Chapter Four
How Does it Feel?
A/N: I can't even fathom how I could thank everyone for all the amazing reviews! The response has been incredible. I'm so happy everyone likes the story. Sorry it took so long to update I have been working. If you guys have questions for me please feel free to email me at
but please only write questions about the story. I will answer everything there. Now on to the story.Hermione had never dreamed that this kind of thing would even be possible. She had alwayswished that the perfect Draco Malfoy had some sort of flaw besides his devilish attitude. Now she had this, a crack in the dam that was about to burst, and she didn't know what to do with it.She sat there stunned, her head racing a million miles an hour thinking of all the things this meant. Draco was a half blood not a full blood wizard and therefore had no right to call her a Mudblood because he was hardly better. It also meant she could destroy him if she so chose to.
Hermione must have sat there for some time because before she knew it she could hear Draco clambering around his quarters. She wanted to rush in and scream; I know! Hermione forced herself up and soon found herself knocking on Malfoy's door,
"What is it you want Granger I'm very busy and have no time for you."
"Draco it's important."
Hearing her speak his given name struck a cord and he was shortly opening the door for her.
"What's so serious that would allow for you to use my name?"
Hermione just started down at the carpet. She couldn't look at him. How could he have called her a Mudblood when he knew fully well he was only a half blood? Hermione held out her hand containing the two pages of truth and turned away.
Malfoy scoffed when he saw them thinking they were just some stupid school thinks or whatever it was Hermione did in her spare time. Before long Draco found that was not the case.
"What are these lies? Why did you make this, to try and black mail me into something you want? Well I'm sorry Granger, but I'm not exactly dense and I know this is bloody nonsense! How dare you insult my family and myself, this is low and I won't tolerate it!" Draco began to violently yell the last part hurling the papers toward her.
"Draco, I thought you knew I was only showing you to let you know I know. I can guarantee you that the information presented on those papers is nothing but truth and if you are in doubt you can consult the book I found it in yourself, or Dumbledore I'm sure he knew."
Draco lay in bed staring at up at the ceiling in silent wonder. Somehow he thought he always knew. Why his father treated him so badly, why nothing he ever did was good enough. Because he was a bastard child, a token from a past romance that was unwanted.
He regretted behaving so badly toward Hermione, it wasn't her fault. He sighed, now everything he had ever said, ever done was a complete sham. Making fun of Ron for being a poor pureblood when he himself wasn't even, calling Hermione a Mudblood, poking fun at Harry. What was he going to do now? His whole entire reputation was ruined crumbling down around him.
Unless, no, he could never do that, never bring himself to do that. But why not? He himself wasn't much better, and if he did no one would have to know that. Yes, that was what he would have to do convince, Granger not to say a word, through any means possible.
Hermione felt horrible about what had happened. She had never even considered that Draco might not know the truth. She shook her head in her ignorance, of course he wouldn't know. Hermione sat up in her bed and yawned, she always seemed tired in the morning. She turned as a knock was heard."I'm sorry, the bloody bitch is not available right now, but leave a message."
"Granger stop this foolishness, I'm sorry for what I said and came to talk to you."
Hermione got up and opened the door scowling at Draco as he passed through.
"Look, I already apologized for calling you a bloody bitch so can we talk without the deadly glares?"
"It depends on what you have to say."
Draco sighed now knowing this was going to be immensely harder then he first thought.
"Now Her…Her…Hermione, as you have probably concluded the information you have found has had a great effect on me. I myself had no idea of it's existence, and I have thought about what it means all night. I can't possibly afford to let it get out and instead of killing you and solving one problem I decided to ask you what it would take for you not to tell."
"You're bribing me!?"
"Well, I suppose if you want to use that term, yes I am. But think about it, I can get you anything you want all you have to do is not say a word."
"I would never except anything from you!"
"Are you so sure?"
Her obvious fluster and denial made Malfoy laugh and reconsider his approach.
"Well if you are quite sure I suppose there is nothing more to do then just ask you not to speak a word. However I urge you to really decide if nothing is worth it before you do, my offer still stands."
Draco turned to leave as Hermione grumbled, "You can take your offer and shove it up your…"
"What was that Granger?"
"Nothing, get out."
Truth be told, there was something Hermione wanted. She was undoubtedly sure she could get it if only she asked, but she never would. It was Draco Malfoy after all and even if he was a half blood Harry and Ron would never forgive her. But why should she care so much about what they thought…they never thought or cared about her. She couldn't just let Malfoy slip away when he was so close could she?
She closed her eyes and pictured one of her unadulterated fantasies of him that always made her blush. No, she just couldn't bring herself to give up this opportunity. She would have to tell him. But what if he laughed and said it would be worse then everyone knowing the information? Doubts and questions whirled through her head as she headed to breakfast.
Upon arriving Hermione noted that Draco wouldn't take his eyes off her, she didn't know what he was trying to pull. She also noted that Professor McGonnagal and Snape exchanged knowing glances as if they knew something was going on. Hermione just wanted to scream and in spite of everything she had ever known or done she did.
She stormed out leaving them with that, strangely satisfied. Hermione decided then and there it was time for her to have some fun, do what she wanted to do and right now she had a certain golden haired boy in mind under the do list.
Hope this makes up for the terribly long wait. I will try and update sooner next time. Love