A/N: This is the first fanfiction that I ever wrote so i know it's kind of wierd but anyway...this fanfiction starts off from the end of Harry, Ron, and Hermonie's 5th year at Hogwarts. This is a love story of Ron and Hermonie and maybe other couples will join. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
It was a cool summer evening at Hogwarts. All of the final exams were completed and over with. But the school was still shaken up from the fact that he-who-must-not-be-named is back. But despite the bitter emotions in the school every student was relieving their stress from studying except for one Gryffindor girl, Hermione Ganger. She was sitting in the comfortable chair in the Gryffindor common room with her cat, Crookshanks running around trying to catch the moths flying aimlessly. She was knitting a sock (or maybe a hat) for the enslaved house-elves in hopes of setting them free.
Suddenly a red haired Gryffindor student named Ron Weasley bombarded into the Gryffindor common room and starts barking at Hermione,
"Why the bloody hell are you kitting right after we finished the exams?! Are you ma -"
"I'm knitting because I want to finish at least five more clothing for the house elves before the holidays start. Of course you don't care about them at all." said Hermione irritated.
"But we just finished the exams! It's celebrating time!" said Ron persuasively
"Ron, please, this is important to me. So you can go celebrating with the others."
"Hermione, the D.A. members are celebrating in the room of requirements as we speak! Even Harry's joining the party!" said Ron almost yelling
"I'm sorry Ron but you'll just have to party without me." said Hermione pleadingly
"But, but y-you have to come! It'll, uh, relive your stress from all that studying, especially you." said Ron making up reasons for her.
"Just celebrate without me" she annoyingly
"BUT I DON'T WANT TO!" yelled Ron
He his face became as red as a tomato and his ears turned very pink. He was ready to run from the room. Just as he jerked around to escape, Hermione, very red, said
"Uhhh...yeah" said Ron very timidly and softly. He was still very red and turned back to Hermione"
"Well, why didn't you say so?" she said very gently as she put down her sock (or a hat) and stood up moving closer to Ron.
"Because... ahem ... I ...I ... thought you will ... become upset..." said Ron in rather a high-pitched voice.
"Ohh really Ron. What made you think that?" said Hermione kindly, moving closer and closer to Ron.
"Umm...uhhh...I dun-..." before Ron realized, he was embraced in Hermione's arms and he unlocked his stiff arms and slowly warped it around Hermione. Then, their lips were touching each others.
Suddenly Harry storms in and says
"I can't take all the festivity that's going on..." says Harry who was now goggling at the two. Hermione and Ron immediately separated from each other. Harry looked up all embarrassed and said
"Was I interrupting something?" asked Harry staring at the two.
Then Hermione and Ron yelled together "NO!" with their faces red and blushing, especially Ron. They were refusing to look at each other.
"But I thought you were just kissing each other?" said Harry happily.
Then, Ron making up excuses in his head said "I-I was getting something off her lip."
Harry accusingly said "with your lip?"
Hermione who remained red, quickly said "uhh...Harry I thought you had to talk about something else with us."
Harry who was grinning and ignored Hermione, he said "so since when were you fancying each other?"
Ron hastily said "I-I don't fancy her. In matter in fact we were just arguing. Now, if I fancied her, would I be annoying her?"
Harry said "but you two always argue. It's rather annoying really. But you seem to enjoy it."
Hermione, whose face was still scarlet, said quietly to Ron "There's no point covering it up Ron. There's nothing we can do or say that will change Harry's thought on what he just saw."
Then, Ron said to Hermione brightly, "I know! I could cast a memory charm on him!" Who pulled out his wand. But Hermione looked furiously at Ron.
"Oh. Alright. No memory charm on Harry." said Ron disappointed.
Harry cheerfully asked "so I saw what saw I right? You two were kissing?"
The two became even more blushed, trying to hide their faces and nodded.
"Aha!"triumphed Harry
"So since when were you two fancying each other?" asked Harry sitting down in the couch that was near him.
"Just now." said Ron quietly
"Really, Ron how thick do you think I am? You two were in love with each other ever since you met." said Harry.
Then, Ron and Hermione both said defensively "No I haven't"
"Oh. Yes you have. You can say whatever you want but there's no escaping the fact that you two loved each other ever since you've met." said Harry tactfully.
"Well anyway, I'll leave you two love birds to yourself. Good night" said Harry, entering the boys' dormitory.
Hermione and Ron stared at each other and then, jerked away.
Ron said in a strangled voice "that crazy guy. What is he talking about?" who tried to break the ice.
Hermione weakly laughed and looked at Crookshanks who was sleeping in a ball on a couch.
"Ron, can I ask you something" asked Hermione hesitantly
"Um...yeah... ask away" said Ron making a fake chuckle.
"Did you l-like me b-before I k-kissed you?" said Hermione quietly.
"Yeah...but as a friend at first and then-" Ron stopped speaking
"Then?" asked Hermione curiously.
