Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. Fox, Bandai, that Japanese amimation company, and others do. I am not a part of them. If I owned Digimon, I'd be writing the TV scripts, not fanfiction.
Howdy y'all! This is my FIRST fanfic ever, so please go easy on me when you review! On that, please review. If I get, like, 10 or so decent reviews, I will continue with this. And please no flames! (No really bad ones anyway) Get it? Got it? Good. Now onto the fic! (Oh BTW, this is a Takari (it'll turn out to be one), so all you non-takari fans this is not the story for you ^_^)
Also, this is my idea, but i gave Sakura_Syaoran part of it to write as her own, but this is the original (with a few minor changes) idea.
Dedication: this is dedicated to Sakura_Syaoran, (for using one of my ideas and for her dedication) Maura (aka jus1digigirl), and Princess Takari
Reunion: Part 1 (duh, what else would it be?)
TK opened the door to his apartment and went inside, shaking off snow as he did. "Mom? Evan? Anybody home?" No answer. "Oh well, I guess they're still out picking up furniture." TK plopped into the first thing he saw, which turned out to be a bean bag chair. He looked around the room. Stacked up everywhere were piles and piles of boxes. TK still wasn't used to the idea of him moving, or having a step-father or having more siblings. His mind wandered around and it landed on the time when his mom broke the startling news...
"TK?" "Yeah mom?" "You know that I've been dating Evan for almost a year right?" "Yeah," muttered TK staring at the floor. He knew his mother liked Evan Reynolds, but he sure didn't. He didn't like how his mom was always trying to get TK to join her when she went over to see Evan and his three daughters. "Well, umm, I don't really know how to say this to you, but I have to say it sometime, and I guess sooner than later.." stammered his mom. "Get to the point mom, I have to get to Shawn's house. We were going to go to the park to shoot some hoops." said TK. His mom took a deep breath. "OK. Here it goes. Yesterday, Evan asked me to marry him. And I said yes." TK stood rooted to the floor. He could not believe what he had just heard. His mouth dropped open "He asked you to marry him?" he cried. "But...but..how..why..'. His mom held out her left hand. TK stared at it. On his mom's finger was a glittering diamond ring. "I..don't...believe..it." TK felt anger rising up in him. How could she do this to him? "I'm leaving. I'll be back later." said TK as he grabbed his jacket and slammed the door behind him.
TK decided to go to the park by himself, just to sort things out. He went over by the pond and started to skip rocks. "How could she do this?" he said out loud. "How could she? She knows I can't stand the guy and his daughters. Why? Why? Why? I refuse to accept the fact my mother's getting married!" he said."Thank goodness Dad wouldn't do that to me". Then TK's thoughts flew to his father, back in Japan. "Oh my gosh! Does Matt know? If he doesn't, he's gonna be hopping mad when he finds out" TK jumped to his feet and hurried to find the nearest pay phone.
"C'mon, Matt. Pick up" pleaded TK into the phone "Hello, Ishida residence. Matt here." came a voice on the other end. "Matt?" asked TK. "TK? Is that you? I can't believe it!" Came Matt's excited voice. "So how are things in Orlando? Is the weather still good? How are you and mom?" he asked. "Well, the weathers really warm, for December. Mom's fine. I'm not." Tk's voice came out flat, with no expression. "TK? I'm glad to hear mom's fine, but what's the matter with you?" Matt's voice sounded concerned. "It's mom. You know mom's been dating Evan, right?" asked TK. "Yeah" said Matt. His voice sounded a touch angry. "But what's that got to do with you?" Tk sighed. "Everything, Matt. Everything. I don't know if you know this or not, but mom and Evan are getting married" Tk nearly had to hold the phone away from his ear as Matt responded. "WHAT?! THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED? Let me talk to mom right now." said Matt, his voice now full of anger. "Sorry, no can do. I'm at a pay phone." responded TK. "Your number is 454-0903, right?" asked Matt. "Yeah, without all the area codes." replied TK. "Oh, don't worry about that, I'll find out the area codes. I'm calling mom right now. See ya TK." "Bye Matt" said Tk as he hung up the phone. "As much as I don't want to go home right now, it's Thursday, and I have to make dinner." Tk said to no one in particular. He headed out of the park and started to walk home.
"-to you later, Matt" came Tk's mother's voice as Tk stepped into his apartment. His mother hung up the phone and turned when she saw TK standing in the front hall. "Tk, I-"she started to say. "Mom, I don't want to talk about it right now. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to make supper."he said icily. "Tk, we're going to Evan's place tonight. We have another announcement for you and the girls."she said gently. "What? Uh uh. No way am I going over to Evan's tonight." said TK, his arms folded tightly in front of him."Sorry, TK but you are. Now get ready. We're leaving in ten minutes." replied his mom.
TK, his mom, Evan and Evan's three daughters Molly, 16, Erika, 13 and Jasmine, 11 were seated around the table (A/N I forgot to mention: In this story TK is 14). Evan cleared his throat. "Now, we are all here tonight because Nancy (A/N: that's TK's mother in case you didn't know) and I have an announcement we'd like to make." "What is it Daddy?" asked Jasmine with her fork halfway to her mouth. "Hold on sweetie. I'm getting to it." said Evan. "Here it is. I have been offered an excellent position with my company's branch in Tokyo. I have decided to accept it, and all of us are going to move there." Jasmine's fork clattered to the floor. "Moving? We're moving?" she shrieked. "I don't want to leave here. I've lived here all my life and all my friends are here. How can you do this?" asked Molly, beginning to cry softly. "Yeah," echoed Erika. "I don't wanna leave." Tears, started rolling down her face. TK, on the other hand, felt like jumping for joy. He was going home.
