By: angelicmayuka
Disclaimer: If anyone even reads these stupid things, I don't own gw or sm.
Chapter 1: Normal Until Today
Minako was quietly cleaning up her room while Hotaru was sitting on her bed immersed in a book. Minako brushed a lock of golden blonde hair behind her ear.
"Hotaru, does this look ok?" she asked to her best friend. Hotaru looked up and scanned the room, her violet eyes critical.
"It's not perfect, but your parents won't be able to tell the difference." she said with a shrug.
"Yes, yes they will. You know that." Minako argued to her friend.
"Well, it depends, what kind of check is on your room this week, I don't want you to have to do way too much."
"Extra careful, it wasn't clean enough last week and I got grounded so if it's perfect this week..."
"Ok, knowing your parents I'll get straight to the point. Your calendar is crooked, they'll notice that right off the bat. Next, you want to polish your desk better, I can see finger-prints from here. Next, you lightbulb flickers every now and then, your parents would kill you if it went out while they were inspecting. Thirdly, your hair clips are messy in the box, you haven't emptied your trash can yet, and your whole room is dusty." Hotaru listed making Minako sigh. She quickly made around her room fixing things here and there and turned to Hotaru again.
"Better?" she asked. Hotaru looked up again and quickly looked around the room. She nodded in approval. Just then the front door opened and they heard Minako's parents downstairs. The voices became louder as they approached Minako's room where sat down in a chair and picked up her drawing book and a pencil and waited for them to come inside.
"So I suggest sending them over for a proper greeting." came Minako's mother's voice. Two adults walked into Minako's room and greeted Hotaru and Minako.
"Hello Ms. Tomoe, it's nice to see you again." Minako's father said kindly. Hotaru looked up and smiled.
"It's a pleasure to see you again Mr. Aino." she said in the nicest voice she could muster. She had been scolded before by her own parents for being rude and even though she dislike Minako's parents, she tried to her best to behave and not get grounded again.
"Well, we're going to inspect your room Minako, but we have new neibors and I think you should go greet them and show you what kind little girls you are." Minako's mother said in a sweet voice with venom backing it up. Minako nodded and placed her drawing book on her desk neatly while Hotaru put her book back on the shelf. "I heard they have a daughter your age, maybe she will be there." she said and both girls nodded before leaving the room. Hotaru and Minako exchanged glances before walking next door and ringing the doorbell. They waited patiently for the door to open. Before them stood a girl about their height and age looking at them. Minako and Hotaru were silent and couldn't help but stare at this girl. She had long raven hair that reached just beneath her butt and sharp violet orbs glared at them. That wasn't what captured the girls attention however, it was more the way she dressed and the attitude her body poured off in waves. This girl had on a black baggy pants that folded over her boots with a bright greem stripe running down each side. She had on a black tank top with a bright green transparent scarf around her waist. She also adorned a spiked choker. Her tank top cut off a bit high to reveal a belly button ring of a silver skull. She smirked at their faces.
"It's rude to stare you know." she said in an authoritive tone. Hotaru and Minako automatically blushed and looked away. Minako stuttered.
"Forgive my rudeness, my name is Minako Aino and I'm your neibor so I thought I would come say hello and offer you a tour of our city if you would like one." she said bowing. Rei raised a thin eyebrow in curiousity. She looked to Hotaru.
"My name is Hotaru Tomoe, I live down the street." she said rather bluntly. Rei nodded.
"Well umm...Minako, do you know any good clubs here?" she asked. Minako's eyes widened.
"I'm sorry Ms. Uh.."
"Rei. Rei Hino." she said looking into Minako's blue eyes.
"Ms. Hino then, I'm afraid I cannot help you, you see...I've never been to club."
"Never?" Rei said, her voice layered in disbelief. Minako nodded smally. Rei turned to Hotaru. "What about you? Ever been to a club?"
"I'm afraid I haven't either."
"Man, you are two deprived children. Well I'm going to one tonight, want to come?" she asked.
"My mother would never allow me to go Ms. Hino!" Minako said. Rei sighed and shook her head sadly.
"So tell her you're going out to an arcade."
"Lie to her? I couldn't!" Minako said, her eyes widening. Rei stared at her in amazement.
"You've never lied to you parents before? How do you plan to ever do anything?"
"If you don't want to lie to your parents, I'll do it for you. Come on." she said dragging Minako and Hotaru behind her. She walked inside her house and picked up the phone. She handed it to Minako. "Here, dial your phone number then shut up. I'll do the talking." she said. Minako slowly dialed her number before handing it back to Rei who put it to her ear.
