Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter 20: Confessions and Speakerphones?
By: yamiz-mine
Once home, Serenity let herself cry. She had been holding it in while coming back but no more. Tears did not fall out of her green-brown eyes because Seto had hurt her again, but rather, it was because she was misunderstood. Now, Kaiba did not want to hear about the truth and whatever hope she did develop, was washed away by the salty water that poured out of her eyes.
Upon hearing her little sobs, Joey knocked on her door, worried for his little sister's sake. But Serenity refused to open the door, telling him that her allergies were just acting up. Such lies tore at her throat and made her efforts to drown her voice even harder.
It was like suffocation. She laid down her head on the floor and closed her eyes, trying to make the swirling circles that she saw when she closed her eyes forget what had happened. Soon, she was asleep.
Mokuba came out of his bedroom realizing that he couldn't go to sleep because of his roaring stomach. "Man…these midnight munchies are gonna make it so hard to wake up tomorrow, oh well…I'll ask Seto if I can skip."
The rather small Kaiba came into the kitchen when he thought he actually saw his malicious step-father in the kitchen, ready to beat him. "It can't be!" Mokuba screamed in his mind.
But it wasn't. It was his brother, Seto. He still had his sleeping robes on, open in front revealing his loose shirt and pajamas. His hair was disheveled and prickly hair stuck out from his chin and above his lip, making him look haggard and old. But most characteristic of the late Kaiba was the bottle of rum in his right hand, and a shot glass in the other.
"Seto! What are you doing?!" Mokuba screamed in horror as he ran towards his brother, steadying him despite his height. "You don't drink Seto! You told me that it ruins your body, you said that it ruins your soul! You said that that's what reminded you of our step-father!"
Kaiba laughed and cried. His laughter seemed demonic now and mixed with his innocent tears, it seemed like someone else had taken over his body, and the real Seto was trapped inside.
"Fyodor Dostoyevsky, have you ever read Crime and Punishment Mokuba?"
Mokuba answered through is tears, "No."
"Well, there's a man in the book who drinks away all the money his poor family has, you know why?"
Mokuba gave the same answer as before.
"It wasn't because of pleasure, he said he wanted to feel the pain. He said that when he drinks, he hurts himself for all the sins he has committed. He punishes himself. But you know what I think?"
"Seto, please, you're scaring me…" Mokuba whispered.
"I think that Dostoyevsky was drunk when he wrote the book because rum can't be punishment!" he laughed, "I mean, this stuff is so fucking good, why didn't I ever try it before?"
Mokuba started to cry, and finally recovering from shock, he decided that he had to call someone. But who? They had no family, there was never an instance where HE had to care for his BROTHER…it was always the other way around, always! That's when he thought of her.
"Seto, you stay here, I'm gonna go call Serenity".
"NO!" Kaiba roared that shook the little boy. "No," Kaiba said a little later, softer this time. "No…I'm okay."
"Seto, you're not okay! Seto, you don't drink! You don't drink!"
"I don't want to do a lot of things that my body does. I never meant to love her. I…" he left off here, but Mokuba urged him to continue, "Moki, I love her. No matter what she did or what I saw, I still love her! Why? Why can't I turn away from her because of what she did to me? Tell me!...and now, she loves Duke. She doesn't even realize that me and Nina, we're just friends…she just—" he started to cry.
Seto had never cried before, Mokuba thought. It hurt him to endless degree to see his brother in such a vulnerable state…and for a thing so pure. I've got to do something, he thought, but not today.
By this time, many of the servants had awoken and were now offering to help carry Seto to his bed. Mokuba gratefully accepted and he walked beside them into his brother's room. Once on his bed, Kaiba fell asleep instantly, but Mokuba was left awake. Staring at his idol, and what had become of him.
Before Kaiba woke up in the morning, Mokuba quickly called Serenity's house.
"Hello," the voice came from the Wheeler house…but although a female, it didn't sound like Serenity.
"Hi, can I talk to Serenity? This is Mokuba."
"Hey Mokuba…umm…Serenity isn't feeling well. She's been like this ever since yesterday. I don't know what happened…she just seems so depressed…and that's not Serenity at all…But I'd be happy to take a message if it isn't urgent."
Mokuba realized it was Mai on the other line. "Oh, well…I think I know what it was that made her so upset…it—it's kind of a long story…and it involves my brother."
"I knew it! She's lovesick isn't she?!" Mai said excitedly.
