A/N: Hi. I like it. Oh, this chapter will tell a bit about Rinoa and Selphie's history together, more on Selphie point of view. I'm getting more reviews than before. Here some replies:
Lupin IV: Really? I'm very sorry! You've read my work before? Why didn't you review and tell me? I could have done better. Anyway, I'll fix it. Please tell me if this chapter is better. If not, tell me what's wrong, ok? Your kind of review is what I want. It tells me what I did wrong, please keep it up and help me!
DHB: Thank you very much for your compliment. Well, here it is; Chapter 2!
Crazy: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Here it is, chapter 2!
dfourthhorseman: Thank you very much for the compliment! ^^ Don't worry, there will be more Squall X Rinoa on the way.
Secret Alias.
Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy 8 *sob*
Chapter 3: A year ago.
"It's just a headache. She'll be fine." Dr. Kadowaki said as she put her away her thermometer. Selphie only smile while Irvine stood behind her, holding her shoulders. She turned her head to look at Irvine. "See? I told you I was fine." Irvine only smile.
"Well, don't blame me if I'm worried about my friends." He huffed. Selphie got up from the chair and started to walked out of the Infirmary.
"Come on. Let's get some lunch." Irvine followed her and walked together to the cafeteria. They walk around the fountain hallway and almost reaching the cafeteria entrance. All the sudden, Selphie stopped in her track, almost causing Irvine to stumble upon her.
"What's wrong?" Irvine asks as they scoot to the side, hiding from view. "Look." Was the only reply he gets. He looked at what Selphie pointed out, and grinned.
There, near the cafeteria entrance, Rinoa and Squall walking together. Rinoa seems happy. No one smiled that much when anyone else outside the gang was with Squall. "Nice." He commented. "You think so?" Selphie looked at him.
"That girl has not been here more than one day and she's already all over him."
Selphie turn around to the source of the voice. It was Rita. Selphie frowned at the sight of this. Irvine understands though. Rita is quite popular among the guys as a beautiful babe, but among the girls, she the bitches girl you ever seen. Rita had green emerald eyes and red titian, wavy hair that grows all the way to her waist and milky white, flawless skin.
Beautiful, yes; but a heartless bitch. A lot of couple broken up because of her, but she always wanted Squall. Not that she cared about him or anything. It's just that Squall is hard to get and very popular. Getting him is like her most important mission, and it'll boost her popularity among the students if she does. Quistis, Irvine, Zell, Selphie, heck, even Seifer loathed her. She once tried to break up the gang with false rumor. Almost work, but Squall and the gang was way smarter then that bimbo. Ever since then, she didn't dare to come closer to the group except when Squall is alone. Squall just ignores her anyway, but she kept on being persistent.
"He doesn't seem to mind though."
Rita's best friend, Nira, replied her. Nira has deep green hair that reached only until the nape of her neck and has slightly tanned skin and moon silver eyes. She was the total opposite of Rita. She's nice, kind and friendly. Most of the time Selphie wonder how they even became friends.
"No one, and I mean no one, can be with MY Squall but me!"
"And since when Squall is yours?" Selphie said, making her almost jump. "Oh, isn't it the jumping rabbit. Still waiting your gift from the fairies?" She then saw Irvine making her a little pale. Irvine almost hit her once if it wasn't because of Selphie, and he looked as if he's going to hit her anytime soon.
"I'm warning you, anymore of your dirty tricks, I won't stop Zell and Irvine from hitting you again. And you're lucky that Quistis was out for a mission when 'It' happened." Selphie said as she gave Rita a warning look. "Hmph! Who do you think I am? I'm not weak you know, and I'm way smarter than you guys." Selphie laughed at Rita's statement.
"Really? Is that so? How many times you've taken the SeeD's writing test? Third time this year, right? And I remember Squall told me you never passed the written test for the last two years." She could see that Rita was fuming. She tried to fight back, but no words coming out of her mouth
"What? Cat got your tongue?" It's Irvine's turn to mock her. "Then you better get lost, Rita." Selphie said as she put one hand on her hip whiles the other was making the side-way thumbs-up, signaling her to get lost. Loss for word, Rita only pushed Selphie aside, making her way towards Squall.
