. They were going to meet Hitomi and go on a picnic in thewoods. After they found Hitomi, Van and his wife walked through the woods withtheir daughter in between them. Sometimes they lifted her up, making her giggle.The family settled down in a clearing to eat. Vera ran into the woods to play.Her proud parents watched her. Hitomi lay down for a nap and Van sparred a fewyards away. The scent of burning wood drifted to Van's nostrils. Van ignored itsince a lot of people burned wood around that area. Hitomi suddenly awoke." Vera's in trouble." Hitomi said calmly. Van didn't reply. Instead, he ran intothe woods to find his daughter. Fire suddenly surrounded him." Daddy! Mommy!" A child's cry went up from nearby. Van ran toward it and foundhis daughter racing with all her strength to avoid the flames." Daddy, it burns!" Vera sobbed, flinging herself into her father's arms. Vancarried Vera and Hitomi used her pendant to find the right direction and theburnt and battered family found their way back from burning abyss.Van opened his eyes. The flashback was so detailed, it might have beenyesterday. Vera had limped away with horrible burns on her shoulders and leftleg. She still wore the scars. Van stared sadly at his friends and wife. Firewas Vera's greatest fear.Michael wondered what Vera was up to. He hadn't seen her since yesterday, aftershe had awoken from her dream. He knew she was probably avoiding him. Michaelalso knew that after tonight, he would never stray far from Vera's side. He hadvowed to protect her, and he would do just that. The news of war had rockedFanelia. The army was training furiously. The navy in Austuria was outfittingits ships. The Crusade and its sister, the Crusade II, were being repaired andoufitted for battle. The guymelifs were being freshened up. Van had ordered thatMichael have his own guymelif built. The giant structure was nearly finished.Michael had asked to put a custom design on it and had been granted permissionto do so. Now angel wings rose from the guymelif's shoulders. Michael haddecided to name it Arch Angel, after its purpose, to protect Vera as an archangel protects heaven, and after the meaning of his own name. The wings could beused as a weapon when the guymelif spun around quickly. Michael sat in his tree.Normally he was content to sit and think, but now he longed for Vera to be near.A dark figure looked out a window." If we take the capital of Austuria," a male voice said. " Then we disable theentire Alliance. I wonder if the Alliance will comply when I ask for my pay. Ofcourse they will, even though they will do their best to protect her. I willhave Princess Vera for my own." Prince Zensho stepped from the shadows and gazedout the window at the Austurian capital." First, I must kill Allen Schezar and Princess Millerna. After that, seizingthe capital will be easy. I will have control of Gaea's strongest navy and twostrongest armies. Then, Fanelia will be down to its guymelif force and nationalguard. The nation will be on its knees. Then I will make my demand." Zenshosmiled. The memory of the blonde boy who had defended Vera was in his mind." I will also kill that boy. So Vera will be at my mercy. Hah! Bye-bye, prettyboy!" Zensho laughed madly.Vera stepped on the Crusade II. Michael was close at her heels. She felt hispresence near her." So, Michael, Vera, Merle, and Zam, you kids have the Crusade II. The rest ofus, including the King and Queen, will be on the Crusade. You guys have a crewof thirty under your command. Vera, you know how to run this floating tub."Gatis, Allen's second in command, told them. Michael stepped up to Vera's side." So we just play follow the leader?" he asked. Gatis nodded." Yeah, that's it. Just follow us. The boss will board this ship if we have togo into battle. Your guymelifs and enough for the crew are in the docking bay."Gatis turned to leave. The boss was Allen. Gatis exited the ship and Vera leadher little troop of four to the control bridge. Michael stumbled a little behindher. The Crusade II was taking off. Vera stormed into the control room andpeered out the window to see the Crusade was already in the air and leaving thebay. The Crusade II was following suit. Vera was not worried. Like anyone withAtlantis blood, she was not afraid of heights. Also, she had lived her firstyear on the Crusade and learned to walk on it, so her air legs came ready foruse. Michael probably did not have these