Disclaimers: I don't own Inu-Yasha
Chapter Eight: Too Many Times Tuesday
"Then Hiroshi was like 'My dad is taking us to the states for my birthday. My dad can afford it, unlike some people.' Then he had the nerve to eyeball me, giving me this dirty look," Kikyou explained, telling Kagome about the events of yesterday.
"What a spoiled brat! I can't believe he would say that! The next time I see him I'm gonna pound him! Never mind! I don't ever want to see him again!" Kagome exclaimed, anger boiling through her blood.
"Inu-Yasha." Kagome heard a soft voice whisper. Her head shot towards the door to see the retreating form of her white haired best friend. "Inu-Yasha! Inu-Yasha! INU-YASHA" Her mother screamed.
"Kagome, what are you ding!" Kikyou screeched as Kagome tried to get out of the bed.
"I need . . . to . . . stop Inu-Yasha. That dummy . . . he . . . probably . . . misunderstood what he heard!" Kagome yelled, pulling the wires out of her arm. Once they were out, she rushed out of the room, pushing passed her distracted mother.
"Kagome!" Mrs. Higurashi yelled; breaking out of her stupor as her daughter's retreating back started to fade. "Kagome, come back here! You haven't fully healed yet! Kagome! KAGOME! Oh, not you too! You kids have got to stop ignoring me!"
"Don't worry Mrs. Higurashi . . . those two ill be laughing and hugging again by tonight," Kikyou's reassuring tone soothed some of Mrs. Higurashi's nerves.
"Inu-Yasha! Inu-Yasha, I know you're here! I may not have your nose, but I know you always come here when you're upset!" Kagome yelled as she ran through the familiar park.
"Nah Kagome, you know for a fact that I always go to the God Tree in front of your house!" A voice called down from within a tall oak. "Besides, I thought you never wanted to see me again."
"I knew you misunderstood . . . me and Kikyou were talking about Hiroshi and how he was being a major snob!" Kagome explained as she made her way to beneath the oak.
"You sure?" Inu-Yasha turned curious golden eyes onto the girl below him.
"Positive . . . besides, I thought you could smell lies."
"I can only smell big lies. 'Cause when humans lie they let out this . . . this . . . it starts with an S . . ."
"Stinky?" Kagome provided.
"No . . . I think Sesshomaru said . . . I remember what he said now! They let out this smell . . . and it makes them smell like shit!" Inu-Yasha declared, pointing upward a knowing finger; losing all composure and falling out of the tree.
"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome cried out, rushing forward to help him. "Are you all right?" She asked, placing hands on his arms to help him up somewhat.
"I'm fine," Inu-Yasha groaned, pushing himself into a sitting position against the tree he had been in.
"Good, then I won't feel bad about doing this," she whispered more to herself than Inu-Yasha. Before Inu-Yasha knew what was happening, Kagome clenched her fist and boxed him on the side of the head.
"Ow!" Inu-Yasha cried out, rubbing where his head had pain inflicted upon it. "What'd you do that for dummy?"
"Because you were mean to me, and than you go and not understand things again!" Kagome explained like everyone knew it.
"Well, you weren't that nice to me either!" Inu-Yasha protested.
". . . You started it!"
"That's smart, because everyone knows that solves the problem."
"Maybe it does," Kagome snapped.
". . ." Inu-Yasha just sat there silently, giving her an incredulous look. "You know it doesn't."
"So . . . fine, you win. I'm sorry Inu-Yasha," Kagome spoke solemnly, breaking under Inu-Yasha's stare.
". . . That sounded believable. But, I guess that it's a start . . . what?" Inu-Yasha questioned as he looked at Kagome's expectant look. Kagome just crossed her arms and quirked up a brow. "Fine . . . you're forgiven."
Kagome's face brightened with a bright smile and Inu-Yasha couldn't help but smile too. Kagome knew that Inu-Yasha saying that was as close to an apology as she would get.
"Hey Kagome . . ." Inu-Yasha posed after a few moments of pleasant silence.
"Yes," Kagome replied, grinning a little as a light breeze brushed her face. She was feeling a lot calmer since she first woke up.
"Can I be your bride?" Inu-Yasha questioned.
"What?" Kagome answered with her own question, her eyes snapped open with confusion.
"I saw Sesshomaru watching this soap thing, and it said that if you really like someone, then you marry them and become their bride."
"Oh . . ." Kagome breathe, some enlightenment entering her eyes.
"So will you be my bride?"
