Disclaimers: I don't own Inu-Yasha

Chapter Four: Welcome to My Life

"Dammit . . . where is that bitch!" Inu-Yasha cursed softly as he came to a stop in unfamiliar surroundings. "She's jumping to conclusions any ways. I hadn't even realized I invited Ikaru . . . Ikaru!" Inu-Yasha's head snapped up at the realization.

'Oh man . . . I left her on the plane . . . she's going to kill me when she realizes I've ditched her!' Inu-Yasha thought, panicking with each thought.

"Damn this woman, I haven't known her for a day and she's already ruining my life! I swear, the next time I see my dad; I'm gon-" His words fell short as once again he picked up the scent. He raced towards the source only to come upon what appeared to be a mugging.

"Figures my 'wife' lives in a dangerous area," Inu-Yasha muttered, ready to turn away until a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Please . . . I don't . . . have any money." A very familiar soft tone pleaded.

Inu-Yasha whirled back around and looked more closely towards the situation. He squinted his eyes to look at the figure in the middle of the group of what seemed like ten men. His eyes widened in shock as very clearly, he saw his wife.

"Please . . . I don't have anything that would be . . . of use to you." The sound of her bird like voice seeming to etch itself into Inu-Yasha's mind.

"Sure you do." One of the men declared, stepping towards her. "You have yourself," he cooed, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.

'The bastard!' Inu-Yasha growled in his mind, unexplainable anger surging through him. 'He's going to be the first one to die.' He mentally decided, stealthily making his way towards the odd group.

"Yeah sweetie, I definitely want a piece of this," another threw in his two cents, adding his emphasis by swatting Kagome's butt; causing a small squeak to escape her lips.

'No that one is!' Inu-Yasha quickened his pace, throwing caution to the wind; not giving a damn whether or not the scumbags could see him coming.

He let out a low growling command when the men started to get serious. Oh yeah, they were going to die. But he would be sure to make it painfully slow.


Kagome's world was just not in sync with nature today or something . . . that or fate just had a past grudge with her and it decided to get back at her today. Everything that could go wrong today did . . . and then some. First she finds her husband never knew they were to be married when she had been informed of it since she could comprehend words. Then, while trying to escape from her own wedding Sango comes and practically drags her back. Next, her loving casanova of a husband hunts her down like the dog he is after she finally escapes him. The fool then tricks her and acts like he has a heart, but hey she fell for it. So it was basically her own fault for getting her feelings hurt. As the saying goes, 'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.'

'It's my fault for believing that ignoramus.' Kagome thought angrily. 'And it's my own fault I'm in this situation.' She thought with a sick sense, eyeing the group of ten or so men around her.

"Look doll-face, are you going to give us what we asked for or what?" The one who appeared to be the leader questioned her.

'Why can't they just leave me alone?' Kagome wondered, wincing a little at the pain she felt in her body. 'Okay Kagome old gal, no more walking in the creepy deserted park alone any more . . . Gosh, my side hurts. I guess it's suddenly become right for a man, or group of men, to beat up on a poor defenseless girl. Chivalry is so dead.'

"Please . . . I don't . . . have any money," Kagome said softly. She hoped to divert them from their thoughts.

"But I'm sure you could offer something else to compensate for it," the leader spoke again, stepping closer. She didn't very much like the way his eyes seemed to bore inside of her.

'I think it's time to try another strategy.' Kagome figured, wanting to leave this bunch as intact as she could.

"Please . . . I don't have anything that would be . . . of use to you," Kagome tried to argue, though immediately knew it was a bogus attempt when she saw the fleeting look of amusement pass through Dumb One's, a.k.a. the leader, eyes.

"Sure you do," Dumb One spoke, moving even closer into Kagome's bubble. "You have yourself," he cooed, his breath tickling her neck; sending shivers down Kagome's spine as the back of his hand caressed her cheek.

"Yeah sweetie, I definitely want a piece of this," a voice from behind her sounded. She let out a squeak of surprise as she felt something impact with her behind.

'Oh crap, I'm dead.' Kagome thought as she looked at all their leering faces.

"Boys you hold her down while I get the first bite," Dumb One commanded before licking his lips while reaching out towards her. Kagome closed her eyes ready for the inevitable, cringing as hands grabbed from all around, especially the one going under her shirt.

"Make one more movement, and that's especially your damn hand, and I'll kill you all," a low voice growled out, causing all motions to freeze.

Kagome's eyes opened as soon as the words met her ears. Her vision was met with that of her husband. The angry slant of his now amber eyes, and the angry waves seeming to emanate off him scared her somewhat.