advantages. Sure enough, as the CrusadeII accelerated, Michael fell on his butt." Ow!" he cried. Vera laughed." You'll get your air legs in a little while." She called to them. She lookedover to see Merle sitting calmly and Zam crouched down with his ears laid back,claws outstretched, and eyes wide. Vera laughed with Merle at the boys, andwatched the ground grow farther away. Vera turned her gaze to the Crusade,flying about a third of a mile ahead of them." Go as fast as them and stay directly in line with the Crusade. Don't stray."Vera ordered the crew. Vera wasn't worried at all. This was just a routine runto Austuria and back. So why did she have a bad feeling about the whole thing.Michael sat at a window and watched the Crusade ahead of them. It was justflying, the same as they were. Overall, Michael found the whole thing dull. Aroutine run. Van's voice telling him the conditions of their predicament rang inMichael's head. Just a routine run, Van had said. Something they had to do tocheck up on the navy and the armies and maybe they would stop in Fried andrequest assistance. Fried would be more than happy to oblige, since the royaltythere had been saved by Fanelia and Austuria numerous times. Vera seemednervous, so Michael was worried. Michael looked up and saw that Vera was nowherein sight. Michael stood to find her. After quite a few stumbles, Michael foundher sparring in the dock, just beneath Double Edge." What?" Vera asked without emotion." I'm supposed to be at your side all the time." Michael said. He tried givingher a grin but Vera either didn't see it or was ignoring him. She lunged at aninvisible foe and stood alone. Michael wanted very much to say something to her,but all he could do was ask something very far from what he wanted." Want a sparring partner?" He asked. Vera nodded. Michael drew his sword andwalked up to her, starting about five yards away. Their battle raged. Michaeldecided not to pull his mimic trick on her this time. Vera looked so focusedthat it probably wouldn't have worked. The two rushed and met half way.Michael's face was inches from Vera's. The two teens froze and looked into eachothers eyes. Michael felt a connection between them. He felt his body inch alittle bit closer to Vera. Just then, the Crusade II jarred and Michael fell tohis knees." What was that?" he cried. Vera looked up, broken from her sparring trance." I don't know. Let's go!" Vera shouted. Michael climbed to his feet andfollowed Vera to the control room. The pilot turned at their arrival." We're being attacked!" he cried. Michael gasped and Vera moaned." Where's the Crusade? Allen's supposed to board if something went wrong." Veraasked." The enemy has driven the Crusade out of sight. Our only hope is to turn tailand run." One of the crew members stated." Run? I don't think so. We fight!" Vera cried. Michael knew Vera was making amistake." Vera, we're not equipped for battle. Only the Crusade's got enough to fight.He's right, we'd better turn and run." Michael advised. Vera considered and thennodded." Okay. All power to the engines, I want all the speed this tub can muster.Let's get back to the castle and set up defense if they follow." Vera ordered.The Crusade II swung hard. Another bone-jarring crash slammed the ship." Ahh! We're hit!" cried Merle. Zam grabbed her and the two of them stoodtogether. Michael stepped in front of Vera protectively. Darkness enveloped theship." We've lost one engine, and we're losing fuel fast. We don't have enough in theother tanks to get back to Fanelia." A man at the control console stated." Even if we did have enough fuel, we couldn't find our way. The navigationalsystem is down." The navigator cried. Michael summed this up quickly." So in other words, we'd better land somewhere before something really badhappens!" he yelled." You heard him! Find a place to land before this crate goes down!" Vera yelled.The pilot pulled toward a large clearing in the forest below them." We're losing altitude too fast! Slow us down!" a crew member yelled to anotherat the helm." I can't! Not enough fuel left!" the other replied. Merle screamed." We're gonna crash! Everyone grab onto something!" Vera screamed. Michaelgrabbed Vera's arm and pulled her close to him. He grabbed a handle in the walland used his body to protect Vera. Screams surrounded him. Blackness suddenlygrabbed Michael and he passed out.Vera opened her eyes. She was laying on something cold