Disclaimer: I don't own any of the yugioh charaters yada yada yada…so the rich ass people who do own it, and we all know who that is, plz don't sue me.


By Yamizmine (and I do mean it!)

Chapter 1: The Beginning…

"Hey Yugi! Ova here Yuug!" a voice came out from the Domino high school basketball court. The voice belonged to boy of respectable framework, in height, though not so in built. Wearing the blue jacket and blue jeans that were forced on every student in Domino high's body, as to enforce the strict nature of the exemplary school. He was blonde with shaggy, almost dirty hair. For a person his build and a school literally, filled with intimidators, he was not skilled at avoiding certain people who could literally, beat him to a pulp.

This was Joey Wheeler.

"I'll be a minuet sis.," he said to Serenity. A thin girl of good height who possessed innocent green-grey eyes and long golden brown hair nodded. Serenity, Joey's sister, was wearing a pink blouse and a blue skirt akin to the rest. Modesty, although was claimed to be unachievable with the school clothing by some girls, could actually be attained, as Serenity showed with her simplicity. Her complexion was ivory, and her face like one of an angel's capable of melting even the most callous natured and her smile was one that warmed the heart.

However, lately, she had been facing dilemmas. She and Joey had been saving money for their college education, a necessity she knew she could not sacrifice for anything. But she needed a dress for the dance. Nobody had asked her yet, it was, after all, a month away, but still, she hoped. It may seem here, that Serenity was being foolish hoping to go to a silly party that would last only one night, compared to her almost poverty like situation. However, it is almost embarrassing to be unsocial and not attend such parties that everyone chats about. Call it being a teenager if you may.

Her money problem would be easily solved if she could get a job. She did not expect fancy clothes. But the last job she graciously received was in a restaurant that Joey, unexpectedly, showed up to and made a fool out of himself. In most blunt terms, he got drunk and danced on the expensive tabletops and sang his own song:








Serenity apologized but the damage was done: the tables were broken and alcohol spilt all over. She paid for the tables and took Joey home. But since then, it seemed like "wanted" signs were nowhere to be found, like all of Domino city was working, and there was no change from day to day. Joey tried, but he could not handle him being subservient to another. So, as it turns out, she was their only chance to ever go to college.

Joey, seeing Yugi did not hear him, ran to an unusually small kid who was standing at the end of the playground, staring at his millennium puzzle and actually talking to it…odd as it may seem, this was not out of the ordinary.

The little boy had a hidden secret which the gang never really noticed. He had the spirit of a Pharaoh living within himself. He was nothing like the happy-go-lucky Yugi. His voice was deeper and alarming, his eyes narrower, and seemed to hold barriers which even he could not or did not want to pass. But most of all, his dueling talent exceeded that of everyone else's. He had beaten the very champion duelist: Seto Kaiba, many times, yet would never boast about such a victory for modesty was not just a characteristic he possessed, he, the pharaoh, knew bigger things were at work than the mere game of duel monsters.

The pharaoh of Egypt was Yami, although no one except Yugi called him that.

"Look, there she is! She is so beautiful!" The boy giggled when a girl named Nina passed by. Nina was a stubborn for lack of better words, bitch who owned Rarsa Corp. the second biggest and most successful corporation lagging quite a bits behind Kaiba Corp. If ever in the mood for talking, she would talk about one of two things: herself or Kaiba.

Yes, THE Seto Kaiba who she seemed to be utterly in love with. She was known as the most beautiful and popular girl in the school. Obviously, she wore the school uniform as did the other girls, but always managed to have a cut here and a tear there in her skirt or blouse to show off those plump breasts or shapely legs. Her eyes were green-brown and her hair, black. Such was a combination even the most unaware person could notice in a second. Her eyes were accompanied with long, black, thick lashes. It was true, she did not need anything to improve herself. Yet, she always had a thick layer of makeup on, as if to "beat" other girls at a silent beauty contest not just by a mere mark, but to obliterate their self-worth. As if God had not bestowed upon this girl everything, her complexion was a clear ivory. All in all, she looked as if she was carved out of marble, fit for perhaps a statue in Rome.