"Oh yeah, and who are you to tell me what to do? Her knight in shining armor," Dumb One started to taunt, ignoring the 'Keisuke, this guy looks familiar. I don't think we should mess with him.'

"I think you better listen to the man Keisuke," Inu-Yasha taunted.

"Shut up wanna-be hero, and just leave us to our prize," Keisuke snapped, lifting up a hand to rub against Kagome's face. He stopped short though as Inu-Yasha began to speak again.

"You touch my wife and you'll be begging to go to the police," Inu-Yasha spoke in a promising way.

"Yeah, and who, may I ask, are you?"

"Not that you need to know, but the name is Hazuki, Inu-Yasha Hazuki," Inu-Yasha replied in a cocky manner, reveling in the fact that the men began to squirm.

"Ha-ha-hazuki? As in Inutashio Hazuki's son?" Keisuke stuttered out, the fear evident in his voice.

"The one and only," Inu-Yasha smirked, finding more amusement as the color seemed to leave all of their faces. "So, what was that again that you wanted to do to my wife?'

"No-nothing," Keisuke stuttered, glaring at his men like it was their fault they were in this situation. "Just wanted to help her on her way home, c-cause it's d-dangerous walking a-alone at n-n-night."

'Bullshit.' Inu-Yasha snorted with disbelief, but decided he'd have some fun with this.

"Wow Kagome, I bet you felt real safe with so much protection," Inu-Yasha spoke, finally turning his attention to Kagome. Kagome took a step back as she looked into his eyes; bewildered with both the amusement and anger in them.

'How on earth could someone be both angry and yet happy at the same time.' Kagome thought, becoming more and more frightened by the look.

"Shouldn't you thank the nice men?" Inu-Yasha asked in what a passerby would've believed to be a cheery tone.

'He's crazy . . . he's actually enjoying this!' Kagome backed up even more. 'And why does it seem like he's blaming this on me.' Kagome not paying attention to anything let out a scream when she tripped over one of the many feet. From there things seemed to have gone from bad to worse.


"Dammit wench, don't even know you for a day and you're already causing me problems," Inu-Yasha grumbled as he kicked open the door to the old looking house where he first found Kagome before the airport fiasco. "Now where the hell is that bedroom . . ."

"Uh," Kagome moaned as she started to come to from what she believed was a nightmare. Slowly she opened her eyes to come face to face with lightly tinted golden ones.

"Ah!" Kagome screeched before the palm of her hand met Inu-Yasha's cheek. "Inu-Yasha?" Kagome spoke becoming more lucid. "You shouldn't scare me like that, I thought you were a robber or . . . or . . . oh, I hit you didn't I? Sorry!" Kagome apologized, nervously rubbing the back of her head.

"Stupid wench," Inu-Yasha muttered, deeply fighting the urge to just drop her. "Listen, where the hell is your room in this place?"

"My room . . ." Kagome repeated baffled by his question. "It's upstairs, last door at the end of the hall. But . . . my room?" She repeated once again as Inu-Yasha started his way up.

"Yeah, your room. You know, the place where you keep all your precious things that girls keep . . . that place where you sleep . . . have sex . . . eat . . . your room," Inu-Yasha replied sarcastically upon arriving at the destination.

"But don't you mean our room?" Kagome reiterated while Inu-Yasha kicked open the door. Showing in all its glory a small cramp space filled with a bed; night tables located on either side, a chest of drawers and some lamps scattered about.

"Hell no!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed as he gazed upon the scene. "This . . . this . . ." Inu-Yasha didn't finish the sentence for fear of it being one he would regret. Silently he crossed into the room and none too gently threw his wife onto the small looking bed.

"Ow!" Kagome gasped as she landed on her side from her husband's careful placement.

"Ah, quit being all dramatic. I didn't throw you that hard." Inu-Yasha dismissed her with a wave of his clawed hand. Though his mind told him that, his nose told him otherwise; the smell of pain coming off her in waves envaded that particular sense of his body. He looked more closely at her, watching the slight grimace of her features and the hand clutching desperately at her side, and did he imagine it or was there red around her hand. The scene only caused his eyes tonarrow and harden, turning an amber hue. "Those bastards didn't hurt you, did they?"

"Um . . ." The questioned completely threw Kagome off guard. She wanted to tell him, but one look at his face had Kagome thinking otherwise. "Well . . ."

"I'll warn you right now wench, seeing as we'll be spending the rest of our lives together, I hate, and don't appreciate, liars," Inu-Yasha spoke in a warning tone, as if sensing her actions before she did them.

'There goes that plan!' Kagome thought while giving him a nervous smile.

