Disclaimers: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura

Chapter Two: A Singer's Soul

"Ma'am, Master Syaoran has returned," a maid announced as she entered into the study.

"Thank you," Mutsumi said, giving her a gentle smile. "Tell him to wait for me in the living room, I shall only be a moment."

"Yes ma'am," the maid said, bowing and backing out of the room.

"Yes…you shall be of great help," Mutsumi murmured, looking back down at the paper she had been reading before. She placed it down on the desk and rose. "I guess I should go see that son of mine," she scoffed, quickly crossing out of the room and out the door.

A light breeze had entered the room as Syaoran opened the door moments after his mother left.

"Like I'm really going to wait for her," Syaoran said bitterly. "Mother!" He called out. "Guess she went down," he mused as he noticed her empty desk.

He turned to leave when he noticed a slip of paper on the floor. He made a beeline for it and snatched it up. Upon closer inspection, he saw that this held information on someone.

"Sakura Kinomoto," Syaoran read out in a soft tone. Before he could read anymore, the call of a maid stopped him. He hastily put the paper back and hurried out of the room.

Syaoran rushed down the stairs and across the hallway. He practically fell into the living room because of his rush and that oh-so-lovable rug in the hallway. He quickly leapt to his feet and straightened his clothes to make himself more presentable.

"Nice of you to join me," Mutsumi said in an amused tone.

Syaoran finally looked up to see his mother with a faint smile on her face sitting on the couch.

"Though I believe I told you to wait for me in here," she said in a harsher voice, giving him a stern look.

"Sorry ma'am," Syaoran said, bowing his head. He walked across the room and took a seat across from her.

"That's quite all right… but I have great news to tell you!" She exclaimed in a giddy tone.

Syaoran stared warily at her, scared of that tone. When she used that tone it meant she got what she wanted… and she always got what she wanted. That's when he noticed the suitcases next to her.

"What… are you going on a trip?" Syaoran said, hope rising in him. If she left then that gave him however long to she left to not hear her nagging.

"Not quite," she said still in that same giddy tone.

"What do you mean not quite?" Syaoran asked skeptically, getting suspicious of her.

"Well it's not me that's going on the trip… it's you!"


Syaoran sat grumbling with his arms crossed in his seat. That was how and why he was now stuck in a plane three thousand feet in the air flying over the Sea of Japan to visit his cousin Eriol.

"Yeah right this is just a visit," he scoffed, throwing a dirty look out the window in the direction of China. "She's getting something out of this I know it."

"We will be arriving soon Master Syaoran," a flight attendant spoke. "So if you could just buckle up. Would you like something to drink?"

Syaoran directed his scowl at her, which immediately had the girl backing off. He grudgingly looked back out the window.

It wasn't long, just like the scared attendant said, before the plane had touched ground in Tokyo, Japan. Syaoran grabbed his bags and exited the plane. When his feet touched down on the ground, he looked up to see the sight of his good old cousin Eriol.

'He's probably in this plot with mother.' He thought bitterly.

A tall young man of 20 stood out to greet Syaoran with open arms. His blue hair was falling into his glasses clad eyes. One look and you could see Eriol was mature for his age. Eriol also looked to be very studious, but he could be quite strong if the time came for that.

"Ah Cousin, so good of you to come!" Eriol exclaimed, stepping forward.

"What are you and mother planning?" Syaoran asked pretty straight forward. But then again, Syaoran wasn't ever one to beat around the bush. He noticed how Eriol's step faltered a little.

"Planning?" Eriol asked, putting on a great look of confusion. When Syaoran just gave him n incredulous look, Eriol decided to change the subject. "It's getting quite late… wouldn't you say?" Eriol asked, looking towards the setting sun. "I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow afternoon, but then I got a call from Aunt Mutsumi telling me that she had sent you today," Eriol explained. He still didn't get a response from Syaoran. "Let's just go to the car," he said walking over to the black limo.

"I'll figure it out," Syaoran muttered as he adjusted his grip on the bags and walked over. He placed them in the trunk and ignored the help of the butler. He climbed into the car and slammed the door shut, narrowly missing the butler's hands.

"Syaoran, I know you are feeling a little disgruntled, but there's no need to act this way," Eriol commented. He'd have to apologize for Syaoran's behavior to the staff. "Any ways Syaoran… I was thinking we could just drop your bags off at home then go to this club I know of," Eriol told his plan to Syaoran. Syaoran just grunted in response and Eriol took that as a yes.

