The Promises That Summer Brings
Circumstances arise and Draco and Hermione are stranded at Hogwarts for the summer. How will they survive the confinement, sexual tension, and each other? Set in the summer after they have just completed their sixth year.Disclaimer:
I don't need one because I am J.K Rowling and therefore own everything hahaha! For any of you that actually thought that last sentence was true please slap yourself repeatedly on the head until you get some common sense. I do not own Harry Potter or anything associated with it. I do however own the plot and you all know the drill steal it and die!Chapter One
Evil Causes Mayhem
"I've called you both into my office today because I'm afraid I have some troubling news." Hermione's face shown with terror as she continued listening to the Headmaster. "Circumstances have arisen and that is why I must ask that both of you remain here at Hogwarts for the summer break."
Both their eyes widened in a mixture of shock and horror, they couldn't even fathom spending there entire break at Hogwarts, let alone with each other. "What kind of circumstances Headmaster?" It was Malfoy that spoke first. Dumbledore looked down at his desk and folded his hands.
"Well Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger, if you don't mind discussing it in front of each other I have no problem continuing." Both students nodded there head in approval and Dumbledore went on. "It seems since Voldermort has risen once again he is on the warpath. Ms. Granger he is after you and your parents. That is why I feel it would be safer if you stayed here."
"But what about my parents? Will they be safe as well?" Hermione rushed out the sentences, panic stricken. "Yes Ms. Granger I believe they are very well looked after and there is no need to worry."
"Now Mr. Malfoy, as you know your father is a Deatheater and as soon as Voldermort returned to power he went rushing back to his side. However, he had betrayed the Dark Lord and not been with him in his time of greatest need. Therefore, to be allowed no harm he had to make a sacrifice his sacrifice Mr. Malfoy, was you."
Draco sat in silence as he processed the information. He of course had always known his father didn't love him but he could never of imagined he would go as far as to sacrifice his son to save his sorry ass. Now thanks to daddy dearest he would be forced to spend the summer at Hogwarts with the incompetent Mudblood.
"To conclude we all thought it would be best if you also stayed at Hogwarts over the summer. I myself will be here along with Professor Snape and Professor McGonnagal. You will be allowed the Prefects Headquarters and free roam of the castle. However, you mustn't leave the castle because you could be in grave danger. Anything that cannot be proved for you from the castle will be supplied. Again I'd like to apologize for this inconvenience and we will try and straighten this out soon."
"Now on to the rules. I was never a fan of rules myself. You must not send out any letters to anyone because they have a danger of getting intercepted. There will be no magic used unless dire circumstances arise. Any fighting or problems are to be reported to Professor McGonnagal or Professor Snape and we will see to it that it is solved or punished. Yes, I think that's it, you're free to go now."
Both students filed out of the office and down the twisting steps in an uncomfortable silence. Neither knew what to think of the situation or the facts of why they were in the present situation. Hermione wanted to express her sympathy to Malfoy but she knew it would be ill received and wanted to delay hostility for as long as possible.
"Look Granger, believe me when I say this is the worst situation I could ever imagine. I just wish I was you, you get to look at me all day and all I have is you to look at. Who's going to satisfy all my sexual needs, pray not you or McGonnagal, though I'm not sure which would be worse…"
"Your repulsive Malfoy and I will be extremely surprised if both of us make it out of this situation alive."
He laughed at this and sent her his infamous grin. "And who would be the one that remained alive? Surely I have more to live for so it makes sense it should be me."
"What could you possibly have to live for?"
"I live to fulfill the desires of all the gorgeous pureblood girls, of course."
He was being an arrogant ass on purpose, he and she both knew it. He was pushing her to her breaking point, seeing how far he could go before she would explode.
"Well even though that's a nice fantasy it doesn't really matter because from the looks of it there are no pureblood girls around here."
Draco's face contoured into a frown. Of course he had realized this earlier but now it was truly hitting him. There really were no other girls but Granger in the entire bloody castle. And now he, Draco Malfoy the boy that had had pleasurable company since he was just fourteen would be deprived of it for the entire summer. Unless… no of course not he could not bring himself to shag a Mudblood even if it was his fathers rule, the father that had betrayed him.
He looked over at the girl he was walking alongside realizing that before now he had never truly noticed her. Her hair flowed down in shining waves along her back with honey hues and her caramel eyes seemed bright and full of life, unlike his icy blue gray ones. Her skin was a milky pale that rivaled perfection and her lips were full and pouty. He tried to hold back the realization that she was stunning, immensely beautiful, and he had never even noticed.
"What are you staring at?" Hermione demanded after noticing Draco's eyes fixated on her. Her words snapping him back into reality he was quick to reply. "I was wondering if that brown on your nose, if that was permanent or an added bonus to tell everyone you're in the official brown nosing club."
She was stunned and gawked at him as he smugly walked away. "See you at dinner honey bun."