Me, My Sister and Harry
Author: Pokari,
Website: pokkangel
Rate: R
Disclaimer: you know it's not mine
Summary: Draco is a girl who cross-dressing, and she fight with her sister over Harry (or so she think). No Voldemort.
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Time: Seventh year.
Warnings: slash, slightly AU.
Note: unbeta-ed
Chapter 5
Sirius smiled at the students passing him by on his way to Severus' room. He grinned wider when some of the boys were blushing.
Standing in front of Severus' room, Sirius took a deep breath. It had been three months since the last time he saw his fiancé, he was wondering if he heard the news about his co-worker, a movie star, proposing him.
Sirius pound on the door a few times, and frowned when he didn't get any response. Sulkily, Sirius went to Severus' work room. He didn't like Potions workroom.
"Do you have to work on Saturday?" Sirius asked petulantly.
Severus didn't lift his head. "What do you want, Sirius?"
"Is that how you greet your fiancé?" Sirius scrunched his nose.
"We've been engaged for how long?" Severus decided that it was futile trying to work when Sirius was there, so he started to clean up. "Ten years?"
"Sixteen." Sirius corrected him.
"You refused me, so I still count it as ten." Severus smirked. "What are you doing here?"
"To see you, obviously, since I don't like this room." Sirius hadn't move an inch from the doorway. He didn't want any potions to stain his expensive robe.
Severus shook his head, didn't understand why he would put up with Sirius for so long. They didn't like each other when they were at school.
After graduated from Hogwarts, he went to study Potions and Sirius started to work as a model. It was when he had got his title and no plan to marry someone that his parents started to get anxious and looking for anyone that was suitable for him.
Severus didn't understand what was about Sirius that made his parents thought he was the one, of course the Black had money and power which his parents were lack of, but he sure made lots of money himself now.
Sirius smiled when he saw Severus had stopped working. "Come on, let's go to your room, you should take a shower, you're stinking."
"Thank you." Severus sneered.
Sirius only nodded his head, still wearing the big smile on his face. Severus amused him sometime. As they went to Severus' room, Sirius snaked his hand around Severus' left arm, and told him the latest gossip on the show business.
Severus only nodded his head, offered little comment here and there, and glared at his students when they gaped at him.
True it was Sirius' father that had came to his parents about this whole marriage thing, even though all he had that time were only Potions Master title and pureblood line. Sirius had confronted him the next day and demanded him to turn down the proposal. Almost everyday Sirius would show up on his house and screaming at him for ten minutes and left again.
Severus was tempted to put the wards against the smaller man and locked him out or hexed him just to shut him up. But his mother, a big fan of Sirius, had scolded him for not being able to gently appease him.
At that time, Sirius was quite famous, with his beautiful face and sexy body, but Severus was ignorance of him since he didn't interested in watching movies and following the gossip. He thought that was what made the other man angry, he was just wondering why Sirius didn't just put a clean end, and stop bothering him.
When Sirius started starring his first movie, he didn't come for weeks. At first he was relieved, and then he started to feel restless, like something was missing from his life. It was a good thing that Prof. Dumbledore offered him a job. Teaching wasn't what he planned to do but he gladly accepted the offered since the salary was more than he hoped to earn, at that time anyway.
It was at the end of the third months when Sirius barged in into his Ravenclaw – Gryffindor First class, looking very angry. Severus was fed up with his childish attitude and wanted to straggle him when some of his students became hysteric. Apparently they knew who Sirius was and were a big fan of him, some had even join his fan club, asking for his autograph. The class had turned into chaos and Severus had to take lots of house points to put the class into order again.
Severus had to forcefully pull the smaller man into his office and angrily asked him what was so important that he couldn't wait until the class was over. He still remembered Sirius blushed slightly and asked him why he didn't tell him that he was now teaching at Hogwarts.
"Are you telling me that you interrupt my class just to ask me such a trivial question?" Severus sneered.
"You should have told me." Sirius sulked.
"Why is that?" Severus growled.
"I came to your house but you're not there. I had to spend fifteen minutes just to refuse your mother's offer for lunch." Sirius glared.
"So?" Severus still wasn't smiling.
Sirius pouted. "You don't like me do you?" Every one he knew liked him, even his cold father, though he loved to told him that a wizard with a womb was useless for him, and he didn't react very well when someone ignoring him.
"Ah." Severus smirked. "What give?"
"Why?" Sirius demanded haughtily.
