Summary: Sasame discovers that life in the spotlight isn't what he thought it to be. He loses control of his life and runs away from everything he has into the arms of everything he has ever wanted
Chapter 01: Fated Encounters
To see a World in a grain of sand
And a Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
Himeno gazed out the window, her eyes exploring the lush green paradise set out before her. It was her first time to visit Hokkaido, a place well known for its very beautiful landscapes and scenery. It was time to pay her last respects to her grandfather, a man she had barely known.
He had been her last link to her family, and the moment he died, she felt like she had been born once again, to start anew without the shadows of the past. It was ironic that a stranger had kept her in chains for so long.
Strange... I saw you today...
The man beside her was sleeping soundly. He had silvery hair, the wispy strands swaying softly as the bus gently rocked from side to side. She liked him immediately, his face showing no trace of worry. Himeno watched as he slowly opened his eyes, the fringed lashes fluttering to reveal beautiful amethyst orbs. They stared at each other for quite a while, then his face broke into a grin.
You were happy
"Hello." His voice also had a silver quality to it, smooth and distinct, pleasing to the ear. Himeno was unable to speak at first, wondering if he had actually spoken to her. He smiled at her, as if humoring a child. "Hello..." She fumbled with her bag straps, nervous at having to talk to a stranger. She had watched him while he was asleep, and it embarrassed her that he knew. Himeno felt like she could have poured out her heart to him while he had slumbered peacefully. Now that he was awake, she didn't know what to say.
I didn't know
The lights suddenly went out as they passed through a tunnel. There was a screech; a loud bang followed and the bus suddenly jerked. Himeno tried to grab onto anything she could; she was almost flung to the floor when she felt someone draw her into a protective embrace. She closed her eyes, expecting the worst. The bus rumbled for a while and was abruptly brought to a stop. They were still in the tunnel so they could not see a thing. The stranger asked her, "Daijobu?"
That your smile was for me
Himeno opened her eyes and started to take in small gulps of air before finally saying, "Yes, thank you" in a small voice. She could feel his warmth encircling her, and his intoxicating scent engulfed her completely.
So I tried to look the other way...
"Minna-san, gomenasai," the driver apologized, "A car suddenly swerved in front of the bus." The people slowly got up to compose themselves and arrange the stuff scattered all about the bus. Himeno realized that she was unnerved by the incident when Sasame engulfed her in a hug, saying, "It's okay, it's over. Calm down, you're already shaking." She finally let small sobs out, letting her tears dampen the shirt she was latched onto. The stranger slowly let her go, gazing into her eyes all the while. She looked at him, dazed and confused, unable to say a word as he slowly fingered strands of her hair and traced a line across her cheeks. His finger met a tear and brushed it away, leaving no trace.
Then your words seemed to vanish into the silence
Himeno caught his hand and pressed it to her face, closing her eyes and savoring that single moment where reality and fantasy seemed to blur. The familiar music played in her head, as the dream took both her and the stranger into a world where only the two of them existed, living, breathing for each other. She was the princess and he her prince, dancing to a tune only they could hear.
But I promise I won't forget
The dream was shattered; a voice boomed into the bus, but Himeno couldn't make out the words. She felt like she was underwater, hearing a foreign sound that echoed in a murky ocean. It was calling for someone, making her savior look up with a worried expression. He glanced quickly at Himeno, whispered, "We'll meet again..." planted a kiss on her forehead, and dashed out the bus.
That I loved you for reasons I do not know of
She could only stare out the window, wondering why he had fled. It hit her that the stranger had kissed her, and she had not asked for his name. Himeno got up, trying to go after him, but the bus lurched sickeningly into motion, leaving her with no choice but to go back to her seat.
Because I'm still here...
The passengers left the bus one by one, until Himeno was the only one sitting inside the vehicle. She had finally reached her stop, and as she got up she heard a small tinkle. She looked under her chair and saw a thin silver chain, with a ring strung on it. Kirei... Somehow she was reminded of the beautiful stranger, and decided to bring it with her in the hopes of figuring out who he was.
And I'll wait for you to find me... zutto...
To be continued...
Jap words:
Kirei- beautiful
Zutto- forever
Minna-san- everybody
Daijobu- supposed to be with desu ka but I put the shortened version which means 'are you okay?'