Disclaimers: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura

Chapter One: A Call from A Savior

"You look so peaceful," a young woman in her early thirties whispered. Her face and composure told you right away that she was a woman of wealth. Her long onyx black hair was held in a high tight bun, wearing a very small amount of make-up, but she still looked beautiful. But what was really intriguing at the moment was that her normally emotionless eyes held a look of love and worry in them. "I never knew that we had pushed so much onto you at once," she murmured, stroking the head of a young male.

The man appeared to be sleeping, but turmoil was happening in the inside. He appeared to be seventeen or so, with a gentle face and nicely shaped body. His brown hair looked messy, but then again that's how it always seemed. If his eyes had been opened you would have been met with ones of rich brown that held warmth, happiness, and love that would've cheered anyone up.

"My dear son… my dear Syaoran… please forgive your foolish mother," the woman pleaded stroking his cheek. "I've never meant for any of this to happen… never." As if he heard his mother's voice reach him, his eyes slowly began to open. His brown eyes met his mother's emotional face and his own scrunched in worry.

"Mother…" He said in a soft tone, as if to not frighten the dear. "Are you okay mother?" His mother's eyes widened in surprise, as she placed a hand over her mouth.

"Syaoran… are you okay Syaoran?" She asked, bringing him into a gentle hug.

"I think so… but what happened?" Syaoran was very confused. But before his mother could answer, his face scrunched up as painful memories flashed in his mind. He knew exactly what happened, and sadness shot throughout his body. "Where's Mei Ling mom? How is she?" He asked frantically as he the thought hit him.

"Syaoran…" She said in a solemn tone. But that's all she could say, but Syaoran didn't have to hear anymore, he could see it in her eyes. They were filled with sadness and guilt.

"No… no… you're wrong!" Syaoran yelled. "You're lying!" He shouted with wide crazed eyes.

"I'm… I'm…" But she couldn't find anything to say. "Syaoran!" She shouted as Syaoran jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room. "Syaoran! Come back here! Syaoran!" She yelled out. "Syaoran!" Strangely enough the voice was growing louder as the distance grew further apart.

"Syaoran! Syaoran!" Mutsumi Li shouted, shaking her son. "Syaoran! Wake up! Syaoran!" She shouted. But all her efforts were for a loss cause. "Syaoran wake up right now!" But the boy didn't even stir. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," she smirked. She slowly climbed into the bed, and snuggled up to her son. She placed a hand on his bare chest and muttered something under her breath. Slowly coldness began to spread throughout Syaoran's body.

"C-c-cold!" Syaaoran shouted. Then fright consumed him as he saw his mom in his bed. "M-mom, wh-what are you d-doing in my b-bed!" He stuttered.

"Good, you're awake," Mutsumi said proudly, getting out of the bed. "Now get dress for breakfast," she commanded, leaving her stuttering son's room.

"N-not a very n-nice trick," he muttered, crawling around his black colored room. He moved around, pulling on a pair of jeans over his boxers and a dark green shirt.

"Ah, so good of you to join us," Mutsumi sneered coolly, raising her eyes from some important documents.

"I know," he said sarcastically, seating himself into a chair.

"Syaoran," she said in a warning tone.

"Sorry ma'am," Syaoran muttered, bowing his head.

"Really Syaoran, with the way you act, it's no wonder you haven't a girlfriend."

"I don't want a girlfriend," Syaoran growled, baring his teeth.

"Temper Syaoran," Mutsumi taunted, waving a finger.

"Sorry ma'am," Syaoran muttered again. 'Man she's annoying.' He thought.

"Quite all right dear… I'm expecting a call today, so please do not use the phone if possible and if you must use it, then be sure to be quick," Mutsumi commanded.

"Why tell me… tell the girls… they're always on the phone," Syaoran grumbled, moving his food around his plate.

"The girls are going to be out all day…," Mutsumi said off hand, waving her hand as if to say the subject was not of importance. Then her head finally shot up, and she looked like she had an idea. Syaoran was freaked by the evil glint in her eyes.

"Mom…" Syaoran said in a nervous tone.

"Syaoran… how about you go out and buy some new clothes… mainly under clothes," Mutsumi suggested.

"Uh… s-sure…" Syaoran stuttered. 'I'll just go hang with my friends, then when I come home I'll tell mom I just couldn't find anything I liked.' Syaoran thought, smiling inwardly.

"Oh, and I want to see the things you buy when you come back, and you must buy ten things," Mutsumi added, smiling when she saw the defeated look on her son's face.

"Yes ma'am," Syaoran said through gritted teeth.

"Good boy, now hurry up and finish your breakfast."

That was the final thing said as the room went into a semi-comfortable silence.

Mutsumi stood at her grand window in her study, looking down into the driveway where Syaoran was just climbing into the car. She nodded her head in satisfaction when the car pulled away. She moved over to her desk and dived right to work.

No sooner than she started, did servant walk in with a phone in hand.

"Madam, you have a phone call," the servant said.

"Thank you," Mutsumi said, taking the phone. 'Please say it's him.' She did a silent pray. "Hello," She spoke into the receiver.

"Aunt Mutsumi," An unsure voice said.

"Eriol! Finally you've called… I thought something might have happened to you my dear nephew," Mutsumi explained in a relieved tone. "Just hold on a second Eriol," she said covering the receiver. She turned her attention back to the maid.

"Ma'am," the servant said.

"Thank you, can you bring up a cup of tea please," Mutsumi asked.

"Of course Ma'am," the servant said, bowing and backed out of the room.

"Okay Eriol I'm back," Mutsumi declared. "So I'm assuming everything is ready, that's why you're calling right?… I see… That's terrific!… Tell you mother thanks… Eriol stop getting off topic!" Mutsumi scolded as Eriol spoke of his new dog.

"So can I send Syaoran tomorrow?… If I use the family jet, he should arrive around mid-afternoon… Will you be ready for him?… This girl you mentioned earlier, can she really help him?… Ah, I see… So she needs him as much as he needs her?… Great, well I'll send Syaoran tomorrow… Yes, I understand Eriol… I hope so too Eriol… I hope so too… Bye Eriol, and tell your mother I send my love… Good bye Eriol," Mutsumi ended, cutting off the line connection. She placed it down and stared out the window.

"I hope my son that this girl can heal your broken heart, and you hers."


A/N: From this moment on, all of my fics will be suspended until further notice. For I shall be spending all of my time on the following: The Heart's Solemn Vow, A Journey Through the Mind, Beautiful Soul, Change of Heart, and Nightingale's Voice. So all fics that were not listed will not be updated until these are finished. Sorry to inconvenience anyone. Thanks for all the reviews from all my stories! Sayonara for now! Oh, and someone please tell me what Author Alert list is…. Or some similar name like that. I keep seeing more and more people add me to it, and sadly I have no clue what it is, so I would really appreciate it if someone told me. Sayonara for real this time!