"If I were looking for someone to spend my life with, I'll be looking for someone intelligent." Severus answered insultingly.
"Then why didn't you turn down father's proposal?" Sirius asked bitterly, he had had enough people telling him that he was pretty face with no brain.
"Because I wasn't looking for one." Severus answered carelessly. "Why don't you telling your father to cancel his proposal?"
"Because as he said no witch would want a wizard with womb." Sirius said angrily.
"You don't like wizard?" Severus lifted an eyebrow. It wasn't rare for a wizard to be born with a womb, and it was common for them to marry another wizard, since they were likely to have more powerful children.
"At least my man should have fashion sense." Sirius lifted his head haughtily.
"You're beautiful enough for the both of us." Severus blurted out before he could stop himself, and strangely it was Sirius who was blushing, despite him saying something embarrassing.
"You think I'm not smart enough." Sirius looked at him, strangely feeling shy.
Severus looked at him and smiled slowly. "I'm smart enough for the both of us. Beside, I do like pretty boys."
Sirius was confused now. "But I'm not ready to get marry so soon. I'm going to be famous now, my life was just about to start."
Severus shook his head. "I don't ask you to marry now. Let's just be friends now, and stay in the engagement for as long as you need it. You can even continue your job. I won't stop you from being famous." He sounded a little more sarcastic now.
Sirius stared at him with calculating look on his face. "Do you mean it? My father sure would stop lecturing me and showing me off to all eligible wizards."
"You could count on me." Severus thought that his life would be peaceful too, though his parents had stopped bothering him after Sirius' father's visit.
By the time they had settled things between them, the bell rang and Severus went to his class to dismiss his students. Still words were spread out like fire, by dinner almost all students were looking at him weirdly, some with jealousy, some with anger, and some with blatant wonderment.
Their parents were satisfied when both of them were agreed with the engagement, knowing how stubborn they could be. They threw small party where only relatives and closed friends were invited. He couldn't forget the look on Sirius' friends' faces, especially Remus Lupin who was looking at him with something akin to loath, which he returned with haughty smirk. Their engagement was on the news though none of the journalists were invited.
Each year after that, out of obligation, he had proposed to Sirius which he turned down until ten years ago. They were having dinner at a small, romantic restaurant and Severus' young, beautiful college had joined them for a short chat, all the time ignoring Sirius. And when Severus proposed to him, Sirius snapped, telling him to stop proposing to him and that he would tell him when he was ready to get married and settled down. Which Severus gladly did, though he still took him out for a romantic dinner and gave him expensive presents on their anniversary.
Severus wondered if they were together out of habit. They had never discuss about the future and as the time passed, Severus thought that his fiancé was never ready to get married. Though he didn't like children, they were way too noisy for him, he like the thought of having his own son or daughter.
'Maybe I should propose again,' Severus thought, allowing himself to be stirred toward the bathroom. 'And if he rejected me again, I would just cancel the engagement thing and look for someone else.'
Sirius, unaware of what was on Severus' mind, were giving him the ultimatum to only take 10 minutes bathing or he would get a nasty hex when he got out.
"And don't forget to wash your hair." Sirius went to the dresser to pick the robe for Severus to wear. Sirius smirked to himself, Severus might be an unpopular teacher but he was definitely the most fashionable one.
Laying the robe on the bed, Sirius took his time to look around Severus' room, taking note if something had changed. When he first came there, he detested Severus' choice for decoration, and took it as his job to redecorate it. At first, Severus refused his interference but, Sirius suspected, the other man wasn't one for a long argument so he relented. His requests were only the bookshelf and a place where he could read comfortably.
Sirius smiled when Severus came out after ten minutes, clean and nice smelling.
"Come sit here." Sirius told him in his most bossy tone.
Severus eyed him warily, but did as he was told.
Sirius gently dried Severus' hair. He applied hair potion with skill that would put expert into shame. Feeling generous, he decided to give him some massage.
"Hm…" Severus moaned appreciately. "It's wonderful."
"Yes." Sirius ginned. He played as a massager before, and to make it real, he learned how to give a massage. And he was an expertise in this field. Even his father, in his angriest moment, would melt in his hands.
"Oh." Severus smiled. "You're a goddess."
"Yes. Give me more compliments." He smiled with almost a maniacal gleam in his eyes.
Severus cracked open his eyes. He suddenly turned around and pulled his fiancé none too gently and secured him on his laps.
