Jessica: Wow, my first Dragon Knights fic! R&R, please *glares at nearest person*

Rath: O.o Why are you looking at me like you're never gonna give me another piece of candy again?

Thatz: That's not her 'never-gonna-give-you-another-piece-of-candy-again' look; that's her 'say-the-disclaimer-or-die' look. Run away!

Rune: *sigh* Jessica does not own Dragon Knights. There, *I* said the disclaimer. The readers are getting bored.

Kurayami Ryuu, gorgeous editor: *is bonked* Hey! ...Just wanted ya'll to know, the yummy lemon is courteously of me ^_^

Rune: O.o Okay, the readers are a little more interested now, looks like...


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One: Kiss of an Enemy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alfeegi mentally groaned. First the chocolates and now... and now this! "Hold on Rath; I'll inform his Majesty of your presence," he said... if looks could kill... The knight of Fire simply grinned, as Alfeegi entered Lykouleon's office.

The Dragon Lord beamed as his officer bowed to him. "Hello, Alfeegi. What is it?"

"My lord, I found out about the chocolates," he said tersely.

Lykouleon's smile froze. 'Oh dear, he scares me...' "Eh... Now see here, Alfeegi, I'm the Dragon Lord. I should be allowed to access the state treasury-"

"But on something as frivolous as chocolates? Really, my lord!" he scolded, then cleared his throat. "Also, Rath has returned from his mission. I'm afraid to say that he broke another sword."

The lord rolled his eyes, amused. "Again? Well, send him in then."

Rath entered, and forced a smile. "Hey, Lykouleon," he said, just a little stiffly, as he handed his report over.

Suddenly, he found himself being bonked on the head. "Be more respectful to the lord!" Rune said, sounding scandalized.

Rath smiled for real this time. "Hey Rune! I... huh?" Rune moaned, though in reality he was too busy thinking about how cute Rath was when he was confused to be annoyed. "Oh... Hey, *my lord*." BONK.

Lykouleon sweatdropped. He ought to be flattered, he supposed, but Rune scared him almost as much as Alfeegi sometimes... He hurriedly composed himself. "Rath, I hear you broke another sword; is that true?"

"Yeah." BONK. "Hey!"

Multiple sweatdrops. "Very well; Kai-stern, please take Rath down to get a new sword."

Rath's face lit up as he realized that the older man had just walked in. "Kai-stern!" he yelled cheerfully, giving him a gigantic huge.

"You're back already?" Kai-stern commented, surprised.

Rath grinned. "Yeah, I came back because I missed ya too much. How's Crewger?"

Kai-stern grinned as well. "He's just fine," he assured Rath, a moment before said knight was bowled over by said dog demon. He laughed as Crewger licked his face as a hello.

Then the dog stiffened. He sniffed the air, and let out a low growled. "What's wrong, boy?" Rath asked worriedly.

Kai-stern frowned. "Well, maybe not completely fine," he amended. "He's been doing that - growling at nothing - for the past week now. I thought I told Cernozura to try feeding him something different... Maybe he's just getting old."

Rath scratched behind his pet's ears to get him to calm down. "Do you think you could get a doctor to look at him?" he asked earnestly. "I hope he's not sick..."

Alfeegi nodded. "I'll put it on your tab," he said dryly, though he looked concerned too.

"Hey Rath?" Rune said suddenly. "Could I talk to you? In private?"

The black-haired boy glanced up, and grinned. "Okay; let's go to my room..."


The moment the door was closed, Rath drew Rune into a passion-filled kiss. Rune tried to pull away for air, but the moment his lips parted his koi's tongue slipped into his mouth. The elf moaned, deciding this was much more worthwhile than breathing.

Finally, however, they either had to pull apart or faint. Once he got his breath back a little, Rath grinned sheepishly. "Uh, sorry; guess I got a little carried away..."

Rune shrugged, smiling. "It's been a while."

"You know, we really ought to tell them about us," the Fire knight continued. "Then maybe they'd let us go on missions together and stuff."

Rune's eyes actually showed a hint of mischief for once. "But you know that if we went together, we'd never get around to the actual mission."

Rath nodded, mock-thoughtfully. "True..." Then he smirked. "Very true." He picked the startled elf up and set him down again on the bed, then proceeded to sit on his stomach. "It's so good to be back..." he whispered, and bent down for a kiss.

After just a few moments, though, Rune gently pushed him away. "Rath, you know Thatz's room is just down the hall. What would he think if he-"

"Shh," Rath interrupted, lightly pressing a finger to the other's mouth. "I've been away such a long time. I - I really want..."

Rune laughed quietly, and, in turn, placed a finger over Rath's mouth. "I know," he said simply, and pulled the yokai down for another kiss.

This was so good, so right... Rath's kisses were so full of need that they were almost rough. Rune could feel the beginning of Rath's erection pressing into his belly... Rath ran his hands over Rune's body, touching only lightly, featherlike... Suddenly, the elf giggled.

Rath pulled away, looking incredibly confused and flustered. "Huh?" he asked hoarsely.

"You know it tickles... when you do that... don't you?" Rune asked, still giggling, more at the situation than anything else.

He smirked. "Well... I do now!" And he promptly started tickling his koi for all he was worth.

Eventually the blonde got him to stop, if only by threatening to scream. "R-Rath?" Rune asked, panting.

"Yeah?" he grinned.

"You're gonna get it when... when I catch my breath..." Rath snickered. "You're weird... But cute."

