Hermione Sandwich
By: Aurora Borealis 19
Summary: It's summer at The Burrow and Harry Ron and Hermione are united again. But what will happen when Fred and George come back for a visit and have there eyes sit on Hermione?
A/N: Does anyone every read these? That's my question. Anyway, I don't own the characters J.K Rowling does. So don't sue me okay? The only thing that is mine is the story line kinda since it was a challenge. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and feel free to review because I would really appreciate it!
Hermione lounged under the gigantic oak tree in the Weasley's spacious backyard. She had been reading her favorite book and soaking in the warming sun. Stretching, she turned her back to the house and closed her eyes. Things were unusually peaceful here. Sure there was the screaming, yelling, overcrowding, but that was what she loved. Somehow, The Burrow just felt like a second home to her, and that was the how she liked it.
"Hey little brother you missed us didn't you?" Fred and George said simultaneously to Ron as Fred slapped him on the back. "Hey! Knock it off! Get off me! Fred, George!" Ron yelled in response to his brothers' sudden attack. "Sorry, sorry! You know we just missed our favorite little brother is all! Looks like us being gone has had a bad affect on you." George grimaced as he saw Ron's shiny prefect badge. Fred jumped in, "Following old Percy's footsteps still huh Ron? Well I would have liked to think you would have turned out more like us…" "Shut up you two!"
"Why don't you just shut up for a minute Ron? Bloody hell we bring you our new goods from the shop and you won't even keep your trap shut a moment for us to show you!" Fred replied showing annoyance with Ron. "He didn't mean it guys so what have you brought for us to see? I could use a good laugh right about now." Harry leapt in to avoid another quarrel arising from the trio. "At least someone is interested, good to see you Harry." George spoke as he lifted up what looked like a tiny little coin purse. "These are all our latest inventions." He opened the purse to have things leap out and scatter everywhere.
"See these here? Just like our extendable ears only eyes. We've come to find them a little more…useful if you know what I mean." Fred and George exchanged evil laughs and continued to explain there merchandise. "Most of the others are just jokes. See this little pill? Slip it into anyone's food and it'll make his or her hair fall out. No magic can make it grow back unnaturally, just the counter pill." Fred and George passed the pill capsules around the table. "This one is also has its advantages. Give this little candy to your girlfriend and be ready for a good time. Course we won't be giving it to you two. Aren't worthy enough for it… yet."
Ron rolled his eyes towards Harry and began walking towards the door. "Come on Harry; let's go see Hermione she's been out by herself for a while." The two boys opened the door to the backyard but Fred ran and shut it. "Now wait just a minute little brother, Hermione's here? Moreover, you wasted our time yelling without telling us? I think me and George need to train you better." "You two are a bunch of prats! You're only excited that Hermione is here so you can continue with the little "plan" you had while you were at Hogwarts!"
George joined the trio at the door and put his arm around Ron. "You can't blame us for wanting to have a little fun with her now can you? I mean I know you've noticed her, we just tried to take action." Ron's ears started turning pink and he clenched his fists in anger. "You stay away from here you hear me? She is not going to be one of your little play things!" Ron spoke in a cold whisper and walked out the door. Fred glanced out the door at the three friends. "George, I think this is the summer we get our Hermione sandwich." A/N thanks for reading my first chapter and please review! it helps with the inspiration factor if i get good or even bad reviews. helpful criticism is welcome! hope you enjoyed the first chapter!