***End Flashback***
(A/N: Sorry that flashback was so long, but otherwise people would get confused by this)
The door to the apartment came open. TK's mom staggered in, clutching an enormous box. She dropped it on the floor and jumped a little when she saw TK. "Oh! I didn't think you'd be back yet." she said, shaking snow out of her hair. "My, I'd forgotten how bad snowstorms can get here" she said, laughing. Tk smiled weakly. His mother looked at her watch. "Oh no, look at the time! I've got to pick up Jasmine from her friends house and I've got to drop these letters off to the post office. And Molly wanted me to pick her and Erika up from swim class too." she said, her face falling. "Look. I'll go the post office for you. I have to go there anyway. I have a letter to mail to Shawn." answered TK, putting his coat back on. "Oh would you? Thanks dear." said his mom. She headed out the door after TK and locked the apartment.
TK fought the strong winds that were blowing outside to get to the post office, which was only about half a block away from his apartment. He delivered the letters and went back outside to start his way back home. The winds were stronger now, and snow was starting to fall, heavily,. Almost no cars were on the street. TK saw a flash of blue as he started to walk back to his apartment. He bent down to see what it was, and found it was a mitten. He wondered who dropped it, because it wasn't there when he first came. He turned around and saw a girl, who was having trouble walking through the deep snow. "Hey you!" called TK. The girl turned around. "Is this your mitten?"He held it up. The girl looked down at her hands. "Yeah, it is. I'll come and get it." she said walking, with difficulty, to TK. "Thanks," she said taking her mitten. As she took the mitten from TK, her hand brushed against his. It was ice cold. "Look, why don't you came with me to my apartment to get you warmed up?" he pointed to his apartment building. The girl bit her lip. "Umm..I don't know if I should..." she said hesitantly. "Well let me put it to you this way. How much farther do you need to walk?" asked TK. "Oh, about five blocks." came the reply. "Well, then that settles it. You are coming with me. That is too far to walk in this weather." said TK grabbing her arm. The girl smiled. "Well, I guess I could use warming up." she said. The two of them then walked back to TK's apartment.
"Here we are," said TK. opening the apartment door and gesturing to the girl. The girl stepped inside and started to take of her coat, hat and boots, which were all soaked. "Here. Sit it this bean bag chair. It's all we have to sit on at the moment, because we haven't started to unpack yet." apologized TK. "Where did you move from?" asked the girl. "Orlando Florida, but I'm originally from here. I moved to florida with my mom after my parents got divorced. She got married again and her and my stepfather decided to move back. I'm glad we did. I really didn't like the States" replied Tk. "You want some hot chocolate?" The girl sat down in the chair. "Sure" she said. Tk went into the kitchen, which was half unpacked and got the girl some hot chocolate. "Here," he said. "Thanks" answered the girl and she shifted her position in the chair. As she did, TK noticed a pink and yellow anklet around her left foot. "Impossible" Tk thought to himself. "It can't be"
***Flashback*** (five years before)
"Japan Air flight 664 to Los Angeles now pre- boarding at gate four" came the voice over the loudspeaker. "Well, this is goodbye for now" said TK's mom, as she hugged Matt tightly. "I'll miss you so much." she said softly, tears running own her face. Matt let go of her and turned to TK. "So long, little bro. I'm going to miss you very much." said Matt as he hugged his brother. "Bye Matt, said TK sofltly. The nine-year-old didn't wnat to leave, but his mother had been offered a really good job in Florida, which she took. As he hugged Matt, he saw his best friend over his brother's shoulder. Kari. She had been invited to come along, to see TK off. "Mom," he said as he let go of his brother, "can I say goodbye to Kari now?" "Sure, sweetie." responded his mother as she wiped a tear from her eye. Tk walked over to Kari. "Kari, I'm really going to miss you. I don't wnat to leave here." TK started to cry a little and Kari gave him a small hug. "I'm going to miss you too" she said. "Um, I know I'm the one leaving, but I want to have this. My cousin hepled me make it." said TK sofltly. He took a pink and yellow bracelet out of his pocket and gave it to Kari. Kari took it with tears in her eyes and immediately tied it around her ankle. "Thanks TK. I'll always remember you." she said. TK waved to her and his brother and started to head towards the gate to start his new life
***End Flashback***
TK shook his head. "It's impossible" he thought again. "But, what the heck. At least I'll get her name out of it" TK cleared his throat. "Kari?" he asked the girl, who was quietly sipping the hot chocolate. When she heard TK, she spit some out. "How did you know my name?" she gasped. She stared at TK for a few seconds. "Oh my gosh" she exclaimed, "TK?"
Well, there's the first part of my series (hopefully).. Anyway please review this, and like I said, if I get like 10, decent reviews on this I will go on. I know this sucked, as this was my first fan fic, but hey! I tried. ^_^
~*I am Canadian*~