House Loyalties

by: angelicmayuka

Chapter 1: Stumbling

Pansy P.O.V.

Ok...I know I shouldn't have been wander around the dungeons at bloody 2 o'clock in the morning, but it was this weird urge I had. I blaim this whole stupid...THING on that urge...or maybe at least Potter. Yea. This is Potter's fault...all his fault. I bet you're wonder what the hell I'm blabbering about eh? Well, I'll tell you. It all started at 1:45 a.m.

'/, Flashback '/,

Normal P.O.V.

Pansy's eyes snapped open into the darkness. She sat up quietly in her four-poster and drew back the emerald curtains. They swished to the side silently; much to her delight. She swung her legs over the side and her feet slid into her furry green and silver slippers. She stood and crept to the common room without waking her house-mates. Sure, they were all in her house and such, but hell, they got annoying you know? She easily got sick of them following her around like mangy dogs and slobbering all over her. She slid to the commonroom door and silently pushed it open. She jumped as quietly as she possibly could to the cold hard stone floor below. She winked to the portrait behind her and went off. She crept around the dungeons to get rid of her restless feelings. Her ears were sharp for Filch or Mrs. Norris, because not even Draco could get her out of this if she was caught. That was another thing. What was with Draco lately? Ever since he got that headboy badge and started working with that mudblood...he seemed different. Oh well, she didn't creep around dungeons thinking of Draco anymore, she had better things to do. Though, she couldn't currently think of anything better to dwell on.

Everything was fine until she heard something below her and she whirled around. However, that had been a very bad idea as she was teetering on the steps of the dungeons. With the momentum of her turning and being on the edge of a step...she fell. She quickly clasped her hand over her mouth to muffle her shriek of terror. The bottom of the dungeons was coming near her faster and faster and she was freaking out. She shut her eyes and awaited the impact. It never came. Instead, she landed into a very strong pair of arms as both her and the other figure tumbled to the floor, but the figure pillowed her fall. She slowly opened her eyes only to have them lock with a stunning pair of emerald orbs behind thick black frames. She gawked. It was Harry Potter. Harry bloody Potter. Could her luck get any worse? Maybe...he wouldn't recognize her or something. However...her luck did get worse.

"Parkinson?" came his strangled voice. She cursed to herself silently.

"W-what Potter?" she spat back at him. However she was still rather entertangled in his body. He was sprawled on the floor while she lay on top of him. Harry's mind seemed to finally kick in gear.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing wandering around the dungeons at two in the morning?" he managed to bite out. 'Interesting how attractive he looked when his eyes sparked with anger like that. Wait...rewind! Back up! Did I just say that Potter looked attractive? What in the hell? Stop. Now.' she thought vividly. She however wouldn't lose her pride to this idiotic Gryffindor.

"Could ask the same of you eh?" she retorted.

"True." he mumbled blankly. "Anyway, mind getting off Parkinson?" he finally asked, his eyes dancing in amusement as a light blush spread across her cheeks. A very light blush I might add. She got away from him quickly and sprung to her feet and brushed off her skirt and green bathrobe. He got up lazily like a tiger from his position on the stone floor. Suddenly he pulled out a rather ratty peice of parchement that looked...blank. This caused her to slowly raise one eyebrow.

"Wh-" she began before he cut her off.

"Damn! Filch!" he muttered hurridly. Pansy's eyes widened.

"What?" she shrieked as quietly as she could. His eyes scanned over the parchment quickly before he grabbed her hand and drug her down the hall and shoved her into an empty and incredibly tiny...broom closet.

'/, End Flashback '/,

Pansy P.O.V.

This leads me to where I am now. In a broom closet that's making us way too close for comfort. Outside, I heard footsteps and by the look on Potter's face, so could he. I knew it was Filch...yet how did Potter know he was coming? That stupid prat better have a damn good explanation for both that and why he pulled us into a bloody broom closet. I mean really, couldn't he find something better than this? It was weird, I could feel his breath on my neck, we were that damn close. I heard Filch outside the closet and we held our breath.

"This is all your fault Potter! I can't believe you! You dragged me against my will by the way, into a-" yet sadly, I was cut off abrubtly as he placed his hand over my mouth.

"I know where we are Parkinson!" He hissed. I glared at him through the darkness not really caring wether he could see it or not. I opened my moth to either speak, bite him, or lick his hand, I don't quite know which, but he noticed and pressed his hand closer, and somehow...his body closer to mine as well. This was definately way beyond any comfort levels that still existed. "Stop it! You'll get us caught Parkinson!" he hissed still quietly.

"Do you smell something my sweet? I see nothing..." he murmered and I could practically invision his creepy crooked grin. I shivered at the thought and I saw Potter look down at me. I just realized that he's taller than me...argh I can't think like that! Who gives a damn? Anyway the footsteps were getting fainter as we both slowly let out our breath. Potter finally released his hand from my mouth and he pulled out that bloody parchment again and he squinted at it.

"They aren't far enough away yet...if we go out...they'll catch us." he muttered. It seemed more to himself than to me though.

"How the hell do you know that Potter?" I finally asked. I was going to get some answers. he looked suddenly very uncomfortable. "...well?" I added. He definately was uncomfortable now, he was pinned under my accusatory glare.


"Don't give me lame excuses Potter. I want answers, and now." I said, my glare hardening. Oooo I was enjoying this, he was all queasy and such. I saw him groping behind his back for the doornob and I stepped closer to him, my face was very close to his and his eyes widened very slightly. Suddenly the closet door flew open and and he fell backwards and I tumbled to the ground with him. He was laying painfully on his back while I was sprawled on top of him...for the second time that night. Both our eyes slowly opened and I could see horror protrayed in his and I knew it was in my eyes to.

"Well, well, well...students out of bed eh? And in a broom closet no less...naughty naughty!" came the taunting voice of Filch above us. We both visiably cringed. Damn my luck to hell!

A/N: Yaaay finally started this! XD Thought of the idea at school and it wouldn't get out of my head. o.O XD Like? Yes? No? Maybe? Review and let me know!