and hard. Her head hurtcrazily and there was something very heavy on top of her. Vera realized it wasMichael, and he was unconscious. Vera shook him." Hey, get off me, ya big lug." Vera yelled. Michael woke up and pushed himselfup. Then he leaned down and pulled Vera up." A lug, huh?" he said sarcastically. The crew began to wake up, and everyonereported no serious injuries. Zam woke and said he had Merle with him and shewas still asleep. Just then, Merle woke up." Ow! Oh, it hurts! My leg hurts! Oh, it really hurts!" Merle screamed. Her tailpuffed out to twice its normal size. Vera rushed over. One glance, even in thedim light, told her that Merle's leg was broken. Two thin metal bars and aripped shirt provided a splint. A first aid kit held some pain-killer that tidedMerle over enough to get her to stop whining. Vera loved Merle like a sister,but that cat-girl could complain. Vera was ready to tranquilize Merle just toshut her up. After Merle was taken care of, Vera suggested that she and Michaeltake their guymelifs and a few crew members to scout the area. Michael neitheragreed nor disagreed, and everyone else thought it was a good idea, so Verastarted up Double Edge and Michael, who had operated a guymelif but never thebrand-new Arch Angel, took a little longer than everybody else. The groupstarted off, five guymelifs moving as silently as possible. Zam rode on ArchAngel's shoulder. He had been brought because of his knowledge of foreign lands." Well, we're just inside the border of Austuria. There should be a lake to theeast of us where we can camp. If we keep going east, there's a village where wecan get supplies, fuel, and repairments for the Crusade II. We might even beable to find the others." Zam said. Vera considered this." We should keep going. Someone will go back and tell the crew and Merle wherewe're going. The rest of us will go to the village and come back in a day or twowith supplies." Vera verbally planned." Wait, how will we pay for the stuff?" Michael asked. Everything was silent." You're right. We're broke. I guess we should all turn back and see what we canfind on the ship." The troop of guymelifs turned and walked back to the ship.Once inside, Merle greeted them with the most energetic hugs and kisses possiblefor a cat-girl with a broken leg. The whole crew turned the ship upside down,but Zam sadly proclaimed that nothing they found that they could spare was worthenough. Michael offered his spare sword and Vera happily offered some dressesher mother had made her bring. But nothing was worth enough." No matter what we do, we're broke. We might afford some food, but then we'llreally be broke. We're better off if we hold onto all this in case of anemergency." Zam said sadly." Are you sure?" the pilot asked." I'm sure. I've traded in this town before. They hardly pay at all forhigh-quality stuff." Zam frowned." Well, we should stay here then," Michael said, glancing around the dark ship." We've got protection and weapons, so we're not defenseless. We've got somefood, and we can go hunt and gather fruit in the forest, so we won't starve. Andthere's a good chance that the people on the Crusade saw us go down, so they'llcome looking for us. We'd better be here when they come, or they'll be worried."Michael looked at Vera, who nodded." Okay, make yourself at home, guys. Michael, Zam, help me get Merle to herroom." Vera said. The three of them took turns carrying Merle to her room. Afterleaving Zam with her, Michael followed Vera to the docking bay. All the thingsthat had been gathered to sell were piled there. Vera yanked out her sword andturned to Michael." Shall we continue?" she asked. Michael didn't respond but drew his sword. Thesparring continued for nearly an hour. It consisted of blind rushes and longpauses. After they quit, Vera sat down abruptly and watched Michael while hesheathed his sword. Michael gasped and stared at Vera from the corner of hiseye. Michael wondered what thoughts went on behind those green eyes.Vera watched Michael. No one had won the sparring match. Vera usually cared andasked for a rematch when there was a tie, but this time she was content to watchMichael. He breathed hard and watched her from the corner of his eye. Veraremembered right before the Crusade II had gone down, the strange minute whenshe had felt connected to Michael. Vera was extremely confused. Michael turnedand looked her in the eye. Vera, still unsure of