Guilt is an amazing thing. It comes and it goes in some cases. But not in mine. No never in mine. My guilt it grows on a daily basis. It encompasses my body like a cold, ragged sheet. Leaving much to be desired yet never wavering. My guilt is relentless. Slowly its killing me. But death is to good for me. Oh yes. Death is far to go for me. Did you know I was a murderer? I am honestly. I killed my parents you. I did. I killed quiet a few men as well. Tom Marvolo Riddle, Professor Quirrell, Tom Riddle again, Cedric Diggory, Barty Crouch Jr and Sr, and Sirius Black my very own godfather.
It's so wrong you know. But I'm angry. My anger however, strangely enough, makes me feel powerful. Some days it over shadows the guilt I feel. But only sometimes. It's not enough but I don't deserve to be guilt free. I'm a murderer. I don't know why people insist it isn't my fault. I'm sure if you ask Professor Snape he would readily agree that I'm a murderer and that it's all my fault. I can't blame him. He's right.
I should thank him now that I think about it. And I well. Soon. I will thank him soon. Though I suppose now would be a good time. However, I don't think 2:30 AM is the proper time for an apology to be taken seriously. Hmmm, maybe I should thank Malfoy too. He was so right about me. It's amazing that I used to get so angry when he said something to me. Now however I realize that my anger is very much unjustified. I had no right to be angry. It's not my place nor is it the time to be angry.
"Harry?" the tired voice of Ronald Weasley, 6th year Gryffindor, and Harry Potter's best friend startled the emerald eyed boy from his musings. Slowly, as if to weak to bother with movement blue eyes locked with green. "Can you turn out the light mate? I'm trying to sleep."
"Sorry." Harry muttered and turned his light out still staring at the hangings not hearing Ron's thanks.
DISCLAIMER: HARRY POTTER IS NOT MINE NOR ARE ANY RELATED CHARACTERS. Harry Potter and mentioned characters are the characters belonging to one J.K. Rowling.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hmmm, at this point this is a One-Shot.
Feedback appreciated.
Thank you once more for reading,