Disclaimers: I don't own Ranma ½

A Bard's Tale

Chapter Two: The Beginning of the Elder's Tale

"It all began on the Princess' 13th birthday…"

' "You look lovely Princess Akane," a small servant of 11 said.

"Thank you Yuka," the princess thanked. Akane was admiring her figure in her full-length mirror. She was wearing a brand new dress that was an onyx black, with Sakura petals all over. It was mildly skin tight until it reached her hips, then it flowed outwards. Her sleeves were long, and the ends flowed down to mid waist when she held her hands to her chest. The dress suited her, with her angelic typeface, and long flowing bluish black hair. Yes, she was the ideal girl for any guy, and she was the last unweded Tendo sister left.

"Princess," a voice called from behind her. Akane turned around to face her father's messenger Daisuke. "Princess, your father would like to see you."

"I'll be right there Daisuke," Akane said, lifting up her dress, so as not to trip on the hem. "You may go now Yuka, and thank you for your help," she dismissed the servant with a warm gentle smile. As the servant left through a door in the side of the room, Akane exited through the one that landed into the hall. Akane walked down the hall, then descended down the staircase carefully. She then arrived in the entrance hall, where she proceeded to climb the staircase directly adjacent the one she climbed down. The staircase led to the west wing of the palace, where her father's study was located, and Akane had a good hunch that he was in his study. Finally, after walking through many hallways, with twist and turns, she had reached her father's study, and stood before his grand doors. She knocked delicately before saying, "Father, it's me, Akane." For quite some time no noise was heard. Then all of a sudden a voice boomed form inside.

"Come on in," the King Soun Tendo called. His voice was tinged with both happiness and a hint of sadness. Akane frowned at that, why would her father be sad? She just couldn't understand, but she slowly turned the knob and entered into the room.

At a desk below a large window, sat her father. Soun Tendo was a magnificent man, with deep coal black hair that reached to his shoulders, wearing dark crimson red shirt, and white pants, with gold chain links crossing over his chest. He truly was a picture of a king.

"Ah, Akane!" He roared with a smile on his face and in his eyes. He walked towards her with outstretched arms. "Happy Birthday my dear daughter," he said, as he embraced her in a bear hug.

"Thank you," Akane thanked as they separated. "You wished to see me."

"I did…" he seemed confused for a while, then he realized the truth. "Yes, yes I did," he murmured. Akane winced inwardly; her father had never been the same since her mother died when she was three. It seemed it got worse when her sisters Kasumi and Nabiki got married and left. "Come, come Akane," he gestured, as he walked towards a bookcase. Akane followed him like an obedient daughter. "Close your eyes," he commanded. Akane closed her eyes and waited patiently. She could hear the noises of her father shuffling around and moving things. Then all of a sudden the moving stopped, and she began to feel the presence of her father in front of her. "Open your eyes," he instructed with a gleeful tone. Akane shot her eyes open and gasped.

"It's beautiful," she breathed. In front of her, here father was dangling a chain. On the end was a glass pendant, and within it was an onyx colored sakura petal.

"Do you like it," Soun asked.

"Yes, I love it," she said breathlessly. She couldn't help and stare at the single petal.

"Yes, your mother made this especially for you. Before you were born, she had this feeling that you were a girl, and she wanted to name you Sakura after herself. So she made this necklace. Though, when you were born… once Sakura laid eyes on you, she knew that Sakura wouldn't fit," he chuckled out. "But she still intended for you to have the necklace, once you reached the age of 13." And as he told the story behind the necklace, he unclasped the chain, and held it up expectantly. Akane moved forward and held her position as her father placed the necklace around her neck.

"Thank you father, I'm… honored to have it," she said with a big smile.

"Your welcome," he said, wiping away a tiny tear. "My little Akane is growing, and before you know it, she'll be married," he wailed.

"Daddy, please," Akane scowled as she rolled her eyes.

"Can't your father have a little fun once in a while," he protested indignantly. Akane just shook her head in a sad way. "Fine. Well, let's talk about your party. Are you excited?"

"No," Akane answered bluntly. Her father looked crest fallen.

"Why ever not?" He asked in a whining tone.

"No one my age will be there," she retorted rather viscously.

"Don't growl at your father like that," Soun wailed, looking on the verge of tears. "Besides, you know very well that people will be there that's your age."

"Humph!" Was the only response he got form Akane. Soun stared quizzically at her, and then he smacked his fist in his palm in a triumphant way.

"You're really only upset because Ranma won't be there," Soun ventured.

"I could care less whether the jerk was there!" She shouted rather angrily. But any person could tell that she was just putting on an act.

"If you say so my dear," Soun waved his hand impatiently. Then he took a glance at the grandfather clock beside his desk. "Well I'll be, it's about time for your party. Shall we?" He asked, lifting up his arm.

"If we must," Akane muttered, locking her arm with his. Soun just gave her a stern look before he led the way down to the party.'

"… before he led the way down to the party," the elder finished. The bard just stared, waiting to hear more. After quite some time he realized no more was to come.

"My lady, please finish the story. What happened at the party?" He asked earnestly.

"Perhaps we should stay here for the night," was the only thing Akane had to say, as she stopped in front of a quaint little inn. "It will be getting dark soon. Let us stop our journey for the night."

"But my lady, are you going to finish the tale?" Ryouga asked, with plea dripping in every word.

"All in good time Sir Bard, all in good time," Akane whispered with a sly smile, as she entered into the inn, with Ryouga in tow.

A/N: There's chapter two folks. Chapter three will be coming out shortly I hope. Thanks for the reviews and have fun reading. Ciao for now!