her feelings toward Michael,turned away. She heard him sigh and leave the docking bay. When she was sure hewas gone, Vera buried her face in her arms. She lifted her gaze to Double Edge,towering lifelessly above her. Vera remembered the stories she had been toldabout Escaflowne, the great guymelif her father had used in many victoriousbattles. He had Escaflowne with him, on the Crusade. Like everyone else in herimmediate family, Vera knew her father could change Escaflowne into a dragon.She hoped he would do this and come looking for the Crusade II. Vera, unlikeMichael, knew this was really their only chance at being rescued. Vera stood andmade her way to her quarters. Once safely inside, she pulled out the tarot cardsher mother had let her bring. Hitomi herself had the pendant, so Vera wasn'tworried about her parents not knowing where they were. Vera gave herself areading, but what she found did not cheer her up. The Death card reigned, andall she could see was misfortune and pain. In frustration, Vera gathered up thecards and threw them against her door. She stared at the scattered cards inanger." Why can't you let my family live in peace?" she asked the cards angrily. Shelooked down and saw the Death card at her feet. Resisting the urge to stomp onit, Vera knelt and picked it up. She stared angrily at the blackness on thecard. Vera tossed the card to the pile of scattered ones and turned away. Veralooked out the window, praying for a sign of hope in the darkening skies. Shesaw none. Looking at the reflection, Vera saw a girl with pitch black hair,startling green eyes, and a tan complexion staring back. She turned away andflopped down on her bed." I'm so confused." She murmured to herself. Someone knocked on the door." Vera, who you talking to?" Michael's voice drifted through." The stupid cards." Vera replied angrily." Oh. You decent?" Michael asked." In body, but not in mind." Vera said sullenly. Michael opened the door andcame in. He looked at the cards on the floor." I see someone had a tantrum." Michael said, nodding to the cards." Shut up." Vera growled. Michael gathered the cards up and made a neat deck." What would it mean if I draw just one?" Michael asked." All depends what you want an answer to." Vera said without emotion. She didn'ttrust her voice. Michael shrugged. He drew a single card and held it up for Verato see." The Moon card. You have love and unity after a great trial." Vera told him.Love and unity. That sounded nice to Vera. Michael looked as if he got theanswer he wanted. He turned toward the window." Looks like it's going to be a starry night, complete with pretty moons." Hecommented. Vera nodded. She remembered the night he had stood close to her andwatched the moons and the stars with her. He had told her about his world, whereonly one moon hung in the night sky, where guymelifs didn't exist but carts thatdidn't need animals to draw them did. Vera imagined her mother growing up insuch a world, oblivious for so long that another world existed. The thought madeVera feel sad. Michael turned to Vera." Remember that reading you gave me four months ago?" Michael asked." Yeah." Vera said cautiously." What do you think? The challenge was learning to use a sword, the vow was myduty. Do think the war is the danger?" Michael said. Vera mentally put togetherMichael's reading from a minute ago with the one from four months ago." The war is and isn't the danger," she said distantly. " The war is only partof the danger. I think keeping the vow is the other part. And with the greatsuccess, you will get the love and unity." Vera breathed deeply and turned awayfrom Michael. She didn't want him to see the weakness in her tear-filled eyes.Vera stared out the window at the rising moons. Go back, she pleaded silently,go back so I won't have to hurt you. You don't know what a danger I am to you. Ijust want to save you. I'm not sure, but I think I love you. Vera blinked backthe tears. Michael saw in her reflection in the window." What's the matter?" he asked. He came forward and put his hands on Vera'sshoulders. " Was it something I said?"" No." Vera answered blankly. She searched for a valid reason for her to seemupset. " I'm just… worried about my parents." No, it was something you promisedto do, Vera silently added. Suddenly, Vera was overcome by the urge to eat." I'm hungry. You wanna go grab some dinner?" Vera suggested. Michael seemed alittle surprised." Uh, sure." He