Me, My Sister and Harry
Author: Pokari,
Rate: R
Disclaimer: you know it's not mine
Summary: Draco is a girl who cross-dressing, and she fight with her sister over Harry (or so she think). No Voldemort.
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Time: Seventh year.
Warnings: slash, slightly AU.
Note: unbeta-ed
Chapter 1
Draco stomped to her room angrily. Today was probably her last time ever played against the Gryffindor. But everything went wrong since she opened her eyes this morning.
She had her period today, waking up by the great pain on her middle part. And she felt the pain since then. And she knew Severus wouldn't help her, no matter how much he wanted his house to win, because every potion she took to erase the pain will reduce her chance to have a baby.
'Like I would have one.' Draco wore her Quidditch attire furiously. She had to make sure that she'd covered her breasts perfectly.
Wincing slightly when the cloth rubbing her sensitive nipple non-too gently, she decided to redo the strap bra.
Sighing, she looked at her image at the mirror. She would be proud at her size, if she were allowed to expose her true gender.
Finally finished dressing, she looked around at her room to make sure someone who fool enough to try to break in wouldn't suspect that he or she were entering a girl's room and not a boy's one.
Most of the Slytherins students had their own room started on their four years, since their parents could afford it. And they could share it with a roommate if she or he wished so as long as their roommate shared the same gender. Draco was so grateful that not only she got her own room she also had her own bathroom. That sure made her life easier.
She reluctantly walked to the Great Hall. Knowing that her friend, Pansy, would have safe her seat. She knew Pansy too had changed into her Quidditch uniform to make her less obvious. Draco smiled a little. She knew her best friend didn't like the game but she join the team just to back her up, just in case something went wrong.
Once she reached the Great Hall, her mood was even gloomier. She could see her sister, three years younger, was sitting comfortably at Harry's side, ignoring the glares she received from the Gryffindors, or from other girls.
She wondered why Harry hadn't driven her away. She knew by heart now that Harry Potter despised Malfoys. Well, maybe the fact that her sister was a persistent pretty girl had something to do with it.
Draco absently took the food in front of her, with her mind still focusing on her sister. She envied her how she was free to let her hair gel free, gently touch her face every time she moved.
For twelve years she had pretended to be a boy because her mother's health didn't allow her to bear a son for his husband, right on her sister one year birthday. Just one more thing she didn't like about her sister.
Disappointed, her father forced her to be the son he never had and raised her as a boy. She did. Until she got her first period. Her mother insisted that she would dress and acted like a girl every summer since. And now she hated herself even more because now that she knew how it was to be a girl, she preferred to be one. Treated as a beautiful girl that she was.
The only people who knew her true gender were her family, Pansy, Blaise and Severus.
She knew her figure was too slim and too delicate to be a boy, but she can't disappoint her father and humiliated her family.
Studying her sister closer, she knew by heart how her sister resembles her like a twin. Except that she was an inch taller and her breasts were bigger, Draco thought satisfyingly.
"Aren't planning to kill her, are you?" Pansy snarled.
Pansy knew how she sometime hated her sister. Somehow Claire always found a way to know the boy she had crushed on and steal him from her, before she even make a move.
Draco ignored her.
'But not Potter.' Draco glared at he two sitting on the Gryffindor table.
"Stop it. He would think that you're hitting on him and he'll know that you're gay." Pansy smirked.
"I'll be gay if I hit on you." Draco snorted.
"Wonder what they are talking about?" Pansy whispered at Draco's ear.
"Must be something really stupid." Draco desperately tried to keep her cold appearance.
"We'll find out."
Draco followed her gaze and noticed that her sister was saying goodbye to Harry, who was probably went to the changing room.
"Good morning." Claire greeted her sister and Pansy.
"Morning yourself." Pansy smiled at her while Draco just snorted.
"Bad night?" Claire looked concern but Draco just ignored her. "You should get enough sleep, you know, playing Gryffindor today."
"What are you doing talking to Potter?" Draco narrowed her eyes.
"Oh, just asking him not to be too hard on my big brother." Claire gave her one of her angelic smile, but it wasn't working on Draco.
"Are you out of your mind?" Draco tried to suppress her anger.
"No, he's nice."
"You are definitely out of your mind." Draco announced them. "Beside, you don't know him."
"And I would like to know him better." Claire drank up her juice and left her sister struggling to keep calm. "I'll see you there, Dracy." Claire whispered her sister name and winked her eyes.
Draco's hands were trembling tremendously and she decided that it was useless to pretend that she was still interesting playing her food.
"Better get going." Pansy pushed her plate. "Won't want to make our dear Blaise angry.
"Yeah, right." Draco followed her absentmindedly.
It was when they reached the Entrance Hall that Pansy noticed Draco was walking limply.
"Are you okay?"
"I got my period today, and I have to play Quidditch. I feel wonderful." Draco answered her gloomily.
"Maybe we should cancel it." Draco could hear the concern in her voice and it made her smile.
"Nah, nothing that I can't handle. Don't worry." Draco grabbed her hand.
"If you're sure." Pansy shrugged her shoulder and followed her friend.
12 August 2003, 9:43 pm