"It's not . . . that . . . bad Inu-Yasha," Kagome said shyly, giving her weak attempt at trying to soothe things over.

"Feh," Inu-Yasha snorted in disbelief. "Lift up your shirt."

"Pervert!" Kagome screeched, throwing her arms over her chest.

"Listen wench, we're married now, it ain't wrong for me to look at your. So quit acting like a high school girl!" Inu-Yasha commanded, ignoring or not seeing the reproachful look Kagome gave towards him. "Fine, go ahead and behave like a child. We'll just have to do it the hard way." As he spoke the words, Inu-Yasha started to advance on Kagome.

"Wait!" Kagome called out just as he reached her. She tactfully ignored Inu-Yasha's inquiring look as she slowly lifted up her shirt to just below her bra. Because of the fact she turned her head away so Inu-Yasha wouldn't see her blush, she missed the hungry look that seemed to fill his eyes.

'Well, well, well . . . it seems my little wife here has a body.' Inu-Yasha mused before all emotions left him except the undying urge to kill and anger that filled him.

"Those bastards!" He hissed, amber eyes narrowing upon the bruises that were starting to form . . . and was that blood he smelled? "They cut you." Inu-Yasha stated it more than he was questioning.

"Um . . . well . . . I mean one of the men just pushed me to the ground," Kagome answered meekly.

"Bullshit," Inu-Yasha grunted before demanding to know where he'd be able to find a First-Aid kit. To the response 'in the bathroom' he had to ask more specifically where the bathroom was located.

"Stupid fool," Kagome chided herself, letting her smile fall as Inu-Yasha left the room. "You got yourself into this," she hissed, pulling back down her shirt.

'Now what is he going to do?' Kagome questioned herself as her husband sauntered back into the room with First-Aid kit in hand.

"All right wench, strip." Inu-Yasha commanded, placing the kit on the night table closest to her.

"Excuse you!" Kagome screamed, her quiet, shyness momentarily gone.

"Don't take it the wrong way, just take off the damn shirt, it'll be easier to heal your wounds that way," Inu-Yasha explained, then added as an after-thought. "But you know, I wouldn't mind if you took it all off."

"Pervert!" Kagome raised her voice yet again.

"Damn woman!" Inu-Yasha yelled. "Just take off your god damn shirt!"

"Excuse you! My parents are in charge of the Sunset Shrine and we encourage people not to use the Lord's name in vain!" Kagome proclaimed.

"So . . ." Inu-Yasha's face held a dumbfounded look. "Doesn't your shrine promote the worshipping of Buddha?"

"So . . ." Kagome snapped back, mentally smacking herself for the childish come back. "The Great One is the same, even if everyone calls him by a different name."

'O-kaaay.' Inu-Yasha silently drawled out while fighting the childish urge to do the cuckoo whistle. He instead went for the ever popular eye roll and turned his attention to the First-Aid kit; in fear that if he continued to look at his indignant wife he would burst out laughing.

"You know . . . you're not a very nice person," Kagome informed him, giving a frown toward his turned back.

"Yeah, well you know what sweetie . . . off . . ." Inu-Yasha commanded as he turned around with a few supplies, nodding at her shirt. "You'll just have to get used to that feature . . . you're stuck with me for life."

". . ." Kagome just stared speechlessly at his words and the impact they caused. She vaguely heard him question whether she was going to take her shirt off or not. "No . . ." Kagome shook her head in the negative.

"Wench, always wanting to do things the hard way," Inu-Yasha muttered softly so Kagome wouldn't be able to hear him. Before anyone knew what was happening, Kagome's shirt was nothing but shreds of cloth scattering around the bed and floor.

" . . . I can't believe you did that!" Kagome yelled, throwing her arms across her chest once again. "That was my favorite shirt!"

"So . . . I'll just get you're a new one," Inu-Yasha droned, shrugging his shoulders in an indifferent manner.

"That's not the point!" Kagome reiterated, growing more and more frustrated with the golden-eyed man in front of her.

"Then what is it . . . and lift up your arms," Inu-Yasha commanded. He lifted his eyes in mild amusement as Kagome silently obliged.

'What is up with this woman? First she doesn't listen to a damn thing I tell her to do, and now she's suddenly obeying me? I'll never figure her out.' Inu-Yasha thought, shaking his head in bewilderment.

But all humor that Inu-Yasha found was lost as he looked at the nice trail of blood from the top of her right ribs to mid-stomach. Eyes narrowing dangerously as drip after drip began to flow.

'The bastards! I knew I should've killed them on the spot!'

"Wha-" Kagome gasped in shock and Inu-Yasha's anger faded into surprise.