said. Vera jogged to the galley with Michael close behind. Theyfound Merle sitting in a chair eating some kind of meat." Hi, guys." Merle offered. Vera waved and dug into some food cartons. Shewasn't sure what she was looking for, but she wanted something sweet. Vera wasnormally a very healthy eater, but right now she wanted lots of junk food." What are you looking for?" Merle asked." I don't know. All of the sudden, I have this urge for sweets. Lots of sweets."Vera called, now submerging the whole top half of her body in the carton, withthe bottom half dangling out. Merle laughed." Michael, could you leave us alone for a minute? I think I need to have a girltalk with Vera." Merle said. Michael grabbed an apple and began to walk out.Just then, Vera fell into the carton." Ow!" she cried. Merle laughed and Michael shook his head and walked out thedoor. After he left, Merle watched Vera climb out of the carton, arms full ofsweets." Uh-huh. I knew it." Merle said as Vera began to shove the food into her mouth.Vera looked up and swallowed." Knew what?" Vera asked." You're depressed aren't you?" Merle said knowingly. Vera nodded. " That's whyyou want to eat junk food. It's a female instinct. Whenever we get depressed, weeat whatever we can find to get our minds off whatever's depressing us." Verathought this over while digging into a sweet fruit." Well, does it go for complete confusion too?" she asked. Merle nodded." Yeah. Want to tell me about it? Your mother and I used to sneak into eachother's rooms and eat ourselves sick while we talked about our problems. Thatwas just before you were born." Merle said. Vera could imagine her mother,swollen up with Vera inside, sitting on a bed, confessing her sorrows to Merlewhile wolfing down all sorts of junk food. Vera sighed." I'm messed up, Merle." Vera began. She told Merle everything. After she wasdone, Merle sat silently for a minute." Do you care about him?" Merle asked quietly. Vera looked sadly at the emptyfood packages." I think. It's like I said, Merle. I'm so confused, I don't even know what Ireally want anymore." Vera said, heading toward another carton to ransack itfrom all the junk food it had. Vera felt Merle watch her. Vera came back andoffered Merle some sweets." You know, maybe you should give the guy a chance." Merle suggested, her mouthfull of cookies." Maybe." Vera admitted. Before Vera could stop her, Merle reached out andpulled out Vera's ponytail holder. Black hair tumbled over Vera's shoulders." Hey, give that back!" Vera cried, lunging at Merle. Merle laughed and held theponytail holder out of Vera's reach." Merle, I mean it! Give it back!" Vera shouted. The two of them wrestled untilMichael walked in. The girls froze. Michael grinned." Watch out for Merle's leg." He told Vera. Michael grabbed another apple andwalked out. The girls continued to fight for the ponytail holder. The end resultwas Merle calmly putting it back in Vera's hair, and Vera sitting happily infront of Merle's chair on the floor. After Vera stood, she bent down and gaveMerle a hug." Thanks, Merle. You always know just how to cheer me up." Vera whispered. Herold playmate smiled and ruffled Vera's hair. Vera walked out the room feelingmuch better than when she went in. Vera returned to her quarters to find hertarot cards laid neatly on her bed, the Moon card on top, face up. Vera walkedover to the cards and saw a note next to the deck. Vera picked up the note andread it.Vera,I know that worrying about your parents wasn't what had you upset. If it was me,I'm sorry. I thought that we were good enough friends for you to be able to talkto me. But I'm sure you had a good reason not to. You're one of the only friendsI've got here, so you know I value you dearly. I just want you to know that I'mhere if you need me.Yours forever,MichaelVera smiled to herself and held the paper close to her heart." I know you're there for me, Michael," she whispered to herself. " That's whyI'm still here."Michael stared sullenly out the control room window. It had been ten days sincethe Crusade II had gone down. Ten days of sparring, eating, hunting for morefood, sleeping, talking to friends, daydreaming, and watching for some sign thatthose on the Crusade were looking for them. Michael sighed. Vera had neverspoken to him about the note he had left in her quarters ten days back. Hewondered if she had liked it or not. She didn't seem to be mad at him. Actually,she