Disclaimers: I do not own Inu-Yasha

Chapter One: It's Time

"I never had sex in a car!" A tall young man around the age of twenty exclaimed. He had short black hair that was tied into a short ponytail at the nape of his neck. His bright smiling violet eyes glimmering with excitement.

"Miroku, I thought the point of the game was to say things you didn't do… not the things you did," a gruff tone said from behind the man called Miroku.

Miroku turned around to give his attention to the interrupter. In front of him was a tall muscular man. The guy just shouted out unique… who wouldn't with long silvery white hair, claws on his hands instead of nails, fangs, and of course, the two dog-like ears atop his head. The why as to this strange appearance… simple really. He was a hanyou, or half-demon for you to know.

"Ah Inu-Yasha, so good of you to come! Now it's a party!" Miroku exclaimed, spreading his arms wide.

"So Inu-Yasha, you going to join in on our game of fun?!" One girl called out.

"Yeah, Inu-Yasha!" Some voices cheered him on.

"Sorry guys, but I'm just here to pick up this lug-head before he embarrasses himself," Inu-Yasha explained, pointing a thumb to Miroku's form.

"Yes, will then…" Miroku muttered. "I bid thee ado," he said to the room before sweeping into a low bow.

"Come on Romeo, I don't have all day," Inu-Yasha growled, rolling his eyes at the sight of his friend kissing every female's hand.

"Inu-Yasha, you must understand that you must treat every flower delicately and…" Miroku started his lecture on how to treat a woman right.

"I know that Miroku, but I want to get home to bed. It's all your fault I'm here, I mean it's fucking two in the morning and I get a call from Izumi saying 'pick up your bastard friend before I throw his drunken ass into the street'." Inu-Yasha mocked in a high girlish voice.

"Inu-Yasha…" Miroku began, blinking in a thoughtful manner.

"What?" Inu-Yasha snapped, going back to his gruff tone.

"That sounded nothing like Izumi," Miroku commented.

Miroku quickly ducked to the ground to avoid the punch Inu-Yasha sent his way.

"Shut-up monk!" Inu-Yasha growled, trying desperately to land a hit on him. But like always when Miroku gets drunk, dumb luck is on his side and he is able to avoid all hits.

"I'll meet you downstairs!" Miroku slurred, running out the door at top speed.

"Damn drunk," Inu-Yasha muttered, after realizing his prey got away.

"He swiftly moved to the door and left, making sure to slam the door hard behind him. He gave a triumphant grin as he heard groans of pain from the other side. Inu-Yasha then decided to move fast and reach Miroku before he did something stupid. Like retch on his leather interior.


Mutsumi sat on the armchair that faced her window in complete silence. Her long black hair swaying from time to time from the light breeze in her room. She looked up from the letter she was reading as a pair of lights shone through the window. She saw that it was her son, coming home at an ungodly hour again.

'What will I do with him?' She thought, shaking her head in a disapproving manner.

Mutsumi bent her head back down and continued to read. As she reached the end, she had a large grin growing on her face. Once finished, Mutsumi threw her head back and began to laugh softly to herself.

"What is it dear?" A low voice came from behind her.

Mutsumi immediately stopped her laughing to say one comment.

"It is time."


"Dammit! When I find out whose calling, they'll be begging me to kill them!" Inu-Yasha growled angrily, as he threw back the covers.

He lazily climbed out of bed and crossed the room to get to phone on his desk.

"What the hell do you want?" Inu-Yasha asked in a gruff tone. He paled visible when the person replied.

"Is that any way to greet someone?" A feminine voice called back to him.

"So-sorry mom," Inu-Yasha said weakly, mentally cursing him-self for forgetting that this was the house's intercom phone.

"I'm sure you are dear. Any ways, I need you down in the living room… dress nicely, because I have a surprise for you!" His mom exclaimed in a high school girl voice.

Inu-Yasha inwardly groaned. His mother's surprises were never good. Last time, her surprise was that his dad and her were going to Hawaii while he got to stay the week at his brother's.

"Inu-Yasha? Are you still there dear?" Her voice rang in his ear.

"Yeah mom… I'll be down in a minute," Inu-Yasha replied. Before she could say anymore, Inu-Yasha hung up the phone.

He searched in his closet for a while before coming out. He was wearing a red button up shirt over a white tee along with baggy black pants.

'Better be a damn good surprise, I mean if you have to wake me up for it…' Inu-Yasha thought grumpily.

He marched out of his room and through the halls with a determined look. He soon reached the stairs and proceeded down them quietly. He reached the outer wall of the living room and decided to listen in. He identified four voices. Two were his parents, and the other two un-recognizable. But he could tell that one was male and the other female.

"Come on in Inu-Yasha!" His father's voice boomed.

'Shit… I forgot that dad could smell me out.' He mentally hit himself for his stupidity.

Inu-Yasha straightened his back and entered the living room. To his surprise, there weren't four people but five. His mother Mutsumi. His father Inutashio who looked like an older version of Inu-Yasha. Except Inutashio stood taller and longer elegant hair that was more silver than white. Also the big difference was that his father didn't have dog-ears on his head for he was a full demon, or youkai, and not a hanyou like Inu-Yasha.

Then there was a man who looked to be quite powerful, but was going a little chubby in the middle area. He had short black hair that reached his eyes and look on his face that would scare off anyone.

The woman looked more gentle with the warm smile that graced her lips and the bright brown tinged honey colored eyes. Inu-Yasha guessed that this was the wife of the mystery man because their scents were all mingled together.

The third unknown was a girl about his age. She just sat quietly, with her raven black hair hiding her face because her head was bowed down.

"Inu-Yasha," Mutsumi's voice broke his thoughts. "I want you to meet mine and your father's dear friends. Shinta Higurashi," Mutsumi gestured to the man. "And his wife Haruka Higurashi," she now gestured to the woman.

'I was right!' Inu-Yasha thought with a bright smile. He had been practicing to better his sense of smell, and this only proved he was getting better. 'But who the hell is the girl?' He asked himself taking a glance at her once again before giving the other couple a curt nod of greeting.

"Also, I want you to meet their daughter," Mutsumi gestured to the girl. "Kagome Higurashi, your fiancée."

A/N: I know that I said that I would pause all fics except those five, but now I'm adding this into the mix and making it six. And yes, all the fics would be finished, I'm not stopping any of the six. It's just that I'm sick, and this is an old fic idea I had saved onto the computer… so I thought I'd give my readers some entertainment while I lie on my deathbed…..j/k. But I truly am not feeling well… but I shall tell you that I am almost done with the newest chapter of Nightingale's Voice, so I am going back into my bed to finish it. So expect the update in the next few days. Bye! Also, I know this fic isn't up to the grandness of my others, but I shall keep, so nyah. So don't be a stranger and review. Sayonara for real this time!