The car had arrived at home, and Eriol instructed the butler to deposit Syaoran's luggage in his temporary room. The two then climbed into the black convertible that Eriol owned. Without further ado, her turned on the engine and they were off.

Syaoran didn't really care where they were going and just watched the scenery fly by. He started to doze off, but stopped as the car pulled into a parking lot. Syaoran looked up at the building before him. It was like any other club he saw. Bright lights… and loud music emitting from within the closed walls. In flashing lights, Syaoran read the name, Club Rubb. Syaoran followed Eriol slowly out of the car.

"Here we are… just try to enjoy yourself… please?" Eriol asked in a pleading tone. Syaoran only nodded his head to indicate he understood. "Then let's go," Eriol said in a more cheery tone as he began to steer Syaoran in the right direction.

When they entered, Syaoran realized that they had come at the end of a performance. He looked to the stage to see the beginning of the next act. He watched as two girls came out. One with brunette hair and the other with a grayish black tinge. The brunette stepped up first and began singing in a voice that captivated Syaoran's soul.

"Kaze no naka kami o nabikase

Kakete yuku hane no arukutsu de."

Then both girls sang.

"Futari nara itsumo no machi mo

Atarashii kao o miseru."

Syaoran could tell that the other girl was a better singer than the brunette. But something about the brunette's voice captured and entranced him. He couldn't help but stare at her as she sang again.

"Kujike sou na toki ha watashi ga iru no yo

Subu ni tonde ikeru kara itsu datte'"

Then both sang in harmony again, Syaoran completely ignoring the other girl.

"Don't you make me happy?

Itsudemo special to you tanoshii koto

Don't you have a goo time?

Genki ni nareruwa

Soba ni iru dake de

Ooh ooh."

Much to Syaoran's disappointment, the other girl began to sing by herself.

"ORINJI no hana ga saiteru

Utsuriki na aozora mitai ni."

Then both started up.

"Iro iro na koto ga okotte

Watashi-tachi otona ninaru."

The other girl sang again.

"Toori ame nari ba kasa ha iranai ne

Niji no kaidan no boreba aoi sora."

Then much to Syaoran's joy, both started again, and once again, Syaoran tuned out everything but the brunette's bird-like voice.

" 'Cause you make me happy

Itsudemo special to me SUTEKI na koto

'Cause you have a good time

Futari de arukou Ameagari no michi o

Ooh ooh

Don't you make me happy?

Itsudemo special to you tanoshii koto

Don't you have a good time?

Genki ni nareruwa

Soba ni iru dake de

'Cause you make me happy

Itsudemo special to me SUTEKI na koto

'Cause you have a good time

Futari de arukou

Ameagari no michi o

Ooh ooh

Minna umaku iku so nice so fun

Soba ni iru dake de ooh ooh

Totemo shiawase so nice so fun

Every time I feel so good." Both girls ended softly.

Claps echoed throughout the room at the great duet. Syaoran was still staring at the brunette and the bright smile she wore. He was broken out of his reverie by Eriol pulling on his arm.

"Let's grab a seat!" Eriol said loudly over the clapping. Syaoran just gave a curt nod, not wanting to raise his own voice over the noise. They took refuge at a table in a far back corner, and no sooner had they sat than the dark-haired girl who just sang join them.

"Hello Eriol," she greeted, hugging him softly.

"Ah Tomoyo… wonderful performance like always," he greeted, offering her a seat. "Syaoran, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Tomoyo Daidoji. Tomoyo, I would like you to meet my cousin Syaoran Li," Eriol introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Syaoran," Tomoyo said softly, holing out her hand.

"Yes…" Syaoran said, shaking the offered hand. Upon closer look, Syaoran could see that Tomoyo was a very beautiful girl and how his cousin would date her. The main thing that stood out was her blue gray eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. Before anything else could be said, a new voice interrupted all talk.

"Can I take your order?" A soft voice said from behind Syaoran.

"Ah, Syaoran, I would like you to meet Sakura Kinomoto." The name struck his memory. The paper from home in his mother's study that he had found. He whirled around to come face to face with his brunette beauty from the stage.

A/N: Thank you all reviewers. I was so glad to hear that you guys liked my story, because I was worried about how strange it might have sounded. Oh, well, I'm just glad that people want more. It was fun reading those reviews and I want to thank all the reviewers, because that was the most reviews I ever got on the first chapter. Well, I'll try to update faster now that I know the story is liked. Sayonara. Oh and thanks for telling me what author alert is! Oh, and fiancée is what a male calls his to-be-wife, and fiancé is what a female would call her to-be-husband.