had been unusually pleasant. Merle's leg was healing very quickly, and Zamexplained that cat-people heal quicker than common people. Michael watched thesky and wished he could work up the courage to tell Vera how he really felt. Thedoor behind him opened." Who is it?" Michael asked." Me." Vera's voice answered. Michael resisted the urge to wheel around and faceher." What are you looking for?" Vera asked." Anything that says we might be able to get out of here." Michael answered.Vera stepped up next to him. Michael could feel her body near his." My parents will come." Vera said confidently. If only I could be thatconfident, Michael thought.Van stared sadly at his wife, hunched over a map with her pendant. Now and againshe slumped in despair, only to get back up again and continue to try and useher powers and find where the Crusade II had gone down. Allen stepped up besidehim." She's been going at it for nine days now. She only stops to eat and sleep.This isn't healthy for her, Van." Allen said quietly." I know. I've tried nine billion times to get her to stop, but she won't do it.She's got that look in her eye, so I'm not going to try and force her." Vanreplied, his voice equally quiet but quivering in sorrow. His daughter wassomewhere out in land that the rebels had captured and his wife was wastingaway, trying to find her. Allen suddenly reached up and wiped some tears fromhis eyes." This reminds me of when my mother died. I don't know if I'll be able to takemuch more of this." Allen murmured. Van nodded. Allen's mother had wasted away,the way Hitomi was, after his sister, Serena, had disappeared. Serena had beenfound, but Allen's mother was gone forever. Van watched Hitomi. Suddenly, sheslumped and began to cry. Van ran forward." I'm sorry, Vera! I can't do it! I just can't!" Hitomi sobbed. Van pulled herto him." It's okay, Hitomi. I'll take Escaflowne out and look for them. You get somerest and then you can try again." Van said soothingly. He realized that Hitomihad been so exhausted, she had fallen asleep in his arms. Van carried Hitomi tobed and then left her in Allen and Millerna's care. In the next fifteen minutes,Van was directing Escaflowne in its dragon form, flying over a vast span offorest. He spotted the glimmer of metal in the distance and sped toward it. Hewas sure it was the Crusade II, but he couldn't see any signs of life comingfrom it. Maybe they had abandoned it, or worse, been captured. Van flew closer.He just prayed he wasn't too late.Vera stood close to Michael in the control room, wondering what he was thinkingabout. She was about to suggest they go to the docking bay and spar, when shesaw something black against the clear blue skies." Hey, Michael, do you see that?" Vera asked, squinting at the dot." See what?" Michael said. Vera pointed at the dot, which was rapidly growinglarger, and Michael said he saw it." What is that?" Michael said. Vera looked hard at the dot, which had now takenon a shape. Something clicked in Vera's mind." Oh, my… Could it be?" Vera ran up and pushed her face against the window. " Itis! It's Dad! He came! He finally came!" Vera was screaming now, running downthe halls and yelling the news to the others, an astonished Michael at herheals. The whole group of thirty four people, Merle in Zam's arms, ran out ofthe Crusade II. Merle knew just how to get Van's attention." Watch and learn." She said to everyone. " LOOORRRD VVVAAAANNN!" Merlescreamed. The dragon shaped Escaflowne instantly turned toward them and came infor a landing. Upon landing, the dragon changed into the magnificent Escaflowneitself, totally stunning Michael, Zam, and the crew, who had never seen such aguymelif. Van leaped out and received a huge hug from Vera and the waitingMerle. He couldn't take them back with him, but he could bring the Crusade totheir location. Van left soon after he had come, shouting promises to come backwith the Crusade as fast as he could fly. After he left the crew, Zam, and Merlewent inside. Vera stayed with Michael." It's over. We're as good as saved." Michael said." Not really. There's still the whole war to fight." Vera shivered. War meantfire, and to Vera, fire meant fear. Michael's hand accidentally bumped intoVera's. Vera wasn't sure that it was accidental. Vera stood beside him, watchingthe sky she wished she could soar into on the wings hidden in her shoulders.Maybe, Vera thought, if I ever do fly, I'll take Michael.