"Vegeta, I'm coming over, whether you like it or not!" Bulma cried, determined to see the extent of his injuries.
"I'm telling you woman, they're nothing...I've had worse..." He mumbled.
"Vegeta, you just had a homemade bomb blow up three feet away from you and your going to tell me you've had worse? Not a chance! Now I'm heading over there, wait for me..." With that Bulma hung up, leaving Vegeta to slowly hang up and sigh heavily. He had followed Freeza home on Friday, determined to find out where he lived. Today, which was Saturday, he brought his little homemade bomb and was going to throw it in his room. Well, that plan foiled, to say the least. The fuse he put on it was too short so it blew before it got anywhere he wanted it to. Leaving him with that was making his flesh scream in pain. Luckily, the burns had only got his arms, which blocked his face when it blew. He was lucky it didn't get more than that.
When he had reached home, his father took one look at him and sent him to the hospital immediately. They bandaged him up and gave him a cream for his burns and some painkillers for when the pain got unbearable. He suffered from 3rd degree burns he gathered from his father as they were driving back to the house. His father wasn't too happy with Vegeta, seeing how the hospital bill would arrive any day now and they were already hurting for money.
"When we get home you are to stay in your room. I'm leaving tonight and I probably won't be back till tomorrow..." Vegeta zoned him out. If he was leaving then Vegeta didn't have to listen to this, he could do what he wanted and his father would never know.
"Okay, whatever...se you tomorrow then..." he mumbled as he got of the car and his father drove off without a second glance.
All that lead to now. Bulma was coming over. She had only came over once and that was yesterday, she called and said she wanted to see his house so he gave her directions and she was over for about fifteen minutes before 18 called her. Vegeta wasn't too sure, because she didn't say much about it, but he had a good idea she was bi and was dating 18. He didn't listen to people at school unless it was someone he was interested in...
Vegeta shook his head as he heard a pound at the door. Sighing, he opened it to reveal Bulma standing there, when she saw him, she pushed him back and slammed the door behind her. "Let me see it!"
Vegeta complied without a second thought, maybe it was him, but she seemed really pissed off right now... "Vegeta, you have to be more careful, you're lucky you still have your arms..."
Vegeta paled. "And that's supposed to make me feel better?" Bulma giggled and led him upstairs after her. "I guess that's not exactly words of comfort..." Vegeta snorted.
They entered Vegeta's room, which was surprisingly somewhat clean. All the guy's rooms she's been in this was by far the cleanest, even if the rooms she was comparing to was only Yamcha's. Bulma sighed and flopped onto his unmade bed. It squeaked until the bed had stopped bouncing completely. Vegeta placed in a CD and took a seat at the edge of his bed. He didn't what they could do. Bulma began rummaging into his nightstand, which held random things he had. Vegeta wasn't aware she was going through his things until he heard her giggle and bring out his small stack of magazines. Vegeta felt the heat rise to his cheeks.
"I didn't think you would have stuff like this..." Bulma giggled as she flipped through the glossy pages filled with nude women posing for the invisible camera.
"I forgot I had those..." Vegeta whispered meekly, glancing at her sideways. In fact he didn't even remember ever having them in the first place.
"Hmm...what do you think of her?" Bulma had a full-fledge smile on her face as she showed Vegeta a big-busted brown haired woman with violet eyes. Vegeta looked at her then at Bulma, a faint blush staining his cheeks.
"I think they're fake..." Vegeta grinned and looked back ahead. Bulma lied sideways, flipping through the pages absentmindedly, unbeknownst of Vegeta's curious stare.
"Are you bi or something?"
"You now just figured that out?" Bulma said teasingly as she glanced back at him. Vegeta smirked and nodded. Bulma chuckled and sat up. "It doesn't bother you does it?"
"Why would it?"
"I don't know..." Bulma shrugged and lied back down, flipping through the pages again. "So...what do you want to do?"
"I don't know..." Vegeta was listening to the music more intently now.
Bulma had noticed he didn't have any fresh wounds, except maybe his burns, and was looking healthier, but that could be because he wasn't at school right now...
