The dreams... They were terrible. Faces of countless victims in the past started to rise and haunt him. They never left him alone. It was like the hell that the Elders have spoken upon, for those that did not die honorably in battle. Or was it his betrayal? Or something else? The faces... Covenant and Human alike, ethereal arms reaching out for him, begging for him not to let them go. And now, the faces of the children he had saved, screaming for him to let them be with their parents.

He awoke in a panic, sitting up quickly, though a cry of pain filled the air as he clutched his abdomen. He fell back in something soft, then quickly looked around, noticing something was amiss. He wasn't on solid ground any more, or even planet side. He was... in a medical bay? Clicking sounds filled the air as well, a few grunting sounds being heard from the side, ignoring the sounds as he frowned. He took his time to stare at everything, the alien designs of the metal room, and the four Human marines standing by the door, their weapons already raised when he stirred. He frowned slightly, his head twitching a bit as more memories filled his mind. He could see scientists, hoses, bubbles floating around him. Unknown faces and several pairs of eyes studying him. This room seemed to bring back those images of his memory that he had tried to call upon several times before, with failure.

His attention was snapped back into reality when the door opened, one of the Human commanders stepping in. He paid attention to the metals hanging on his breasts, and could only assume she was one of the higher ups, and that he was officially a prisoner of war. For a while, the Humans said nothing, this... commander having his gaze locked onto his prisoner. She was an older Human, the kind that demanded respect just from being around her presence. She spoke in their alien language, the soldiers lowering their weapons, though at the ready just in case. The Elite simply laid his head back down on the pillow, closing his eyes as he waited for the pain in his body to subside, hearing the Human speak once more. This time, it was in the Covenant language. The alien turned his head, staring at the Human curiously, though spotted a more timid Human besides her, sitting in a chair and holding a computer of sorts.

"I am Captain Alexis Anderson, commander of the Raven's Night battle ship. Identify yourself."

The alien simply tilted his head a bit, and soon realized that little machine the smaller human was holding, was a translator of sorts. He cleared his throat, his guttural language filling the air weakly.

"I am..." he paused... He really didn't have a name, and when he thought about that, it only gave him a headache.

"I am... whatever you wish to call me... Sir." he spoke, trying to bow his head a bit.

The Captain rubbed her chin a bit, though couldn't help but chuckle, "That's good, Covenant. Remain civil, and you will be treated accordingly. As you no doubt have guessed, you are a prisoner, and my marines have orders to shoot with extreme prejudice if you get any cute ideas."

The Elite simply stared at him and spoke barely in a whisper, "Understood, Sir."

Anderson simply motioned the smaller Human to cut the translator, and again the Elite was confused by what they were saying.

"Major, I want your men guarding our prisoner, and tend to his needs. The circumstances of why we have such a prisoner is beyond me, but this is an important moment for us. See to it that he gets medical attention, if possible, and proper rations of food. I do not, under any circumstance, want to lose this advantage we have." the Captain spoke, walking out of the door.

The Major saluted her Captain, sealing the door behind her, then stood at attention, her rifle on the ready in case she needed it. The Elite took a good look at her. The bright red hair atop her head was the largest identifying mark. Much of it was standing up and all over the place by some kind of gel, appearing as though her head was on fire. Determined yet kind looking green eyes stared back at him, while her young features did nothing to show her experience as a highly trained marine. When Anderson was out of earshot, a private turned to her, confused.

"Sir... why is the Captain insisting on keeping this... thing alive?" he asked, wishing for nothing else but to end the life of the pitiful Elite here and now.

Major Kidman merely cleared her throat in a discouraged manner, "You are to follow orders, soldier. And it should be obvious the strategic element this has. You saw the video feed yourself, Private. This Covenant almost died to protect those people. Don't you want to find out why the sudden change of heart?"

The Private sighed a bit, then nodded. It was true. This creature could offer several answers about the Covenant, and the bigger mystery lay in the fact that he did protect those people down there. Despite all of this confusion, answers were needed, and he simply followed the Captain's orders, keeping watch of the Elite. The Elite surmised just one thing: he was still alive, because of such confusion between them. Hell, he was confused at what he had done. He threw everything away after that first shot was released from his weapon, and now, he had no idea what his future held for him. He simply sighed and tried to get some more sleep.

