~Not Alone~
The currant captain of SeaQuest was just about to walk out of his quarters when a message came up on his vid screen. Turning he came to find Lucas Wolenczak staring at him with an unreadable expression.
"Ensign?" He said waiting for an explanation.
"Why didn't you inform me of my sister?" he said somewhat agitated. For a moment nothing was said until the younger of the two mens expressions grew into annoyance with slight anger behind it.
"I wasn't informed of it until after your mothers death. As well as the girls social worker sending a copy of the report of the girls past to me." At hearing the explination the young mans face once again became unreadable, that is until he turned his head for a brief moment toward something out of view. Turning back to the silent captin he spoke.
"I have to wait another day before she can be released from the hospital. I'll report then on what's going on." With a nod of the captins head the vid screen went black.
~ ~ ~
I sat in one of those chairs that usually starts out feeling comfortable unitl later on you notice that it really wasn't. I sat there, the room was dark, save for the light that trailed into the room from the particaily open door that lead out into the hospital hallway. Laying in a slight ball not far from where I sat was my sister. Looking down at her inocent face, relaxed in sleep, made me think of what had gone on not to long ago.
* * *
Due to the growing population people were no longer buried by means of coffin and the like. They were now cremated, their urns buried or their ashes scattered where ever it was that they wished before dying.
There had been a small gathering of a few old friends of my mothers as well as my fathers. Those people, they told me how sorry they were for me, that if I ever needed someone that they could help. I doubted their words. The room around me was quiet and uncomfortable, there was a picture of my mother placed off to the side of the urn that held her ashes. Looking to those who acted like they wanted to help I felt a sense of loneliness wash over me. Moments passed before I came to realise that people were leaving. After saying few, if any good-byes I sat on the couch facing the urn, not thinking of what just happened.
A few days later I found myself satnding on a cliffs edge looking out over the ocean. The blue waters rolled and swayed below, almost breathing it seemed. Again feeling the weight of the cool metal in my hands I remembered what I came here to do. Lifting the object in my hands I slowly removed the lid and began pouring the remains of my mother into the wind. Watching it float out to the waters below and outward I was reminded of what my mother had written in her will.
"As for my ashes, I wish them to be scattered to the Atlantic ocean, so as to be closer to my departed husband and missing son..."
Letting the last of the ashes drift out of their metal tomb I shook my head and turned my back to the view before me and made my way back inland.
* * *
A light whimper broke me from my thoughts, looking at the bed I listened. Again I heard a light whimper. Standing from the hard chair and moving across the white tiled floor to the bed. Looking down at my sister I saw from the faint light a look of pain and fright on her pale face. Moving closer to her form I slowly began running my hand threw her bangs and across her forehead, slowly the fright and pain left her face and became calm. Smiling slightly at her I bent over and placed a light kiss on her forehead.
"I'll take care of you Lily."