Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own any of the Harry Potter billion dollar industry. The caricatures belong to JKR, sadly, and I have no intention of stealing them to make any money. My use of them is solely for the enjoyment of myself and readers.

"I'd like you to meet Albus Dumbledore

A man appeared out of nowhere smiling at her. He had on a long flowing dark purple robe, and long snowy white hair and a beard, that look as if he could have tucked it in to his pants (if he had had any on), to mach. "He's the head master of Hogwarts your new school you'll be starting in the fall", continued the man.

Mr. Makrian kept going on with that smile of his "He's the head master of Hogwarts your new school you'll be attending in the fall"

"Hold on what about my parents? I can't just disappear! They have to know what's going on, plus I only have 2 years left of high school. I'm not just going to drop out because I'm a freak" Sarah screamed

"Sarah I'm sure your parents will understand. They are just inside the door waiting to speak to you, shall we let them in?" he replied with a grin on his face.

Oh how she hated that grin

Her parents walked in with a look of utter confusion on their face.

"Hello Mr. and Ms. Silverwing please sit down. My name is Albus Dumbledore and this is Nick Makerian. We have much to discuses with you about your daughter Sarah" Dumbledore said with that twinkle that matched Nicks. Dumbledore explained to them what had been happening and about Sarah being a witch and the need for her to go to Hogwarts.

Sarah's dad was the first to say anything, "Well sir I'm not thrilled about the idea frankly, Sarah has only 2 years until the end of high school, and I know her mother will agree with me when I say we both want her to graduate and go on to university. You also mentioned that students normally start at age 11. Isn't Sarah to old to start school?"

"Yes, but under the circumstances we are very willing to make an exception. Plus we will make sure she receives special tutoring so come the end of the year she will be up to snuff to take her OWL'S. We will also be happy to set her up with correspondences courses so she will be able to get her diploma." He responded

After several minutes of silent chatter between her parents they turned back to face Dumbledore.

"This is something that we might not be thrilled with but if it's what Sarah wants then we can live with her decision, under one condition, that she gets's her diploma"

hum... she though it's my decision hum well I guess it'll be like a new adventure and if I don't like it I can always leave. "I'll go to Hogwarts, why not, it'll be a new experience.

Mr. Dumbledore sir, I only have 2 more weeks left, will I be going back to Canada or staying hear? I mean it seems stupid to go back for such a sort time"

He didn't respond but thought about it for sometime.

"Mr. and Ms. Silverwing do you have a place to stay?"

"I have to go back home tomorrow because I could only get today off, so I'll be leaving, but Annette has family here" said her dad

"I'll be staying until the funeral but after that I'll have to go because I have a building site opening. Sarah will be staying with me at my sisters until then, but after that there are no arrangements made for where she will be staying" her mother replied

"Sarah is more then welcome to stay with me afterwards, Molly and Arthur Wesley will be there with their 7 children along with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, who will both be in Sarah'syear. We'd be happy to take her to get her school supplies and get her to the train in time to take her to school" he replied

"Yes I suppose that will be ok, but Sarah will need her laptop and her printer from home, I guess I could ship them to her." her mother simply said with no emotion in her voice.

The day of the funeral came much too quickly for Sarah. She didn't really know how to handle herself, or what to feel. Now she was standing in front of the open coffin looking down at her grandma for the last time. Sarah didn't cry. Instead she kissed her grandma on the head and said, "This is going to be one hell of an adventure you've thrown me into." Then she turned around and followed Dumbledore out of the funeral home.

AUTHORS NOTE: Well one more chapter done! I know I ended it rather heavily, but when I read the rest of the chapter I though it made this part sound a bit I don't know cheap I guess. So I finished it here and made the rest a new chapter. This means that this one and the next will be short ones. Oh well, hope you enjoyed this chapter.