A/N: I've changed some things in the story to make it make a little bit more sense. So, if you want, you can go back and re-read everything. Also, some of the chapters have been divided up. There's also a newer chapter in the middle of the older chapters. Just 'cause! You know, I'm done explaining. You'll figure it out. ;) OH! And because I started the fic before Half-Blood Prince, it's obviously now AU(another universe). If you haven't read HBP yet, don't worry about.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. All credit must be given to J.K.
The Cradle Will Fall
Introduction-Hush Little Baby
I constantly wonder whether my parents still love me. It's stupid, I know. But I can't help but think it, especially since Daniel. My mother understands. I think she does, anyway. She's a woman; she understands me more. My father, though...oh, he doesn't understand at all, I'm positive. It hasn't been the same with us anymore. He's no longer affectionate with me. Not since I gave birth to Daniel. When I found out I was pregnant I was horrified—absolutely sick with shocked. I was unsure of what to do; I was so confused. I immediately owled my parents and left for home that same day. They would help me. They always did. They'd support the choices I made.
My mother was hysterical. 'How could you be pregnant? Have you been having sex?' I suddenly felt like a whore.
Seeing my father in tears left an aching in the back of my throat. It stung my eyes with tears of my own. 'No. I—I—' I caught my mother's eye and she suddenly understood. She caught my father's eye and he too understood. She was angry that I hadn't told her sooner. She cried for me, though. 'Who was it? Please tell me he was removed from the school.' My father said, silently pleading. I could hear my mother sobbing. I couldn't look at them. Instead, I looked out the window and watched a group of teenagers run from the rain. 'I couldn't. I think...maybe he had hit me with something. Maybe over the head. I was in and out of consciousness.' I stuttered as I tried explaining to my parents. I not only felt dirty, but I felt stupid as well.
A week after all the drama, my parents sent me back to school. They didn't want me out too long, fearing I would drop out altogether. Leaving school was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to be there.
When I got back to school it was mid-February and I was about a month along. I didn't show at all. But then, even when I had left for summer holiday I didn't really show. It looked like I had gained a little weight that winter, that's all. I had. This worked to my advantage. I really wanted to keep everything a secret. I was only fifteen, after all. What would my friends say? Not to mention my enemies. Things became complicated, though. In the middle of summer I told my parents I was not going back to Hogwarts. When I first found I was pregnant I thought I'd be able to go to school and be normal. I thought everything would be like it was, except with a baby. That summer I realized that my expectations were unrealistic. I didn't want people knowing that I had a child so I was going to leave him with mum and dad while I was at school. The thought of not seeing him for nearly a year bothered me, though. I was already attached to him. I knew I couldn't leave him home with mum and dad. I was staying home.
I ended up attending a muggle school. No magic, no spells, nothing. The boring life, as I liked to call it. It was hard to pay attention here. Especially right after Daniel was born.
I gave birth to my child on September 1st, the day the Hogwarts train left for Hogwarts, and one month too early. I cried until I was able to see him. I wanted to see that he was okay. I had a tendency to think of all the bad scenarios that could happen, which always left me in a ball of frightened stress. When the doctors finally let me hold him, I was ecstatic. He was a healthy size, healthier than any baby carried to their full term. I was able to take him home two days later.
The entire year slugged its way by very slowly. I had a constant feeling of depression that haunted me. Being away from my friends for so long kept me up during the nights. I had only sent one owl to Harry and Ron, telling them to not owl me if they valued our friendship. Well, I guess our friendship was their number one priority because I never got one owl. No birthday card, Christmas cake, or Easter egg. I guess I received what I asked for. Daniel was the only reason that I hadn't done something drastic. He needed me. Or rather, I needed him. Then again, if Daniel hadn't been born I wouldn't have felt the way I did. It was about the middle of summer when Dumbledore unexpectedly dropped by. I had my suspicions of him coming to see me, especially after I saw a graying tabby cat watching me through my window. 'I'm hoping to see you back at Hogwarts for your seventh year, Hermione. I'll give you the head girl position.' 'I can't, professor. Daniel—' 'As you know, Miss Granger, the head girl position comes with a private dorm,' The twinkle in Dumbledore's blue eyes promised good things and I could not refuse. 'Hogwarts hasn't been the same.'