"Umm...then I sort of b-began to...to" Ron said no more. His face was very crimson and looked as he was going to burst.
"To?" Hermione asked curiously again.
"To...uhh...l-like you" finished Ron.
Hermione looked at Ron dreamily and hugged him romantically. Ron became incredibly embarrassed but at the same time he felt very happy. Hermione whispered into Ron's ear
"I loved you for a long time."
Then, they passionately kissed, caressing each other's back and playing with their hair.
The next morning, Harry saw an empty bed besides him which Ron should have been sleeping in. He got dressed into his robes and went down to the Great Hall to get breakfast. While he was on his way to the Great Hall, he saw Sir Nicholas gossiping with couple of Gryffindor girls. Then, Sir Nicholas saw Harry and broke way from his conversation and greeted Harry
"Good Morning Harry. Say, is it true that your friends had a moment together last night. Now I don't mean to gossip about your good friends but I must know the truth."
Harry, who was feeling very awkward at that moment, said "If you must know, yes. They did have a moment. But do please keep it down. I don't want people having a parade."
"Oh, my apologies Harry. I will try to behave myself and keep the news as quiet as I can."
"Thanks." said Harry as he was walking away. He continued walking toward the Great Hall. He noticed that girls were unusually noisy. Then, he arrived at the Great Hall and saw Ron and Hermione eating breakfast together. And Ron waved at him from the table. Harry took a plate and helped himself to some bacon and eggs.
Harry said to Ron, "Well, you're up early today."
Ron said, blushing "Yeah Hermione and I wanted to come here early so that we could catch up on some stuff."
"I see." responded Harry who didn't want to hear much of a detail.
Then a couple of unwelcome presence approached: Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle.
"Will you get a load of these two? A pureblood and a mudblood. Disgusting." said Malfoy maliciously. Then Crabbe and Goyle started laughing stupidly.
"Hey Granger. Looks like you're set because nobody will ever fall in love with you."
Ron was shaking violently and his ears were turning pink. Then, suddenly, he stood up, taking his wand out, pointing it at Malfoy and said "SHUT UP! FURNUNCULUS!"
A spark was light was emitted from his wand and Malfoy immediately started producing nasty looking boils which then, created horrible puss. Crabbe and Goyle followed Malfoy who ran out to the exit.
Hermione looked at him as though he was a hero. Then, she said
"Thanks for that."
At that moment, Professor Snape approached their table, looking straight at Ron and said in a low, evil tone
"Weasley, are you picking fights again? Twenty points from Gryffindor." He smiled very wide and walked away.
Then, another group of unpleasant presence appeared at their table: Pansy Parkinson and other Slytherin girls. Then, she started mocking Hermione and Ron.
"Awwww... How sweet..." And the Slytherin girls laughed together with her. Hermione just glared at her. And Ron was staring at Hermione. Then, she started chanting "Weasley and Granger sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First came –" she was cut off. Hermione interrupted her by saying "I suggest you leave now...I can jinx you if I want to."
Then, Pansy ignored Hermione and said to Ron "What's the matter, Weasely? Aren't you going to defend your new girlfriend?"
Hermione cut in and threateningly said "Leave him alone" then, there was an automatic "ooooooooh" from Pansy and her girls.
Then, Ginny approached the table started talking furiously at Pansy. "Don't you have anything better to do than mock people?"
"Oh great another Weasley. Just what I need in the morning." Pansy said sarcastically.
Then she said "Careful now... I can take off points from your house."
Then Ginny triumphed over her and said "No you can't, you could do that when that bat, Umbridge was the headmistress of the school, but she went insane so Dumbledore back! And you now have no right to dock points from other houses."
Pansy glared at her furiously and walked away along with her girls. Ron goggled at Ginny and said "You have spoken like a true Weasley." And Ginny grinned. Then, Luna joined them at breakfast. And immediately asked Ron and Hermione, "Is it true that you two are dating now."
And Ron answered that question rather irritated and said "Yeah."
And Luna said "Oh I read in Quibbler about how to strengthen relationships and it said that a couple should listen to Weird Sisters. It said that it calms their mood, making them become more comfortable about each other."
Hermione thanked Luna for that advice even though she didn't believe it. Afterward, Neville and Seamus congratulated Ron and Hermione. Then, Parvati and Lavender came and went on how cute Ron and Hermione looked together as a couple. Parvati said. "Hermione, you and Ron were made for each other, right Lavender?"
"Oh my goodness, I absolutely agree." responded Lavender. Then Hermione and Ron turned very red. Then, Ron suggested going outside to some fresh morning air.
The three sat under the usual tree which they always sit. Then, Pigwedgeon swooped down with the copy of the Daily Prophet held in his mouth. Ron took it out of his mouth and Harry and Hermione looked on as Ron read it. In the index, it said: 101 Ways to Avoid an Encounter with You-Know-Who- pg 2-4; The Poll Results on "Do You Trust the Ministry of Magic" – pg 5-8; Weird Sister's New Album, 'Stupefy'- pg 9
The three looked in the "101 ways to avoid an encounter with you-know-who"
1. do not say the name of you-know-who
2. stay away from dark alleys
3. do not study dark magic
"This is rubbish" Hermione suddenly said.