A few days passed of more of the same. He'd be greeted by the Captain every now and then, and it had taken a while, but he was finally allowed to eat. Human scientists went through his belongings, and after what they found what looked like rations, they were subjected to a few tests to indeed confirm it was food. It also gave them a better idea of what a Covenant's diet was like. Not only that, but the first aid pack was a great help at starting to heal him. He felt a lot better today, and was actually able to sit up. He draped his legs over the side of the bed, not making any sudden moves, and started to nibble on his rations. Fortunately, he was allowed to keep his armor on, but mostly because they couldn't figure out how to remove it. Hell, he would have removed it if they asked him too. But for now, he was finally getting some food in him, and enjoying every bite of the otherwise bland and stale tasting morsels. He idly wondered if Human soldiers had to put up with food so terrible.

He was about to eat the last portion of the ration, basically a small stick of solid nutrients covered with the taste of something good, and once again was lost in thought. He dropped the ration, watching it bounce a bit closer to the marines still guarding him, and lowered his head when one soldier moved closer. He thought she was going to step on it, and accepted the short meal with a quiet sigh.

"Kidman, what are you doing?" another soldier asked in concern, watching his partner move closer, bending down slowly.

Kidman took the piece of ration, then brushed it off before she offered it to the Covenant. The Elite was confused over the sudden act of courtesy. He wondered if it was a trick, and slowly, carefully extended a hand, taking the piece of food, then shakily bowed his head to the woman. He muttered something in his language, and she merely stepped back, feeling her hands shake. It was a rush, being that close to something as frightening as a Covenant Elite, her squad simply staring at her in disbelief.

"How could you be so reckless, Sam?" the fellow to her right, Lieutenant Panda, spoke in concern. The jokes were quite plentiful, including a few random hugs from marines, and in one instance, a few chutes of bamboo was found in his locker.

"It's not reckless... Look at him... her... it... it's starving," she spoke and stared at the armored creature before her, "and... I don't want it to feel like it's going to be killed if it does something wrong. It is still a living creature."

The others chuckled.

"The Good Book teach you that?" Simmons, the loud mouth to her left, sneered.

"It teaches a lot of things. Maybe you should give it a read some time," she whispered, leaning back against the door, "enemy or not, this is still a creature of God, and it will get my respect as such."

"Amen, Madre'."

"Dicks... you know I am following orders, nothing more," her voice having changed drastically, becoming filled with a suppressed anger.

Everyone suddenly shut up. They were well aware that she had thrown away her faith a long time ago, and speaking about it, always put her in a foul mood. Losing friends and family in this war did that to a person. The Elite just watched the four of them curiously, and their conversation. He remembered speaking to his squad mates as well, in the kind of lively manner that these Humans were speaking in. He closed his eyes, taking a long breath as he chewed at the remaining piece of food in his mouth. He idly wished he could have some water.

"Captain, you wished to see me?" Samantha Kidman spoke, saluting shortly after entering the Captain's quarters.

The Captain looked to her, placing a glass of scotch down, and glanced over the condition of the Major, while Samantha gave the Captain a quick glance as well. The Captain always kept her uniform neat and tidy, her long black hair tied back, and her piercing gaze of her hazel eyes... Green marines always cringed when they looked into those eyes. She was Captain material, for sure. Just looking at her commanded respect.

"At ease," he spoke, taking a thin cigar and lighting it, "I've had reports of you 'warming' up to our prisoner. Is this correct?"

Kidman placed her hands behind her back, then nodded, "That is correct, Captain. Attempting to establish a bond a trust between the prisoner and I so I may begin to correctly analyze it."

"Analyze it?" he spoke, puffing a bit on the end of her cigar.

"Yes Captain. I'm assuming the only reason you chose me and my squad to guard the prisoner is because of my degree in psychology. Unless the Major is mistaken, Captain?"

Anderson chuckled softly and put her cigar down, "Of course not. You're research into Covenant behavior is quite... informative, and I imagine this chance is one in a life time to accurately report what really makes a Covenant tick."

"Yes Sir."

