Shadow Walkers
By Dranius
Disclaimer : I do not own Harry Potter!
I decided to find my girlfriend later on. That girl is so self centered that I'm sure she won't bother me much, and all the others will stay at bay because they hate her .
I smirked to my self.
Clever me, using my woman like that. Even thou I would have liked her to have a little more consideration.
Chapter 10
Breakfast (before the fight)
Ginevra's Pov:
I saw Ron enter the hall and stood up, firmlyt intending to tell him just what I thaught about his beating Johanson to a pulp.
"-Ron! I love you!"
I clung to his neck, beaming at him.
I noticed his confused expression and decided to enlighten him.
"-Thank you for beating Johansson up. Realy, I know I often complain about you interfearing in my life but on this one time I'm realy glad you did it. He needed a comeback for all the horrid things he said to me. And I was there thinking you were avoiding me because you beleaved him! I'm so ashamed of doubting my own blood...Excuse me Ron."
I didn't realy understand why he looked so...ashamed?
"-Ginny,I-I thaught it would have been the first thing he'd have told you. I'm not the one who beat Johanson up. "
"-Malfoy did."
I took a step back and looked at the guilty-eched face of my brother.
"-But you didn't beleve him, did you?"
Ron looked away.
"-You did."
I took a few steps back.
"-I hope you'll beleave me next time Ronald. And you too, Harry Hermione."
Dragon put a soothing arm around my shoulers.
I looked at her sadly while she guided me away, incidently at the edje of a growing amount af students, visibly clustering aroud Pansy and Bullstrod for an obscure reason.
"-Now I know what Pomfrey was talking about, I guess."
Dragon started explaining Draco's attack but an echoing slap interupted her. It seemed Pansy ans Bullstrod had started fighting.
« -Millicent, Pansy, this is enough of your childish attitude. » snarled Draco, standing between both females.
"-Childish attitude? You're the one who half killed a student yesterday! Fore no apparent reason..."
Draco's arms seemed to blur and Millicent's 82 kilo hit the floor a few meters from where she stood seconds ago, the blond was crouching over her in a second, fingers tightly encircles around her neck.
"-You forget who you're talking to Millicent… anyway the boy was and idiot and a Mud-Blood… »
Her hands grasped at his arm, while she struggled for air.
"-Stupid little girl."
Draco let go of her and stood up, glaring at the gathered crowd.
He then grabbed Pansy's chin to examine the bruising scratch.
"-Gather up Blaise and go get patched up. You have a rather nasty scratch, noting important, but no one wants to know what Millicent has under her nails. It could get infected.
And the bet is over. I'm fed up with all you people."
He pointed his wand at his nails, made the nail polish disappear and stormed away.
"-That's it Bulstrode! You've did it again!"
Exclamed Pansy, throwing her hands in the air; Dragon shook her head in an agavated way wilst helping Blaise up from the floor.
"-I'm so not going after him."said Pansy "not after that."
"-If Greg or I go, you know he'll chuck us away." stated Vincent matter of factly.
They all looked at Blaise, who violently shook his head, they looked at Dragon.
"-Don't even think of it! I used my sisterly joker to stop him from killing that...thing...yersterday."
I sighed.
"-You know, I think you should leave him be a little. And I will go after him; but don't expect me to drag him back to us. Draco just needs a bit of 'alone time', he's got enough of the attention; and I respect that. " Ginevra cocked her head and surveied the Slytherind sternly. " Do you mind if I partener with him in potions?"
"-Sure, by brother is all yours: you may do what you please with him."said Dragon suggestively.
"-Be curfle, I might take that seriously."
"-Well I'm sure Draco won't be the one objecting." muttered Pansy. Greg, Vince and Blaise snikered evily, Dragon and I looked at them quizzicaly.
"-What did you say?"
They laughed harder, and Pansy smiled mischeviously.
"-Oh, nothing importante Red."
I cocked an eyebrow.
"-Well... I'll be going after Draco. We still have half an hour befor potions... See you!"
I lost little lime wondering why my friends were acting so strangely, thinking it must be some Slytherinin thing. What I Realy wondered, was if Draco was that horrid when he was in a bad mood. Suddenly I remembered something Dragon had told me some time ago:
"When my brother's in a bad mood, he has more mood swings than a pregnante woman!"
I shivered, now that must be frightening...
I found Draco in a dark corner of the potions class, his head craddled in his crossed arms and sat desides him, mimiquing him position, but instead of staring at the desk, I decided to stare as him.
"-Thank You Draco."
"-For teaching Ron, Mio, Harry and especially Johansson a lesson.
Draco turned his head to look at me, his intense silver eyes glowing in the semi-derkness of the room.I returned his garze, resisting the urge to kiss him.
"-Can I partener potions lab with you today?"
