Disclaimer: I don't own Hikaru or Akira cuz if I did they would always get together and have many cute babies.
BTW: Thank you again Eos-hime!
Chapter 3
Uneasy times
Hikaru awoke with sudden feeling of pain, as if someone was calling to him – it was painful. That unknown room couldn't take away those feelings. His heart cried to go back, he was missing... his room full of Sai scent and...
"No, I must win it over." his whisper died in silence "I have no place to go back to, he won't miss me anyway." Hikaru looked at Goban and game which he replayed last night – his first game."That day shouldn't have happened, if I didn't meet Akira back then..." his words were stopped by sudden noise. Figure covered in back jumped to his room. In one second he was pressed down to the floor.
"Shhh... let me hide for a while."
"Eee... what happened?" shocked Hikaru tried to concentrate "Who are you?"
"Sorry." other one stood up and helped Hikaru "I'm Greg." he smiled "Are you Hikaru?"
"That's correct." Hikaru bowed slightly "May I know the reason of this sudden visit? Were you peeping on girls?"
"You were." Hikaru laughed "And you were seen."
"Hey! But putting that aside what is that?" he pointed at Goban and game which was now little massed up "I must have mess it while jumping, I'm sorry"
"No, its nothing." Hikaru sat beside Goban and placed stones in right spots "That is Go board..."
"That much I know" frowned Greg "What is that game which you had to replay right after coming here?"
"Ah, that... my first game." Hikaru looked at it once more, indeed how stupid- he came here to forget and at thje same time first thing he did was replaying that match. "But now it has..." he started to clean the board "It has no worth."
"I see." Greg backed off a little "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
"What?" Hikaru stood up
"I have to go." other boy acted as if he was in hurry "Lectures will start soon."
"I know." with wondering face Hikaru looked after boy who jumped down. "What was that?"
Later in the classroom
Shelly sat on her desk in usual pose everyone looked at her – if someone saw that he would thought that she was a celebrity. Well she was School Council President after all – chosen by all.
"Remember, you are not aloud to as him about the past." she ended "After all we are here 'cos of problems outside."
Boy with long hairs looked down and hit desk with his hand "I'm so stupid." Shell has given him calming look and said simply...
"Things like that are happening, just keep you tongue next time, okay?" order, put calmly and gently, but it was it. Shelly focused her eyes on clouds outside "Each one of us lived trough this, he must too. I just got a feeling he is unable to take any more – he is hurt terribly and drown in his own world." she wanted to tell something more, but she stopped as she heard voiced outside, near to the doors.
"I'm truly grateful, Adam-sensei."
"You maybe when we will truly help you." responded man "Now only thing we did was taking you away, but running isn't an option in your case – in any case."
"I know, pain is still here. For loosing Him... and..."
"Your Sensei wouldn't want you to worry." said Adam "Forget, forget unnecessary thing and focus on your goal." they could hear that boy nodded "That is your classroom."
"Hai!" Hikaru entered along with Adam-sensei. Students stood up and at the same time they all got a feeling, future changed again – for some of them new path have opened.
In Japan
Young Pro's gathered in Institute felt that something changed, someone was missing... one that was fresh stupid at times and genius. Why was that? One that was recognized by older Pro's, why would he ... there was no answer to that.
Ochi sat at his place and sighed "Somehow I too feel as if I'm lacking something. No I must think of my match."
Isumi and Waya waited in hall. Waya hand rested on Isumi shoulder to calm him down.
"I'm going to be jealous, Isumi." whispered Waya, but he didn't looked angry "He was our Sun, wasn't he? We circled around him ever since he joined Insei Program." Waya bit his lip "I hate Touya, he pulled Him here – that is true, but now."
"Bear with it, I will too..." whispered Isumi "Are you all right with not knowing?"
"Yeah, if Shindou wished only for you to know. Guess he was right I would blur it out, very soon probably." Waya laughed "Well its no like he is gone for good, ne?"
"I hope so." said Isumi and they entered the room, another matches waited for them.
During that time Akira was a home, with stern face he looked at Goban – that first game with Shindou... he couldn't forget it. Other boy face kept coming back to his mind all those moments with Him... Akira felt empty – his Go froze in that moment.
Two months later
Hikaru took his letters, sitting at his favourite spot he opened one from Isumi.
Hey, Shindou!
I have got your letter, what were you thinking? It was all in english... I had to use dictionar to read letter. Don't do this to me ever again. - But putting that asied you are realy good at languages, to got it so fast.
I just got promoted to 5-dan and Waya is green from pride (as 6-dan), we are missing you here. I would gave everything to return things to how they used to be when we were Insei's.
Here at Institute your matter is taken very professional, I guess I must tell you after all – If you won't back soon the will... How should I put it – Pro must play or he is not a Pro. Think of it, maybe your school can work something out.
There is one more matter – Ochi was talking about it lately... that someone should inform you about Touya. Well I don't know if I should speak of it, but he is in loosing streak. Maybe he is missing you...
"No, no Isumi... what he is missing is his link with Sai. Sooner or later he will get over it"
Well, I guess its all – after all we contact by mail too, so...
Stay well!
Hikaru lied down on grass, he was calm now... ever since that day few weeks ago. That day he was about to break down. If it wasn't for them (Shelly and the others)... Hikaru didn't want to know what would be.
Flash back
It couldn't be helped, feelings piled up to highest extent. Alone in his room replaying game by game... he drowned in unwanted memories. Tear by tear...
"Akira... why did you, I was doing my best to reach sai level – why couldn't you..." Hikaru curled himself
"Finally..." soft voice reached him "You were about to explode." Shelly put her hands on his shoulders "Cry, cry until I won't have any more tears and then start life again." she joined hands on his chest, resting her head on his neck "Get over it and join us, in those last weeks you haven't even try to do so. Let us help you."
"He just used me as a replacement..." whispered Hikaru "I have loved him – there was only him ever since the beginning. My dreams, my world... and even Sai had to serve my purpose of reaching him." he touched the board "Day by day for the sole reason of giving him perfect game, Sai had trained me so we could reach Hand of God"
"Cry it out... everything. Put it on me." said Shelly "And later reach to your dreams."
They stayed like this until he had no more tears, minute by minute he had told her more and more... about Akira and Sai – she didn't asked who was Sai. She had no interest in anyone else that he himself.
After that night he could finally try to live...
End of the Flashback
Hikaru put Isumi letter away to read the one from Institute – he already knew what would be inside since Isumi pointed at it. That was a trouble, but he just looked at the sky – they will help him out. Its no good to worry alone – Hikaru realized that already. In this school he was himself and as one person he was important.
Next chapter will tell more of what Hikaru is doing at school. Read to know:)
A/N: Feel free to Review! ^_^ I always enjoy reading what you think of this. So… REVIEW ONEGAI!
Also any foreign words will be placed down here for anyone who wishes to see. ^_^