Disclaimer: to put it simple.. I do NOT own anything, K?

Yay! Part 3 is FINALLY out! This would have been out sooner except a case of writers block, a bad case of the flu (from which I still haven't fully recovered) and the (extremely) evil exams kept me from posting. Can you *please* review? ::gives puppy dog eyes:: the first two parts have had, like 330 hits, yet only 18 reviews. So puh-lease review for my sake! I need to know what you guys think! Oh, btw this WILL be a Takari for anybody who cares so don't flame if you don't like Takari, k? Also, in case I never mentioned this before, Matt is in this, only he is on a current world tour with his band.

Dedicated to all my loyal readers (what I have of them) especially Maura (aka jus1digigirl) Kepp up your good work, girl!

Now, without further adieu, part 3!

Reunion: Part 3

"...all I wanna say is, Kari is my good friend, and nobody can tell me to stay away from her, understand?" said TK angrily. He spun around and headed off towards his locker with Davis glaring at him. Kari, in the express line, was frozen in shock. She had just overheard TK and Davis' conversation about her. 'Were they actually fighting over me? no way, that's impossible, isn't it? Besides, who does Davis think he is, calling me "his" girl? I can't be owned!' Kari thought to herself, anger starting to well up inside her. "Uh, hello? Can you move? You're holding us up!" a voice behind Kari called. Kari then noticed that she was the next person in line to be served, but she was miles away from the counter. "Sorry," she said blushing a little as she quickly moved to the check-out. She payed for her food and then headed off towards her usual table where she could see Yolei waving to her.

Kari slid into her seat at the table, next to Yolei. "Hey Kari, where were you?" Yolei asked. "Getting lunch" Kari replied. "You actually buy that stuff?" Yolei replied, wrinkling her nose as she looked at Kari's lunch."I have no other choice on Tuesdays. Even if the food is awful" Kari shot back. "Sor-ry. What's gotten into you today, Kari?" asked Yolei. Kari sighed. "I didn't mean to yell, but I overheard Davis and TK arguing about me when I was in the lunch line and I just, well... got a bit angry over Davis actually thinking he could 'own me'" Yolei looked puzzled. "Tk? Who's TK?" she asked. "Omigosh! I can't believe I forgot to tell you!" Kari said slapping herself on the forehead. "He was a really good friend of mine when I was younger, and then he moved away to Florida five years ago, but he moved back earlier this month and now he goes to school here." she said. "Cool! A long lost friend! What does he look like?" asked Yolei, her eyes gleaming. Kari smiled at her friend. "Yolei, don't you ever give up on boys? Besides, he's a year younger than you. My age." said Kari shaking her head. "Nope. I never give up on boys, even if they are younger than me. Besides, who cares? Tell me anyways." said Yolei, stuffing her food into her mouth like she hadn't eaten for years. Kari shook her head. "Fine. You win. He's got golden blond hair and these amazing blue eyes." Kari said. Oh no! Did I just say that out loud?! "Amazing blue eyes, huh? Sounds like you've got a crush on him, Kari!" said Yolei, rasing her eyebrows. Kari blushed. "NO! I mean, no. He's just a friend. How did we get onto this topic anyway? I was about to tell you about Davis and TK's conversation." said Kari. "Ah! You're blushing! That's means you do like him! Admit it! Forget the conversation, you can tell me that later. Anyways, keep going. What does he look like?" asked Yolei with a smile on her face. Kari started to blush again."Well-" her eyes suddenly got a faraway look in them. "You can see for yourself, because here he comes now!" she said. "He is? Where?" asked Yolei, her head spinning. TK came up to them. "Hi Kari. Can I sit here?" he asked. "Uh, sure. Tk, this is Yolei, Yolei, TK." Kari said introducing TK and Yolei."hi. Nice to meet you." said Yolei. "Same here." said Tk. He sat down next to Kari. Kari started to blush again, but only Yolei saw it. She grinned at Kari. Tk looked at the food on his tray. "What is this stuff?" he asked peering between his bread slices and discovering some lumpy brown meat. "Mystery meat. We always have that on Tuesdays. Personally, I think it's last years footballs." said Yolei. "So that's what they did with them!" Kari exclaimed, trying not to crack up. "Yep. Recycling." said Yolei, trying to hold in her laughter, unsuccessfully. TK cracked up. "What's so funny?" came a voice. Kari looked up. Izzy stood there, with Molly. "What's so funny?" repeated Izzy. He sat down next to Yolei and Molly sat down next to Tk. "Hi Izzy! I was telling Kari about how mystery meat looks like recycled footballs" said Yolei. Molly peered at her sandwich. "Ah! So that's what this brown gunk is!" she said, grinning. She looked up at Yolei. "You're Yolei, right? You're in my chemistry class." she said. "Yep. I'm Yolei. You're Molly right?" asked Yolei. "Uh huh. The new kid. Although unlike some OTHER 'new kid', I've never been here before. Izzy had to show me around everywhere." Molly said looking at TK, giving him a nudge in the arm. "Hey! I can't help it!" exclaimed TK, elbowing Molly in the side. "Guys, cut it out. You're starting to act like Tai and me" Kari said, shaking her head but smiling. "How come you guys know each other?" asked Izzy. "Where did you guys meet?" "Well, Molly is my stepsister. I have two more stepsisters too. Erika and Jasmine." said Tk. Izzy spit out a bit of his sandwich and the bits landed on Kari. "Eewww! Izzy, say it, don't spray it!" said Kari, wiping bits of sandwich off of her. "Sorry about that Kari. What I was going to say was, you have stepsisters TK? When did your mom get married?" asked Izzy. "About six months ago. Look. I don't really like talking about it, can we change the subject?" said TK, sounding uncomfortable. "Sure!" said Yolei."So...um, Kari, where is your brother? He's usually here by now." she said looking around the cafeteria. "I don't know. Maybe he had emergency soccer practice or something. Or maybe he went out for lunch again. Come to think of it, he never eats in on Tuesdays" answered Kari. "Wonder why.." mused TK staring at his sandwich. "This looks awful. Molly, remind me when we get home to tell mom never give me money to buy lunch on Tuesday's. After hearing Yolei's description, I'm not so hungry anymore." he replied, pushing his sandwich away. Kari and Molly laughed. "That's Yolei for ya!" Kari said. Yolei grinned. TK and Molly will fit in here just fine thought Kari as she watched TK and Molly laugh at one of Yolei's jokes.

