A/N: Hello Peoples! This is my first fanfic, Hermione's Dilemma. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to J.K Rowling, everything you don't I created. Simple.

-Hermione's POV-

Hermione Granger was eagerly waiting for her seventh year of Hogwarts. In her opinion, the seventh year was the most important and needed all her attention. During the holidays Hermione had read every book that she suspected might include some information for her NEWTS, and had even worked out a timetable so that she knew when she had to study.

Her best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were also entering their 7th year too although Hermione very much doubted they had read a single page over the holidays.

A noise broke her thoughts. A barn owl had just landed on her window with an envelope in its beak. Hermione opened her window and took the letter from the owl's mouth; it swooped off before she could so much as thank it.

Dear Miss Hermione Granger

We are pleased to inform you that you have been made Head Girl for this year. You are expected to meet with the Prefects and Head Boy on the Hogwarts Express where we shall go over the expectations and rules for your position. Don't be late.

Regards Minerva McGonagall

Hermione was surprised and proud all at once. What would everyone think of her? What would Harry and Ron say? Who was the Head Boy? It was the 1st of September, the day she would be going back to Hogwarts. She dressed in muggle clothes and hauled her trunk down the stairs. Her cousins had been in the holidays, and taught her a charm to make her hair look pretty. Instead of it being wild and bushy it flowed down her back and had several soft curls at the bottom. She had actually given makeup a try and realized it brought out her nice features, and wore A black tank top with jeans to the station which complimented her eyes.

'I wonder where Hermione is.' Ron said to Harry.

'She'll be here, she's probably having a bit of trouble getting her stuff together.' Harry replied casually.

Hermione walked up to just stared.

' .' Ron managed.

'Stop being such a baby, Ron' Hermione snapped.

' do you know my name?' Ron stuttered.

'Let's see, I'm in your house, I'm one of your best friends and I roamed the castle with you last year on prefect duties last year!' Hermione laughed. Ron turned to Harry, ' Well fancy that.' Harry gave him a dirty look.

'It's Hermione, Ron!' Harry sighed.

'HERMIONE! You .' Ron said, clearly astounded.

' .I'll see you on the train then,' Hermione sighed and made her way towards Ginny who she had barely spoken to all summer. She didn't seem to have much to say, although she was pleased to see Hermione.

News had already traveled around the school that Hermione had become Head Girl, seeing that Harry and Seamus had taken it upon themselves to tell everyone.

Hermione turned toward the Hogwarts Express and bumped into a tall blonde boy. His hair bordered his face perfectly and he had a slight tan. The boy was wearing muggle clothing; a plain white top with baggy jeans. Hermione couldn't help but think he was extremely hot.

The boy looked up revealing his grey eyes, 'Sorry, didn't see you there.' he mumbled.

'Th-That's quite al-alright' Hermione heard herself stutter. WHAT AM I THINKING? She thought to herself as she headed towards the Hogwarts Express. He's hot, but he could be anyone!

'Hermione.. come in.. Hermione.?' Ginny shouted.

'Oh, sorry.I .let's hurry; I don't want to miss the all.. I am head girl.' she replied dreamily.

Hermione and Ginny boarded the Hogwarts Express quickly, eager to get a good seat.

Hermione said goodbye to her friends and started searching for her compartment, she didn't want to give Professor McGonagall the wrong impression. Hermione was determined to live up to her expectations.

She entered the prefects and heads compartment. The boy from the station was there along with that year Prefects.

'Please congratulate this years prefects and heads. I'm sure all of you are ready to take on this responsibility willingly and fairly,' Professor McGonagall grinned as the students congratulated each other. 'You will be on a committee where you will organize school dances and other various occasions. Professor Dumbledore has decided that the Head Girl and Boy will share a room-Miss Granger-Mr Malfoy-that means you.'

Malfoy! The guy is MALFOY? How could I be so stupid? I have to share a room with him too! Hermione thought, a surprised look on her face.

