Change of Heart
Chapter One: Milk Balloon Monday
"Out of my way!" An anxious voice shouted through the halls of Kikidou Valley Private School. The voice belonged to a medium height, slim girl. Her onyx black hair was flowing behind her, as her brown eyes held a look of disgust and worry. Her name is Kagome Higurashi, and she ran through the hall to her locker, her backpack swinging dangerously behind her. "Move it!" She shouted again, this time she shoved someone aside.
To say that Kagome had an attitude was an understatement; she had the reputation of changing her mood as fast as a pregnant woman could. It all depended on what she felt when she woke up... that and him. If Kagome ever went into a mood swing you were sure to bet that it was his fault, it was all him...
"Inu-Yasha Hazuki, what the heck are you doing here?" She growled as she neared her locker.
"Just came to see my Jewel Detector," Inu-Yasha murmured.
"Stop calling me that," Kagome said in a threatening tone. Remembering the nickname Kikyou and him gave her. She earned it, for she was the best at finding things. When Kikyou, Inu-Yasha, and herself were young, every Easter, instead of hunting for eggs they hunted for fake jewels. Kagome was always able to find the most out of the group. It was because she had a keen eye for things.
"Why? It's true," he said, smirking in a cocky way.
"Who gives a damn," she muttered, starting to get irritated. She shoved him over by bumping him with her hip. "Sorry," she gushed out sarcastically.
"I only came here because you left something at home," Inu-Yasha said, as he pulled out a pair of scissors from his bag.
"Thanks but I already have a pair," she snapped, turning her attention into her locker. It was because she wasn't paying attention to him that she got her punishment. Once Inu-Yasha noticed that her attention was else where, he got an evil glint in his eyes.
He reached into his bag very silently, and pulled out a balloon. He swished the liquid around in the balloon. He gave her back a nasty smirk, as he rose the balloon over her head. Then he swung his arm back; scissors in hand, pointed end outward. Kagome looked up at the last minute as the scissors had flung forward and busted through the thin layers of the balloon.
"Ah!" Kagome's shriek could be heard throughout the school. She glared evilly at the tall, muscular male in front of her. "I'll kill you for that doggy," she said, spitting some of the liquid out of her mouth. Inu-Yasha's golden eyes flashed anger and then humor.
"Is that a threat Jewelly?" He asked, stepping way too far into her personal space.
"No, merely a promise," she murmured, flicking the tips of his ears that was atop his head, where his silvery white hair was wrapping around them somewhat. After taking in a deep calming breath, that instead of being clamed, her nose scrunched up in disgust. "What was in the balloon?" She growled.
"It was just your average water balloon, except I hope you like spoiled milk instead," he smirked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
"Ugh!" She shouted. "I'll get you Inu-Yasha," she hissed, as she started pushing her way through the crowd again.
"I'm sure you will... I'm sure you will," Inu-Yasha muttered, as he too made his own way through the pool of students.
"Kagome, are you in here?" A small voice asked. It belonged to Kagome's best friend, Sango Long. She was a tall thin girl, with waist length brown hair, and matching eyes. She had met Kagome last spring, when she broke away from the crowd of a prep life... after Inu-Yasha and Kikyou started to go out and leave her behind.
"No," a whisper responded from within a stall.
"Then who am I talking to?" She questioned, raising her brow up curiously.
"Satan," Kagome announced, as she walked out of the stall. Her clothes were changed, seeing as how Kagome always brought a spare set ever since her and Inu-Yasha's little 'war' started. So instead of wearing the hip-huggers and low cut baby blue shirt outfit from earlier that morning, she now was wearing some black pants, where on her thighs it looked like a second skin, then flowed outward at her knees. She also had on a red shirt that had a boy and girl on it, and it was a type of cartoon. The boy was asking 'Which of my personalities don't you like?' and the girl was giving him a smug look saying, 'ALL of them!' The shirt hugged to her, and the outfit showed her body off very well.
"Let me guess, Inu-Yasha," Sango stated simply.