"Stupid Inu-Yasha," Kagome grumbled as she crawled into the grand branches of the old God Tree. "Always a pain in my butt." She scowled as she heard the familiar 'annoying' voice of Inu-Yasha calling out her name. "Always saying the wrong thing."
"Kagome, where are you and your fat ass?"
"He's crude, rude, and the damnest person alive."
"Found you!" Inu-Yasha's voice yelled from below.
Startled, Kagome lost her balance and began to fall. She tried to claw out and catch hold of something, anything, but the world was moving too fat for her to see clearly. She clenched her eyes tightly as she knew the ground was coming closer. Suddenly, everything stopped and felt like she was just floating in the air.
Wide eyes snapped open to stare into scared golden ones. Strong arms encircled beneath her legs and around her back. Kagome and Inu-Yasha just stared speechlessly at each other, trying to get their bearings back together.
'He's the cutest boy I've met.' She thought, staring deeply at his face. '. . . and I think I may like him.'
"Come on Kagome it'll be fun . . . besides, why try screaming, no one will hear you."
"I'll protect you . . . always Kagome."
"Ah!" Kagome screamed, shooting up in her bed with wide eyes holding unshed tears. She pressed the palm of her hands into her temple, shaking her head hard. "Make it stop! Please, just make it all stop!"
"Kagome, is everything all right?" Haruka's worried voice called through the door.
"Everything . . . everything is fine mama!" Kagome spoke back, trying to desperately hide the tremble out of her voice.
"Are you sure dear?"
"Yes, j-just had a bad dr-dream." Kagome held her breath as she heard nothing from the other side. Then she let it out slowly as the fading of her mother's foot steps left her doorway. "Just . . . a bad . . . dream." She spoke, now trying to convince herself.
"Did you know that talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity?" A low muffled voice questioned.
Kagome's head whirled in the direction of her window to see Inu-Yasha perched in the tree branch closest to her window. He was positioned on his haunches while giving her an inquisitive look. The green leaves brushing him every now and then with a light breeze.
"What are you doing here," Kagome hissed as she crossed her room over to the window, opening it slightly.
"Well, I was soundly sleeping until I heard you screaming bloody murder," Inu-Yasha explained, hidden humor in his eyes as he reached the part where she was screaming. But Kagome wasn't a stupid one and didn't miss the flitting concern and worry in his eyes.
"Well sorry to scare you, but I had a bad dream of you and Miroku making out," Kagome said coolly, a smirk spreading joyfully as she watched him pale and begin to squirm. She felt touched by the concern, but let it be squashed as she remembered the sick joke he played at the pool.
"Th-that's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed, looking at her like she suddenly grew fangs and declared herself a vampire.
"Which is exactly why I screamed," she spoke promptly before slamming the window shut on his left hand; which had helpfully moved onto the ledge when Inu-Yasha began to feel woozy from her words.
"Dammit bitch!" Inu-Yasha yelped in pain, jerking his hand out and towards himself where he began to cradle it.
"Shut-up wussy, I know it's going to heal in a few hours," Kagome snapped while pulling the curtain close to block the image of the hanyou.
"Miss Higurashi . . . Miss Higurashi," a croaky toned voice kept repeating.
"Psst . . . Kagome," Inu-Yasha hissed, nudging her in the ribs. "Kagome, get your ass up now!" He hissed louder as the teacher continued to call her name.
"Huh?" Kagome asked in a dreaming tone, raising her head up a little to reveal bleary eyes.
"Kagome!" Inu-Yasha poked her again, except harder.
"Five more minutes superman," she groaned, turning her head to face the other direction.
'She hasn't called me that for a while.' A stunned Inu-Yasha thought. Just as quickly as the thought came, it was gone with the shake of his head.
"Kagome, wake your lazy ass up, it's time for you to present," he spoke directly into her ear. Her simple reply was a shrug of the arm which caused Inu-Yasha to roll his eyes in annoyance. "Same old, same old then . . . Kagome . . . it's become official. There's no more oden left in the world."
"What!" Kagome exclaimed, jumping straight out of her seat. Red began to tint her face as she looked around and noticed the stares of her fellow students; especially those of a smirking Inu-Yasha, Miroku standing in front of the class with raised eyebrows, and short, plump Mr. Myouga giving her an expectant look.
"I'm assuming that since you've decided to join us Miss Higurashi that you're prepared to share your story." Mr. Myouga stated more than questioned. The look on his face telling Kagome that she was going to present regardless of whether she was ready or not.