"You're going to regret that you ever said that, Tilmitt." She mumbled. She then purposely bumped into Rinoa, causing her to fall.
She heard her screamed and when she was far enough; she turned around to see Rinoa humiliate herself in front of Squall. But instead, what she saw only make her even more jealous.
Rinoa waited for the cold and hard floor on her face but it never come. Instead, she fell on something warm and soft. Well, not actually soft but better than the floor anyway. She realized she closed her eyes tightly. Rinoa heard someone groaned in pain and it sounded annoyed. She opened her eyes and gasped.
Ouch! What the hell happened?
Squall picked up his head from the floor and rubbed the sore spot that hit the floor.
I heard her screamed and I turned around. The next thing I knew I was on the floor.
Squall could feel his back aching and felt the coldness of the floor. He was having difficulty in breathing since something heavy was on his chest. He opened his eyes and met with a pair of beautiful, black eyes.
It seems that someone bumped into Rinoa causing her to lose balanced and fell upfront. Squall turned around and Rinoa was close behind Squall. So, Rinoa fell on Squall, who didn't see it coming. He, too, loses his balance and fell flat on his back.
Squall's eyes locked with Rinoa's. They looked at each other as if it is the first time they met, oblivious to their surrounding. They stayed that way a few seconds too long, cause Irvine and Selphie came and were 'shocked' to see them in that position.
"Get a room you guys." Irvine smirked. Immediately, they both got up and back on their feet, blushing furiously. "I don't know you got it in you, Squall." Irvine said mockingly and because of that Selphie elbowed him at his stomach.
He winced and asked her what's wrong. "Shut up, Irvine." Selphie looked at Rinoa and Squall, both trying to hide their blushing faces from view.
Cute. She thought.
"Isn't it kinda early?" Irvine smirked as Rinoa's face has turned redder, if that's possible. Squall, in the other hand, glared at Irvine. "Not a word, Irvine." He walked inside the cafeteria and leaving the three of them behind.
"Err... Selphie?" Rinoa looked at Selphie who were smiling at her in a weird way. "What?" she replied as she continue smiling. "Can you please stop smiling and looking at me like that?" Rinoa smiled apologetically as the three of them started walking into the cafeteria.
"Why not?" Selphie frowned as Rinoa's sweat dropped. "Well, last time you smiled like that, we ended up in trouble." Rinoa looked at Selphie who was trying quite hard to remember something.
A few seconds later, she flashed a silly smile as she remembered what happen. "Remember? Galbadian guards that were patrolling there almost arrest you if I didn't come and save your butt."
"What? What happened?" Irvine excitedly asks as Selphie told him she would tell him later. They continue on walking while Irvine is being impatient to know what happened.
They looked around in the cafeteria, but Rinoa and Selphie couldn't see anything except swarms of students in the cafeteria. Irvine, in the other hand, could see over the over the seas of heads as he was much taller.
"Look! There's Squall! He's already at our usual table, together with Zell..." he cut off in the middle of his sentence. Irvine's eyes squinted and his hands hovering above his eyes as he tried to get a better look. "..and Squall looked like he's ready to kill Zell anytime soon." Hearing what Irvine had said, Rinoa quickly follow suit and was standing on her toes to see what was going on. Selphie just sighed.
"Why?" Rinoa's effort was in vain since she's quite short. "Zell looks like he's excited about something, probably about the test, and babbling something to Squall, who looks rather annoyed and angry." He explained as the three of them started walking towards Zell and Squall.
"Well, we better get there before Squall really does kill him. I doubt it will but, who knows?" Selphie said as she smiled sweetly and scooted over to Squall, leaving behind Rinoa and Irvine. Rinoa was puzzled by what Selphie just said.
