Disclaimers: I do not own Ranma ½

A Bard's Tale

I'm just a wandering bard. I tell stories, and I entertain tis my job. My travels take me where my feet and heart guide me. My findings are stories. My stories are extraordinary experie3nces that happened to real people through my travels that happened to real people through my travels that I've met. Mind you that the stories become a little tweaked, but are none the less the same. All stories hold some strong lesson and emotion to it, and it's those I hold close to my heart. But there's this one special tale that I learned of, that I now hold closer than any other tale. I shall tell you the tale, but this is true, and nothing in it was tweaked. So gather round, and listen closely to a tale of jealously and fear and love. It all began like this…

Chapter One: A Bard's Companion!

It was a beautiful day in the land of Jupon Country. A lone man, wearing a brown traveler's cloak, was walking down a lane. He was tall and slim, with the face of a god, walking with the wind whipping through his boyish cut black hair. His black spotted yellow bandanna making him look like a warrior with a purpose for walking in the countryside, and all he had for luggage was a harp and a fairly small bag containing nothing but money, and another cloak. The man's pace slowed as he neared the shade of a large Oak tree. He placed down his harp and bag, and then positioned himself against the trunk of the tree, relaxing in the shade. He closed his eyes in the relief of finally getting to relax.

"Excuse me sir," a hoarse voice said suddenly," but do you know where the Dragon Kingdom is?" The man gave a jolt from the sudden on-comer. He opened his eyes to look at the source of the voice. His body gave an involuntary wince upon looking at the speaker. It was a grotesque looking old woman. She had wiry snow white hair that seemed to go in every direction. She had an abnormal sized nose. Her frail seeming body looked to be the size of up to the height of 5' 2". Her arms appeared so thin and weak that they probably would have fallen, if not for that fact that they were attached to her body, and her nails were long and sharp like that of a witches. Her body looked every bit of aging, except her eyes. Her eyes seemed so young and full of life. The man could do nothing but gawk at her. "Excuse me sir, but do you know where the Dragon Kingdom is?" She asked again, seeming unconcerned by the man's action.

"Um…" The man just stuttered stupidly. Then he gave his head a good shake to clear his mind. "Where?"

"Dragon Kingdom," she repeated.

"Dragon Kingdom? There doesn't exist a Dragon Kingdom."

"Are you sure?" She questioned, her hands clutched together in a painful grasp.

"Yes, I'm quite positive," he answered. Staring at her brown eyes which began to take on a sad dark look. "The Prince renamed the land Sakura Kingdom, after Sakura trees. It's the same royal family as the Dragon Kingdom, just a different name. If you want to go to Sakura Kingdom, it's only a day's walk," he explained.

"Really?! Are you sure?!" She asked excitedly, with hope glowing in her eyes suddenly.

"Yes, I'm heading there now. I could show you the way," he offered.

"Could you?" The elder asked like an eager child.

"Of course my lady," he said as he rose from the ground, carrying his harp and bag with him. "My name is Ryouga Hibiki," he introduced, sweeping into a low bow. The old one giggled.

"My name is Akane, Akane Tendo," the elder said, going into a curtsy. Her body moved like that of a young girl, though it didn't appear as nimble.

'Can't be!' Thought Ryouga. 'She's too old to be the same Akane that disappeared three years ago.' He said in his mind with finality.

"So Sir Ryouga, shall we be off?" She asked, beginning to walk down the lane again, with such grace that only a princess would possess.

"Yes, of course my lady," Ryouga said, as he rushed after her. So they were off, and were matching stride by stride, making an odd pair. After quite some tie, Akane began to speak.

"So, are you a bard Sir Ryouga?" She questioned.

"Why yes I am! However did you guess?"

"That," she said bluntly, nodding her head in the direction of his harp. "Every bard I met in my life had a harp. They told excellent stories," she explained I a far away voice. Ryouga turned his head to stare at her, and saw a look on her face that showed regret and sorrow, and Ryouga Hibiki could not stand for sad maidens.

"I'm just a wandering bard. I tell stories, and I entertain tis my job. My travels take me where my feet and heart guide me. My findings are stories!" Ryouga exclaimed in a jolly tone. Instead of laughing, like most did, Akane just stared at him in wonder. Ryouga sighed inwardly; this was not the response he waned. "Sorry if I disturbed you Lady Akane," he said.

"No it's not that. It's what you said. Your stories… are they form what people have told you?" She asked, with curiosity and a hidden meaning.

"Yes, I find real event stories more enjoyable to tell than made up ones," he answered, with pride dripping in every word.

"Well, I have a tale to tell you, if you would like to hear Sir Bard," she said to his gleeful face.

"Really?!" Ryouga questioned, raising a curious brow at her. "I might not be interested. Intrigue me, tell me what it's about."

"It's about a young princess who grew up with a prince. Now the two liked to be playful and tease each other by calling one another names. But a s they grew, they became fond of each other. But something came between them, and something horrible happened to the princess. She was sent far away form the price, and was turned into a nasty looking person. She then went on a quest to seek her love, but alas, it is too much that she could hope for. No none could ever love a beast, or in this particular case, a hag," Akane sighed regretfully. Ryouga stared at her amazed.

"Well, you've sparked my interest my lady. Do tell me the tale of this tragic princess," Ryouga pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay Sir Bard, I shall tell you. But you must listen carefully, and not interrupt my tale,' she explained, giving him a warning look.

"As you say my lady," Ryouga cheered. "Begin please."

"Yes, yes, be patient. Now, it all began…"

A/N: Okay that's it for chapter one. I really love this story idea, but I'm not sure if you guys do. I really would like to get a least five reviews, that way I know some like it. If I don't get five, I really don't care, because I'm going to post the other chapters any ways. Sayonara for now!