"Ye-yes, of course, Mr. Myouga," Kagome stuttered, before starting to make her way next to Miroku.
"Same stupid bitch as always I see," Inu-Yasha chuckled under his breath as Kagome passed. Kagome still heard him and gave him a swift kick in the shins as she passed. "Sorry," she apologized softly as she reached Miroku.
"That's okay, I would've been more than prepared to do it without you," Miroku murmured back.
"That's not what I'm sorry about," she hissed. "I was saying sorry to myself for not kicking Inu-Yasha in the balls." She replied quickly to Miroku's un-spoken question.
"O . . . okay then, let's get started," he whispered in a tone that held some fear in it. He straightened up and stared squarely at the class. "Hm-hm . . . our story is based on the American holiday Valentine's Day. The day of lovers . . . kissing . . ."
"Sex," Kagome coughed into her hands, causing a few laughs out of the class along with horrified looks from some fellow students who couldn't believe Kagome's behavior.
". . . Friendship," Miroku continued as if he didn't hear Kagome's rude interruption. ". . . and love all around in general. It all started with St. Valentine himself, who . . ."
"Who originally was a mortal in love," Kagome interrupted, receiving an odd glance from Miroku. "He was a young apprentice for the local blacksmith, who had fallen in love with his master's daughter. The tragic lovers were named Miroku and Sango," Kagome finished coolly, watching as everyone's gaze turned towards the blushing girl.
"But try as he might, the valiant Miroku could not court the fiery Sango," Miroku brought back the attention, seeing where Kagome was going with the story. "Finally, after saving the fragile girl from some rowdy men, Sango began to let Miroku break through the wall she had placed around her heart."
"But, her father seeing the two grow closer together became jealous from the affections his daughter no longer disposed upon him. He threw Miroku out of his house and broke the apprenticeship." Kagome took over on telling the tale. "Though the father's plan back-fired and only increased their love. Sango snuck out of the house every night to see Miroku."
"Ooooh," the class whistled in unison, a few sending Sango sly glances.
"But, sadly, the cold began to take its toll on Miroku, and he grew sickly," Miroku spoke solemnly. "Sango tried to nurse him, but it was too late. On the eve of his death, he held Sango's hand tightly. In which he spoke aloud his love for her and how it would last for an eternity."
"And an eternity indeed," Kagome continued. "The death of Miroku was on the fourteenth of February, year unknown. Every year on his death date, Miroku would return to his grave to see his love, and she would always be there."
"As the years passed and Sango grew more beautiful with each one, Miroku could see her slowly dying from a broken heart. Though it saddened him, he knew Sango must grow to love another. So on that day, Miroku looked around and found a young man mourning the death of his wife."
"With each year, Miroku would always bring the two together somehow, and finally the two wedded. The event made Miroku joyous and he decided to help more broken-hearted people. It is said that every year on the fourteenth of February couples are always brought together by chance. Coming to cal the mysterious ghost St. Valentine, and naming the day after him."
"Excellent job Higurashi, Harasaki!" Mr. Myouga praised, clapping his small hands enthusiastically. "These two showed to you exactly what kind of story I want!" Mr. Myouga said proudly, clapping a hand on either kid's shoulders.
"Great job," Kagome whispered to Miroku.
"Thanks," he replied. "It was kind of tough seeing as to us making it up."
The rest of the day passed quickly with only one disturbance. Kagome being asked . . . more like told that she would be going out with Kouga Shimaki. Kagome shook her head sadly as she remembered the event while placing on her gym uniform.
"I can't believe you did that!" Sango fumed to Kagome as the two left the history class.
"So what?" Kagome commented, shrugging her arms non-chalantly. "How doest that saying go . . . oh yeah. An eye for an eye."
"Kagome, that's not fair and you know it."
"Sure it is. I at least didn't have Miroku kiss you." Sango opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off.
"Kagome!" A voice called out.
Kagome turned around to see someone familiar and yet at the same time unrecognizable running towards her.
"Yes," Kagome replied as she eyed the tall muscular boy. Taking in the black hair in a high ponytail, pointed ears, and clear blue eyes staring intensely at her.
"You're going to go out with me on Saturday," the boy replied, giving her a smirk that gave Kagome a clear view of his fangs.
"Excuse me?" Kagome asked with disbelief as she stared wide-eyed at the boy.
"You and me . . . Date . . . Saturday night," the boy spoke, explaining it like a caveman.
"I heard that," Kagome snapped in an irritated tone." But who do you think you are, coming out of no where and telling me what to do . . . and who are you?"