'I have nothing more to say, please stay in the compartment as we are quite full this year," Professor McGonagall finished, and she left them to talk amongst themselves.

Hermione got out the latest edition of Hogwarts, A History as the prefects discussed what they had done in the holidays. Malfoy sat staring at Hermione, no expression on his face whatsoever.

After a while the prefects started to sneak out to go into their own compartments that contained their own friends. Hermione couldn't really be bothered sneaking back into her own compartment. She much proffered it here where she could concentrate on reading. After quite some time only her and Malfoy were left, leaving Hermione feeling very uncomfortable.

'You've changed, Granger, you look different,' Malfoy finally said.

'So do you,' she replied, rolling her eyes at Malfoy's trademark smirk. "Can you learn to smile because that smirk is really annoying.'

'You should learn how to mind your own business, your butting in is really annoying, you filthy little mudblood.'

Hermione flinched at his last words. She tried not to show signs of defeat, but she was failing miserably.

'I expect we'll be arriving soon, I'm going to change into my robes.'

Malfoy smirked and got up. He started to drag himself out of the compartment when Hermione smiled.

'You won't be needing to get out,' she giggled. 'There are simple spells that I happen to know.' She flicked her wand and a black curtain formed around her. She grinned as she heard Malfoy sit back down.

Hermione dressed herself in her Gryffindor robes and reapplied her lipgloss. When she was finally satisfied Hermione flicked her want again and the curtain disappeared.

Malfoy cleared his throat. 'Do you think you .you know."

'Yes, stand up,' Hermione replied. Malfoy stood. Although he was probably the most confident boy at Hogwarts, he nervously stood. In fairness, Hermione could take advantage of this situation if she really felt like it.

Trying her hardest not to hex Malfoy she flicked her wand again. The black curtain formed once again.

A long time passed. Malfoy sure took a long time dressing himself. He was probably fussing over his hair too, she thought to herself. Finally Malfoy stepped out.

'You take your time, Malfoy,' Hermione snapped.

'Unlike some, I care about how I look, which you would know nothing about, Granger,' he spat.

'Whatever,' she spat back. Hermione decided it was no use wasting her breath on ferret boy, and so she returned to Hogwarts, A History. She was so engrossed in her book she didn't notice that Malfoy was staring at her, a dreamy look in his steely gray eyes.

-Draco's POV-

Granger, that filthy little mudblood. I never wanted to see her face again. It's all changed now. Her hair isn't so bushy anymore, and instead of sounding like a know-it-all little girl who's head is too big for her body, Hermione seemed so innocent. Somehow she had managed to shrink her teeth, and she even wore makeup. Granger hadn't made one comment about my father, and she hasn't even called me Ferret-Boy yet.

Hermione Granger has changed in so many ways. Father would be so angry if he found out I was sharing a common room with her. He'll make sure I make her life a living hell, but I don't know how far I want to push it. She seems so relaxed about things, although that mudblood comment must've really hurt her feelings.

I couldn't help it. I started staring at her, making sure I took in every feature of her body, good or bad. She looked so damn hot when she was oblivious.

Granger must've read that book a hundred times. I can't see how she can concentrate on such a boring topic for so long. I was just taking in her legs when she threw me a filthy look.

'Why are you staring at me? Granger asked. It's not like I'm important. I'm nothing to you pure bloods.'

'I wasn't staring at you, Granger. Why would I want to do that?'

'I have no you were staring, don't even attempt to deny it.'

Malfoy decided to avoid replying to her comeback. He just sat there as Hermione excitedly flipped through the pages of Hogwarts, A History.

Suddenly the Hogwarts Express came to a hault. Students began talking as they got out of the train.


A/N: That's the end of Chappie One. Hope you liked it! Please R&R. I'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts on the story. The faster I get my reviews the quicker I update.

So you know when I have updated the story, please leave your e-mail address. I will e-mail you when the next Chappie is up. If you would rather me not do this, don't leave your e-mail addy.

Happy New Year!