"Not to mention the strategic importance of knowing how the enemy thinks to help bring an end to this war."

"Of course, Captain."

"Hmmm. I've read your report as well, Major. Says here you wish to lower the security placed around the prisoner so you may further establish your bond of trust. You know I can't tell you how risky that sounds."

"I'm well aware of that, Captain."

"And this Elite. Has he given a name, or any of his motives yet?"

"None yet, Sir. As far as I know, he doesn't have a name. His identification on his breast plate has also confirmed this."

"Hmmm. Possibly a special ops soldier then?"

"That is a good assumption, Captain. But until I can find the complete answers, it is merely speculation until that point."

The Captain simply grumbled, twisting her cigar slowly and stared at the plumes of smoke rising from the ember. A knock at the door, and an invitation later, Colonel David McPherson stepped into the room. Samantha quickly saluted, and he saluted back in reply before standing at the Captain's side. He was a gruff looking man, hair on the sides of his head beginning to grey, though the stars on either side of his collar were rightfully earned, considering his efforts in the war.

"Major, Colonel McPherson will be who we report to in this matter. The Colonel won't be staying on the ship long, unfortunately, as he does have many duties of his own to attend to."

"A pleasure, Major," the Colonel spoke, nodding his head.

"Honor is mine, Sir." she quickly replied.

The Captain smiled, puffing her cigar a bit more, then looked between the both of them, "I was just telling Major Kidman here that I was granting her lower level security of the prisoner to establish a bond of trust. Major Kidman is my finest psychologist on the ship, and I trust her actions completely."

"If I may, Captain?" Samantha spoke, turning to her Captain, watching her nod in approval, " I would like to move the prisoner from the medical bay to one of the empty barracks, so the Med Team can quarantine the area to see if prolonged exposure to a Covenant causes any ill effects. Also, I would like the Covenant prisoner to undergo a sterilization as well."

The Captain tapped her cigar on the ashtray for a few moments, then nodded, "Granted. I do want your squad to maintain their security, however, and for all of you to undergo a full physical. You've had the longest exposure to it." she spoke, sipping her drink before turning to the only male in the room, " Colonel McPherson. I do not want HQ to find out about this until we are satisfied there is not any threat. The last thing I need is my superiors barking up my crotch."

"Afraid of someone else stealing the glory, Captain?" he asked, turning his gaze to her.

"No, I just value my crotch. Major, you are dismissed. And Colonel, I understand you won't be staying long?"

"Unfortunately no. My duties expect me to travel to reach, and I will be staying there for quite some time. However, I do look forward to your reports about this. I'm sure this will be a hallmark in this war," he saluted the Captain, "Captain. Major."

Sam and David both saluted, turned on their heels, then walked out of the door, closing it behind them. They stared at the large bridge, countless people monitoring their workstations, and she caught a good glimpse of the sun setting through the large view port. The Bridge assaulted the senses in white, monitors lining many of the walls and displaying information before Samantha walked to the middle of the bridge. The command point on this particular ship, was much higher than any other point on the bridge, at least ten feet. It made the Captain's job of commanding the crew much easier. Take off was only in a few hours, and before long, the vibrant colors of the sun would soon be replaced by never ending black, and specs of white. She looked at the computer A.I. staring at her image for a moment, then stepped down the steps, proceeding to the lift. Colonel McPherson joined her, stepping foot into the lift, and pressed the button for the Docking Bay.

"I'm told you have quite the military history, involving many hours of combat, and are one of the best at cracking someone. Is that true?" he asked as the doors closed.

She smirked a bit and kept her eyes forward, "I have my moments, Sir."

"Modest too," he said with a smile, waiting for the doors to open for her level, "do you think you'll get to the bottom of this mystery? Why that thing is even here?"

"I hope so," she spoke, the doors opening before she pressed the button for the Docking Bay, "nice meeting you, Colonel."

She quickly saluted before the doors closed, then turned on her heel and proceeded back to the medical bay.

Lt. Panda shifted his weight from one foot to the other, getting tired of standing around all day. He looked to his colleague, Simmons, and simply sighed a bit.

"What's wrong?" he asked, not looking very pleased as well to be here.

"Standing here all day sucks. When is the Major going to get back to relieve us?"