"What does she mean when she said 'I doubt it.'?" Rinoa turned to Irvine while he was looking at Selphie. "Remember what Selphie said that Squall doesn't do things without a reason?" Rinoa nodded.
"Well, Squall always thinks before he act. While everyone just attacked anyway they want in battle without thinking much, Squall always thinks a better strategy to kill the enemy faster and deadlier. Most of our fighting skills improved since we started practicing with him. We have no doubt following his orders in strategies." Irvine explained and smiled at Rinoa as they continue on walking towards Squall, Zell and Selphie.
Rinoa just smiled back. "It looked that you guys trust him a lot." Irvine just let out a small grin. When they reached the table, Rinoa sat across from where Squall was sitting, while Irvine took a seat next to Selphie.
"Okay, Selphie. We all are here. Now tell us what happened last year." Irvine said just as he finished explain to the others about what Selphie talked about with Rinoa.
"Okay, okay." Selphie giggled seeing how impatient Irvine can be. "This happened when we first met a year ago. When Rinoa and I was together in Deling city...
Selphie ran as fast as she could towards the bus in front of the train station. She quickly bought a ticket and got on the bus. She sighed and found herself a seat and looked at her watch. Its half past 8pm. She sighed again and closed her eyes
I hope I get there in time.
She opened her eyes and noticed her surrounding. Others in the bus looked at her with strange looks in their faces. She wondered why they are looking at her like that. Then she noticed how an old lady is eyeing her from head to toe.
Oh, that's why.
She was wearing a yellow spaghetti dress that reaches only halfway her thigh and wore a matching silk jacket. She straightens her hair and put it in a simple yet nice bun. She also put glittering green butterfly pin on her hair. She wore a black high heel with its black strings tied all the way up her calf with matching black purse. Selphie looked as if she was going to a dinner in an exclusive restaurant. Even when they know that Selphie noticed the way they looked at her, they still can't help themselves and continue on eyeing her especially a guy who were seating across from her.
That's rude. But I don't mind them. Forgive and forget. That's the only way we will not end up in a fight.
Selphie just ignore the staring looks. It's not her fault she couldn't afford to rent a car. She's not a SeeD, yet. It does looked weird when you're wearing like that and rode the bus. Usually, people just rent a car to go in style. But unfortunately, she couldn't afford one. Selphie checked on her hair, making sure that the butterfly was intact. She smiled and relieved that the butterfly is still there. Since, it's very important for her.
After making sure the butterfly is still on her hair, she opened her pursed and took out a compact to check on her make up. She only applied a simple make up on her face. To look a little better, she put a glittering green eye shadow to match with her eyes and the butterfly on her hair. She then took out a small card. Well not actually small but it's the size of her hand. The card is in red and purple colour. There's some white writing on it. It wrote:
centerTo: Selphie Tilmitt,
You are invited to the re-opening ceremony of
Galbadia Hotel's Pub. After shut down for 10
years, it once again making its appearance and
claiming its beauty once more. This historic
place in the music industries, where Julia Heartilly,
the famous singer and pianist, released her first
single debut 'Eyes On Me'. We re-open on the same day
she released her first album out of respect for
the late Julia Heartilly. The re-opening of the pub will
be launch by our special guest, Rinoa Heartilly,
the beloved daughter of Julia Heartilly./center
After finished reading the front of the card, she flipped open the card revealing a ticket with V.I.P written on it. She then looked at it as there's something in the ticket. She then told the bus driver that she wanted to get off a block before reaching the hotel. It's kind of embarrassing to go to a private party in a bus. Surely there's going to be media all over that place.
Why, of all places, she wanted us to meet there? She even listed me as a V.I.P.
She then got off the bus and continued on by walking towards the hotel. As she expected, there were media all over the place. It would be hard getting in if she didn't have the ticket. She showed the ticket at the guard that was standing there. He let her thru. She was walking on the red carpet; when the clicking sound of the cameras stopped and everyone wondered who the girl is in the yellow dress. Selphie could feel her face is burning up because of embarrassment. True, she is a nobody yet she was invited to this historical event in the music industry. She was about to walk right in the hotel when a reporter confronted her with the microphone.
