Jk: sorry I took so long to update all! I've been babysitting BulmaWannabe and The Mad Tea-Party's little brother a lot and I have a partish-time job now so I've been really busy. Also this chapter might actually suck in the case that is has not been touched up by Shiro-Ryuu. So if ya wanna flame me feel free to, it's actually me you'll be flaming (Sweatdrop) but please go easy on me cause' I'm still learning. (Weak smile) ok any way!
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Knights nor shall I try to pretend I do. (Big shocker there) but I do own a copy of some of the manga! Whoot!
Chapter Six
If Only You Knew
Rune Reached up slowly and wiped away the tears pouring down his cheeks. How could he do that? How could he kiss Beirrez back? His stomach lurched. The picture of them in each other's arms kept playing through his head, the way Rath's eyes had narrowed with hate, the way he'd wrapped his arms around him and kissed him back. He fell to his knees clutching his chest. It hurt. His heart... his very soul was in pain. The tears began to fall faster. He shut his eyes tightly trying to stop them from coming and failing. He finally gave in, curled up into a little ball on the floor and cried himself into a restless slumber.
meanwhile down the hall in the hospital wing. Bierrez stared at Rath in disbelief. he'd kissed him back! He'd actually returned the kiss! Rath was glaring at the doors, his fist clenched tightly. A drop of blood fell from between his fingers and hit the floor. Bierrez frowned. Before even he knew what he was doing his hand shot forward and grabbed Rath's wrist. He lifted his hand up and pried his fingers free with his other hand. Rath glowered at him. It was a half hearted try, but it still made Bierrez take an involuntary step backward.
"Why are you still here?" the fire Knight snapped. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Bierrez, Rune or any one in the whole damn world. Everyone could just die for all he cared. He shoved Bierrez towards the doors. "Get out of here and leave me alone!" he turned away from the other boy, and glowered at the rest of the room. Silently, and reluctantly, Bierrez left the dragon castle and returned to Kharl's home. The memory of Rath's kiss still fresh in his mind. He walked out onto his balcony and stared out at the sky.
"What's wrong with me?" his question was aimed at nothing in particular, so he jumped when someone responded.
"You're in love you fool." Bierrez whirled around to see Garfacy smirking at him from the doorway. Bierrez hated him. No he loathed him. This short little human was way to cocky for his own good. He turned away from him again and did his best to hold him self to where he stood. It took all his will power and mental strength not to lunge at the little creep. There was a quiet chuckle from behind him. "Ignore me if you like, but it's true. You love Rath." Bierrez's eyes went wide. Was it true? Did he actually love Rath? The very same Rath who'd taken Cesia from him? It was impossible. 'And besides,' he told himself. 'Rath loves that annoying elf, Rune.' he sighed and went back into his rooms. After throwing Garfacy out on his smug human butt Bierrez bolted his door and fell onto his bed staring at the ceiling. This was unlike him. To let his job and his personal life get mixed. He was supposed to bring Rath to Kharl...but he didn't want to make Rath suffer.
"What the hell am I supposed to do now?" he growled at the ceiling then decided to go for a walk. Yeah a walk to clear his head.
As he walked around one of Kharl's strangely arranged gardens, he thought over his 'problem'. It was clear to him that he had feelings for the fire knight, and it was also clear that he'd never be able to get close to Rath with Rune in the way. 'But if I kill Rune... Rath will hate me even more then he does all ready...' he flinched and added grimly; 'if that's even possible.' and sighed. He really did have a problem.
when Rune awoke, he found, not only Ruwalk, but Kai-stern standing over him, all both looking worried. He sat up, felt his stomach lurch again, leaned forward and vomited. Kai-stern patted him on the back and Ruwalk went to get him a glass of water. Once he'd had a drink and caught his breath, the questions started.
"Rune what happened?" he shook his head, which hurt like hell. Ruwalk gave him a concerned look.
"Tell us what's wrong." Kai-stern nodded his agreement. Rune sighed and started to explain. He told them all about his relation ship with Rath, and what had happened between Rath and Bierrez. And he did fine until he got to the end. He couldn't bring him self to tell them about Rath kissing Bierrez. The thought of it made him want to get sick all over again. But he forced himself to tell them. When he finished he looked up at them, tears brimming in his blue eyes yet again.
"What should I do?" Kai-stern and Ruwalk found themselves at a loss for words. They'd know Rune and Rath were close. But they'd never expected this.
"We...don't know Rune..."
Bierrez watched Rune talking to the two dragon officers. He couldn't help but feel sorry for the elf. A strange sensation swept over him that made his eyes go wide. There was a knock at his door and Kharl's voice called;
"Bierrez are you alright in there? Garfacy said you've been acting strangely." all Bierrez could do to answer was stare at the door and mutter quietly under his breath;
"You have no idea..."
Jk: sorry it's so short! I'll try to update sooner next time but I can't really make any promises. Please don't flame me too badly alright?
Rath: (twitch twitch) I...am going...to kill you!
Jk: er...R&R guys! (Runs away from a fuming Rath)