"Hey, no bitching. Or I will put my boot up your narrow ass, soldier!" he spoke, the two of them chuckling at the impression of their commander.

"Yes sir!" he spoke with a grin forming.

"Soldier, I swear I will yank your sac off and use it for hackey sack."

He tried to keep a straight face, but with Panda starting to crack up, he lost it too. Unfortunately for laughter, they didn't hear the door open. Major Kidman just had her arms crossed, and she was glaring at them as if her eyes could kill them. But, she wouldn't dare do anything negative in front of the prisoner. She simply stepped between the two, who in turn almost fainted from being surprised in that manner. They quickly got their chuckles tight lipped, standing at attention and praying they would not be kicked between the legs, as she was fond of doing to anyone undermining her. The Elite just tilted his head at the display. He would have been killed if he made fun of his commanders like that. She turned her head gently, the two marines stiffening further.

"I will see you both in the ring later tonight to see just how narrow your asses are," she whispered, before turning back to the prisoner, not seeing Panda and Simmons pale considerably. The Elite noticed it, however. Sam just moved to the translator, pressing a few buttons before she smiled.

"Good afternoon." she spoke, bowing a bit, trying to impress the Elite, remembering her observations of a few Elite forces, and some of them bowing to each other. The Elite, was impressed just a bit from effort. She even did the hand gesture... or at least, a very poor attempt to mimic the hand gesture.

He tilted his head again, then took her wrist, wanting to show her how it was done. She blinked in surprise, Simmons and Panda raising their rifles, pointing it to the Elite. He cocked his head back, releasing her wrist and opened his hands to show he was unarmed. Sam just swallowed heavily, looking to her wrist a bit.

"It... it's alright. Stand down," she spoke softly, then looked back to the Elite, offering him her wrist again, "he wasn't trying to hurt me."

He hesitantly took it, lifted her arm across her chest, then swept the arm to her right, then did the motion himself with a bow. She studied the movement for a bit, then smiled a bit.

"Oh, I get it. It's a proper greeting, right?" she asked.

"Yes." came the monotone voice of the translator.

She stepped back, then tried it, bowing properly, which in turn was greeted with a similar bow. She stood and smiled a bit, being sure to write that one down for the reports. The Elite just watched her from his seat on the bed, tilting his head left and right, before she crossed her arms.

"So... looks like we're going to have to get you a bit more comfortable. No one wants to stay in this small room forever," she spoke, hearing footsteps of nine other soldiers coming down the hall.

She looked to them, then nodded a bit, lowering their weapons before she motioned for the Elite to stand. He stood, a bit shaky since he hadn't healed completely yet, but was quite tall. At least eight feet tall, and she instructed him to follow her, but not make any sudden movements. He agreed to it, and soon, was padding along after her, escorted by marines as he was led through the ship. It didn't take long to arrive at the barracks.

The barracks weren't the greatest place to be, especially these ones, but it was well lighted, had enough beds for twelve people, and there was a small gymnasium close by too. He ducked his head, stepping through another door, and soon saw the insides of the barracks, looking this way and that, before giving everyone enough room. The translator was placed to the side, and he took his seat on a bed, wondering what they all had planned. Someone cleared their throat from behind Sam, and she turned and spotted the Captain.

"Major, a word?" she asked, moving from the hallway.

She followed, standing at attention when she stopped.

"Major Kidman. We've just received reports of the Covenant learning of our new friend's betrayal. Fortunately we think they don't know where he is, but as a precaution, this entire level is being evacuated for our prisoner to stay here. The Colonel asked me specifically to look into this matter, and also to tell you, that you're going to have to try to be quick in your reports. We fear we don't have a lot of time until the Covenant comes looking for the prisoner." she spoke.

She nodded and saluted, "I won't let you down, Captain."

"Very good," she spoke and saluted, walking away. She did notice a stirring on this level though, and could hear complaints of other soldiers being moved, taking their belongings and starting to head for the stairs and lifts, though would never hear of any of the complaints to her face. Still, she did take a small bit of pleasure in tormenting them, at least in this regard. Her crew down here needed to clean up anyway.

The Elite simply listened to what was going on, laying back on the bed before he closed his eyes.