"Young lady, we were wonder if you could tell us who you are?" the reporter shoved the microphone towards Selphie. Selphie didn't know what to say, she was surprised by the sudden approached. Getting no answer, the reporter asked her again.
"Surely you're someone important, since you are holding the V.I.P ticket." Selphie guessed the camera mans heard what the reporter said because the clicking sound was back on the air.
"I-I'm Rinoa's friend." Selphie finally founded her voice. "We finally met one of Rinoa's friends. How long have you known each other?" The reporter asked her all kinds of questions about Rinoa and her. Reporter finally go away to someone else, much to Selphie's relieve. She was about to go in the hotel when one of the camera man shouted at her to pose in front of the camera for the Galbadia Times. Not wanting to provoke the people, she posed in front of the camera and they started to take pictures of her.
She stands casually with a beautiful smile. At that time she wished that she brought her sunglasses, the camera's lights are blinding her. But nonetheless, she enjoyed the attention she got. She felt that she was some kind of the movie stars. Who doesn't? She flashed the happiest face she ever had to the camera.
After almost 10 minutes, she finally entered the hotel and she walked gracefully towards the entrance of the pub. "Name, please?" The waiter asked. "Selphie Tilmitt." she answered nicely. All those treatment still haven't changed her, thankfully. The waiter checked the guest list when finally he said "Ah... Miss Tilmitt. Miss Heartilly is expecting you at her table, but she still not here."
"Oh, it's okay." Selphie smiled and the waiter led her towards the table in the middle of the pub. She saw her name on a piece of card board on the table. The waiter pulled her chair, allowing her to sit down. "Do you need anything, Miss Tilmitt?" The waiter bowed a little so Selphie could see him.
"No, thank you." Even though Selphie said that, the waiter was still standing behind her. Selphie felt uncomfortable, so she asked the waiter whether she could be left alone. "Miss heartily specifically asked me to accompany you until she arrived." Hearing that answer, Selphie just nodded.
Wow, my personal butler. Rinoa sure is popular. Man, was I surprised when she told me her real name. Who would've thought? Me, a friend of Rinoa Heartilly, the daughter of the famous singer, Julia Heartilly. I wonder why she didn't tell me that she's the daughter of Julia Heartilly? ...Oh, well. She must have her reasons.
Selphie took a sneak peek at the waiter behind her. The waiter was looking at the entrance of the hotel and was biting his lower lip. He looked as if he was worried at something. It seems that he noticed that Selphie was looking at him because he suddenly looked at Selphie and smiled sweetly. Selphie quickly looked away and felt she was blushing. After a few minutes, Selphie looked back at him. He was looking at the entrance again. Selphie took this chance to take a good look at the waiter.
The waiter had platinum blonde hair, which looked kinda messy. He had emerald eyes and a fair complexion. Cute. And as a bonus, when he smiled, there are small dimples on his cheeks and his eyes automatically look smaller. Selphie quickly look away before the waiter could notice her.
After another 10 minutes, all the sudden the noises outside become louder as clicking sound of the camera become wilder. Selphie looked up to see what's going on, when she saw a young girl who is wearing a semi-transparent sunglasses entered the pub. She was wearing a black dress that reached her ankles, just before it touched the floor. The dress was off her shoulder while there was a cut on her dress that went up half way her thigh. She was wearing black gloves that reached up until it's the same level with her chest, as if it was joined with her dress. The girl has long hair that went all the way down past her waist. There were a few braids tied at both side of her head and it was pulled to the back of her head.
Then, Selphie saw something that really got her attention. On the girl's hair, a glittering blue butterfly hairpin. Selphie looked at the girl as she descending the stairs.
Could it be her?
