Okay all; this is my new attempt at HA! fan fiction. I must forewarn those of whom shall venture forth into this, I will be having, foul language, dark themes, mentioning of rape, and the such. But I do plan on this not being all-dark and disturbing, this is for those who like angst and the like, but with the dash of happiness somewhere in there. Hope you all like it, please read & review.

~*~Broken Butterfly~*~

Sitting on a bench in the middle of the park I was met with side-glances and whispers from old women and small innocent children. Looking down for a brief moment I took note of what they thought earned their attention. Today, like just about every day since seventh grade I wore nothing but black clothing. I didn't care what any of them thought of me; I gave up on my self a long time ago. It's been nearly five years, you'd think that they'd get used to it. Glancing down once more I was reminded of what I had decided to wear today; a black t-shirt, loose black pants, knee-high black boots, and a black full-length duster.

With a slight huff I stood up from the bench and made my way out of the park and into the streets of Hillwood. Walking along the familiar streets I was met with memories from years ago, of when he was still here. Walking faster I found myself nearing the boardinghouse, with it came the most painful of my memories of all.

The thick smell of alcohol, the blossoming of pain, horrid words, darkness.

Shaking my head as I passed the stoop to the boardinghouse I hoped for the memory to dislodge its self from the forefront of my mind, no such luck.

Coming to, everything was dark, cold. I felt as if I had drunk some weird concoction from Alice in Wonderland. Sitting up slowly I found my self to be robbed of my bindings and in a small room.

Stopping in mid stride I lowered my head until my chin met my chest, the sounds and images from that memory came back at me full force. Crying, pain, screaming, yelling, and the overwhelming feeling of disgust.

Wrenching my head upward I was met with the sight of Gerald Field, empty. Seeing that pushed the dark images from my mind, though only slightly. Walking onto the field and toward one of the corners of where two of the walls joined I pressed myself into the solid corner and began punching the ground, trying to remember something other then that damn night.