A/N: Thanks for the reviews. Here's the first chapter. I know, I've gotten more than two reviews, but I couldn't post it…

4 years later…

"I'm screwed." Lora looked at the carton again. "Nice word choice." Her best friend Jen commented. "That's not funny."

"Do you wanna go back to your place?" Lora shrugged. "We can't stay here forever." Come on." Jen dragged her out of the toilet.

"My dad is gonna kill me." Lora was still hesitating. "Come on, Lora, your parents are the most understanding people I know." The girl frowned. "Yeah, but he's still gonna be furious." "Your mom will reason him." Jen continued her peptalk.

"We're not going home." Jen looked at her friend in horror. "What do you mean?" "Call your mom and tell her you're coming with me to Stars Hollow." "Stars Hollow, Connecticut?" Lora smiled. "We're going to see Grandma."

She pulled out her own cell phone and dialled her mother's number. Jen was still staring at her and eventually called her mother.

"Lora?" Rory answered, a bit surprised. "Hey mom." "What's the matter?" Lora paused for a moment. "Is it okay if I go to grandmas for the week-end with Jen?"

"Does mom know you're coming?" "No." "Is there something you'd like to share with me, hun?" "Why do you always think I have to have a reason for doing the things I do?"

"Because you're running away from something." "You're delusional." "Lora, you're your dad's daughter, running is what you guys do best." Rory told her daughter. "I'm not even discussing this with you anymore." "Be good." "Bye mom, love you, love dad."

"Lora?" Rory sighed. What was the girl up to now? She dialled a familiar number. "I'm fabulous, how are you?" Rory couldn't help but grin, Lorelai would never change. "I'm absolutely." She answered.

"It's my favourite offspring!" "Love ya too mom." "So, why are you calling me? Not that I'm not happy of course." "Have you planned something special this weekend?"

"Not that I know off, why, are you coming?" Lorelai was quite hoping that this was the case.

"No, but Lora just called me, so don't jump when she's on your doorstep. And her best friend is coming too." "Why is she coming?" "You tell me." "Oh." "Call me when she get there?" "Of course, hun." "Say hi to Luke for me." "I will." "Love you." "Love you too. Hey Ror?" "Yeah?" "Don't worry, okay?" "I'll try." "Bye." "Bye."

"I can't believe you talked me into this." Lora was staring outside the window. "Hello!" Jen waved her hand before Lora's face. When the girl finally looked at her she was still not completely there. "A penny for your thoughts."

"I feel like a total idiot." Jen sighed. "Hey, you made a mistake, it happens." "My mom was right. I'm running away." Jen frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I run when I've got problems, it's what I do, I run." Jen put her arm around her friend. "Hey! It's gonna be okay, we're gonna find a solution." A tear rolled over Lora's cheek, and that was not like her at all. Lora fell asleep in Jen's arms.

The bus stopped. Jen looked out the window. She'd seen a sign earlier that told her they had entered Stars Hollow. "Lora! Wake up." With a shock the girl sat up straight.

"Welcome to Stars Hollow." Lora grinned at her friend as they took their bags and got out of the bus. "Thanks." She said to the bus driver before she got out of the bus.

And there they stood, two NY girls in a tiny Connecticut town that never changed. "So, where do we go now?" Jen asked her friend. Lora nodded at the diner she had told so much about. "Luke's."

"Are you sure this place is real?" Jen asked while they walked towards the diner. "No. That's why we came here." "I get it now." Lora grinned. "That's why we're such good friends."

The bell rang as they entered the diner. "Two Gilmore menus please." Lora said while she and Jen stood at the counter. The young man behind the counter smiled. "Hey! I didn't know you were coming!" He hugged Lora across the counter. "Neither did I." She answered.

"Hi uncle Lucas." Lora greeted him. "And who's your friend?" "This is Jen." "The one and only?" "The one and only." He put out his hand to Jen, who shook it. "Nice to meet you, Lora has told me a lot about you." "Right back at you." Jen smiled.

"Coffee?" "Orange juice will be fine." "For me too." Jen added. Lucas looked at his niece in shock. "Are you all right?" "Yeah, I'm just not in the mood for coffee." Lucas frowned. "A Gilmore is always in the mood for coffee."

"You're not." "I'm a Danes." 1-0 for Lucas. "I'm a Mariano." Lora bit back 1-1. "I'll rephrase: a Lorelai is always in the mood for coffee." "Maybe I'm an exception." "We'll see about that." Lucas knew he wasn't going to get anything out of the girl if she didn't want to tell.

"Is Grandma around?" Lucas looked at the clock. "She'll be here right about…now." He was right, Lorelai Gilmore II entered the diner. "That's scary." Lora commented, but Lucas didn't even hear that anymore.

"Lora!" "Grandma!" The two Lorelai's ran into each other's arms.

"Are you Jen?" Lorelai asked the girl who was standing a bit lost at the counter. "Yeah." "Come here!" Jen came a bit closer and Lorelai hugged her. "If she dragged you all the way here, you must be special." Jen smiled.

"Now, my darling son, give your mother some coffee to take away. We're going home, we have a lot of catching up to do." Lucas obeyed. "See, normal Lorelai's want coffee." Lora rolled her eyes.

"I'm calling your mom, she was worried you know." Lorelai told her granddaughter. "You guys can install yourselves in Rory's old room." Lora nodded and Jen followed her into her mother's room.

"Rory?" "Mom! Finally, I was getting worried." "They're here and they're certainly okay." "Thanks Mom." "Love you kiddo." "You know, I'm forty, you shouldn't be calling me that anymore." "I'll call you kiddo even if you're eighty." "Nice to know that. Take care of my baby." "I will. Love ya kiddo." "Bye mom."

"I didn't know your mom left so many books here. I wish I had those." Lora shrugged. "She needs them for when we come here." "Maybe you should take one and read a bit while Lora and I talk." Lorelai put her head through the doorway. "Okay." Jen nodded.

Lora followed her grandmother to the living room where she had to sit down on the couch. "Okay, spill the beans doll face."

Lora lowered her head. "I'm in trouble." "I figured that out by myself." Lora couldn't help herself anymore, she started crying. Lorelai sat down besides the teenager and took her in her arms. "Don't cry honey."

"I'm so stupid Grandma." "Hey! Look at me. Nobody's stupid here okay. Now tell me what's happening?"

Lora wiped her tears of her face. "I'm pregnant."

A/N: Now what will be Lorelai's reaction?