By: Timra
A/N: Ok, lets make things clear. Maryland Hyaderna Tonks is my creation; she is not the Nymphadora Tonks that appears in the real book(s). I have created her (= Maryland) and in my story she is Nyphadora Tonks sister. Ok now when that's clear lets go on with the story; so here, at last, is the second chapter too my story: Somewhat different...oops disclaimer first...he, he here it comes
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except my own creations that are as far now: Mae, Maryland, Ace and Molly Fenton, not Weasley.
When SHE opened the door I honestly thought that Ms. Molly Fenton was going to faint; actually I felt like joining her in doing so. I mean; I know that I don't really look like the most normal person in the world, but geh this woman out numbered me a zero to a billion when it came to looking weird and abnormal. Her hair was died in a shook pink tone, which really clashed with the yellow tight T-shirt she had on, outside in I maybe shall add, and here jeans, also yellow, appeared to be glued on her legs. I was surprised she could even walk in that outfit.
I looked up at my two "companions" that where standing behind me; "are you really going to leave me here?" I asked them, they didn't get a chance to answer me because Maryland interrupted them, by screaming.
"OOOOOOOOHHH DEAR! Was it today you where coming, I had planed on sending you an owl to ask you if you could come in later" she glanced over her shoulder into the house; "cause now isn't the best of times to come and visit, but well then; come along child we can't have you standing out here for to long, you'll catch a cold" with that she simply shoved me in the hose and slammed the door shut in and Officer Ace's faces.
°°°°°°° "Well that was unpleasant" Molly said to Ace as she stared at the door that had just been firmly shut in her face; "Are you sure we should leave the child here, Officer? After seeing that woman I seriously wonder if little Marissa shouldn't be better of in an orphanage."
"Are we really referring to the same person, Assitant Fenton?
"Yes of course we are"
"I'm not so sure, Assistant. You shouldn't feel sorry for that young rascal, you have as well as I seen what she has done to those who came before in her old foster families"
"Yes, true but..."
"Have you all ready forgotten all the problem she has caused? "
"But she's just a little kid"
"That little kid; he snarled, "has", he began too count on his fingers; "lets see, tried to burn up the Police station three times, over flooded the bathrooms ten times and let us not forget the time she lit a box full of fireworks in the bank. And how many times has she runned away for us so ewe had to spend the whole week looking for here, how many? He nearly shouted.
"30 times or more"
"Yes, exactly, and that's when you don't count in all the families she has left. He shook his head; "That girl deserves all that she gets"
"Oh well if you say so, come on now" taking the lead Molly Fenton started walking back to the car, she stopped when she noticed that the Police officer wasn't following after. "What now?" she asked impatiently; she didn't like this place, fine the house was nice but the surroundings... just a few meters behind the cottage laid a big black forest, just the sort of place where you could imagine monsters lived. "Aren't you coming?"
Ace shook his head once more before returning to the car; "I feel all most sorry for that woman; she doesn't know what she will be going through."
A/N: yeah, I've gotten my very first reviews on this story. Thanks a lot Lila de Fleur and ElectraBlack; hey can't you others follow them by writing a review on this story, PLEASE!