Author notes – yay I'm finally doing something! ^^ Admit it, there's HARDLY enough yuri fics as yaoi! Not that I don't like yaoi. And yuri fanfiction coming from a lesbo is probably rare too! ^^; No, I don't mind the nicknames. :P Me n' my g/f wrote this. ^^

Juri: Isn't that right, kawaii-chan? ...Koto?

Koto: zz...ZZZ...zzz...

Juri: - -; I hate to do this, but... *kicks Koto HARD.*

Koto: IIIIEEEYAAAAIIII! Juri you bastard!

Juri: Yes, affectionate, I know.


"Well then, I'm done!" Juri announced, bouncing off the bed, and right onto a certain cat-demon's back. Hugging her in a tight glomp. Koto struggled to get the "aqua dragon" off of herself. Sitting neatly on the floor as she had been before Juri attacked her, she gave an impatient glance. "Done with what? Another fanfic?"


"When are you ever going to forget about those things. And turn off that laptop! I can feel the heat from here!"

"Wait a second! I have to upload and post it, you know!" Juri scampered back onto their bed and began to do whatever it was she had to do. "You really need to get into this stuff! It's interesting how this person writes about the events occurring in the Dark Tournament here and there! It seems she has a pairing for everything!" She paused, then grinned, "And she has yuri-"

"I don't read yuri... Juri."

"Let me finish. She has yuri and YAOI fics up here! I betcha she's got 'EVERYONE' on this..."

Koto's ears perked up at the sound of "yaoi fics." She had to admit, that while Juri is doing her night job, she secretly went on to read the original fiction this mysterious person was writing on here... (since they are in the YYH world, the fiction this person makes is the only ones of its kind, cuz it would be considered 'original' fiction.)

Juri masked a smirk as she tugged at one of Koto's ears. "You got a crush on the fox boy, don't you?"

"W-what?! What fox boy?!"

"You know. The one from Urameshi's team?"

Koto blushed wildly, "No I d-don't!"

"Christ, woman, it's written all over your face whenever you see him. Remember that time he was unconscious and-"Her sentence was disturbed when Koto through the pillow in her face.

"You're wasting time! We have to go out there and do our job, stupid!"

"Oops! I almost forgot!"


The crowd cheered loudly as the demon team was announced and screamed horrifically at the sound the dreaded, human-tainted Urameshi team. The usual.

"Alright people, whose stepping up for the first round?!" Koto screamed from the center of the stage. An ugly ogre from the good guys' opposing team stomped into the arena causing a slight tremor in the ground.

Without discussion, Hiei jumped onto the platform, Yusuke smirking knowingly. Yes, they all knew what the outcome of this was going to be...

The matched ended as quickly as everyone had expected, as Hiei left the stage, unharmed.

Koto watched closely as the beauty otherwise known as Kurama, stepped up...


Koto: Finito!

Juri: For now...

Koto: Ok, readers, you know what to do. ~_^

Juri: Damn right they do. Review!

And so, until next time... Which will be... The next chapter..

~Juri – Koto~

~Actually plot coming soon!~

*now in development*