"Dammit! I said that out loud, didn't I?" Inu-Yasha questioned, only to receive a nod as a reply. "What are you so shocked about? It's true." Inu-Yasha spoke in an indifferent tone, before starting to wipe the blood off.

"Even so . . . you shouldn't say things like that," Kagome reasoned.

"Says who?" Inu-Yasha retorted.

"Everyone knows that!" Kagome said, again mentally smacking herself for the oh-so intelligent remark.

"Yeah, just like everyone knows that you shouldn't beat up on defenseless women."

'Ouch . . . got me there.' Kagome thought, wincing both from the loss of battle and Inu-Yasha's touching of her wound.

" . . . You know, has anyone ever told you that you're a jerk?"

"Yeah," Inu-Yasha replied, smirking a little, "every one of the girlfriends I had after dumping them."

"Oh . . ." Kagome whispered, not sure if it was from the pain of the disinfection that Inu-Yasha was spraying on her wound or from the depth of his words. "So . . . you've been on lots of dates."

"Yeah, of course. Haven't you?" Inu-Yasha asked, sparing her the briefest glance before getting back to what he was doing.

"Oh . . . well . . . um . . ." Kagome was stumbling around for the right words. "Does . . . does a wedding count as a date?"

"Honey, the wedding is what happens after many, many dates." Inu-Yasha said after a short bark of laughter. "That's probably why all those girls called me a jerk. Didn't give it to them after all those dates . . . just used them for the sex."

"Oh . . . really." Again, Kagome was filled with confusion as to where all the pain was coming from. "So . . . you've . . . you've actually done it?"

"Yeah, haven't you?" Inu-Yasha questioned, finally stopping his actions to look at her. "Ah . . ." Inu-Yasha said, enlightenment filling him as he looked into her blushing, innocent face.

'So, my ball and chain is a virgin . . . this should be interesting.'

"So . . . you, my blushing bride, have never been on a date," Inu-Yasha mused, as he began to bandage her wound.

"Well, unlike you, I honor a promise . . . even if it is to a man I never met," Kagome snapped, more out of embarrassment at him for figuring her out than out of spite.

"Well . . . unlike you, I never knew I even had a fiancée until the day before my wedding," Inu-Yasha growled out with barely controlled rage.

"Oh . . . that's funny." Kagome said, giving out a weak laugh. "I've known about this . . . as long as I can remember anything. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if when I was born my parents said something like this: 'Oh Kagome, our little girl. You've got a very important job. You're going to marry our friend's son, Inu-Yasha Hazuki.' It's disgusting if you think about it . . ." Kagome rambled on, hoping this would help sooth things over.

"Really . . . well, you saw how it was like when I was told . . . so, no dates what-so-ever," Inu-Yasha threw in, for want of a better topic.

"Not that I didn't want to . . . I did get offers. But at the beginning when I started asking my parents if I could go, they would saythings like'it isn't right, you're engaged' or things along those lines. I just quit asking after a while. In fact, I started to hate you, a person I never met, for making me miss out on something all my friends were doing," Kagome spoke, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Would you like to go on dates?"

"It doesn't matter now. I'm married. Maybe by this time next year I'll try them out," Kagome said, waving her hand like the subject wasn't worth speaking about.

"Why this time next year would you try them but not now?" Inu-Yasha questioned, getting confused by all her words.

"Oh yeah . . . you weren't told anything, but you see our parents said . . ." Kagome started to explain, but was cut off by Inu-Yasha placing a finger to her lips.

"Never-mind, I don't want to hear anymore of our parent's crazy ideas," Inu-Yasha said, shaking his head in disgust. "All I know, is that you want to try dating and I still want to meet people . . . so let's do it. No attachments and no hurt feelings to drag us down."

"But isn't that cheating?" Kagome questioned, a wary look growing in her eyes.

"No, because we both agree to it. I mean, it's our chance to see the world while still pleasing the needs of our parents!" Inu-Yasha spoke, hope shining in his eyes.

"I don't like the sound of this. It still sounds like cheating."

"But that's the beauty of it! We both agree and we can end this agreement anytime one of us doesn't want it to happen anymore. In fact, I encourage you to do this, see what you missed out on."

"I guess it's fine," Kagome said, giving in as she looked at the hope shining in his eyes.

"Great! I'm going to get some ice for your bruises, be back soon." With that said he was gone, whistling a happy tone as he walked.

'Humph . . . he couldn't possibly believe I would actually go do something like that.' Kagome rolled her eyes at the thought. As she thought more about it she became depressed at her next thought. 'But it seems my husband still wants to 'see the world'.'

A/N: That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed it! Also, my thanks to all reviewers!