Draco shrugged and looked ahead of him. My heart ached, how could he be so close yet, so far from me? When he acted like that, it was like there was a howle world between us. And maybe their was... Not knowing what was the right thing to do, I did the only thing I could think of.
I huggen him.
Draco stiffened but then gradually untensed, slowly melting in the confort of my embrace. I was thankfull he hadn't thrown me off.
He brutaly shifted, suprising me, making me fall on his lap, and wraped his arms around my waist, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
I was shocked to feel his arm trembling.
"-I had a dream; not so long time ago. It was horrid. I was standing in a grave yard. In front of your grave Red." Draco lifted his head and looked me in the eyes. The intensity of that look made me gasp. " You were dead." Draco cupped my cheeck in his hand " You musn't die Red. I don't want you to die..."
I leaned in his hand and smiled softly.
"-I promise. I won't die while you still need me."
Suddenly Draco droped all temderness and looked at me dead seriously.
"-I want a Blood Oath."
I nodded and sumoned a knife, cutting my palm so a few drops of blood apeared. Draco did the same and we pressed our hand together.
"-By this oath, I will not die wilst Draco needs me and thus I seal by my blood. "
"-By this oath we seal our blood."
There was a flash of light and the wounds healed, leaving not a trace of our promise.
"-December is soon to come..." said Draco.
"-Does Dumbledore know about..."
"-Yes, Red. He does but it doesn't mean we are safe. Many Slytherins are on his side and if he sends all his troups...if ever they are well organized...I'm affraide Hogwarts will fall. Unless... of a miracle."
I sighed and unconsiously nessled against him, serching security.
They worked in a confortable silence for the rest of the lessons that day and Ron wad the witts not to interfeer between Red and Draco, to wich the last was somewhatt thankful.
When the bell rang indicating the end of a long works day, Draco was the first out of class and Ginevra had to stay and discuss a few matters with Flickwick about the lessons she had missed.
She was about to leave when she noticed Draco had forgoten one of his books, she picked it up and decidded to find him.
Mean while Draco was having some 'quality time' with his girlfriend.
"-Doesn't 'private talk' ring a bell for you?"
"-They're my friens Draco! Whatever you have to say they'll end up knowing!"
"-Damn it Chang! How can you trust them! One even has 'SNEAK' whitten accross her face in purple spots for Merlins sake!"
"- It's not her fault! It's that coniving Beaver-Face who cursed her! And you want to stare aboiut friens hein? How about-"
"-Actually," Interupter a cool female voice, "Hermione isn't the one who charmed the parchment..." Ginevra stepped out of the shadowns and stood besides Draco, looking hauntily at Chang and her smirked and said:
"-I did."
The victime in question shreeked and leapt at the red-head, all claws out. Ginevra dogged and easily knowked her out with a heavy book that she handed to Draco.
"-You forgot this in Charms. I'll be in Slytherin-land." Red waved at Cho and her Giggle-Gang " Ta all!"
They all wached her walk away and disapear round the corner. Well, Draco wached the sway of her hips and the others glared at the back of her head,helping 'sneak-girl' to stand.
"-You could of said something!"
Draco looked at her, clearly annoyed, then smirked.
Draco entered the Slytherin comon room a few minuts after a very anoyed red-head and looked around the common coom. Pansy was lying over the couche and Blaises lap, Greg and Vincent were playing chess in fron of the fire, Dragon was curled in her unsual leather armchair and Ginevra was sprawled accros hers.
"-Guess who got dumped?"
Greg moved his Queen and said:
Draco frowned and slung himself on a chair besides Red.
"-Noooo. Try again!"
Draco loked dubiously at the Gryff.
"-What makes you think Potter had anything to do with anything?"
"-Draco last time you were that happy, it was because he had eaten a Canary Cream by accident."
"-That Vin, is totaly out of subject. No someone else. "
"-Chang?" sait Dragon with unhiden hope.
"-Bingo! A sweat for you!" said Draco throwing her a sugar-quill.
Suprising them all, Pansy suddenly joined her hands and said:
"-Thank you Merlin for granting my prayers. As promised, never again will I jinx first years behind their backs... "
"-I nevere thought you were religious Pansy." said Blaise wearily.
"-Neither did I" said she.
AN; ok I reviewed at last and it was a boring chapter...But now the action of December may begin for... 'something evil this way comes'!
OK so one of you found out Draco's girlfriend was Cho! Congatulations, so as promissed, a few lines from the sequel to Shadow fact the very first lines...
The lone Shadow silently made it's way thru the night, seeking it's salvation: an over-crouded disreputanle bar and four-five-six-seven or eight glasses of FireWisky.
It found the bar and went at the counter, looking fowards to the prospect of getting drunk, not bothering to check if it had blood splatered over it's hooded cloak (wich it had). But in this peticular bar the custumors were used to it anyways...
For a year has gone
Since your Death has come
This is for you
As much as for me
Happy Birthday...
For him.