Chapter Eight

Confusion in the House

A/N: I'M BACK! Yes my dear friends it is I Aurora back with my story Hermione Sandwich. Gah, am I a bitch! Leaving you out in the cold when I was finally getting into something good huh? Well I have realized the harshness of my doings and have decided to reward you with my promise to see this out til the end. Hopefully.

"What's got you in such a queer mood Fred?" George asked guardedly as he ran into his twin in the hallway.

"Well, for your information George, I just won our little bet." Crossing his arms around his chest and pointing his chin up he looked down at his brother.

"What fresh hell is this? Did you just have the audacity to say you won the bet when in fact dear brother I was the one to win not just twenty minutes ago."

"You're mad, Hermione was with me twenty minutes ago."

"I'm mad? Why not ask Harry or Ron I'm quite sure they heard Hermione's screams of pleasure."

"Why don't we do that then." Fred pulled George along with him and located Harry and Ron playing wizard chess in the parlor.

"Harry, Ron, so sorry to bother you but my dear brother George here has just made the claim of shagging Hermione when in fact I was the one to have done that just minutes ago."


The chessboard toppled over and Ron's chair flew back as he leapt upon his brothers.

"Now Ron, no need to get huffy, simple question, no need for this."


"So you won't help us figure it out?"


"Great idea, that just cleared everything up George." Fred replied as they went to go find Ginny who George claimed would know the truth.

However, one Ginny Weasley was keeping tight lipped for whatever reason and was no help at all to them.

"So now what are we going to do, we each claim the same thing yet neither have a way to prove it." George carped.

"You are a huge nitwit did you know? Ask Hermione of course." Fred slapped him upside the head annoyed.

"I really have no idea what you two are talking about."

"Hermione honestly, you aren't saving anyone's feelings from being hurt by pretending nothing happened with one of us. We all have known for a long time that Fred is insane and therefore this will prove it and allow us to lock him away, besides do you really appreciate his false claim?"

Hermione laughed and continued reading her book.

"Even if that was true George, I again must state I have no clue as to where either of you got such an idea in your heads! I am just not that kind of girl wouldn't you agree? Maybe Harry and Ron bewitched you or something I really haven't the faintest clue."

"Okay Hermione, you keep saying that, but once you are ready to admit to my deranged brother here that he is a lunatic come and find me." Fred winked at Hermione and shut the door then pushed George out of his way.

"Now what are we suppose to do? The trip to London is tomorrow."

"I guess we both are going to go with her."

"I'll be dammed if I share her with the likes of you for one minute."

"Well it's either go together or not go at all."

George sighed as he walked towards the kitchen.

"This is ALL your fault you know. If you had just allowed me to have her first I would have had no problem with sharing with you!"

Fred bit into an apple and chucked it at George.

"Why should you have gotten her first? It makes no sense."

"Because, I am older and therefore more deserving."

"By four bloody minutes!"

Hermione laughed as she heard Fred and George arguing down in the kitchen. Her plan was working flawlessly. Of course, there was the matter of setting Ginny up with Harry but she had all day to worry about that. Right now all she was concerned with was packing for London. Oh what a fun trip that should prove to be.