Selphie just looked at the girl as she stopped to greet a few people. Selphie gulped as she all the sudden felt thirsty. She take a sipped of water to quenched her thirst. Then she looked back at the girl, who now looked at Selphie. The girl takes off her glasses and Selphie realized how blank her eyes looked. Then, Selphie saw the girl eyes looked at her hair, when she flashed a wide smile at Selphie. She then excused herself from the crowd and walked towards Selphie.
"Are you Selphie?" the girl asked as she was in front Selphie. Selphie just nodded as she blurred out "Rinoa?" Rinoa just smiled and hugged Selphie as if she was her long lost sister. "I'm so glad you came. I was worried that you couldn't make it." Rinoa pulled Selphie out the embrace. Selphie could see tears welled up in Rinoa's eyes.
"Of course I would come. Or else when can we meet?" Selphie smiled at Rinoa as they together sat down at their table. "I hope Connor have treated you kindly?" Rinoa said as she straightened up.
Connor? Oh, the waiter!
"Yeah, he did." She smiled at Rinoa, seeing how much she concern about her. "Good. It's not that I doubt his services for or to me." Rinoa said as Connor open the napkin and put it on Rinoa's lap. "Huh?" Selphie blurred out as Connor did the same to Selphie.
As Connor excuse himself and received a thank you from Rinoa, she said "I trusted Connor very much." Hearing this, Selphie wonder if that waiter by any chances could be Rinoa's boyfriend. Selphie asked Rinoa about it only received a puzzled look and a small laughter. "Hahahaha. I don't know what you are talking about. But he is not my, what you called it, boyfriend."
"Then, why do you trust him so much?" Selphie wondered as she straighten up herself, since the ceremony is about to start. Rinoa looked around to see there was nobody there when she lowered her voice so only Selphie could hear. "To tell you the truth, Connor is not a waiter. He's actually my guardian." Selphie follow suit and whispered to Rinoa.
"Your guardian? Why do you need a guardian?" Rinoa only looked at her and before she could say anything, someone make an announcement.
"Welcome fellow guest and reporters. I am the owner of this hotel and pub, Mr. Jonathan André. I still remember the first time Julia started played her piano here and released her first single. Now to start the ceremony, I want to welcome and thanked Miss Rinoa for coming tonight" As if on cue, the spotlight shone towards Rinoa.
"Now, I welcome Miss Rinoa to give a speech and to begin the launching of this pub." Hearing her cue, Rinoa rose from her seat and smiled as she walked towards the stage as the spotlight followed her. When Selphie saw Rinoa on the stage, Selphie realized how beautiful Rinoa is.
Man, if any of my guy friends saw her, they would go head over heels for her.
But, despite the beautiful face, Selphie couldn't help but noticed how sad Rinoa looked. The sadness on her face is not that obvious, but Selphie could feel her 'aura' of sadness clouding around Rinoa. She knows this since she's quite sensitive in this matter. So, no matter how Rinoa tried to conceal her sadness with her smile, Selphie could still sense her sadness. In fact, the more she tried, the more Selphie could see her sadness even worse.
"Hm, hm." Selphie immediately snapped out of her reverie when she heard Rinoa's voice. Rinoa smiled even more when she got everyone's attention. "Welcome all to this joyous event. I wanted to thank everyone who came as this is quite important to me. This place gives me a lot of fond memories of my late mother, who still continue on playing piano even she achieved her stardom. Surely Mr. André still remember how much I still care about this place, even after my mother passed away." She stopped for a while and looked at the owner next to her, who is smiling. She continues on.
"I also wanted to give a special welcome and thank you to my dearest friend, who made it tonight and came all the way from Trabia, Selphie Tilmitt." She motioned her hand towards Selphie, the spotlight followed suit and shone at Selphie.
Selphie was surprised to hear her name. Before she could do anything, she was blinded by the spotlight. She quickly adjusted herself with the light and smiled towards the crowd and waved her hand. "I wanted her to share this precious moment with me and do the launching together with me and Mr. André" Rinoa continue on. Selphie was shocked at what she just heard.
