When Hell Froze Over
By loralee
The students of Hogwarts were in fear of their lives. Professor Snape had
been terrorizing most of them for years, but now he was laughing. For two
solid days, every time Snape had been seen, he was chuckling, smiling or out
right laughing with glee.
Snape's good humor had started on Friday. He had been snarling his wayacross the grounds when he saw Hagrid lose his hold on Fluffy's leash and
the huge 3 headed dog had sprinted after a dark form. By the time Snape had
made his way to the scene Hagrid was trying, unsuccessfully, to separate
Fluffy from another dog he was trying to mount. Snape sneered at first
until he managed to identify the other mutt. Sirius Black, animagus, was
wiggling under the massive bulk of Fluffy, emitting desperate whines and
growls. Snape thought briefly of aiding Hagrid, with a burst of water from
his wand but instead nodded to Hagrid and turned away with a huge grin on
his face, savoring the moment.