"Hello?" came the voice of Minako's mother.
"Are you Mrs. Aino?" Rei said adapting the sweetest voice she could muster.
"Yes, who is this?"
"Oh, this is your new neibor Rei Hino and I was wondering if I could take your daughter to the arcade tonight and then have her spend the night, you know so we can get to know each other better." she asked sweetly.
"Oh that's fine, she cleaned up her room, will she be needing to drop by?"
"Oh no, she can borrow some of my things."
"Alright, tell her I'll see her tomorrow then. Good day Ms. Hino."
"Hai. Good day Mrs. Aino." Rei said sweetly before hanging up. Minako stared at her, her jaw practically touching the ground. "Parents are way too easy to manipulate my friend. Ok, your family is next, Tomoe was your last name?" Rei asked handing the phone to Hotaru who dialed her phone number and nodded. "Moshi moshi, is this Mrs. Tomoe?"
"Yes, how may I help you?"
"This is Rei Hino, I just moved here and met your daughter and her friend Minako Aino."
"Ah, so you're the new family, welcome to the neiborhood dear."
"Argitou. I was just talking to them and we were wanting to have a get to know each other night so could Hotaru spend the night?" Rei asked, her voice sugary and persuasive.
"I don't see why not, what time will she be coming home tomorrow?"
"Oh I'd say about three o'clock p.m. madam."
"Alright, again, it was nice to hear from you."
"Likewise." Rei said brightly before hanging up. Hotaru stared at her.
"You didn't even mention going anywhere!"
"Well, she didn't ask. Anyway, she didn't say you couldn't go anywhere and plus, what she doesn't know won't hurt her ne?" Rei asked staring straight into Hotaru's eyes. Hotaru slowly nodded. "I bet you anything you don't have clothes to wear to a club so you'll just have to wear some of mine. We'll be leaving around 6:30 so we have some time to actually talk, so it isn't a full lie."
"Ok Ms. Hino, what do you want to know?" Minako asked. Rei plopped onto her waterbed and looked at Minako.
"Alright, why the hell do you keep calling me Ms. Hino instead of Rei? I'm not a person for formalities."
"I, I can call you Rei if you want..."
"Then do it, both of you."
"Of course." Hotaru and Minako quickly agreed.
"Ok, second question, why do you just let people step all over you like that?" Rei asked. Hotaru and Minako were silent, unable to answer. "You two really need an attitude, so I'll give you one. I'll be your new teacher."
"I don't know if that's a good idea Ms. Hi-"
"Rei." Rei interrupted Minako. Minako nodded.
"Rei. Anyway, our parents brought us up that way."
"They're strict bitches aren't they."
"Uh...I was told never to cuss or..."
"Lemme guess, insanely closed-minded right?" she said. Minako looked at Rei confused.
"I mean, do they make you believe in God?" she asked.
"Of course."
"Do you truely believe in him?"
"Of course I-"
"Well I don't, so don't bring up the topic in front of me ever. Clear?" she said, her voice threatening. Minako nodded quickly, her eyes scared. "Hey, don't be intimidated by me, you'll never survive around my friends."
"You have friends here already?"
"Well yea, I've been in Tokyo a long time, my parents just switched houses now so we'll be going to a club near my old house." she said. Hotaru and Minako nodded. Rei turned to Hotaru. "Your turn. Have you ever had a boyfriend?"
"My mother says men are a waste of time and I'm not allowed to date until I'm 20." she said smally. Rei snorted.
"You can move out of your house before your 20, she's nuts."
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Hotaru asked. Rei smirked.
"I have a boyfriend right now. He's really protective of me to, he'd shoot someone if they came too close to me. I mean that literally." Rei said seriously. Hotaru and Minako's eyes widened.
"What does he look like?" Minako asked?
"He's really hot, so are his best friends, hey, mabe I can hook you two up."
"What?!" Hotaru and Minako exclaimed at the same time.
"Geez, you two are way way too innocent for your own good. Anyway, you asked what my boyfriend looks like. Well, he has this messy chocolate-colored hair, and these amazing prussian blue eyes, not to mention a perfectly-toned body and he's got one kick. ass. motorcycle." Rei said with a grin. Hotaru and Minako smiled slightly. "His name is Heero Yuy and his friend's are Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Trowa Barton and Quatre Winner." Rei grinned wolfishly when Hotaru and Minako got interested looks on their faces. "You'll meet them tonight at the club, right now, I suggest we pick out what we are going to wear."