"Man, why is the first day of school such a killer?" asked TK struggling to get his book bag out of his locker after school. "It never is, cause we never have homework. However, since you came in the middle of December, things are different." said Kari who's locker was a few lockers away from TK's. "Ha ha. Very funny" retorted TK with a wry smile. He finally got his book bag free, but books and papers came out with it. Kari giggled. "Lots of homework, TK?" she asked. TK reached down and started to pick up the books and paper. "Yeah.." sighed Tk. "Man, life's not fair" he said, swinging his book bag onto his shoulder and slamming his locker door shut. Kari giggled again. "Better get used to it. The teachers here are killer." she said, grinning and locking her locker. Thanks for the warning." responded TK, smiling back. wow! Aside from those eyes of his, he's got a killer smile! Wait a minute, Kari. Why are you thinking of him like that? He's just a good friend. Besides, you're going out with someone already..."Kari? You ok?" asked TK waving his hand in front of her face. Kari snapped out of her thoughts. "Uh, yeah. I was just off in dreamland." Kari answered. "No kidding. C'mon. Let's leave. I hate being in school any longer than I absolutely have to." said TK and they headed down the hallway towards the door. "Hey guys! Wait up!" Kari and TK spun around. Yolei was jogging down the hall, with Molly in tow. "Kari, you're supposed to wait for me, remember?" Yolei said, panting. Kari slapped her forehead with her hand. "Oops! Sorry, Yolei. I keep forgetting." Kari said, blushing a bit. "Hey, no problem. But don't forget again, ok? Walking home by yourself is no fun." Yolei replied. "Now, homeward bound we go!" she cried, opening the schools front door. "Wait a minute" said Molly, tapping Yolei on the shoulder. "I told dad I'd wait for Jasmine and Erika after school." "Oh. Ok." said Yolei closing the door. "We can go now anyway, Yolei. Here come Jasmine and Erika now!" said Tk. "Hey sis! How was the first day of grade six?" Molly asked to Jasmine. "Ok, I guess. I got lost a lot and no body would speak to me. But then, after lunch I was headed to math when I got lost again and I ran into these two people. They were nice to me and showed me the way to math and it turns out they're in my math class too. The girl said her name was Yukiko, but to call her Kiki and the boy's name was Cody." replied Jasmine. "Does this Kiki have reddish-brown, kind of long hair, purpley-blue eyes and glasses and a bunch of freckles?" asked Yolei. "Yeah. Why do you ask?" asked Jasmine. "Because she's my sister. I'm Yolei by the way. I know Cody too. He lives in my apartment building" said Yolei.

