What Would You Do?
Author's Notes:
Gryffindor's Lil Angel: A very big thank you to all who reviewed, to Celtic Goth for correcting all my bad grammar and spelling, and to Yami who contributed her story about the pot in the first author's notes. Note: There are shops behind my school.
Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda I would be doing other things.
Chapter 2
Details Would Be Nice
Hikari slammed the door to the old change rooms that hadn't been in use for over a year. "Ok...that was close..." She panted.
Zelda paced the room whilst Link tried to lean against a wall.
"Look where exactly are we?" Link questioned.
"Well ... You're not in Hyrule that's for sure ... You're in Sydney ... Australia." Hikari informed Zelda and Link.
"And where exactly would that be located? Anywhere near Hyrule?" Zelda asked.
"Err... We're no where near Hyrule ... we're kinda in ..."
"Another world?" Link filled in.
"Exactly! Now can I ask you something?"
"O...k..." Zelda answered.
"How exactly did you get here?"
"That's what we wanted to know..." Link said
"You mean you don't know how you got here?"
"Well all we know is that it's got to do with Ganon." Zelda put in.
"Oh my god! Do you still have your powers here?" Hikari exclaimed.
Zelda shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh shit! I left Dede outside with Ganon!"
"YOU WHAT?!" Link yelled in shock.
"I BETTER SEE WHATS GOING ON" Hikari said quickly heading the towards the door.
"I'll come with you" Link said
"Look just stay in here for now I'll call if I need you."
Hikari ran outside to see what was going on. Ganon was throwing dark waves at Dede and Dede was screaming and jumping about.
"Shhhhh!" Hikari said "You're attracting attention to yourself"
"I ... (jump) ... can't ... (jump) ... help ... (jump) ... it ... (jump)" Dede then fell to the ground as she got hit by a dark wave.
"Umm ... A little help here Link ..." Hikari said timidly.
Ganon turned his head around to look at Hikari evily. He was very frustrated.
"No duh... This whole planet is covered in humans. We are from Earth!" Hikari said.
"What in the hell am I doing here? I'm not meant to be here for another 3 days!" Ganon said to himself. Hikari stood there puzzled at the statement.
"HIKARI! What are you doing out of class?" Hikari jumped and turned around to see Cassie and Yami behind her.
"What in the hell are you doing out of class?" Hikari said dodging a fire ball.
"Sneaking out to the shops to get some V!" Cassie said looking high (on V)
"Good luck." Dede said rubbing her head as Yami and Cassie walked off ...
"Where?" Hikari said with Dede trying to tell her Ganon was shooting more fireballs at them.
"Ahhhhhhh! I'm on firrrrrrrrrre!" Hikari shouted running around in circles. "A LITTLE HELP OUT HERE!"
Link and Zelda ran outside to see what was going on. Zelda unset Hikari from being on fire. Hikari threw Dede a dirty look.
"Whaaat? I couldn't unset you from being on fire!" Dede said honestly.
"So you could've at least attempted to help." Hikari argued back.
"How?" Dede demanded to know.
"Well you could of..."
"What screamed with you, disturbed all of the class and gotten us a detention?"
"Yes that's exactly what you're both going to get now." Everyone stopped what they were doing whether it was arguing or throwing a punch ... Even Ganon.
"Oh no...this can't be good." Hikari muttered under her breath.
Gryffindor's lil angel: Well if that let you hanging I'm sorry but you have to wait till I type up the next chapter... Until then... review away...
C.G: Yes Review