"Well, if she is, she isn't the only one," Mokuba continued with an explanation of what had happened the day before. Being small was an advantage—he had seen the entire scene with Nina/Kaiba/Serenity…and knowing what was going on with Nina and Kaiba, he also explained that bit—the part that Serenity had not heard and had become so upset with.
"I think I have a solution," Mai said, holding a lock of blond between two fingers and slowly stroking it, "take the phone and leave it on speaker in whichever room Kaiba is in right now—do it now, and don't ask questions."
Mokuba obeyed. By this time, Seto had awoken and was in his study, trying to soak his head into books so the pain and the banging inside would subside.
"Mokuba, I—I'm so sorry for yesterday night…I never meant to…start acting like that monster," he said setting aside the book he had in his hand as if he was ready for a discussion.
"It's okay Seto…just, promise never—NEVER to do it again."
Kaiba smiled, and in that smile a hint of his former, childish self sparkled like a jewel in a cave, "I promise."
Mokuba gave his brother a hug and left, leaving the phone on Kaiba's side table, right by the book.
"And now for a splash of Mai Magic," Mai said as she turned around and headed into Serenity's room…the phone left on speaker as well.
Upon entering it, she sent one shot at the weeping girl and started yelling, "I have had enough of this Serenity, and so has your brother! Enough wailing and crying and moping around! 'Kaiba broke my heart, waa-waa, lookie me, I'm crying for attention'." Mai waited for her response.
"Mai this isn't funny! I'm not doing it for freakin attention! Shoot, I'm not even doing it…if I could, I'd take out this damn heart of mine and stab it over and over again until it stopped beating for Seto! God damn it, I still love him!" she subsided, her voice a little more than a whisper now, "he—he..he didn't even listen to me".
"Listen to what?" Mai asked bringing herself closer to Serenity.
"Duke! He—he tried taking advantage of me Mai! And…and Seto…he taught that we were…hitting it off or something! I me—mean all I wanted was for him to understand, but he didn't listen…he didn't listen."
"It's okay girly," a click sounded, "I—I didn't mean what I said earlier. I know it hurts, but I promise, I'll all get better. I'll make sure it does," she said as she set down the phone and enveloped Serenity with her long arms.
Kaiba was left dumbfounded. After the initial shock, rage began to boil in the pit of his stomach. He could feel the bubbling lava inside of him about to explode. "Duke," he whispered venomously.
Landi McClellan: I know this next installment isn't the longest chapter, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to end it all next chapter, so keep reading! And thanks a lot for the review, I also thought it was very dramatic for Serenity to rip up the check in front of him. hehe.
Ki Wingz: LOL! I loved your reaction! That's exactly what my reaction would have been…if I didn't know what was going on…but since I do, as an annoying author, I'll keep that from you till the end ). it makes it all the more satisfying, I promise. Anyways, you'll find out whats going on in the next few chapters so you won't have to wait VERY long. Keep reading and reviewing my friend, you've been very supportive and I thank you generously for it!
Manga-Girly: I did try to update quite soon…I hope this was very soon for you. Probably not, but still, patience is a virtue! haha, anywho, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Troubled Spirit of Hell: Euphoric…nice word! I'll incorporate it somehow in my next chapter…hahaha, I am easily fascinated. Anyways, I certainly hope that this chapter made you feel a little euphoric…D Please do read and review this chappie…I know you want to!
moonangel93: Well, I hope some of your questions are answered due to this chapter. I know it's not TOO long, but I tried…and the story is about to end any day now, so keep reading and reviewing! Thanks a LOT for reviewing so many chapters…its really encouraging and makes me want to write more and more.
Marisa Makou: Well, even if you couldn't review Ch. 18, you can always review this chapter! And I hope I've made it even more interesting…mostly because the story is about to end! We've pretty much reached the climax…and all you have to wait for is the ending. Do be there for it! And thanks a bunch for reviewing!
otaku22: Haha, everyone is bent on killing Nina! I don't think there is a single person that ever wrote to me saying how much the liked Nina…I guess she is a very hate-able person…mostly because we've probably come into contact with Nina-type people huh? Oh well, we'll see how everything comes down in the next couple of chapters! Thanks for reviewing again!
o. 101: I know, Seto & Serenity DO belong together…but problems do arise when you're in love. And I have to make some to give our little story here some flavor…but we've reached the climax-ish part, now all you have to wait for is the ending..which is going to follow shortly! Thanks for reviewing!