"I'm Kouga Shimaki, and you shall go out with me!" His voice proclaimed with sincerity . . . and yet under his eyes, Kagome found . . . guilt and hurt laying there.
'What does he have to be guilty about?'
But before Kagome could voice her opinions or thoughts, Sango decided to step in.
"Higurashi!" A demanding voice called into the now empty locker-room. "Higurashi, are you going to sit in here all day, or are you going to get our there and earn that A!" Miss Akiya hollered.
"C-c-coming!" Kagome hollered, rushing out of the room.
"So, Inu-Yasha," Miroku sneered coolly as the two did their laps around the track. "Did you do anything interesting yesterday, other than humiliate a certain girl we know."
"Stuff the angry guy act Miroku," Inu-Yasha snapped, rolling his eyes in irritation.
"No, I won't stuff it Inu-Yasha," Miroku retorted, his voice on the verge of yelling before he brought it down to barely above a whisper. "You hurt one of my friends and not only that, but you stole something every girl cherishes. You took her first kiss. And all for what? A sick joke!"
"Your loyalty is mi-placed Miroku," Inu-Yasha replied evenly. "Kagome is just going to turn around and bite you in the ass. Also, she didn't lose her first kiss yesterday . . . I took that a long time ago while she handed me a broken heart," Inu-Yasha whispered in a sad, far-away tone. Before Miroku could react, Inu-Yasha quickened his pace and ran ahead.
"Inu-Yasha!" Miroku hollered before picking up his own pace to catch up with his quick friend. It took a while of running, and panting, and pushing his limits, but he finally caught up. "Inu-Yasha . . . just what . . . the hell . . . were . . . you talking . . . about?" Miroku gasped.
"Nothing . . . just forget it," Inu-Yasha waved off like it was nothing. Though the way his teeth were clenched and his jaw in a firm line, Miroku knew it was something.
". . . Okay. But you still made Kagome upset. Really upset . . . when I called her last night, she was describing in great detail, the exact methods she would use to part you from your friend so there won't be any, quote unquote 'Little Inu-Yasha devil spawns running around!'" Miroku completely ignored the fact that Inu-Yasha had stopped running, and was turning very pale. When he heard no reaction, Miroku stopped in his tracks to see Inu-Yasha a few feet behind him. "What's wrong with you man? Do you think Kagome is still mad at you?"
Before Inu-Yasha could reply, an arrow came whizzing towards them. Inu-Yasha anticipating the landing, smoothly took a step back as the arrow imbedded itself into the hard track.
"Dude . . ." Miroku let out a low whistle. "If you hadn't moved then . . . well . . . you'd never be able to get laid!"
Inu-Yasha growled at the reminder before sending a glare over to where the girls were practicing archery. He looked just in time to see a smug looking Kagome turn her back on him . . . while handing a bow to Sango.
"Man Kagome," Sango whistled. "I didn't think you were that mad," she commented as they packed up their stuff at the end of class. Kagome just sent her a scowl before continuing to pack.
Higurashi!' Miss Akiya called out from her office.
"Yeah," Kagome yelled back, trying to hide the annoyance from her voice.
"Come here!"
'I just want to go home.' She whined as the last bell of the day signaled the end off school. Kagome slowly dragged her feet into Miss Akiya's office to see the young woman sitting at her desk with a stern look.
"Have a seat Higurashi," she spoke, gesturing to one of the chairs. She watched as Kagome seated herself into one of the stiff chairs, before deciding to speak. "Look Higurashi . . . I know that what happened today in class was an accident, but I'm going to have to punish you."
"For what?" Kagome questioned with a dumbfound expression, not at all having a clue what was going on here.
"During archery . . . that little mishap," Miss Akiya explained slowly; like it was the most obvious thing.
"A little . . . mishap?"
"Yes, where Inu-Yasha almost became . . . an it." Miss Akiya commented in other words. When she saw that Kagome still seemed a little lost, she decided to elaborate it some more. "When your arrow missed the target . . . by a lot, it nearly hit Inu-Yasha down," Miss Akiya cleared her throat before nodding her head downwards.
"I don't understand," Kagome said with a confused look.
"You nearly castrated the boy," Miss Akiya replied in an exasperated tone.
"Oh . . . that," Kagome replied dryly.
"I know you and Inu-Yasha don't . . . get along well," Miss Akiya spoke, putting the situation lightly. "But I can not condone your actions today."
"But Miss Akiya," Kagome interrupted. "It wasn't on purpose. You yourself know that I can't shoot very well."