(A/N I don't know if Yolei even has a sister, or what she looks like. I'm making her up too. And in case you were wondering, the 'Cody' mentioned here is the same one that's in the anime show)

"Cool! Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Jasmine" replied Jasmine. "So we know" said Molly smiling at her younger sister. She turned to Erika. "How was your day Erika?" Molly asked. "Fine. I got lost a lot though and I had to find my way though massive crowds. I never knew there were so many grade eights!" she answered. "Let's get going. You guys can tell dad all about your first day when we get home, ok?" asked Molly. Erika and Jasmine nodded their heads. "Homeward bound we go!" said Yolei again as she held open the door.

"TK, honey, get up. It's almost twelve-thirty" said his mother as she opened the door to his bedroom. "But it's Saturday. Isn't there a law saying it's illegal to wake people up early on Saturday's?" mumbled a groggy Tk. "Ha ha. Very funny. I don't care if there is a law. You are getting up now. Besides, if you don't you'll be late for basketball tryouts at one." said his mother. "Oh yeah! How could I forget that?" TK said finally getting out of bed. I've only been thinking about it since Wednesday when they were announced TK dragged himself downstairs at 12:40. The only person still home was his mother. "Where is everyone?" he asked. "Well, Evan is gone grocery shopping, Jasmine is over to Kiki's, and Erika and Molly went to the mall." replied his mom. "Now eat something and then I'll take to over to the school for the tryouts, ok?" "Yeah, ok. Whatever." said TK eyeing a chocolate chip bagel that was on the kitchen counter.

"Well that's all for today. I'll post the people who made the team in a few days. See you guys around" said the basketball coach Mr. Osakawara

(A/N once again, I am making this up.)

TK took a few deep breaths and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He had just been through some of the most exhausting afternoons of his life; four hours of trying to prove he was good enough to be on the intermediate basketball team. "Man, that was a killer workout" he mumbled under his breath. He headed for the locker room, changed back into his street clothes and started the walk home. On the way, he passed the mall that Erika and Molly were at and he saw a familiar figure walking to the main entrance of the mall. "Hey Kari!" TK called out. "Hi! How was basketball tryouts?" called back Kari. TK walked over to Kari. "Tryouts went well, I guess. What are you doing here." he asked. "I'm meeting Erika and Molly at the soda shop. Care to join us?" replied Kari. "Sure." answered TK and they went into the mall and went to the soda shop that was on the second floor

"Hi Kari. Glad you could make it. Hey, TK! What are you doing here? I thought you had basketball tryouts?" asked Molly. "Hey" said Kari sitting next to Erika. TK flopped down next to Molly. "I just came from tryouts. Man, they were exhausting." replied TK. "But now I'm ready for a nice big sundae." "Here. I'll go and get our food ok?" asked Kari. She walked up to the counter, ordered everyone's food and came back with it all. Everyone munched away until Molly stood up. 'Omigosh! Look at the time! I promised dad I'd go pick up those pictures he left at the photo shop. And you guys are coming with me" Molly said, referring to Erika and Jasmine. "Man, do we have to?" whined Jasmine. "Yes you do. This is a huge city and you never know what'll happen" replied Molly, dragging Erika and Jasmine out the soda shop door. "We might as well go too" said Kari, getting up from the table. "Hold on a sec, let me finish my sundae" said Tk as he swallowed a huge glop of ice cream.

