Disclaimer: Love Hina is not mine or its characters but stan is mine

Sorry it took so long to put up but a lot has been going on between school friends and my 1st lieutenant Mooney had just died. So you guy's are really going to like this one it has better thing the other one i had to just get the story going well lets get the story, and lets get this one thing across he no longer has a broken arm and leg and can speak japanese fine cause it is to hard to write the part of miscommunication.

As stan got to the dinning room where everyone was eating that was when he started to say, Uuuummmm... ur... I.. I... he just couldn't stop looking at Motoko.

Stan thought to him self Boy is she beautiful... I'm so nervous I can't say anything because of her.'

Finally he said I'm the new manager of the Hinata this cant be! There is no way that a guy can be the manager! Motoko complained.

That was when Stan couldn't take the pressure any more and went running to his room. When he go to his room he went onto his iBook (Mac laptop) to talk to his friends online.

Shinobu started yelling at Motoko, Look what you did, you made him upset you should go apologize!What?! I would never do such a thing. Motoko stated, and Shinobu went to stan's room.

Stan can I come in? Shinobu asked, knocking on the door.

Yes, what do you want with me?

Shinobu walked in, Are you all right Stan? She asked noticing Stan was in some sort of uniform.

Yes im fine... right know I just miss that uniform from home? Shinobu asked.

Yes it is, this is my C.A.P. (Civil Air Patrol; United States Air Force Auxiliary) uniform... now if you don't mind i would like to be left problem. Shinbu agreed, and left.

Stan then put on his BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform; Camouflage) on, to maybe put some sense into them by intimidation. After he was done putting his clothes on he went down stairs.

That's when Naru passed him and said, What the hell are you doing?What do you think I'm doing? I'm putting some order into this place!Well try putting some order into this, and Naru punched Stan in the face and he went flying into a wall and then said, What was that for?!You were looking at my breast. Naru declared.

What?! No I wasn't, and for that you earned yourself a rent fee increased by 10What? That's not fair! You can't do that!wanna bet on it

Naru sweat drops and walked away pouting.

Then Stan walked into the living room to find Motoko charging into him with her blade. When she hit him, he went flying into the wall and now with a really bad cut on him, he said What the fuck was that for?I heard what you did to Naru and it's just wrong. Motoko stated.

Well what you just did is wrong and there is a punishment for that! Your rent fee has just gone up 20, and you can let Naru know that hers went up 20 more too! Motoko asked in disbelif.

I don't care what you think, just get it through your head that you can't treat people like shit just cause you don't like them. Just to let you know that I want you to spread the word that we are going to have a meeting tomorrow at 2:00 pm about how I expect you people to act.

And Motoko walked away really pissed off, and Stan thought to himself Boy was that hard to do but they need to learn some respect.'

So then Stan decides to go to bed to get some sleep, after all this was a rough day, but the next day is going to be harder and he needs a lot of sleep for it.

Stan woke up the next morning to smell some food cooking and he got dressed fast to go and eat.

He got to the dinning room and sits down and yells Shinobu the food smells good!

She pokes her head out and said, Thank you, as she was blushing.

Then everyone else started to come in and sit down to eat and just as he turned his head he sees Su's foot fly right at his head which sent him flying and landed on Naru in a way that he should not have (Her skirt flipped up his face in her breast and his hand high up her thigh as if he was feeling her up)

Then Naru kicked him in the nuts and Stan rolled over holding them and then Naru kicked him in the head which then he hit the wall knocking him unconscious.

Naru then walk's away and says I'm not hungry any more.

Shinobu ran up to Stan and looked at him to see that he was unconscious and she got a cup of water and splashed it on his face.

Stan woke up still in a lot of pain and he got up still holding his nuts and walked off to his room, no more than a foot a second Stan then shouted The meeting is still at 2:00. And he got to his room just to collapsed on his bed and fall asleep.

Stan then woke up at 1:50 and ran down to the living room to get to the meeting.

please R&R and im really sorry it took so long to up date