And so, the little Yugi was caught in her spell, awestruck by her beauty and literally, drooling over the girl who today, had rolled up her skirt. Sadly, Yugi was not the only guy looking at the girl with hope of love.

"You think I should go talk to her? I mean, the school dance is coming up and all…" Yugi asked his Yami.

"Yugi, you know how I feel about Nina. She is nothing but a pretty face. Beauty is only skin deep," he replied.

"I know, I know, but how are you able to resist her!"

"What is there to resist?"

"Well, for starters, look at her eyes! They don't throw you off your feet?"

"Umm…Yugi, I don't have a body of my own, I can't fall unless you do, and no, they are not beautiful, they scare me, a bit reptilian…"

"Reptilian eh? Well, look at her chest! Boobs as big as bowling balls!"

"Is that tissue is see falling out of her bra? She probably stuffs…"

"You dare insult her! Her long legs?"

"No modesty at all…honestly!"

"That is it, I for one, am crazy about her. I am going to ask her to the dance!"

"Yugi, the dance is a month away and you are not "for one" there are a million here who want to go with her," Yami said a bit amused by Yugi's confidence.

Yugi's head dropped. It was hopeless. The fact that she was the most popular, wasn't it. It was her beauty, her charm, her hair, her body, her EVERYTHING! He was a nothing, he was short, not particularly good looking, and his tri-colored hair did not make the situation any better for the poor lad. He was a nobody in front of her.

Just then Joey, Yugi's best friend, slowed down his steps and quietly approached Yugi. He had heard the word dance and just couldn't resist the girl Yugi wanted to ask. He, himself, didn't want to go to the dance.

"Too girly," he thought. But it just might have been that he didn't want to go because he didn't expect any girl to go with him. Yet, this was just a little thought, no more.

"I love her!" Yugi said, unaware of the presence behind him lurking in the shadows and eavesdropping.

"AND WHO MIGHT THAT BE?" Joey yelled from behind Yugi.

Yugi shrieked and fell flat on his face.

"Uh-oh…Yugi…er…sorry pal," Joey said, giving Yugi a hand to pick him up but Yugi refused it.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Yugi thundered. At that Joey made a run for it.

"Sorry man! Come on pal! Quit throwing rocks, ow!" Joey halted. Yugi who was running and throwing rocks at him ran smack into his back and caused him to fall and take Joey down with him.

"Joey! Get off of m-" Yugi saw what Joey did: Kaiba giving Serenity his evil smile and walking off to his limo.

Serenity was crouched on the ground trying to pick up the papers she had dropped when Kaiba had shoved her out of "his way".

Joey suddenly got up and ran to Serenity, the air of humor gone, Yugi lagging behind but still trying to make it there to help Serenity and hold Joey from picking a fight from the CEO of Kaiba Corp.

"Seren, what happened? Did that creep do something ta ya? Joey asked his sister.

"Oh Joey, it was nothing. Kaiba accidentally bumped into me. He kindda knocked over my things."

"EEAAA! That asshole! He better watch his back, tomorrow, im gonna make him apologize for doing this to ya sis."

"Joey, calm down! It was an accident! His books also fell."

"Oh, well, then…did he apologize?"

"Well, no…" Serenity replied, "but it was my fault, I was…er…practicing the new dance routine for the show."

Joey just nodded.

After Serenity had picked up all her stuff and put it in a neat pile as it was before, she stood up and looked at Yugi.

"Oh, hi Yugi," she said with a smile.

"Hi Serenity!" Yugi replied, smiling back.

"Wheres tha rest of tha gang?" Joey asked, scratching his blonde hair. They had planned to go to the mall. The guys would be in the arcade while the girls looked around for their dresses.

