Bulma had it all; popularity, fame, money. You name it. All the girls wanted to be her and all the guys wanted her. She could have anything with the snap of her fingers if she wanted. All the girls could count she'd be there, no matter if it was a party, a cheerleading meet, a dance, whatever was on the list of events; she'd be there. She loved it!
Bulma and Yamcha were coming back from a nice evening at the movies. They were dead set on making love to top off the perfect night. When they entered the apartment, they didn't hesitate to kiss and lay on the bed, in a fit of passion. Before it got too out of control, she had to tell him. His lips were on hers when she pushed him away slowly. "Wait Yamcha, I got to tell you something..."
"Can it wait?" He whispered, brushing his lips with hers.
"No, it can't." Yamcha stared at her for her to continue. She took a deep breath.
"I'm bi." Yamcha stood up, this new information not fully hitting him.
Then the pieces began to fit into place. He had often seen her flirting with other girls at parties or looking longingly at other girls. Bulma stood up and walked over to him.
"Yamcha...?" Bulma sounded hesitant.
"When were you planning to tell me? When I caught you in bed with some girl?" Bulma gasped and flared into anger.
"Who the hell do you think you are? You should be grateful I told you! Some people don't tell anybody about things like that until it's too late!"
"You know what, Bulma! Get the fuck out! You disgust me!"
Bulma was too angry to care about that insult. With a sharp: "Gladly," she stormed out of his house and began to walk herself home. Then the words he had said really hit her. 'You disgust me!' She felt the sting of tears burning her eyelids, and let them fall, knowing no one was there to see them.
The next day, she got on the school bus to see Yamcha stand up and glare at her. "That right there people, is a clock that swings both ways!" The girls gave her nasty looks and scrunched their noses, the guys seemed to follow the girls reactions. Humiliated and totally embarrassed, she sat next to her best friend, Chi-Chi. "Hey Chi..."
"Don't talk to me anymore Bulma, I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea..." With a glare, she stood up and went to another seat. Watching her leave, Bulma moved next to the window and stared out the window. 'Stupid homophobic shits...'
****** A/N: I had to rewrite this chapter for some odd reason...oh well... Some people are actually like that, which is sad...anyway, whadda think? Please review and let me know. I don't care if it's a flame or a good comment, just don't threat please. Well, why are you still reading this? REVIEW! ~saiyan_dragon