Bulma had a huge smirk make it way to her face as she sat up slowly. Vegeta wasn't paying attention, just staring off into space, until jumped so bad he fell off the bed with a loud thump. Bulma laughing the whole time. She had pushed him off. Vegeta hissed as he felt a sharp pain run through his arms and they began to throb. Bulma stopped giggling and looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"
Vegeta nodded his head as the throbbing slowly ebbed away. His arm was still burning but he ignored it. Vegeta grabbed Bulma and lightly tossed her off his bed with a grin and pounced on it. The bed bouncing with loud squeaks as he sprawled himself out so Bulma couldn't get back on. Or so he thought.
Bulma pounced on him, straddling his waist. Vegeta looked at her shocked than began to have a bad feeling rise from his playfulness. 'She's not that bastard! She's not him! She won't do those sickening acts...' Vegeta's mind was racing while his face remained blank. Though Bulma could feel him grow tense when they made contact. "What's wrong?"
Vegeta shook his head. "Noth...nothing..." Bulma looked at him awkwardly and moved to get up when she was held down. "It's okay..."
Bulma looked at Vegeta. He had an expressionless mask placed on his face, but she could still see playfulness dancing in his eyes. Along with anxiety.
"Are you sure?" Bulma looked at him quizzically. Vegeta sat up, still having her in his lap.
"I'm sure..." his voice was shaky, but it was hidden in his deep voice.
Bulma looked at him slyly. Not too sure he was telling the truth. Well, until his fingertips began tickling her ribs. She began laughing and squirming to get out of his tickling torture. Unaware she was grinding her hips into his, which made him very uncomfortable. He wasn't used to that kind of contact and began to think that keeping her there was a bad idea. He stopped, letting her catch breath, she was still slightly giggling. "That was mean..."
"Sure woman..." Vegeta rolled his eyes.
Bulma tried the same thing on him, it didn't exactly work the way she planned it. He just looked at her funny. Bulma sighed and tried his hips. Still nothing. Soon after, she had tried his knees, stomach, and neck, still no affect. "Damn! Are you some kind of robot or something?"
"No...just not ticklish..." Vegeta smirked evilly.
Soon they were just sitting there, Bulma in Vegeta's lap and Vegeta staring off in space. Bulma then smirked as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek. When she raised her head, he whirled his face to look at her. Eyes wide. Bulma then leaned forward and placed another soft kiss on his lips. Vegeta sat there shocked. It was just a kiss, right? Vegeta responded with a soft of his own, their lips moving in sync with one another. Bulma pressed her hand on his chest and pushed him lightly onto his back. Vegeta felt uneasy, but soon grew accustomed to it and put an arm around her and pressed her to him, kissing her more fully on the lips. Bulma placed a hand in his hair and felt the stiff strands. Vegeta felt every touch with extra sensitivity. Singling out every touch he was uncomfortable with. Which so far was all that Bulma had given him. He placed a hand in her hair also, feeling the silky texture of her hair. This was...nice...
It wasn't until Bulma's hand trailed lower he broke out into a sweat. That was a major red zone. He let it continue though, he knew who she was. He didn't need any other reason, after all, she didn't cause him pain.
Bulma touched over him, he wasn't in the slightest turned on. Bulma took a look at his face. It looked to her like he was fighting an inner demon with all her touches, and they hadn't even removed any clothing. "Should I stop Vegeta?"
"Should I stop?" she asked her question more firmly, ceasing her caresses. Vegeta took a deep breath. He looked confused. "No..."
"Are you sure?"
'Yes,' he replied with more confidence, but she could tell his breath got deeper and his brow moist. You would think they were having sex that moment the way he was acting.
Bulma was watching him as she unzipped his zipper and opened his pants. She ran her hands up his shirt and fingered his nipples, causing him to slightly jump. Bulma still couldn't feel any change in his groin. Bulma then got an idea...
She took her shirt off and placed it on the floor, she say Vegeta watch her attentively, but his face remained expressionless. She unclipped her bra, and released her breasts from their confinement. Bulma felt a change afterwards, but only slightly. She grabbed his hand and placed them on her chest, letting him fondle them. Vegeta did just that, but he was hesitant about it and didn't exactly know what he was doing. Bulma could feel herself grow warm though, he got better at it and soon had her breathing more irregular than she was. She could feel him now, she reached down and touched him, his hard-on clothed in only boxers. Vegeta lifted his hips to her touch, but had a weird look on his face.