"Ok." Hotaru and Minako agreed and followed Rei to her closet where all of Rei's clothes were already all unpacked. Rei pulled out a few various outfits and laid them out on the bed for Minako and Hotaru's opinions. Hotaru and Minako exchanged horrified looks. All the outfits were either very revealing, very gothic looking or very flashy. Rei smirked at their faces before going back into her closet.
"Hotaru, what about this one?" she said emerging with a black skirt with purple plaid pleats and bondage straps about the waist and connecting in the back with a form-fitting purple tank top with the word 'Innocent?' across the chest. "Do you like it?" Rei asked. Hotaru was astounded. She nodded with a grin. "Good. Next, stockings and shoes." she said while Hotaru's eyes widened. There was more? Rei pulled out a pair of holey black stockings and tossed them to Hotaru before pulling out a pair of lace up boots that reached to her knees. Hotaru grinned. She had always wanted to try on a pair of boots like these. "Trust me Hotaru, you're not finished yet, but Minako needs an outfit first." Hotaru's jaw dropped. Rei smirked and went back inside her closet. She finally came back out with an outfit. In her hands was a pair of plain tight long, black pants, a skirt that was connected by three chains that was a golden yellow and plaid, next was a matching corset looking shirt, a black leather jacket and black tennis shoes. Minako had round eyes.
"Amazing..." she breathed. Rei grinned at her sucess. "What are you wearing Rei?" she asked taking the outfit from her new friend. Rei smirked.
"I'm glad you asked, but I'd rather show you. I'll be right back." she said walking once more into her closet. When she walked back out the other two girls gasped. Rei was now wearing a sleevless red shirt that had a fishnet top just above her chest with red and black stripes going horizontally down each side. Next was a normal black skirt with a ripped and torn jaggedly overskirt that had ripped flowers in it. Next was her black and red striped stockings with her black lace up books that reached her mid-thigh. To complete her look was two belts around her waist with a skull placed in the center of them and chains connecting them. Lastly was a choker and an upperarm band that was connected by a chain. "Well? How do I look girls?" she asked. The girls were speecheless.
"That's totally amazing! I didn't even know clothes like these even existed!" Minako finally said. Rei grinned. She turned to Hotaru.
"It really suits you. It looks amazing on you. I'm sure you'll knock your boyfriend dead."
"Thanks girls, but now I have to finish your outfits so go put them on. I'm pretty sure they'll fit, we all look the same size." she said and Minako and Hotaru complied and came back out. "Perfect! We are the same size. That makes things a bunch easier. Now for the final touches on your outfits."
"What could be left?"
"Accessories my friends. Accessories." Rei said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She grinned. "Hotaru, for your outfit you need my purple and black striped armwarmers and a black choker. That should be it. Minako, you need my cross necklace and my spiked collar. I'll go get them." she said and pulled them out handing the seperate items to each girl. They put them on. "You guys look amazing. There's a full-length mirror in my closet, go take a look at yourselves." she said and they again did as they were told. Both girls shrieked in delight.
"I never imagined I could EVER look this way!" Minako gasped. Hotaru furiously nodded.
"Ok, just you guys need to not be such pushovers and you'll be perfect for my friends. Don't worry, they won't mind today, they'll just teach you to have a kick-ass attitude. You need it. Rule one, don't bow to them. Rule two, call them by their first names. That's it, we're ready to go clubbin'. If you can't already tell, it's a punk club. You might not be used to the music, but you'll get used to it and I'm sure you'll like it. We ready to go?"
"Yep." Minako and Hotaru said in unison. The three girls began walking down the stairs.
"We'll go through the garage and into my car so your parents don't see you." Rei said. "We don't want them to know you until you've completely changed." Rei said with a malicious grin.
"Rei, are you converting more innocent girls to your insane ways?" came the tired sigh of Mrs. Hino. Rei smirked.
"Who, me?" she asked innocently. "Of course." she said before laughing and ushering the other girls to her fire red convertible. Minako and Hotaru jumped in, still amazed at how different Rei and everything Rei did and owned was. Rei got in the drivers seat.
"Which club are we going to?"
"My personal favorite where my friends and I hang out at usually. It's called the Silver Streak. You'll love it, I promise." Rei said putting the keys into the ignition and flooring the gas petal and ripping down the streat, the wind blowing in her hair from putting down the top to her convertible. "Next stop, Silver Streak!" she shouted. Minako and Hotaru exchanged excited grins.
This is my newest story and I think so far, my favorite! I hope you enjoy it as well and please, review!