"Tell me again, why did we have to come through the park? My feet are numb!" exclaimed Tk. "Sor-ry, but as you probably noticed the streets are piled high with snow and Saturday's are always busy on the streets anyway. So i figured the park would be a nice short cut" explained Kari "A short cut, yes. Nice, no. But i suppose you're right. I wouldn't want to get sprayed with slush from cars anyway." said Tk. "Gross! Don't talk about th- Whoa!" cried Kari as she slipped on some hidden ice. She grabbed on to Tk to hold her up and nearly made him slip too. "Geez! Watch it Kari! I don't need any broken bones!" cried Tk. Kari giggled. "Sorry about that." she said. She then got a faraway look in her eyes. "Kari? What's the matter?" asked Tk. "Oh nothing." replied Kari. "Nice try. I know there's something wrong. Tell me." said Tk staring into Kari's brown eyes. omigosh! It's those amazing blue eyes again! Wait, wait. Kari, stop thinking of Tk like that. He is only a friend...only a friend... Kari sighed. "Fine. But you are never to tell anybody what I'm about to say, ok?" said Kari. "Cross my heart and hope to die" responded TK. "Ok. Here goes. Last year when we had students-become-teacher day, I was assigned to a grade ten geography class. About halfway through, i slipped and fell on a piece of stray chalk that was kying on the floor. The whole class just went up in laughter. Izzy was in that class and he tried to calm everybody down, but it didn't work. For practally all off last year i was known to all as "spaz-girl, the nickname given to me by Rachel Nikira. People even wrote"spaz-girl" on my locker. Everywhere i went people called me it. A couple of weeks before school ended, people finally quit calling me names. I was finally free from the torture. I was reminded of this when i slipped on the ice, you see? Now you have to promise me that you'll never tell anyone about this ok?" said Kari. "Wow, what a story. Yes. I promise." replied TK. "Oh and speaking of Rachel, there she is now.." said kari as she spotted Rachel walking nearby.

"RRIINNGG!" came the lunch bell. "That's all for today, class. I'd like for you to complete the questions on page 36 for homwork" said Mr. Yamaoto. Finally! Lunch! Man, why do Monday mornings always seem to go so slow thought TK as he gathered up his science books and headed towards his locker. Kari had just gotten to her locker and when she got there, she froze. Tk noticed this and said "Kari? What the matter?" kari slowly turned to face TK and pointed to her locker. "THIS is what's wrong" she said. Written across her locker in heavy pencil were the words "Spaz-Girl". Tk's mouth dropped open. "But who... I mean... didn't everybody stop calling you names?" stuttered TK. "They did, but I guess they started up again after all these months. Oh TK, how could you? You promised you woudn't tell!" exclaimed Kari, with a few tears rolling down her face. "But Kari, I never told anybody. I'd never break a promise." replied a shocked TK. "Well you broke one this time!" cried Kari as she opened her locker, threw in her books and slammed it shut again. A large group of people came wawlking down the hallway. "How's it going, Spaz-Girl?" they said as they passed. Kari looked at Tk again, this time with a lot of tears rolling down her face. "Tk! How could you?"she said again. She began to walk quickly down the hallway. "Wait, Kari! I swear I didn't tell anyone!" Tk called out. "Leave me alone. I'm never speaking to you again. Ever." she said as she continued to walk. Tk just stood there, frozen to the spot as he watched his former friend walk out of sight.

Ta-Da! There's part three. I never meant for this to be so long, i swear. ::Hears voices crying out "Sure, Sure":: Anyways like I've said before, PLEASE review. I don't care if all you put is a ^_^. Just put in something, k? Now, for the big question. Should I continue? I want to, but I'm not going to write my brains out if nobody wants me to. I'll see you guys around!

~* I Am Canadian*~