Just then a tall long blonde haired girl came up. She was wearing a short purple skirt and a matching purple jacket which did little to cover her cleavage. Her boots were almost as long as her legs and they too, were purple. She clearly disregarded the rules, but the principal didn't seem to be able to enforce any kind of regulation upon her, and so he had given up and let her go around flaunting her beauty.

Along with her, a short haired, brunette came up. She was wearing a big smile as usual and the right school uniform. Her sparkling blue eyes held the friendship bond that she ever so often talked about, over and over and over and over and over again!

To the reader, and to the viewer, this Tea was probably more bothersome than any of the rightfully evil men and women showed. However, there was some truth in her words, that perhaps would do more good if they were not repeated so frequently.

"Hey Mai and Hi Tea!" Yugi said, now looking around for only a young man.

That young man showed up as his usual self: hair shaped like a huge spike, a blue jacket and blue pants. His eyes on Serenity as she tried to finger comb her hair.

"Tristan! There you are man! Im gonna show ya tha real crusader champ!" Joey yelled. They had been playing the crusader game for a while now, unable to beat each other, always resulting in a tie.

With everyone there, the gang headed out for the mall.

The guys went straight to the arcade as if a magnet was attached in their bodies. And as usual and the girls, to the clothing stores adoring the beautiful dresses.

Serenity was talking a too little, thus caused Mai and Tea to worry.

"Are you feeling okay gal?" Mai asked, giving Serenity a confused look.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, I just need some water, I'll go get some, be back in a min." she replied rather quickly, and thus causing Mai and Tea to worry even more.

With Serenity gone, Tea and Mai began discussing this curious situation that needed her investigation.

"I bet she is sad cuz she doesn't expect anyone to ask her." Mai said, making up her own story and looking at Tea to add to it….

"What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you see how sad she looked?" Mai asked, clearly amazed that she had not picked up the sadness in her friend's face.

"Maybe we should ask her." Tea said with a lightbulb on her head.

"NO! She won't tell us if we ask her, we'll have to investigate!"

"I'm not so sure about this…don't you think this is rather mean-"

"Fine, friendship gal, if you wanna chicken out…" Mai turned her head towards the dress again.

"NO! I am not going to chicken out! Okay, what's your plan?"

At this, Mai turned her head back to Tea and really had a flashing light bulb on her head. "I have an idea."

Back at the water fountain, Serenity was busy having a conversation with herself. "Ugh, I needed to get away from them. Mai loves to pry into other people's businesses," Serenity thought and soon drifted away into her thoughts.

After a while, she saw someone with a white coat coming her way.


"Hey! Wheeler! You have something of mine!"

Serenity turned to face the rather handsome young man that had called her last name. He was wearing a navy blue shirt, with jeans and his white trench coat. His eyes were so deep, so blue, so beautiful, like a spider's web it had caught the hearts of many girls. Simply said, it was hard not to loose yourself while looking at his sea blue eyes.

"Me?" Serenity asked, just to make sure.

"Do you see that mutt here? As far as I know, you two are the only Wheelers I know. Yes you god damn it!"

"Well, what do I have?"

"It a notebook. I dropped it when I bumped into you, and I don't have it."

"Im sorry but I left my stuff at home before coming here, did you follow us just for a notebook?"

"I have very important data in it for my company! I'll come and take it tomorrow and mind you Wheeler, if you open it, you will regret it."

"NO! You can't show up to our apartment, Joey will kill you! I'll come by your place."

"Fine, but I want it tomorrow, and if I don't have it, I will make your life hell!"

With that he turned himself around and walked back to the exit. When he left, Serenity finally relaxed. His icy cold eyes could make you loose yourself, but they could also stare you down so hard, it made you seem like the most worthless piece of existence in the world.

Plz plz plz REVIEW! Woah! I redid it! Not a big change but I thought that my writing in the beginning was incredibly crappy so here it is a lil better than before. Hope ya'll still like it! (btw, the story didn't change).