It was late that night when stan had finished packing his bag's and was a bit nerves but then went to his ibook and printed out his plane ticket's and then went to bed. Trying to sleep was a hard thing for him to do for that he was so happy that he was going to japan. His Parents had told him that he could go. Well after thinking about it for a while he finally fell asleep.
The next morning he heard a knock at his door "Stan honey time to wake up and eat" stan got up fast remembering that he was going to japan. When he got downstairs he sat down at the table.
his mom said "stan i made your favorite for you, Bacon, sausage, and sunny side up eggs"
"thanks mom" stan replied. he ate his meal and was it good.
"stan it's time to take you to the airport now" stan heard his father say
As they got to J.F.K. airport his mom had said "take care and don't get into trouble... OK"
"ok" he replied,
then his dad said "here take this" handing him his dog tag's
"dad... I cant accept these" stan had said
"there yours cause I want you to remember me and your mom now give us a call when you get to japan"
"yes dad" stan said and went into the airport to get onto his plane.
It had been ten minutes into his flight when he felt really sad and started to cry a little for he did not now how long it would be before he could she his parents again. He stopped him self from crying any more, he looked down at what his father had given him they were his tag's from the Vietnam war he stopped and put them around his neck. That's when the person siting next to him said "are those yours"
stan replied with "no this are my dad's from the Vietnam war"
"really the... and by the the way the names Katie"
"my names stan nice to meet you Katie"
"stan how old are you cause you look a little young to be going to japan by your self"
"I'm 17, and my parents knew i want to live in japan and said that i could go... how old are you"
"I'm 23 years old".
Stan started to read a magazine but had fallen asleep for that he didn't get much last night.
Stan awoke later to see he had been out for 12 hours then he also saw that Katie was sleeping against him this made him nevus cause he never really had a girl do a thing like that before to him, but he played it calm. then noticed that he really didn't have much to do so he took out his drawing book and sketched in a picture of Katie just as he finished it she woke up and asked "what are you doing"
stan said "nothing" and closed the drawing book fast
"what are you hiding in that book of your"
"nothing" but just as he finished saying that Katie had took the book from him and looked into it.
"you know your very good a drawing"
"well... thanks" then she got to the last picture
"so that's why you closed it so fast cause you didn't want me to see that you had drawn me" stan had started to blush
"It's ok i don't mind" that's when the set belt light went on and he fastened his seat belt to prepare for landing. Just as the wheels of the plane he thought how he was going to do in japan being that he only had two years of japanese in school.
After getting his luggage he goes to Katie and says "maybe we will see each other again" as they walk outside
"Well i will hope so to".
Stan thought to him self what is he doing she is out of his league and to old for him so he called a cab as he got in the driver said something in japanese but it was so fast that he could not translate it but thinking and hands him the paper of the hotel he was staying at and the driver brings him there. When he arrived at the hotel and he grabbed all of his stuff and went to the main desk and said the best to he can in japanese "Hi, I have a room book"
the lady replied "can i have your name and credit card please" he didn't understand what she said it went to fast, boy was this harder than class. The lady said again but slow
"can i have your name and credit card" stan finally got it
"Stanley Gress" as doing that he handed her his credit card. then she gave him a room key
"room 105" and he went on his way to the room.
After putting his luggage in his room he went out to go walk around. Out side was so different then home when he found a place that look good to get a bite at so he went in and got him some dinner and he thought that it was really good. as he left he saw a street stand selling newspapers and magazines and he bought the paper to help him find a job. then stan decided to go back and get some sleep and then just remembered that he had forgot to call home so he grabbed his cell phone to realized that there was no signal and that it was because that his cell phone only worked in the U.S. . So he walked back to the hotel and went to his room called his parents someone answered the phone it was mom she said "hello"
"hi, mom it's me stan"
"hi, stan so how was your trip"
"it was good had no problems at all"
"well that's good" "ya it is, so how are things without me"
"well it has been quiet but all else good"
"that's good i should go this phone call is going to cost allot so bye"
"bye stan" and that was the end of the conversation.
so he prepared him self for bed and slipped the covers over him and fell asleep in no time. The next morning he dressed well for that he was going job hunting. he went to get some breakfast then was off to the first one. Which did not go good for the fact of not knowing japanese good and before he knew it he had gone through just about everyone with a bad going. there was this last one that he was going to it was to become a manager for some hotel called the hinata sou. And that interview went so good he thought he had the job and left his number and went back to the hotel. Before he knew it he was asleep. the next morning he woke up to the phone ringing answered it
"Hello" not realizing he said this in english then corrected him self
"hello" again but this time correct then the person answered back
"I have been thinking it over and you have the job as the hotel manager" stan was so stunned
"thank you i will be over today" and that was the end of the conversation.
after checking out headed to the hinata sou. stan finally got there and entered it yelling out "anyone home" no one answered so he walked around a little and found a room that said manager so he put his stuff in there and started to unpack after about half way done stan heard voices downstairs. stan said to him self 'I should go and introduce my self as there new manager' just a stan was half way down the stairs he saw Naru she looked in at his direction and started to scream. Then she up ran up to him and released a punch into his face stan rolled down the stairs braking his leg and arm. at the bottom of the stairs and passed out. that's when Naru grabbed stan and brought her to his room to find out how he was when he woke up.
Finally stan woke up to find him self in bed but not his that's when he noticed someone looking at him
"Where am, AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH my fuckin arm and leg... there broken and they hurt like fuckin hell"
that's when naru said "I will help you when you tell me what your doing here"
"I work here im the new manager of the hotel"
"hotel what hotel... as far as I know this is a all girls dormitory"
"well can you take me to the hospitable now please cause you have no idea how much pain I'm in"
"fine" Naru got up to call for help and that is when Motoko knock's on her
"Naru... is everything all right i heard screaming" as she opened the door to find a man in her bed and looked to be in a lot of pain
"Naru, what's going on here" naru started to hesitate and finely said
"well... I... I found him peeking on me so i punched him and took him here to wait for him to wake up and find out how he is, and well now he needs to go to the hospitable"
"really I will help you"
So they take Stan to the hospitable to find out that his arm and leg are both broken. So they bring him back to the hinata sou to reveille to every one that he was the new manager.
everyone that reads this pleause R&R and tell me what you think