Rath smiled widely, leaning down to kiss the other's neck. "Thanks... I guess..."



"I don't think I can wait any longer..."

"Hn..." Abruptly, he felt hands undoing tie of his pants, pulling them off... He moaned as fingers brushed his length, and moaned louder a moment later when Rath took all of him into his mouth.

"Shh," Rath said, drawing away for a moment. "Thatz..." Rune nodded weakly, and Rath got back to work.

It didn't take too long. The black-haired boy licked up every drop of cum, before moving back up to lay next to his koi, watching him as he slowly came back down from his high.

"Aishitaru," was all the elf said, snuggling up to him.

Rath sighed softly, feeling really content for the first time since he'd left for his mission. No one would ever break them apart...

"Take me."

Rath blinked. Rune wasn't usually that blunt... But then, in his words, it had certainly been a while... He grinned, quickly disposing of all the rest of their clothing.

"Mmm... Has anyone told you how hot you are lately?" he purred, running his hands over the other's chest. He blushed, but arched into the touch.

"Yeah... You just did," he replied, a little breathlessly. Rath chuckled.

Rath coated his length in his saliva, waiting until he couldn't take it any more and Rune was squirming impatiently before he plunged inside. Rune dug his fingernails into the yokai's back, and Rath hissed in pleasure. After taking a moment for both of them to get used to it, he began to move slowly.

Not slowly for long, though. It wasn't very long before he found his climax. He bit his lip hard enough to taste blood; Rune buried his face in the sheets a few moments later as he came too.

For a few moments all either of them could do was pant. "...Have you been practicing?" Rune finally asked.

Rath smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I will examine that mental image later, at my leisure," the elf said lazily, settling in his koi's arms.

Rath glance out the window, between the gently fluttering blinds. The sun had set... He pulled the covers over them both. "Goodnight, Rune- kun..."

"Sleep well."

The last thing Rune thought before falling into a blissful slumber was, 'This is so perfect...'


When Rune woke up the next morning, his first thought was that it must have been the sun, dancing over his face. Then he remembered last night, and he realized that it could be Rath's moist, warm breath on his neck... or maybe the simple fact that he was being spooned... But no. He couldn't be that lucky. It was the pounding on the door.

"Rathy-kun! Rise and shine; it's breakfast time!"

Rath sat blot upright. "Holy *crap*!" he said, with feeling. "What are you on?!"

"Cookies," the third knight said blissfully. "Get yer butt out here; it's breakfast time. And you never said hello to me yesterday, so I owe ya a noogie."

Rath groaned. He leaned down to give Rune a quick peck on the lips, then pulled the covers over his head. As an after-thought he grabbed the nearest pare of pants (his... oops...) and shoved them under the covers with him, then went to the door.

Thatz raised an eyebrow slowly. "Um, Rath... Why are you naked?"

Rath just stared at him for a moment, and then blushed the deepest shade of red imaginable and turned around. "Um... I like to sleep naked sometimes?" he suggested, bending down to search for his pants.

Thatz groaned, slapping the hand that wasn't holding a cookie over his eyes. "Wow, geez! Warn me before you bend over like that next time, okay?" Rath grinned sheepishly, pulling the pants he'd found up.

When he turned around, Thatz raised an eyebrow once again. "Are those *your* pants?" he asked skeptically. "I mean, I never thought you'd have anything so... girly... Hey, Rath? You there?"

"Bierrez..." the Fire knight said, just above a whisper.

Thatz whirled around, his hand automatically flying to his sword - he wasn't wearing it. Why would he wear a sword to breakfast? 'Dammit...'

Rath had already gone into kicking-demon-butt mode. "Didjya miss me, Bierrez?" he inquired, smirking.

The demon smiled chillingly. "As a matter of fact, I did," he replied. "I've been lucking around here for days, waiting for you to show up..." In one swift movement he had pushed Thatz out of the way and onto the floor and had grabbed Rath - pulling him into a deep, rough kiss.

Suddenly he was picked up by the shirt, and flung across the hall - but not by Rath. Thatz gaped.

"When did you get here?" the Earth knight demanded, as Rath sagged against the wall with a dazed expression on his face.

Rune grimly drew his sword. "I was walking by and couldn't help but hear," he ground out, and without further hesitation he charged Bierrez.

...With a satisfied smirk, the demon pushed Rune up and off of him, before drawing his sword from the other's stomach. "Well, I guess that takes care of my main obstacle, ne?" he said cheerfully.

...His vision was laced with red. Rune caught a glimpse of his koi's eye, filled with pain and anger - wait, was he crying? No way... He lunged, this time Bierrez was the slow one, Rath wrestled the sword from him, swung... And everything went black.


Jessica: Wow, in the words of Book 6, another dead demon has come back to life to appear in my fic! He must love me more than you, Kura-chan...

Kurayami Ryuu: *fumes* BACK. OFF. Or I'll open this door!

Jessica: What's behind the door?

Kurayami Ryuu: *cackles insanely* The angry readers who want to rip you to shreds for killing Rune!

Jessica: *pales* B-b-but, he's not dead! I swear! What fun would the next chapter be if he was dead, huh? I mean, it'd just be wrong to give him a lemon *and* kill him off in the first chapter, after all.

Kurayami Ryuu: *shakes head sadly* Sorry, but they still wanna rip you to shreds. Especially Bulma_Wannabe's sister, I'm sure... *very evil grin of evilness* Bwuhahahaha...