Vegeta felt the pleasure there, but memories began to rise and it wasn't helping him enjoy himself. Vegeta was on the edge of pleasure and pain. It wasn't her fault though, it was theirs. He soon felt the pleasure intensify as she gripped, her hand inside his boxers now. He gasped as she worked a rhythm. He sat up and licked her nipples, groaning slightly as she worked him. She moaned slightly, feeling him toy with her breasts. She could still feel his uneasiness, but seemed to put it away from him for her the best he could. She felt the tightness growing in her groin as he sucked harder on her as she increased her pace. He was drowning his moans against her. Then he stopped. Grabbed her hand. Ceasing her movements.
"I...I think you should stop..." he groaned out.
Vegeta flipped her so she was on her back and un zipped her jeans and moved her panties aside and placed a finger inside. She was wet and hot around his finger, she sighed softly. He moved his finger inside her and rubbed her clit with his thumb. She moaned loudly and arched her back. Vegeta was new at this sort of thing, but from what he could gather, he was doing pretty good. Bulma gripped his shoulder and grinded her hips against his moving hand. She felt the pressure build he continued. Then she came, moaning loudly for him and rode the waves until he pulled his hand from her.
She took one look at him and concluded he was done for the day. He looked away, cheeks flushed as she put her bra and shirt back on. She looked at him as he stared at the bed, thinking.
"Are you okay?" Bulma moved closer to him, sitting next to him.
"I don't know..." she could still see his hardness, it hadn't gone down yet.
"Was...this your first time...for this?"
"Sort of..." Vegeta mumbled. "I hadn't exactly gone all the way with a..." he stopped.
Bulma noticed he hesitated to finish the sentence and decided mot to pressure him. She just sigh and hugged him across the shoulders. "It'll be okay..."
"I'm not too sure..."
"You have to live it out to find out..."
"I guess that's true..."
Bulma smiled and kissed his cheek. "I guess I better go..."
"Yeah..."Vegeta sighed, getting up and zipping up his pants. "So...does this mean...we're..."
"Uh...yeah...I guess...unless you know, you don't want to..." Vegeta looked at her strangely.
"If I didn't want it I would have thrown you off..." Bulma laughed. She winked and turned to leave. "Well, see you..." Bulma said as she left the room.
"Yeah...see you..." Vegeta whispered and stood in the middle of his room, at a lost as to what had just happened. Vegeta looked at his hand and brought it up to nose. Smelling her scent staining his skin. He sat on his bed and began to think some things though...
Vegeta walked through the halls with more confidence than he had before. He was feeling better, even looked better too. When he caught sight of Bulma, he smirked and walked over to her. Wrapping his arms around his waist from behind her, making her jump. "What the-"
"Morning to you too woman..." Vegeta said teasingly.
"Oh, it's you Vegeta..." Bulma said, relieved it was him.
Vegeta sighed and leaned into Bulma's back. He felt comfortable with her now, more than he did before, but still not comfortable enough about telling her his secret. "Me and 18 broke up today..." Bulma sighed. "We decided to break it off and become friends, she was enjoying dating Krillin and I told I had you now, so we decided to call it off..."
"You're still sad about it?' Vegeta questioned, he could hear her asdness even if she denied it.
"Yeah...but it's great that we're still friends, I mean, we probably be better of just being friends anyway..." Vegeta felt the urge to scratch his bandages, which were hidden in his hoodie. The bell rang and the couple went to class together.
Bulma sat in Language Arts, she was watching Freeza, who was chatting with Clarrisa, the girl with blonde hair and always chewing gum. Freeza took the unmistakable face and Bulma could readhis lips. He asked if she would go out with him. Clarrisa, being one of the "boy toy" squad and not had the pleasure of dating him, said yes right away. Bulma saw Vegeta watch them intently. As if he knew another side to that coin, Freeza, then met the eye.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine," Vegeta said in a total monotone, not looking at her once. Bulma had a bad feeling about Vegeta. She saw him watching Freeza with so much hatred. More hatred than was allowed for just being beat up by him and his gang...
************* A/N: Another one done! I actually got them together finally! YAY! Anyway...what did you think? What is going on with Freeza? Will Vegeta finally tell Bulma? Most importantly, will you review? You better or I wont update quick enough! =P REVIEW!