"I know Kagome," Miss Akiya said, her facial expressions softening. "I also don't like to condemn my students when they mess up. But Mr. Futaka and Hazuki both feel that you should be punished for this. Those dumb males and their idiotic pride. If they think getting hit in the crotch is painful, then they should try having a period every month. That's not even a tenth of the pain we feel," Miss Akiya mumbled. Kagome's eye gave a little twitch as the words came out; having a feeling Miss Akiya hadn't meant to say it aloud.
"So, this is all Inu-Yasha's fault," Kagome stated blandly.
"No . . . no Kagome," Miss Akiya rushed out, forgetting her tirade. "It's not his fault. If you must blame someone, blame Mr. Futaka," she blamed. Not wanting to fuel the fire between the two.
"Why . . . obviously Inu-Yasha tattled on my blunder," Kagome retorted.
"But it's not like I listen to what students . . . demand of me. No, Mr. Futaka threatened to report me . . . and I'm sorry Kagome, but I'd rather give you a minor punishment then lose my job," Miss Akiya explained solemnly, bowing her head in shame.
"So . . . what is my punishment?" Kagome asked, deciding to change the subject, feeling sympathy going out to her distressed looking teacher.
"Oh . . . just detention tomorrow after school."
"You call that a minor punishment," Kagome asked, disbelief dripping from her tone.
"Well . . . my options were either that or suspension . . . I mean, you do realize Mr. Toutousai is Inu-Yasha's grandfather?"
"You know what . . . detention sounds just fine to me," Kagome forced out cheerily.
"Good, so tomorrow after school," Miss Akiya explained.
'It's not like I have a choice.'
"You're free to go then!" Miss Akiya bided with a bright smile.
"Thanks," Kagome grumbled before snatching up her bag and rushing out of the room as fast she could while waking. After a quick stop at her locker, she practically ran out of the building. The raven-haired girl didn't bother to slow down until she reached the park. Even then, she was totally oblivious to her surroundings, which is exactly how she wound up on her butt after bumping into someone.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," a familiar voice flooded Kagome's hearing. Kagome's head snapped up immediately to take in the sight of the woman before her. She seemed to be on the short side with a petite body, soft brown hair going down to her shoulders with a little bit in a type of side ponytail, a surprised look gracing her features with sparkling brown eyes widened in shock.
"Rin!" Kagome exclaimed, scrambling to her feet.
"Kagome!" A choked reply came out of the small woman.
"I can't believe it's you!" Kagome shouted before pulling the other woman into a friendly hug. "How have you been?"
"Just fine," Rin mumbled into Kagome's shoulder.
"I've missed . . . haven't seen you since . . . well, since forever!"
"I know, and I would really love to stay and chat . . . but I need to get going."
"What? I just saw you . . ." Kagome pouted in a dejected tone before backing away.
"I know . . ." Rin spoke in a tired tone. "But, how about we meet for coffee or something. Here's my number, just call when you have some free time," Rin rushed out, scribbling some numbers down on a crumpled piece of ripped paper.
"Sure . . ." Kagome said in an unsure tone whilst taking the offered paper.
A worried look spread as she finally took in Rin's appearance. From far away, you'd think she looked like any other person. But up close you could see the red-rimmed eyes, the tired look, shaggy looking clothes, black circles under the eyes, and the lost of life in her eyes.
"Rin . . ." Kagome started.
"Great, well I got to go. See you soon Kagome," Rin rushed out before pushing past her; avoiding the unasked question.
". . . What happened to you?"
Kagome slowly made her way home, confusing thoughts drifting in and out of her mind. First she gets in trouble for an accident.
'At least, that's what I'll tell them.'
Then she meets . . . no bumps into a . . . a . . . well a wrong Rin.
'Something is going on here, and I'm going to find out what it is. But should I start with Rin . . . or Sesshomaru?'
Kagome spared the briefest of glances to her neighbor's house before starting her way up the numerous steps to her house. Completely ignoring the black limo parked in front of the shrine's steps.
"Kagome," a familiar male voice called out. Kagome whirled around to come upon the features of the last man she'd want to see.
A/N: That's all. Sorry for such the long update, but I had a writer's block, and I was worried more about my exams. Oh, and sorry for any errors, but I caught a cold from my cousin and it the whole enchilada . . . not going to go into details, cause I don't want to gross you out, but I will tell you that I'm kind of out of it. See you with my next story . . . I'm thinking either The Real Me, or Nightingale's Voice. Bye!