"Well, people will do anything to avoid him. Even though I highly doubt that any of this will help." said Ron.
"But Ron, this will confuse people in thinking that these would actually help."
Then Harry cut in and asked "are you two going to argue again?" And briefly said "Well I suppose that's what you want."
Ron and Hermione immediately stood up and both yelled at Harry "NO!" the two were now very red and then, stared at each other for a moment and turned away. Harry felt that he was in their way and made up a fake excuse and said "You know what? I just remembered I have to go do something. So I'll see you later." Then, he walked away.
There was a very long silence between Ron and Hermione. They glanced at each other several times and looked around at the other students outside. Then, Ron unexpectedly started to ask Hermione a question in a strangled voice "Um... Hermione? Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah" answered Hermione in a timid voice.
"W-what are going to do a-bout ...uhh...Krum?"
"Oh don't worry Ron I already sent an owl to him last night after we..." Hermione stopped speaking who was really blushing.
Then Ron asked Hermione still in a strangled voice "So uhh...what did you write in the letter?"
Hermione looked very uncomfortable answering this question. "I wrote that I'm seeing you now and that I was really sorry."
"Oh..." Ron seemed very pleased about this. Then asked in a lighter voice "So is it over between you and Krum?
"I suppose...I mean I didn't receive any owl from him yet." said Hermione in a hesitant tone.
"Oh" answered Ron in a concerned voice. Then, he said "but what if Krum doesn't want to-"
"Don't worry Ron. Even if he says that he doesn't want to separate, I'll just say that Victor and I'll just be friends and nothing else." Ron looked upset by this answer. But Hermione hugged him and reassured him "don't worry. And besides, what will I do without you?" And she kissed him. Then Ron kissed her back harder.
It was the end of the school semester and the start of the summer holiday. As the students were finishing packing their belongings into their trunks, Harry found something on the floor that that looked very familiar to him. Then, he recognized that it was a two-way mirror. He examined it and it had a realized that it had a different design from the one that Harry broke before. Then, Ron appeared from behind.
"Hi Harry!" Harry jumped and looked behind him. Ron looked at the mirror and said "Um...that's mine..."
"Oh sorry...it was on the floor so..."
"Oh right. I must've forgotten to put into my trunk."
"So who has the other mirror...let me guess, Hermione."
"Umm...yeah..." answered Ron who looked embarrassed. And he said "She gave it to me...told me to keep in touch during the summer. I guess she got it from owl order."
"So, uh, how's Hermione?" asked Harry curiously.
"Oh she's fine." said Ron who looked really uncomfortable talking about this to Harry.
"By the way...what happened to Krum?"
"Oh Hermione sent an owl to him already...but I wonder if she got an owl from him"
said Ron who was looking concerned.
"I'm sure she already took care of it if she did get an owl from him." Harry reassured Ron.
"But ...I'm going to ask her the next time I see her."
And at that precise moment, Hermione appeared in the boy's dormitory, clutching a roll of parchment paper. And said, "Hi Ron. Can you come with me? I need to talk to you about something."
"Um...okay." responded Ron who looked confused.
So the two left the dormitories leaving Harry packing along with Neville and Seamus. In the corner of the Gryffindor common room, Hermione and Ron talked.
"What's up Hermione?" asked Ron who was still looking very confused.
"I received an owl from Victor just now and I –-"Hermione was cut off, looking flabbergasted.
"WHAT?! LET ME SEE THAT LETTER RIGHT NOW!" yelled Ron who was now overreacting.
"Please Ron, I was going to say that I thought that you should read it too." said Hermione, who looked a little sacred.
"Oh...right" said Ron, who regretted raising his voice at Hermione.
She handed Ron the letter and it said:
Dear Hermione,
I do not remember Ron Weasley. Who is he? I demand to meet him! But please tell me that you are playing a little cute joke on me. I mean you are the first person that I have met who is smart, beautiful, and kind at the same time. And you have accepted me as a person even though you knew that I was from Drumstrang. I thought we had a connection at the Yule Ball last year. I don't wish to be just your friend. I want to mean more than that to you. You always make me feel so good about myself. It just won't be the same if you were just my friend. Why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me. What is it that you don't like about me? Is it my English? Or is it my looks? I can't stand you being with another man besides me. What is it that you love about that man? Is he better at quidditch than me? Or is he just better than me? Please I am very confused and don't know what to do now. I didn't tell you this yet since it was supposed to be a surprise for you but I already bought two front-row tickets to the Weird Sister's concert at the Para Dome for you and me. Now, I don't know what to do with it. I wish to see you and your new "friend" at the Leaky Cauldron sometime during the summer.
Please review!