"No really," Kagome drawled out sarcastically.
"You really shouldn't have changed just because Inu-Yasha was being an ass to you," Sango commented.
"Yes I should have, unless you favor the smell of spoiled milk," Kagome snapped, soaking her hair in the sink, and washing her face.
"Huh," Sango gave her a questioning look.
"Inu-Yasha thought it would be real cute to pop a spoiled milk balloon on my head," she explained grabbing some paper towels and began a fruitless effort to dry her hair.
"That's sick!" Sango exclaimed, making a face looking as if she wanted to gag.
"Tell me about it, but at least you didn't have to taste it," Kagome spat, giving up on drying her hair. "The dummy, I'll get him," she swore. Then crossed back into the stall and grabbed a bag. "I've got to go drop by my locker, I'll just meet you in History," she muttered, crossing out of the bathroom.
Kagome walked lazily into History, clothes free of milk. The look on Inu- Yasha's face was priceless to Kagome.
"Hey look, Kagome changed. She's probably mad at Inu-Yasha again." She heard someone whisper, along with other similar comments. She ignored them, used to the comments by now. She just went and took her seat in front of Inu-Yasha and next to Sango.
"Always be prepared Inu-Yasha, if nothing else, that's what I learned form you," she cooed as she turned to face Inu-Yasha. She then fluttered her eyelashes, mimicking Kikyou's ways. "And you'll need to be prepared when I'm through with you," she hissed, suddenly giving him a look that could kill.
"I'm sure," Inu-Yasha smirked after recovering from his initial shock.
"You better be," she smirked as she turned to face front. At the same moment, a short bald man with a drunken look walked in. It was their teacher Mr. Myouga.
"Hello class," he drawled out.
"Hello," some of the suck up students greeted.
"Today we shall be..." then Kagome tuned his voice out as she snuggled her head in her arms. Then sleep overtook her exhausted body.
"Inu-Yasha, hurry up!" A seven-year-old Kagome shouted from up on King Hill.
"Yes Inu-Yasha, if you don't hurry, Kagome will just have us ditch you," a young girl called down to the half demon. It wasn't uncommon for demons to be alive, they were rare yes, but they were amongst the humans and no one really minded. "Inu-Yasha, Kagome is starting to descend," the young girl said in a monotonous voice. She looked similar to Kagome except her eyes were blue, and her hair was a few inches longer and a lighter shade of black.
"Don't tell him Kikyou," Kagome hissed. "It was supposed to be a surprise for the idiot!"
"Oh," Kikyou murmured. No one could ever figure out why or how Kagome and Kikyou were friends, the two girls were complete opposites. Kagome was always happy and Kikyou you couldn't really tell what she was feeling. But the girls were great friends and liked to prank people by switching places, seeing as they looked so alike.
"Who you calling stupid?" Inu-Yasha sneered, as he reached the top. He had been friends with these girls as far back as them being in diapers. Okay, so he was Kagome's friend first since they are neighbors. It was Kagome who introduced those two to each other, and thus the three musketeers began.
"Ah!" Kagome screamed as she jumped backwards from fright. That's when she lost her balance and tumbled backwards down the hill.
"Kagome!" Inu-Yasha yelled scared. He rushed to her when she came to a stop. "Kagome! Kagome!" He shouted as he gently lifted her.
"Heh, boo," she murmured softly, before slumping into his arms.
"KAGOME!" Inu-Yasha shouted one last time.
"Inu-Yasha, wait up!" Kagome yelled, as she ran towards a soaking Inu- Yasha. Just their luck that it was raining.
"A little slow, aren't you my Jewel Detector?" He joked, as he ran faster.
"Two can play that game!" Kagome shouted. She pulled a book out of her pack and chucked it at Inu-Yasha. She laughed inwardly as it made contact with his head. Inu-Yasha stopped abruptly and looked around for the offending object. He spotted the book and picked it up. He quickly flipped through the pages, scanning for any sign of ownership. His eyes narrowed as he found it on the cover. Owner: Kagome Higurashi Year: 2000-2001.
