SoF: Hey all, this is my first ever SQ fan fic. For a while I was wondering whether I should post it or not. But since I found out about the passing of Jonathan Bradis, I felt that I should post this. This all I basically have of this, I hope ya'll like, and please review.
~Not Alone~
Of all the things to be called to the mainland for, this wasn't what I was expecting. It was two weeks ago that I got a message saying that my mother had been killed in a car accident. Though I went to the funeral, there was still more. Apparently, it was shortly after SeaQuests disappearance that my mother gave birth. For some reason my parents had decided to have some certain 'things' set aside if they ever wanted another child. It seems that after my fathers death that my mother got lonely since my father nor I were around.
Shaking my head, I again looked at the report that I was given on this sibling of mine. Looking it over I came to find that she was a little over ten years old, and was very much like myself at that age... that is in the intelligance department. Looking over the report again I was sadened to find that because of loosing me also, my mother ended up drinking and abusing my unknown sister. After that was found out she was placed in foster homes. There was a long list of different homes that she was placed in and taken out of. And the reason she was taken out of all of them was abuse in some form or another.
Looking up I came to find that I was at the hospital that I was told of where to find her. It seems that the last home she came back from she had gotten a broken arm, a cuncussion and numerous cuts and bruises.
Making my way to the counter I asked as to where I could find her room. I was told the room number and where to go . I was some feet away from the door that had the number I was told, when a woman stood up from a chair near to the room and stopped me.
"You must be Mr. Wolenczak." The woman was a head shorter then me with straight brown hair and brown eyes.
"Yes. I was informed of... the condition of my sister a few days ago. I had to wait until shore leave to come." I said as I shook the womans hand. At my explanation she nodded.
"I understad that you're a seamen Mr. Wolenczak. While you were to come mainland I spoke with you're superiors about what should be done with who takes care of your sister. After they looked threw the girls report on past experiences with foster homes they agreed that you would be taking care of her aboard seaquest."
At hearing this I was a bit stunned. I would be taking care of a ten-year-old girl, while at the same time working aboard seaquest? And Hudson agreed to this?!
"Ahem, well I see that you're a bit shocked about this, but please do this. I've met this girl only once before and that was after it was found out you were alive. when she heard about you she said that she hoped you would take of her... Just talk with her for a little while."
Looking down at this woman I could see that she was practically pleading with me. With a glance to the door then back to woman I nodded. With a sigh from the woman I moved to the entrance to the hospital room. Upon walking into the room I was hit by how white the room was along with its occupaint.
There was only one bed in the room, in the middle of the bed laid a rather small girl with pale skin and long sandy blonde hair. Stepping closer I saw the bulge of her casted arm from under her covers as well as the bandages she wore on her exposed skin. I was a few feet from the bed when her eyes opened and landed on my form. At seeing this I stopped and looked down at her.
For a brief moment I was surpised at the vividness of her eyes. While mine were a light icy blue, her's were a deeper dark color of the same blue.
"Who are you?" Her voice was soft and sounded as if she hand't used it in some time. For a moment I couldn't decide what to say, but after seeing the hope in the girls eyes I said the first thing that came to mind.
"I'm your brother Lucas."