"What are you doing?" Sirius asked confusedly.
"You tell me." Severus frowned a little, thought not from too much annoyance. "What have you done?"
"I did nothing wrong."
"Are you sure? You only be this nice to me when you thought you've done something that would anger me." Severus lifted an eyebrow. "Should I grab the daily prophet? Or better witch weekly. Hm, maybe the wizard's stars?"
"Fine." Sirius glared weakly at the Slytherin. "Those were nothing but gossips anyway."
"So?" Severus kissed his temple lightly and gauged him gently. "Tell me. You know how much I hate those magazines."
"I slapped Mitchell Roxt." Sirius pouted.
Sirius smiled. "The actor who's been working with me on my new serial. I told you about him before."
"What did he do?"
"Nothing. Just being terribly annoying lately. He proposed to me in the middle of the press release. But I refused him. Lots of scandal, but I think the producer like it. Thinking it help the stupid rating." Sirius ranted unawared of the tense body under him.
"Are you sure you refused him properly?" Severus asked him coldly.
"Of course."
"Of course." The Potions Master agreed. "Your specialty."
Sirius ignored him. "I told him that I already have a fiancé, and we might get married soon." Sirius frowned.
"Might?" Severus smirked a little. "How soon?"
Sirius shrugged his shoulder. "It depends on you. I can't really say 'Yes, I do' if I wasn't asked."
Severus grabbed the handsome face and kissed him purposely. It was another minute when breathing become an issue that he let him go.
"I proposed you six times already and you turned me down every time." Severus growled.
"Well, I wasn't ready before." Sirius smiled shyly.
"When will you be ready?"
"Hm…" Sirius thought seriously. "Since three years ago, maybe?"
"Idiot." Severus growled and kissed him again. "Is it yes this time?"
"Yes." Sirius smiled.
"Good. 'Cause this will be the last time I propose."
"Just like that?" Sirius frowned. "You used to be more creative."
"And you're supposed to let me know that you're ready."
"How could I?" Sirius pouted. "It's embarrassing. What if you said no?"
Severus smirked. "Are you ready to be mine? We should have passed the kissing stage long time ago."
"I'm yours now." Sirius grabbed the other man's face and kissed him gently. "Beside, I slept with you before."
"Yeah, ten times in the last ten years." Severus snorted. "A nice way to celebrate our anniversary, by the way."
"Good, remember that." He carried the lighter man in bridal style, and gently put him onto his bed.
"Impatient, aren't we?" Sirius smirked.
The low growl was his only reply.
"What a surprise." Harry said dryly. "And here I thought he looked unusually happy tonight."
"Is that the way to talk to your godfather?" Sirius snorted. "And I even took the trouble visiting you."
"What my Dad want to tell me this time?" Harry asked casually as he started on his essay.
"Nothing much. He just wanted me to make sure you're study seriously. He's rather busy with your twin brothers."
Harry smiled fondly. Too bad he would be graduated when his brother started their school next year.
"Any interesting news?"
Harry thought for a moment before he smirked. "Yeah. I think I might fall for the Malfoy brat."
Sirius looked at his godson. "I thought you only like girls."
Harry smiled. "I do."
"Ah, Lucius has a daughter."
"Two. I thought you're friends with him, you know, you being your fiancé's fiancé?" Harry still had the annoying smirked. "No wonder you didn't know. She's in disguise."
"Can't you say his name? He's a good man, you know." Sirius was in deep thought. "Actually, it's a good movie material."
"It's a secret." Harry frowned. "Her Dad will you and my Dad will finish me."
"Ah, how romantic." Sirius smiled. "You know, like muggle Romeo and Juliet."
"I don't read muggle stuff." Harry shrugged his shoulder.
"I really want you to work for me." Sirius said solemnly. "The only time you model with me, it had caused a ruckus. If only we printed your name, you'll be famous."
"Yeah, I was lucky. Or your good man would curse me." Harry smiled. He had only work once as a model, and his father, who wanted him to be a minister officer like him, had grounded him during the summer vocation. "Maybe, when I need some money."
"Well, good luck." Sirius walked to the door.
"Going home?"
"Are you kidding?" Sirius smirked. "I have comfortable bed and warm body waiting for me in the dungeon."
"Too much information." Harry threw his book but it hit the door as his target left, laughing.
"Romeo and Juliet?" Harry decided to ask Hermione later. Right now he was planning how to get to Draco.
12 January 2009, 07:26 pm