"Kagome!" Inu-Yasha growled, then he blinked as a blur passed in front of him. He looked up to see the retreating form of Kagome. He smirked as an idea got to him. He caught up with her in no time, and then he reached out his arms and tackled her to the ground.
"Inu-Yasha!" She screamed as they fell.
"I think this belongs to you," was all he said, as he held a drenched book in front of her.
"Oi! How come you ruined it?! Great, thinks a lot," she mumbled.
"No problem," he said in a cool and collective tone. The tone made her eyes twitch. She got a smirk to her face. She would just do what he hated the most, just talk... a lot.
"But now I'll have to pay! I can't believe you, you selfish jerk! I think I'll just make you pay!" And on and on she ranted. Inu-Yasha rolled his eyes as he began to get annoyed.
'I've got to get her to shut up somehow.' Inu-Yasha thought to himself. He smiled as a brilliant idea came into mind. "Oh she'll hate me for this, but it'll all be worth it!' He thought excitedly. He then leaned in front of her face, and then went for the goal. Soon his and Kagome's lips were connected. Kagome's eyes widened at first from surprise, but she began to close them and get into the kiss. Too bad that Inu-Yasha broke it off for air.
"Wow," he muttered, staring intensely into Kagome's eyes.
"Uh huh," Kagome nodded her head in agreement. But quickly shook it fiercely, coming to her senses. "I-I've got t-t-to go," she stuttered, as she scrambled off the ground. She picked up her book and backpack.
"Wait for me," Inu-Yasha said, also standing.
"N-n-no!" Kagome practically shouted in his face, while hurting his sensitive ears.
"Fine!" Inu-Yasha shouted back some what offended.
"I-I-I didn't..." Kagome began, but was cut off as Inu-Yasha began walking away. "I didn't mean to hurt you," she muttered to the air. She adjusted her hold on the backpack as she began walking home. 'Why did Kikyou have to tell me that she liked you?' Was the last thought Kagome had before heading home.
"Kagome!" Kikyou called out in a happy tone. Kagome turned to see a smiling Kikyou running towards her. It was one of those rare moments when Kikyou showed what she felt. "Guess what?" She squealed happily. It was the beginning of their first high school year.
"What?" Kagome joked, not in the mood to play guessing games today.
"What would make me the happiest girl in the world?"
"The anime channel putting Ranma ½ back on."
"No, and not even close."
"Someone mysteriously killing Souta?"
"No, and besides, that's what would make you happy."
"Miroku getting a brain and realizing that groping girls is wrong."
"That would take a miracle. Come on Kagome, play the game right!" Kikyou whined, while putting a pout on and crossing her arms.
"I don't know. Just tell me," Kagome commanded, getting annoyed with her.
"Fine. Inu-Yasha asked me out!" She squealed.
"He what?!" Kagome screeched.
"He asked me out! We're now boyfriend and girlfriend." Kikyou explained with a bright smile. Before she could ask how or when did this happen, she was distracted by the faint sound of a bell ringing and someone calling out her name.
"Ow!" Kagome yelled out in pain as her butt made contact with the hard tiled floor. She looked to see Inu-Yasha with her chair in his hand.
"Need a wake up call?" He laughed.
"I'll get you Inu-Yasha, I'll get," she muttered angrily, while rising up rubbing her aching butt. It seemed that 'I'll get you,' was her new favorite phrase.
"Sure, I'll be waiting," he smirked, leaving the classroom. Kagome stuck her tongue out at the guy's back.
"Idiot," she muttered while digging for something in her bag. "Ah ha!" She exclaimed, as she pulled out a calendar. She took out her blue pen and on Monday wrote in Milk Balloon Monday. "He thinks he's so smart, just wait until he sees what I have planned for him tomorrow," she smirked as she put the pen away. "Oh, yes, my dear sweet doggy. Tomorrow should be fun!"
N/A: That's it for chapter one. Please read and review, well if you got this far that means you already read it... so please review. Sayonara until next time!