ME? Do the launching? WOO HOO!
"Please come up here, Selphie." Rinoa said as she stretched out her hand for Selphie. Selphie got up from her chair and walked towards the stage and took Rinoa's hand. She looked at Rinoa with a nervous look and got on the stage. She faced the audience together with Rinoa, hand in hand, because she couldn't stop shaking. Together with Rinoa and Mr. André, they walked towards the entrance of the pub, where now, there's ribbon tied on, blocking the way. Connor came and brought three scissors on a platter. They each took one and pose in front of the camera and finally, they together cut the ribbon.
Immediately, applauses could be heard and Selphie lifted her head towards the crowd. Then, she looked at Rinoa, Who were looking at her, smiling. Selphie couldn't help it but to smile back. All those sad aura seems to be gone now. Together, they walked towards their table. Connor, as usual, pulled the chairs for the both of them. As everything went on, Selphie and Rinoa was talking and giggling as Selphie told Rinoa some funny stories.
"Hahahahaha. Selphie, I can't believe you did that." Rinoa brushed off a tear coming out of her eyes. "Well, that guy didn't leave me any choice." Selphie show a glint of victory in her eyes. The dinner went on smoothly and once in a while someone would come to talk to Rinoa. When this happened, Selphie just keep quiet since this is not at all her field of conversation. Politics, business and all that crap is all they talked about. It's amazing that Rinoa seems to understand them.
The way she talked sounds as if she's from a royal family. Well, life like this might as well think she is one.
After Rinoa bid her goodbyes to the people around her, she gives Selphie all her attention. "Well... Rinoa?" Selphie stammered as she asked "Yes?" "I don't want to sound rude... but who are you?" Selphie let it all out. Curiosities can no longer be hold. But in whispers, of course.
Rinoa's smile vanished as she looked at Selphie without any emotions can be seen. "Where are you from?" She finally said. Huh? "I'm from Trabia Garden, Trabia." Selphie answered even though she is clueless.
"What is your purpose in Trabia Garden?" This time Selphie really make sure that her voice is really audible only to Rinoa. "To become an elite mercenary of the three Garden. To become SeeD." Selphie wondered where this conversation is going.
All the, sudden Rinoa smile. "I am too, from Galbadia Garden. To become SeeD. But, the Galbadia Garden doesn't courage the students to become Seeds. The students will become part of the army of Galbadia." Selphie only gasped when she heard what Rinoa said. "Then, how are you going to become a SeeD?" Rinoa just shrugged.
"I don't know. I guess I will find a way." Selphie just nodded in agreement. Rinoa ended their conversation and continue on eating their fourth course.
"And I'll help you all the way." Selphie all the sudden said making Rinoa to snap back at Selphie with disbeliefs in her eyes. Seeing that look in her face Selphie added "Promise." and smiled at her. This making Rinoa smiled even more. "Thanks."
Everything was okay again and it comes to the best part of the course... desserts! Rinoa couldn't help but giggled at Selphie's antics. As desserts they served chocolate pudding, apple pie, chocolate cakes and a few sweets. Selphie's eyes were full of happy sparkles.
YAY! Desserts!
After Connor brought their desserts, he goes back to the kitchen to get more food out. Selphie was about to start eating her chocolate pudding when a loud crash could be heard from above them and people were screaming out of shock. Simultaneously, they both looked up and surprised to see a few people in black, casual outfits jumped in from the broken glass sunroof.
"What the-"
"Oh Hyne..."
The instant they landed, everything went wild as everyone tried to get away. But unfortunately, more people with the same outfit came in the hotel from the main entrance, blocking people from going out. Things were going havoc until they all heard a noise.
To be continued!
A/N: Ok people! The next chapter will come soon. I hope you all review after finished reading this. I want feedback, anything, even flames are welcome! (just not too hot, ok? ^^;) Now, click that button and review!